Read Forget Me Not Page 7

Page 7


  He definitely had the right equipment to make this happen. And then some.

  Adria needed to be out of her clothes. She needed to feel his hot skin on hers, inside her.

  With strength she hadn’t known she possessed, she shoved his shoulders away. He stared down at her, his eyes a deep, almost ultraviolet purple. A look of betrayal and determination hardened his features. His mouth flattened in something resembling anger, and his whole body quaked with barely-controlled restraint.

  “This was a game?” he demanded. “Make me need, then push me away?”

  “You’re not the only one in need. And I need to be naked. ” She stripped her sweater off over her head and unhooked her bra.

  His eyelids lowered and his expression shifted to one of triumph. A slow smile shaped his full lips as he traced a finger over the curve of her breast.

  Before she forgot her goal, she unfastened her jeans and made Toren move so she could slide them off.

  He stared down at her naked body for a long moment. Quiet, almost reverent words flowed from him in a language so beautiful it reminded her of music. She had no idea what he said, but the sounds of desire and appreciation were clear enough.

  “I want you naked, too. And then, that thing you did to my neck with your tongue,” she told him, “I want you to do it again. All over. ”

  He gave her a wicked grin as he shoved his shorts down his powerful legs.

  Adria knew it was rude to stare, but she couldn’t help herself. The man was simply gorgeous—every inch of him. Her first impressions of him being a model had been wrong. She could see that now in the small scars that marked his body. His muscles were not merely cosmetic—they were functional. Thick thighs and forearms. A deep, wide chest.

  “You’re some kind of warrior, aren’t you?”

  His abdomen tightened as if he were preparing to take a punch. “Will my profession change your willingness for me to claim you?”

  “Hell no. ”

  “Then we will speak of it another time. After I’ve done that thing with my tongue you like so much. ”

  And then he was kissing her again, and all thoughts of professions evaporated. All that mattered was his hot, smooth skin against hers, and the need for her to get as close to him as possible.

  He pressed her down into the couch cushions as he began moving down her body. Small, biting kisses and hot, trailing swipes of his tongue swept over her throat and collarbone. Each one made her muscles clench in anticipation. His big hand cupped her breast, and she could feel her nipple harden further, stabbing against his hot palm. Almost too hot. His body was blazing now, shielding her against the chilly night air.

  Toren nudged her thighs wider, making room for himself between them. His lips made a spiral path over her breast, inching closer to where she wanted him.

  She slid her hands into his hair in an effort to move his head where she wanted it, but he was not deterred from his torturously slow path. She wasn’t strong enough to move him.

  Thick locks of his long hair wove their way around her wrists, binding them together. A dark purr of satisfaction rumbled out of him, vibrating the air in her lungs. And then his mouth closed over her nipple and she was doing her own purring.

  His tongue twisted around her nipple, rippling in a way she didn’t understand. All she knew was that brilliant bursts of pleasure were radiating out from that contact, setting her whole world on fire.

  Toren reached between them and covered her mound with his hand. She ground herself against him, feeling the slick proof of her need gliding between them. His skin was so hot, she was sure it would burn her, but instead, it only heightened the sensation. Her whole world shrank down to two pinpoints of pleasure, then exploded like a star going supernova, consuming everything around her.

  Adria cried out as she came, her voice reverberating in the small cabin. It wasn’t a gentle orgasm—it tore its way free, forcing her to submit to it. Her whole body lurched upward, only to be held down by Toren’s weight.

  Slowly, the searing pleasure receded, leaving her trembling in its aftermath. Her labored breathing bellowed out of her, and she clutched his head to reassure herself that he was still with her. Her climax hadn’t been too good to be real.

  Before she’d even regained her ability to speak, he moved up, his erection nudging against her. His mouth covered hers in a searing kiss, as if to quiet any protests she might make.

  She kissed him back, digging her fingernails into his scalp. It took a little effort, but she managed to wiggle beneath him just enough that the tip of his cock slid right where she needed it.

  Toren seemed to need no further encouragement. His powerful hips surged forward. She didn’t think it was possible, but her body stretched to accommodate him easily, sending sharp, electric sensations rioting along her nerve endings.

  Heat blasted out of him, warming her from the inside out. His mouth feasted on hers, and when he did that thing with his tongue against hers, she felt an answering rush of liquid heat spilling from her as well.

  His hair lifted her wrists over her head, binding them in place. She felt too good to even consider fighting. Each driving thrust eased him in further, filling her completely until there was no room left for thought. Pleasure glowed between them, an almost palpable force. She saw it in the lines of his face, and the way his powerful muscles bunched as he moved over her. His dark purple eyes glowed with it, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she was no longer able to contain so much sensation within herself.

  Another soul-rocking orgasm tumbled over her, and Toren rode her through it, his pace forcing her to fly higher with every stroke. Her cry of completion came out rough and breathless, nearly unrecognizable to her own ears.

  A dark smile of victory shaped his mouth as he watched her. The hot look left her fumbling for some sense of calm, but there was none to be had. She was trapped in the middle of this storm that he’d created within her, and her only solid ground was the hard cage of his body surrounding her.

  “You will accept me?” he asked.

  She didn’t know what he meant. She’d already accepted about as much of him as she could. Still, the fierce demand in his question compelled her to answer in the way he seemed to want. “Yes. ”

  He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her atop him. He grabbed the back of her hair in his fist and angled her neck back. His tongue worked its magic over her throat, and she felt his cock swell and heat inside of her.

  He stretched her further. Nerve endings she didn’t even know she had began firing, sparking along her spine at the speed of lightning. Colors blurred around her. Lights flickered behind her eyelids. Her body seemed like a foreign thing, experiencing sensations she’d never before known existed.

  His arm about her hips controlled the pace, forcing her to move against him more slowly than she would have chosen. She gripped his hard shoulders and held on, struggling to find enough air to keep her head from spinning.

  Another storm was building inside of her, growing faster than the last two. She didn’t know how he did it, but she didn’t have the breath to ask. She simply accepted it as part of him, reveling in the things that made him different from all the other men she’d ever known.

  Toren’s grip tightened. Quiet, musical words spilled over her skin in a rush of hot air. His whole body heated further, so hot his hair lifted away from his shoulders. The arm around her hips tightened, urging her to move faster. Intense pressure coiled within her. His size, his heat, the gliding pressure of each stroke—it all caused that pressure to build until she was sure it would tear her apart.

  Powerful words burst from him in a shout, and the sound of wind chimes filled her ears. Trembling power shot out through her limbs, bouncing back and redoubling. Lights consumed her vision and then went black as her climax overtook her.

  Adria hovered within pleasure, letting it cast her body about like a leaf on the wind. Heat exploded in liqui
d bursts deep inside of her as he came, tossing her even higher.

  The harsh sound of Toren’s rough cry of pleasure shimmered in the air. He surrounded her, holding her against him. Everywhere he touched his heat sank into her, easing her back to reality. The last trembling echoes of her orgasm quieted, leaving small aftershocks tumbling through her.

  Toren laid her back onto the couch, his erection still filling her, and his body a hot blanket over her.

  His gaze pinned her in place as he stared at her expectantly.

  “What?” she asked. “Am I supposed to say something?”

  “Did you feel that?” he asked.

  How could she not have? “Uh, yeah. Several times. ”

  He frowned as if confused.

  Now she was starting to worry that she’d done something wrong. She had no idea what magical aliens expected out of their boinking partners. “Listen, Toren. You’re going to have to spell it out for me. If I was supposed to do something I didn’t, or did do something I shouldn’t have, you need—”

  “No. Nothing like that. You were perfect. Truly. ” He smoothed her hair off her damp forehead. “I was merely imagining things. ”

  Chapter Five

  Toren’s mind was already playing tricks on him, and he’d only been here a few hours.

  There was no way she could have pulled magic from him—unless she’d done so unintentionally.

  Still, his reserves were lower than they’d been before. Something had weakened him during their joining, and the list of things that would have done so was short.

  He grudgingly pulled himself from her body and squeezed in next to her. Whoever had designed this couch had apparently never wanted to sleep beside a woman. There was simply no room.

  “How do you humans have children?” he asked.

  Her skin was flushed a pretty reddish color, which seemed to darken at his question. “Uh. The normal way?”

  “Normal for us is copulation combined with a merger of power meant for that purpose. You have no power, so how is it your species continues?”

  “Wow. Okay. This is definitely one of those things responsible adults would have talked about before doing what we just did. ”

  “I have no power to travel through time. I am sorry. ”

  She smiled as if he had made some joke before she said, “We just do the copulation part. Babies tend to happen unless we stop it. ”

  “Stop it? How?”

  “Medicine, devices. ”

  None of that made any sense to him, but there was one part he understood easily enough. She had summoned some kind of magic in the moment of his climax, and while he had no firsthand knowledge of procreation, he wondered if that was not what it would feel like.

  A momentary thrill sped through him only to be doused by reality.

  “Do you use any of these devices?” he asked, holding his breath in anticipation of her response.

  “I take a pill. You don’t have to worry about any little Torens running around after you’re gone. ”

  That was good. Leaving behind a child to grow up on this world fatherless would have broken his soul. Tearing a child from its mother would have ripped his soul clean of his body. Only a monster would do such a thing.

  She stretched, and seeing all those flushed curves on such display made Toren’s cock twitch with interest.