Read Forks Page 20


  By the time I made it to the front door, Mom was already standing there. Ken was speaking in hushed tones and she was listening intently. They both turned and looked at me.

  “Oh hey, Officer Warren,” I said. A flash of him only in a towel popped into my head and my face heated.

  “Ken,” he said giving me “the raised eyebrow-look” like he knew exactly why my face was burning red.… “Remember?”

  “Oh right,” I stared at the floor awkwardly. “Sorry.”

  Ken glanced into the living room. “So what are you kids up to?”

  “Just some research for an English paper we are doing together,” I said, looking up.

  “Ah, the dreaded Shakespearean paper,” he said knowingly.

  “How’d you know we were doing it on Shakespeare?”

  “Your Mom told me.” He gave me strange look.


  “Well,” I exhaled. “I guess I better get going back to the movie.” I started backtracking into the living room. A potted plant blocked my hasty escape.

  “Now that you are here, I wondered if I might be able to ask you a few questions.”

  “Well,” I hesitated, wanting to kick the stupid—giant plant for blocking my escape. “I kind-of do, have to get back.”

  “This will only take a moment,” he assured me.

  “All right,” I said, hoping Ken wasn’t in a chatty mood.

  Mom leaned forward, whispered something in his ear and then walked back down the hall to kitchen.

  Ken made a big show of pulling out a pencil from his pocket protector, along with a little notebook, and flipped through the pages. “So your Mom told me you went to the Twilight festivities yesterday, is that right?”

  “Yeah, I did.” My brow creased. I suddenly felt like I was on one of those cop shows and was being questioned—like for real—and here I thought he just wanted to ask me silly questions like what kind of flowers my mom liked.

  “Were you alone or did you go with someone?”

  “I was alone, but then Glinda met me at the Visitor’s Center.”

  “Glinda Reynolds?”

  “Um,” I hesitated. “I’m not sure what her last name is.”

  “She about this tall?” he said, and lifted his hand in the air. “Blonde?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like her.”

  “When did you last see her?”

  “Um, at the dance.” I frowned watching him jot something down on the paper.

  He flipped through some more pages. “Was she with anyone else?”

  “Um…” My mind blanked.


  “Oh, she was with Vincent too,” I explained. “We all went there together but I left early.”

  “Vincent Roth?”

  “Yeah, him, I mean…” I cleared my throat. “Yes.”

  “Why did you leave early?”

  “I had a headache.”

  “What time were you home?”

  “I guess around midnight.” I blushed, not mentioning what I heard, or more accurately put—what I heard…bow-chica-bow-wow.

  His brow creased as he seemed to consider my answer and then he cleared his throat awkwardly. Maybe he was he was thinking the same thing I was. He readjusted his stance and flipped though some more pages. “Do you know how she was getting home?”

  “Nah,” I shook my head. “I guessed she had a ride. I mean she told me to go on without her, that she wanted to stay and hang out some more…she was having a good time,” I explained. Something was wrong, I could tell. “Is she all right?” I shifted uncomfortably.

  Ken cut me a strange look. “Why would you think she wasn’t all right?’

  “Cause you are asking me about her,” I said, and widened my eyes at him.

  “These are standard questions,” he snipped. “It is my job, Amber, I have to ask,” he said, puffing out his chest, as though this explained everything.

  “Yeah, I get that, but why are you asking me?”

  Obviously, something was wrong. “Is she all right?” I asked again, feeling squeamish.

  He exhaled heavily. “It’s confidential.”

  “What?” My stomach churned. Now I definitely knew something was going on.

  Ken shook his head and lowered his voice. “Listen, I’m not supposed to say anything.”

  “I won’t say anything,” my voice took on a whining edge and my skin prickled with worry. I may have been mad at Glinda but I certainly didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  Ken whispered out of the side of his mouth, “Calm down Amber, she is going to be all right.”

  “Oh my God!” I gasped, my worst fears taking on a life of their own.

  He widened his eyes at me and flicked his gaze to the living room—he looked freaked.

  “What happened?” I lowered my voice, sensing his distress.

  He shook his head.

  “Please,” I begged.

  “There was another incident, but she is going to be fine,” he said finally, albeit reluctantly.

  I covered my mouth, covering another gasp. “Ken, you have to tell me…what happened?”

  “I have already said too much, Amber,” he explained. “I am putting my job on the line here.” He gave me a stern look.

  I felt bad, really I did. The last thing I wanted was for him to get in trouble but I had to know if she was all right. “Please,” I begged again.

  He glanced warily into the living room and let out a pent up breath. “She’s at the hospital recovering.”

  “Recovering from what?”

  “She was attacked.”

  “What—Where—When?” I flummoxed.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve already said…”

  “You’ve already said what exactly Officer Warren?” Viktor asked, stepping silently into the room. His voice was pleasant enough but there was tightness around his lips, like he was angry or upset about something.

  “Viktor,” he acknowledged, inclining his head. “I was just asking a few questions to Amber about last night.”

  “Is this about the attack?” he asked, tonelessly. A strange vibe emanated from him.

  Ken seemed relieved he brought it up.

  “Yes, it is.” His phone bleated and he looked down at the number. “Excuse me, I need to get this.” He lifted his phone and stepped out the front door onto the porch.

  I whirled around and faced Viktor. “You knew?” I couldn’t keep the shock from my voice or the screechiness for that matter. “And you didn’t say anything?”

  He looked at me, his light gray eyes unsettling. “I just got off the phone with my dad,” he said and shook his head, like he couldn’t believe I thought so low of him.

  “Oh.” That shut me up.

  Ken stepped back inside before I had a chance to say anything more.

  “Officer Warren, anything new?” Viktor asked, his hands were balled at his sides.

  Ken’s shook his head. His eyebrow twitched and he rubbed at it. “There is no change in her condition.”

  “How bad is she?” I asked, staring directly at Ken.

  Ken looked to Viktor for permission, who gave his acquiesce, which immediately rankled me. Since when does Viktor get a say in police business—then I remembered who his father was…must be nice.

  “She is unconscious, but the Doctors are hopeful she will recover.”

  Now I was beyond rankled. “What does that mean exactly?” I couldn’t believe they didn’t tell me it was bad.

  “Now Amber,” Ken’s voice was conciliating. “You have to understand I have already said too much. As a civilian, you are not even supposed to know as much as you do right now. But I understand you are friends and if I could tell you more I would.” I could tell he was trying to make me feel better, but it didn’t work. Was it my fault she was attacked? If I had stayed would have things turned out differently? Or would have we both gotten attacked?

  “Amber, there is nothing you could ha
ve done,” Viktor said, as though he read my thoughts.

  “Easy for you to say,” I muttered.

  “Now, kids,” Ken said like he was performing an intervention. “It is no one’s fault.”

  Viktor cut him a look that could only be described as condescending. “Yes, I think we understand that Officer Warren.”

  Ken shifted uncomfortably. “Anyway, we are still looking into the other matter.”

  “Yes, my dad mentioned that as well.”

  “What other matter might that be?” I asked.

  “There have been a few incidents lately, which I already warned you about,” he said, giving me a pointed look.

  “Oh, right.” It was my turn to look contrite. Somehow I only just remembered him mentioning something to me the other day. And here I thought he was just being overly protective for a show, for Mom.

  “Where is she?” I asked, thinking I should at least go and visit her, see how she was.

  “She is at the hospital, but I am afraid there are no visitors allowed to see her right now. I am sure you can stop by tomorrow though.”


  “I’ll go with you tomorrow,” Viktor piped in.

  “Well…” I trailed off, not sure if I wanted him to go with me.

  “That would work out well, Viktor,” Ken was saying. “That way she will actually get to see her.”

  I frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be able to see her without Viktor?”

  “We do have rules about seeing patients Amber, and you are not family,” he said giving me a look like I was slow on the uptake.

  I gritted my teeth. “Well, neither is Viktor,” I said and then turned to him. “Are you?” I asked. Of course this wouldn’t surprise me cause I just found out he was Vincent’s brother. Eww, they couldn’t be related or Glinda…

  “Amber,” he said, giving me a strange look. “My dad’s donated a ton of money to the hospital so I think I should be able to pull a few strings.”

  “Oh, okay.” I pushed my hair out of my face, feeling stupid for even thinking they were related. “That would be great…thanks.”

  Ken put his little book back in his pocket along with his pencil. “I have to go, but if either of you hear anything, or you Amber,” he gave me a pointed look, “remember anything else, don’t hesitate to call me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

  I took it from his outstretched hand and slid it into my jean pocket. “I will.”

  “Amber,” Mom called walking out of the kitchen.


  “Can you check dinner, I think something is burning.”

  “You think?” I groaned and ran down the hall to save dinner.