Read Forks Page 44

It was now after two in the morning and I was still sitting in the kitchen, being interrogated by Ken.

  “Let me get this straight,” Ken, repeated again. “The Roth boys didn’t attack you?” he asked. “It was Jason Fletcher and this boy named Kirk?” He had out his little notebook, and flipped some pages.

  “Yes. No. And yes.” I rubbed my head. Mentally and physically, I was spent. I felt like I was going to get sick or pass out. I wasn’t sure which I preferred at this point. Mom set a cup of coffee down in front of me. I placed my hands around the steaming cup and gave her what I hoped was a thankful smile.

  “All right,” he sighed. He raked his hand through his hair and stood up. “Are you sure you’re feeling all right?” he asked. Non police officer Ken was back, the concern for me clearly etched on his face.

  “Yes,” I sighed and took a sip of coffee hoping it would revive me. It didn’t.

  “Get some sleep and I will talk to you more tomorrow.”

  “Did the police find Jason and Kirk?” I asked.

  “I sent a couple officers to the party to look for them but they weren’t there.” Ken looked at me and I could tell by his expression he wasn’t telling me something. “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m sure they will turn up.”

  “Did they find a connection between them and the other girls that have gone missing or been attacked?”

  “Not yet,” he said. He shut his notebook and put it back in his pocket.

  Frowning, I looked down into my cup. Steam wafted out of the top.

  “Don’t you worry,” Ken said, taking my frown as something else. “I will be here all night so nothing is going to happen to you,” he tried to assure me.

  “Thanks Ken.” I pushed away from the table and stood.

  “Sweetheart…” Mom said, reaching out and grabbing my hand. “Want me to help you to your room?”

  “No, I’m fine,” I said, masking how bad I felt. “I need to take a shower.”

  Ken’s head jerked up. “They didn’t touch you …like that…did they?” His expression turned fierce.

  “Oh God! No,” I groaned. My face flamed with embarrassment. I knew it was a standard question but it just sounded weird coming from my mom’s boyfriend, even if he was a cop.

  He looked relieved. “Get some sleep then.” He reached out and ruffled my hair.

  I winced and covered it with an awkward giggle. “Thanks Ken,” I said and grabbed my cup. “Night Mom,” I said. She held out her arms and I stepped into them. She hugged me tightly, and then pulled back. “You don’t smell right,” she said, and gave me a funny look.


  “You usually smell like candy,” she explained.

  “Oh, I ran out of mouthwash,” I said. “I’ll have to get some more.”

  “Yeah,” she mused. “I like the way it smells.”

  “I remember.” We both liked the smell since it reminded us both of when I was little. “Goodnight.” I walked toward the stairs.

  “Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite,” she called after me, just like she used to when I was little.

  Too bad, they weren’t the only thing I had to worry about biting me.

  thirty seven

  Light poured in through my open window. I lay awake in bed trying to come to some reasonable explanation about what happed but when an hour passed and I was no closer to an answer, I finally decided to do some checking on my computer. I rolled over and one eye stared at me.

  “E!” I grabbed the bear and held it to my chest. I glanced at the clock. It was already after twelve. I set E, back on my pillow and climbed from bed. I winced in pain. Reaching down, I lifted my shirt. A bright purple slash was on my stomach. I walked over and looked in the mirror. A small cut was on my head but it wasn’t deep. I pushed it.

  “Ow.” I jerked my hand away.

  The night came flooding back. I sat down in my desk chair, trying to absorb it all. Nothing made sense.

  Jason and Kirk were what? Crazy? I could believe that about Kirk, but Jason…he was ….

  A floorboard squeaked. I grappled for something to use as a weapon and turned around. “Who’s there?” I called out, flourishing a pencil like a sword. The far corner of my room was cast in shadows. I took a step forward. “Don’t make me use this…” I warned.

  “I will poke your eyes right out!”

  I heard the creak again and jumped. Of course, that was the only way out of my room unless I wanted to jump three stories and break every bone in my body. Not gonna happen. I rushed forward and then stopped.

  The overstuffed rocking chair I used for reading had my prom gown draped over it. The wind blew the length, and every few seconds the chair would rock, causing the floor to creak.

  The problem was I didn’t remember putting my prom gown there and didn’t I shut and lock my window?

  I turned and once again, the window was open. I shivered.