Read Forget Me Not (Book Two in the Tree Top Wolves Series) Page 2

  A knock brought me back from my thoughts and I turned just as Dan walked in. He smiled slightly and sat down on the edge of my bed. He seemed nervous, which was so unlike Dan. "I know you hate birthdays..." He started before stopping at the look on my face.

  I stared at him, shocked. My mouth hung open and my blue eyes were wide. I didn't know what to say. All this time I thought that no one knew my hatred for birthdays, and then Dan of all people, says this.

  "I thought no one knew." I whispered.

  Dan laughed. "Of course we knew, people just try to forget about it though. Your face just gets worse each year when you walk into the room." He laughed again. "Anyway, I wanted to give you this." He pulled out a small box from his jeans pocket and handed it to me.

  I opened it and once again I was remained speechless. Inside was a beautiful white gold locket. It had a wolf engraved in it and small diamonds surrounding it. I turned it around and felt tears spring to my eyes, engraved on the back was writing 'Forget me not, for one day I will come for you and you will be mine and I will always love you and keep you safe.' They were the words that my dad told my mum the day he asked her to be his mate.

  I threw my arms around Dan's neck, this was the best gift ever. I inhaled his sent and my wolf stirred, looking up from her nap. I pulled back and laughed at the tear stains on his shirt. He gave me a small, almost regretful smile before reaching out and wiping my tears away with his thumb. Again, I felt that weird stirring, but was afraid to look too much into it.

  "Thank you." I breathed, turning around so that he could clasp it round my neck. Once he was done I held up the locked and opened it up. On one side was a picture of the pack and on the other was one of him and me. I smiled remembering the day when it was taken, my dad was alive then and we went to the lake for a brunch picnic. I had fell into the water and Dan had come to my rescue, in the picture he was holding me up triumphantly with a huge grin on his face.

  Dan looked at me and our eyes locked, I moved forward. He looked like he was going to kiss me and I closed my eyes. When it didn't happen I opened them, I looked into Dan's eyes and I saw longing and regret. I looked down at his lips, they were fuller than Caleb's but looked just as soft. Suddenly I wanted Dan's lips on mine, I grabbed the back of his neck, feeling bold. I brought his face forward.

  Our lips were inches apart when I heard him whisper in a pained voice. "Don't."

  He stood up and walked out. For the first time in my life I felt truly alone and ice cold.

  Chapter Three

  I didn't fall asleep until dawn, I kept replaying my time with Dan and Caleb in my head. I was so confused, did I really try to kiss Dan? Dan, as in the guy that is like a brother to me, that Dan? I had never even through of him as anything but a brother, or my brothers friend. But last night I wanted him to kiss me, desperately. I felt something, but I was too afraid to look into it more. I blamed the lack of food and the emotions of my birthday and getting shot.

  Then there was Caleb, he was handsome and seemed like he understood me. Too bad I'm an idiot and wrecked it before anything could even happen. I felt something about Caleb though, that made me sacred almost. I just couldn't pin point what it was. It was nice being around people that weren't from my pack, I could be anyone I chose to be and could forget about all of the bad things that have happened to me over the past two years.

  Maybe that's what I needed, maybe I needed to go out on my own and explore. Maybe I should mate with someone from a different pack. An image of Dan flashed through my mind and I decided I couldn't leave, as much as I might hate this place, it was still home. Dan could be our mate, my wolf whispered. She always perked up whenever I thought of him. No he's not, I told her. I wasn't sure though. Dan couldn't be her mate, could he?

  I thought of us growing up, of all the times he would try to cheer me up on my birthdays. He was always there for me, when my dad died he was the one that held me tight and told me things would be alright. He was the one that came into my room at night when I had nightmares. He was the one, I just hadn't noticed it before.

  I remembered the time when we had a race knowing he was the faster wolf he placed a bet, I have always been stubborn and agreed. If he won he got to kiss me and if I won he would go to the pack meeting dressed as a girl, with fake boobs and everything. He winked before phasing and we ran from the lake to the main house. Of course he won and I had to kiss him.

  I had wrinkled my nose and pulled a face at the thought of kissing him then but looking back it was a nice kiss. His lips had been warm and soft, moving against mine in perfect sync. Afterwards he had acted different with me, he kept his distance and stopped coming into my room when I was upset. He stopped holding my hand when we watched a film too. I had never really thought much about it, when he started high school and I heard of all the girls he slept with, I didn't care. Thinking of it now though, I wanted to rip their heads off, my wolf howled in agreement.

  I smiled, maybe I could be happy now. Once you find your mate everything is meant to be perfect and everything bad that has happened to you is meant to fade away. I had found my mate at last. Ok so maybe I didn't want a mate, but a girl can change her mind. I couldn't wait to tell him that he was my mate, of course he already knew and was just waiting for me to catch up. I touched my locket thinking about the words on the back, after the words it said 'Love you always, Dan x'. I had just though of it as pack love, but it was so much more.

  With that thought I got up and bounded down the stairs, a goofy grin on my face. When I walked into the dining room Caleb was sitting on a chair eating pancakes. He smiled as I walked in and I smiled in return before scanning the room for Dan. When I didn't see him my shoulders slumped in disappointment and I sat on the empty seat next to Caleb.

  "Good morning." Caleb greeted, his anger from yesterday forgotten.

  "Morning." I grumbled wishing Dan were here.

  Nick looked between us, a knowing smile on his face. I looked at him, once again confused. He was acting like he knew something that I didn't, and I didn't like it. I looked at Alysha wondering if she would let me in on the secret, but she didn't. I couldn't blame her, I had treated her badly since my fathers death, but everything was starting to look up. It was weird how I thought of it as his death now not his murder.

  Caleb rested his hand on mine and when I tried to pull away irritation crossed his face. He covered it quickly with a smile and gripped my hand tighter. "Maybe you could show me around town today?"


  Nick cut me off saying, "She'd love to. She's been nagging all week for someone to take her into town so she could get a new book."

  Do this for me please, he asked through the pack link. I didn't want to, I hated the fact that he was making me go. All I wanted to do was go and find Dan and tell him that I love him. Love him? Do I love Dan? Yes, I guess I did and if I didn't at the moment it would come soon enough because he was my mate.

  "Fine." I grumbled shoving pancakes into my mouth as fast as I could. Inwardly I sighed, I didn't know what my brother was up to but I knew that it wasn't good. I just wanted to get this day over with. Curiously I asked where Dan was.

  Nick looked at me curiously, his green eyes trying to read my mind. "He's gone to visit his Aunt in the Eastern pack. He left suddenly last night, maybe she's ill? I'm not quite sure."

  My hope faded. "How long will he be?"

  Nick narrowed his eyes at me. "A couple of weeks. Why, may I ask, do you care so much?"

  I shrugged. "Just wondering why he hasn't graced us with his presence yet. You know he never misses pancake Tuesday's."

  "Hmm." Nick muttered, turning back to his breakfast.

  I turned and Caleb was giving me a curious but angry look. I gulped and shrank into my chair, something about him made me nervous.


  The rest of the day went in a blur. Caleb asked me question after questio
n and we found out we had quite a lot in common. We liked the same music and films. I also got that book that I had wanted to get and much to my irritation Caleb insisted on paying for it. He was being overly friendly and would try holding my hand and brushing up against me. I tried to tell myself that it was nothing but as the day progressed, it just got worse and worse.

  We ran back to the main house from the woods around town. When we got there I went straight to my room telling Caleb I had a headache and was going to rest. I face planted my bed and curled up on my side, bring my knees up to my chest. I wanted to cry, and I did, I felt the first tear slide slowly down my cheek. I needed Dan, I just hoped that it wasn't too late.

  Chapter Four

  I had to leave, seeing Maddi's face filled with longing was too much. Damn, he'd nearly kissed her! Knowing what he knew as well, I needed to stay away from her. She wasn't his, not anymore. He was too late. He cursed himself, he should have told Nick about his feelings for his sister ages ago, but he didn't want to wreck the friendship that they had, so he'd kept it a secret. Now it was too late. She's our mate, his wolf growled, Ours!

  It was hard to keep the beast calm lately, ever since he'd found out what Nick was planning. He nearly killed him! Luckily he was good at hiding his emotions and had just rubbed his chin thoughtfully and had agreed. I packed a bag and left a note on the kitchen table saying that I was going to visit my Aunt. I needed to get away, I needed to forget her. It killed me, but I had to.

  I got into the car and left, watching my home, pack and mate disappear into the distance. I knew I was making the right choice, it would be less painful for her this way. She deserved better, he thought. His wolf disagreed with this and howled in rage because we were leaving our mate. What if she got hurt? His wolf asked. We need to protect our female! I tried to block him out, imagining him trapped in a cage with a six foot wall around it. There, that should hold him.


  Days turned into weeks, the days blurring together and everyday I fell a little more in love with Dan. I would stay up late hoping he would come home late in the night, then I would get up early so I wouldn't miss it if he came back. I missed him, it almost hurt just by breathing. If I wasn't in bed crying I was out with Caleb, he tried to cheer me up, really he did but he wasn't Dan.

  I knew that Caleb was starting to develop feelings for me and that scared me. Nick was planning something as well, but no one would tell me what. I tried listening to their convocations, but they would stop when they thought they sensed me near. The pack link was blocking me out, that's what hurt me the most, being completely alone. My mate had left me and now I was being blocked out by my pack. I would cry myself to sleep at night begging for Dan to come home, I knew he wouldn't be able to hear because of the distance between us, but I still tried.

  It had been five weeks since Dan had left, everyone had gone to bed and I was alone once again. I sat watching the fire blaze, hoping that today would be the day. I sighed and walked over to the cupboard where I knew Nick kept a secret stash of brandy. I pulled it out and started drinking from the bottle, ignoring the burning sensation at the back of my throat.

  "Aren't you a little young to be drinking that?" I whirled around and standing in the doorway was Dan. I stared at him, he looked like he hadn't slept in a while and his hair was messy, like he had been running his hands through it. His brow was raised in amusement and there was a slight curl at the corners of his lips.

  It had been too long. I charged at him, flinging myself into his arms. I nuzzled his chest and inhaled his familia sent, this was my mate, this was home. His arms tightened around me and I felt safe and secure. I knew then that I would never feel this way about another person for as long as I lived. He put his nose in my hair and inhaled deeply and I knew that he had missed me too.

  I pulled back looking at his face. I couldn't read his expression until it turned to one of concern. He wiped away the tears that I didn't know I had crying. "Don't cry." He said in a calm soothing voice, pulling me back into his arms and running his fingers through my hair.

  "I missed you." I cried into his muscular chest. I felt him take a deep breath before he let me go and stepped back. I walked towards him, wanting to be in his arms again. A look of longing and panic filled his features, he took more steps back. Confused I stopped. "Dan?"

  "Don't Maddi, please." He said holding out his arms, begging her with his eyes.

  I turned away from him, wrapping my arms around myself because of the sudden coldness. "You don't want me?" It was meant to be a statement but came out as a question.

  Of course he wouldn't want me, why would he? I was just a little kid to him, he had tones to women older and younger throwing themselves at him. I was nothing compared to them. I had seen the girls he went for, brunette with long legs and curves to die for. Why would he want a skinny lanky teen like me? He would have to be nuts if he liked me. I blinked back the tears as they came quickly into my eyes.

  "I do. God I want you so bad, but we can't. Please tell me you understand..." He carried on talking but I didn't hear any of it. He wanted me! I wanting to sing and cry and laugh. Dan wanted me! I felt myself become filled with joy where there was cold longing before.

  I walked over to him and done what I should have done the last time we were together. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down until our lips met. A burst of energy travelled from his lips to mine, nothing could wreck this moment. He moved his lips against mine, kissing me back. I had been dreaming of this for five weeks and finally it's happening. The cold loneliness washed away and in its place love and happiness. I loved Dan, I knew that now.

  He ran his tongue along the bottom of my lip and I gasped into his mouth. Taking advantage of my mouth being open he slid his tongue in and began exploring my mouth. I moaned and hesitantly moved my tongue into his mouth and explored before sparing with his tongue. He growled and pulled me closer to him.

  "Dan." I whispered as he kissed a trail along my jaw and down to my neck. Grazing his teeth over my neck I gasped, it was how you created a blood bond. I wanted one with Dan.

  "Maddi." Dan groaned pulling away from me. He turned towards the door, both of us breathing heavily. I reached out and pulled him back to me, pushing his top up and over his head. I pulled his lips back down to mine as my fingers ran over the toned muscle of his chest before going to his back. Slowly he pulled my top over my head and I knew what was coming next, but I couldn't have stopped even if I had wanted too.

  Chapter Five

  I woke up in bed alone thinking that Dan must have carried me up to bed. I blushed as I remembered what had happened last night, I wouldn't have changed it for the world though. I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror, I still looked the same as I always did. My blue eyes were wide and my blonde hair messy from sleep. I thought that you were meant to look different once you had done 'it'. I shrugged to myself before showering and getting ready for breakfast.

  I had a massive grin on my face when I walked into the dining room and saw Dan sitting at the table shovelling pancakes into his mouth. Mine, my wolf said possessively. As if sensing me, Dan looked up with his mouth full of food and I had to stifle a laugh. He frowned at me and turned back to his plate, I felt like I had been slapped. It felt like ice was travelling through my veins. Maybe I wasn't good enough, I mean he had slept with a lot of girls and they were probably more experienced than I was.

  I blinked back my tears as I took a seat next to Caleb. He looked between me and Dan before turning to me and giving me a boyish grin. He looked excited about something, like a little boy on Christmas. I stared at him confused, I just wanted to go back to bed and drown in my misery. Of course Dan wouldn't want me. I mean, why would he? He was a player, it's what he done best. He was the love 'em and leave 'em type.

  After breakfast Nick asked me to meet him in his office. I didn't
want to go, but he was the Alpha and what the Alpha said goes. "Sit." He ordered when I entered the room. I took the seat opposite his and made myself comfortable in the black leather chair.

  "I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Ok?" I already didn't like the direction this was going. I knew that something bad was coming because Nick was running his hand through his hair, which showed that he was nervous. I raised my brow at him and silently asked him to continue.

  "You are to be mated." I laughed happily thinking that this was why Dan was acting so weirdly this morning. I turned to Nick and flew into his arms, tears of happiness coming into my eyes. I was surprised that it was happening so fast, but I loved Dan so I didn't care. What would I wear? How would I wear my hair? Where would we live? How many pups would we have? All these questions were floating around in my head, so I didn't notice Nick's expression.

  "You're happy?" Nick asked cautiously, trying to read my expression.

  "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I asked Nick as if he were stupid.

  "It's just I didn't think you liked Caleb that much. I thought I would have to fight with you so that you would mate with him." I stared at him and I felt like I had been hit across the face with a fish. I felt the blood drain out of my face. I was to be mated with Caleb not Dan? My wolf howled, not understanding why her mate wasn't here protecting her, fighting for her.