Read Forsaken Page 24

  “Maybe. I have the schematics.”


  “Several remote electronic storage accounts, and a lockbox in Texas.”

  “That might be all that we need.” I motion her forward. “Hurry. Get dressed.”

  She scrambles to the end of the bed, rushing to the pile of her clothes by the chaise lounge. “What are you thinking, Chad?”

  “I’ll explain once we get everyone together. I’m still piecing it all together in my head.”

  Five minutes later, Gia and I enter the kitchen to find Amy, Liam, and Tellar at the table, with no signs of taking a break. When all eyes go to Gia, she holds up her hands. “Yes, my father created the cylinder. Sheridan killed him and befriended me. I never knew the cylinder existed. I fully intend to protect my father’s legacy by not allowing it to destroy the world. That’s all for now.” She motions to me and sits down.

  I lean on the back of a chair. “And that about sums up the prelude to a realization that just hit me. That work for everyone?”

  Tellar gives Gia a steely look. “Why didn’t you tell us all of this before?”

  Gia bristles slightly and then lets her self-confessed nervous habit of being a smartass rise to the challenge. “I was busy being poisoned with arsenic by the man who killed my father.”

  “Okaaaay then,” Tellar says. “Works for me.”

  “I’m satisfied,” Liam states.

  “Good,” I say, claiming my seat. “Let’s talk about a new strategy. We set Rollin aside. We can deal with Sheridan first, and we do that by going straight to the Chinese.”

  Tellar leans forward, glaring at me. “What are you drinking? They’re far more dangerous than Sheridan and Rollin, and we have nothing to offer them.”

  “Actually, we do,” I reply. “Gia has her father’s journal with notes and equations related to the cylinder, and a schematic for an early prototype.”

  “Both will keep the most brilliant of scientists swimming in circles,” Gia adds. “My father coded it so it only meant something to him. It’s a jumbled confusing mess to everyone else.”

  “Sheridan had the journal for six years, and no one he hired ever figured that out,” I add, leaning forward. “The plan is, we offer them the journal and schematic in exchange for crushing Sheridan and his consortium, and Rollin along with them.”

  Liam shakes his head. “We don’t know how much Sheridan has told the Chinese. There is no guarantee they’ll settle for a journal and schematics. It’s too risky.”

  “It would be if I were talking about going to Sheridan’s people,” I agree. “But I’m talking about one of the many radical groups tired of government oppression.”

  Amy’s eyes go wide. “Radicals? That sounds dangerous.”

  “We left dangerous for vicious six years ago, sis,” I remind her. “It’s time to get our lives back.”

  “All the more reason that I don’t want you in added danger,” she insists. “We can’t be sure Sheridan’s Chinese contacts don’t know who you are. Why wouldn’t they just come directly after you once Sheridan is out of the picture?”

  “No way would Sheridan tell them who I am,” I say, “or who Gia is, for that matter. If Sheridan disclosed his sources, the Chinese would bypass him, and his payday.”

  “I’d agree with that,” Liam adds. “I have zero concern that Sheridan gave away his sources. The man is giving away power. He wants guaranteed cash, and that means the cylinder goes direct from him to them.”

  “I’m actually surprised he’s giving up the power,” Gia comments. “Knowing him, I was certain that’s what he was after.”

  “Money is power,” Liam says, “and at some point he had to realize that no matter how cautiously that cylinder might be released to the public, it will rock the economic world as we know it. We can’t tell the Chinese the prototype works.”

  “No one but Chad has ever seen the cylinder,” Gia replies, “including me. For all anyone knows, what we’re giving them is all there is.”

  He gives a nod and glances in my direction. “It’s a good plan. I have connections in China, people I trust that can connect you with the right people—but then what? We need a clear-cut plan.”

  “It goes through me,” I say. “No one else. I offer them what we have in exchange for what they have.”

  “How do they get to Rollin if we can’t?” he asks.

  “Jared,” I say tightly. “I believe he’s working both sides. If I call Sheridan and tell him I have the cylinder, Rollin will find out and counteroffer. I’ll let the Chinese know what I’m doing and coordinate the timelines.”

  Liam taps the table. “That only works if you’re right about Jared.”

  “He’s the only one who knew where I was in order to insert Meg into my life, and yet Sheridan is the one who kidnapped me.”

  “But he showed Amy a picture of Rollin with Meg,” Tellar argues.

  “To gain my trust,” Amy says, her voice strained. “That picture and Chad’s voice mail convinced me to trust Jared, and to share things Chad meant for my eyes only.”

  “He’s a master manipulator,” I say, a low growl of anger permeating my tone at just how deep and long his betrayal runs.

  “Someone tried to grab me in Denver,” Gia says. “Jared knew I was there. He must have told Rollin, and Rollin thought I knew something that might help him win the race against his father.”

  “Exactly,” I say. “And he left Jared with me, trying to get my secret.”

  “And if he couldn’t,” Gia says, finishing my thought, “he figured he’d trap you and Amy together and use her to make you talk.”

  Amy pales. “If we make this deal, do I dare believe this is over? That we’ll be safe?”

  My eyes meet Liam’s and we share a look of torment. We both want to say yes, but neither of us is willing to build her up and risk tearing her down again.

  “It means we have hope,” Gia says, taking her hand, “and that’s more than we had yesterday.” She glances around the room. “Let’s call China.”


  WE AGREE THAT I’M the only one to be identified to the Chinese, for everyone’s safety. With this in mind, Liam makes phone calls to his contacts in China and cautiously puts out feelers with people he trusts, who he knows will limit his involvement. Once he’s made the calls, though, we can do nothing but hole up in the safe house and wait. And wait, we do. For three long days we are all climbing the walls, but finally Liam’s contacts pay off. We are given the contact information for a high-ranking, English-speaking leader in a powerful radical opposition group. Finally, it’s time to put our plan into play, and the ball is in my court.

  We gather in the War Room, with me at the head of the table, Liam at the opposite end, and Gia, Amy, and Tellar present as well. A piece of paper sits before me with the name and number of the contact we need, written in Liam’s neat, controlled handwriting. Phone in hand, I hesitate and do not dial, but it’s not about doubt or regret. Instead I simply inhale on a moment that is about these people around me, the tension in their faces, the nervous energy emanating from them. And what I feel—the unity, the support—is something I have not felt since I sat at a table with Amy and my parents. I trust these people. Really trust them, and it makes me realize that no matter how I craved having a confidant, a friend, in Jared, it was more about not being alone than it was about trust. Alone isn’t better. I knew that even then.

  Resolved to carry this through to the bittersweet moment of what some call justice, and what I call revenge, I punch in the number. There are three rings before a man with a heavy accent answers and I introduce myself.

  “I’ve been expecting you, Chad,” he says and laughs, quite amused, as he adds, “I am Chen, but I am sure you know this already. Explain what it is that makes you reach across the world.”

  I share our situation, explaining how Sheridan and Rollin Scott are working on the cylinder with a Chinese diplomat we already know from Liam’s sources this man despises.
“I have the schematic for the most recent prototype, and the notes from the scientist who created them.”

  “Where is this scientist?” Chen asks.

  “Dead. Sheridan and Rollin didn’t want to share the profits.”

  “And you have these things how?”

  “I’m in love with his daughter, who Sheridan and Rollin just tried to kill as well.”

  “Why kill the daughter?”

  “To convince me to hand over the information she did not want released.”

  “But she is willing now?”

  “She almost died. She wants this over.”

  He is silent a moment. “Why are you offering this to me?”

  “Revenge. Sheridan and Rollin Scott want this. They can’t have it, and neither can anyone supporting them.”

  He is silent a moment. “How much?”

  “The complete destruction of Sheridan Scott, Rollin Scott, and the consortium supporting Sheridan’s operation.”

  “No money?”

  “I have money.”

  “Hmmmm, yes. Revenge and blood, these are the riches of many a man. Send me the items. If am pleased, I will give you your revenge.”

  “I’ll give you half the journal and half the schematic up front. The rest after you deliver your part of the deal.”

  He pauses—one beat, two. “Transfer the documents to me electronically. If I am pleased we will make our deal.” He gives me an e-mail address. “I’ll be in contact if I am interested.”

  “Wait,” I say when it’s clear he’s about to hang up. “Seventy-two hours, or I give it to someone else.”

  “Ninety-six hours.”

  “Fine,” I agree.

  The line goes dead and I set the phone down, wasting no time keying my computer to life, but feeling the expectant stares of everyone around me. “He wants the documents electronically transferred,” I announce, glancing up. “He’ll be in contact if he’s interested.”

  I can almost hear everyone suck in air, as if leveled by the uncertainty I’ve delivered. Tellar stands and disappears beyond the counter dividing our War Room from the main kitchen. I watch my screen as the “sending” icon becomes “complete.” “It’s done,” I say, leaning back to run my hands down my legs. “And now we wait.”

  Tellar returns, setting a bottle of tequila and five shot glasses on the table. “I’d say we all need this right about now.”

  Everyone at the table comes to life at his offering, cheering him as he fills our glasses, the mood steadily becoming more optimistic. Surprising me, Amy accepts her shot without hesitation, her actions confirming she is not pregnant after all. I am both relieved and sad for her, but this isn’t the right time. Not yet. But soon, I hope.

  Lifting the glass, Amy smells the tequila and crinkles her nose. “I have to warn everyone, I’m a lightweight and a giggler.”

  “I’ll carry you, baby,” Liam promises her, a gleam in his eye that would have made me want to punch him two weeks ago. Now, I’m just damn glad she has a man who protects her and loves her.

  I glance at Gia to find her watching me. Winking, I lean in close to her, nuzzle her neck, and whisper, “I’ll carry you, too.”

  She gives me a playful scowl. “Oh, Chad, you have much to learn. I’ll drink you under the table.”

  I lean back and arch a brow. “Really?”

  “No,” she snickers. “But it sounded good.”

  I wrap my arm around her and Tellar lifts his glass, while we all follow. “To fucking up our enemies,” he declares.

  “To fucking up our enemies,” I agree, and everyone laughs, clinks glasses, and downs their shots, Gia and I laughing at each other as we do. We all stand, and I throw Gia over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom.

  EVERY NIGHT FOR three nights, I wake in a sweat, reliving the fire in my nightmares. Each time, Gia is there for me, kissing me, fucking me, bringing me back to this world, and finally making love to me. And I am not alone, no different from everyone else. On day three, we are all sitting in the War Room when Amy has another blackout, her first in weeks, and scares the shit out of all of us.

  It sets Liam into control mode, insisting we need a backup plan. He dials China again and intentionally puts a buzz out through his contacts that we are looking for a backup buyer. Bedtime arrives and we’ve still heard nothing.

  On the eve of the deadline, when Gia and I finally enter our bedroom, she starts pacing, as if my habit has now become hers. I try talking to her. She paces more, and I take her to bed, where we don’t make love. We do a whole lot of fucking. And then we do some more. And finally we curl up together and sleep. Despite that, I wake from a nightmare in the throes of flames and fire, and find Gia is not in bed, a cold draft alerting me to the open door leading to the deck off our bedroom.

  I grab my jeans and pull them on, and I have no idea why, but a sudden shooting fear for her safety overwhelms me, and I dart for the door, shoving back the curtain. Gia stands at the railing in only my T-shirt, shivering in the cold wind blowing off the water, staring forward to where the sun has begun to break the horizon. Certain she knows I am here, I gently snag her wrist, and she jerks, yelping in surprise as I lead her inside and shut the door.

  “Are you trying to freeze yourself?” I demand, grabbing her robe and wrapping it around her.

  “Yes,” she replies, shoving her arms into the robe, her teeth chattering. “I am. I just want to feel something other than fear and worry.”

  Understanding seeps through me, in a far too familiar way, and my hands go to her shoulders. “I get it, sweetheart, I do. Waiting sucks. It guts you. That’s why I kept treasure hunting all these years. I could find a way aside from mass murder to save Amy, and the cylinder, and those hunts gave me the rush I needed and a lot of money if Amy and I needed it. If we need it, Gia.”

  “I don’t want money, Chad. I want a real life. I want to work in a lab, the way Amy wanted to live at archeological dig sites. I want to take a walk with you and not fear being grabbed and poisoned with arsenic.”

  “I know. Just have faith. We aren’t doing nothing. This is going to work. I feel it. I know it.” I lead her toward the bed. “Come try and rest a little while longer.”

  She shakes her head. “No. I can’t. I think I’ll take a run.”

  Then my phone rings by the bed. I’ve carried it with me everywhere for days, and it had been quiet. I launch myself at the nightstand, grabbing it. I sit on the bed, and Gia goes down on her knees in front of me. Our eyes meet, anticipation between us, and I draw a breath and hit Answer to hear: “We are satisfied with the terms, but Rollin is recorded as dead.”

  A crazy mix of relief and adrenaline rushes through me. “He was disinherited by his father. He’s trying to steal what we have to sell out from under his father.”

  “Make the call to lure Rollin out now, then, and get me details. Preparations for the destruction of Sheridan and his consortium are already underway.” The line goes dead.

  “Well?” Gia asks, on her knees beside me now. “What happened?”

  “They’re in, sweetheart. We just have to set the trap for Rollin.”

  “Oh my God. Could this really happen? Could it be over?”

  I grab her and bury my face in her neck, drawing in the sweet scent of woman, my woman, who I am not letting anyone else hurt. “Yeah, sweetheart. It’s happening. This is going to work.”

  She leans back. “Now what?”

  I glance at the clock, which reads six in the morning. “We wake Sheridan and set the bait for Rollin.”

  She settles back to listen in, staring at me as I listen to the line ring once, twice. Sheridan answers, his voice like sand in a wound, and I don’t waste a good greeting on him. “It’s Chad, you piece of shit. You win. Gia almost died. No one else gets hurt. I’ll give you what you want.”

  “You do know how to wake a man to sunshine,” he drawls, and I can almost see the gloat on his face. “When? Where?”

  “Full circle. Texas. The sa
me spot where I last met Rollin.”


  “I’ll be in touch.” I end the call.

  He autodials back, and I have not protected the number, on purpose—I want Jared to hack his phone records and show up. I’m looking for a standoff. I let the phone ring and stand up, pulling Gia to her feet. “Let’s go share the news.”

  I lace my fingers with Gia’s and we walk into the hallway, and I laugh as Gia shouts, “The Chinese called!”

  I hear doors start opening around the house. “I guess that’s a good way to wake them up.” I motion her forward and we make it to the living area before we are faced with Liam and Amy, both in robes, while Tellar arrives in just his boxers.

  “They called?” Amy asks. “What happened?”

  I relay the entire conversation. “Gia and I will leave for Texas tonight.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Tellar says.

  I shake my head. “No. You protect my sister. Gia and I will hole up in a safe house I have in Texas until we’re sure this is done.”

  “It’s not done until we find a way to truly protect the cylinder and make it available to the world if it’s needed,” Liam points out.

  “Then I plan to convince Gia to get the fuck out of Dodge with me for a few months.”

  Amy’s eyes go wide. “You’re leaving? No. You can’t leave. I’ve only just found you again.”

  “Just for a little while, sis. We aren’t disappearing. We’ll be in touch.” I wrap my arm around Gia. “I just need some time to convince Gia I’m not the asshole she’s always calling me. I think I need some time to convince myself, too.”

  Gia turns in my arms, her hand on my chest, teasing me. “Don’t totally stop being an asshole. I might not like you anymore.”

  I cup her head and kiss her and she refocuses on Liam, Amy, and Tellar, her laughter fading into a gravelly, emotional confession. “I love you all. I want justice for you. I want happiness for you. I want this to be as over as it ever can be for any of us.”

  Her words, drenched with the heartache that had her standing out in the cold, fill the room, expanding and sweeping over all of us. Amy makes a choked sound and wraps her arms around Gia. I step toward Liam, motioning him to walk with me, stopping a few feet away. “If anything happens to me—”