Read Forsaken Ties Page 1


  (Chapters 11-16 of the Hopscotch Series)


  J. Niessen

  * * * * *

  Published by

  Forsaken Ties

  Copyright 2011, 2014 by J. Niessen

  Cover Page by J’s Art Emporium, Copyright 2014

  Thank you for downloading this eBook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the material remains in its complete original form.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. How He Loves is a song by independent artist John Mark McMillan.

  Author’s Note:

  To recap: in the 2nd part, Tournament of Trials, we see how the supporting characters (Adelle, Opal, Charlie, Glen, and Benson) deal with their circumstances in the Hopscotch Tournament. Chapters 11-16 continue where Chapter 5 left off, with Garrison’s first person perspective.

  If you’re a fan of this series there is a Hopscotch Page on FaceBook, offering updates as to when the last two parts are scheduled for release. Thank you for your enthusiasm and support!

  To Read Part 1, Lost Loved Ones, [Click Here]

  For Part 2, Tournament of Trials, [Click Here]

  [Still to Come, Part 4: Inferno’s Hold]

  [Additional Titles by this Author]


  Table of Contents


  011: Oblivion

  012: A Pact With the Devil

  Hopscotch: Beyond Oblivion

  014: Through Sheol, Part 1

  015: Through Sheol, Part 2

  016: Through Sheol, Part 3

  * * * * *


  “You caught my attention in the helicopter, Garrison,” Adelle whispers in my ear.

  Numerous scenarios flash through my head, and the various outcomes involved with each.

  I sense she is of no threat to my safety, for now.

  Her cultured knowledge allows for her to approach me with near weightlessness.

  Having the uncanny ability to tap into the Purgatory, I locate portions of Adelle’s knowledge.

  Her words could have caused me to go deaf, when she first whispered in my ear.

  I can’t figure out what she wants as we’re here in this jungle setting, separated from our partners.

  My mind spins when she reveals: “I removed the last challenger for you.”

  The familiar feminine voice broadcasts “Please gather your belongings and exit.”

  The jungle scene fades. Together she and I stand in the plain room, I initially entered alone.

  I try to distance myself from emotions, when she starts to get undressed in front of me.

  My heart pounds furiously from inside my chest from the visual stimulation she presents.

  She gracefully approaches me bare footed, wearing a strapless white dress.

  Her hands go to my chest and to my shoulder. Adelle leans close to my ear and whispers…

  “I have to tell you, though, you used the reset too late. Benson went into the other realm first. You found a glitch in the program. It allows the two of us to exist without having to eliminate one another, because technically Benson doesn’t exist. He’s in a place beyond our existence of time.” Hearing the mention of Benson revives powerful emotions of anger and vengeance. Adelle retreats from me at once, hoping to disassociate herself from such feelings as I ask…

  “If he’s in a different place, how do we get there?” Adelle’s beauty draws me in as she astutely folds her removed fatigues while explaining. I feel my tensions relax, fascinated by her routine.

  “You need to get to The Hector. She will be able to clarify what’s going on, and may be able to get us caught up to Benson.”

  I’m hoping she can be more specific because what Adelle has just told me sounds like nonsense.

  This confusion obviously shows on my face. I had assumed we would be going together.

  Adelle continues with earnest eyes, yearning for me to pay close attention.

  “The Hector is in the other realm, where the cascade canyons are. Vera Boas is the name of the realm you need to go to.

  “If you can, find the engagement ring set that Benson took from me, and return to me, so I can safely get out of here.”

  Baffled by her choice of wording, I ask with a hard stare, “Aren’t you going with me Adelle?”

  “No. You need to step through the doorway. Please don’t keep me waiting too long, sugar.”

  This feels like goodbye and cues me to leave. There is a computer screen built into the exit door.

  On it is an electronic document covering the rules to the next challenge.

  It’s easier to get through, and to understand the technicalities with Adelle there to explain.

  There’s an “Agree” check box to press once I’m finally done.

  The exit door unlocks…

  011: Oblivion

  “Good luck!” Adelle wishes me, as I hesitate to take a step out through the warehouse door.

  The semi-automatic shotgun I chose earlier is strangely modified. It’s downgraded to a double-barreled shotgun.

  Beyond the doorway is a vast and desolate forest, barely visible under the cover of darkness.

  The silence is eerie. “How could the entire city be replaced? Where could it have gone?”

  Retrieving the thermal goggles from my backpack, I slip them on in search of heat patters.

  No life is visible in the black and grey viewer screen, yet I sense a threat is present.

  Shivers convulse my head and body from an unexpected chill which passes through me.

  A sense of great troubles sombers my mood.

  Depression dampens my hopes, sinking my optimism deeper into despair.

  The chance at gaining true fulfillment is lacking here in this bleak world.

  Falling back on chapel training, I turn to prayer, saying to God:

  “Please Lord. Grant me safety and understanding.

  “Bring peace to my mind. And fill my empty sadness with your love.

  “In your name I pray. Amen.”

  Opening my eyes, there’s a familiar presence materializing beside me, instilling warmth and comfort. The warehouse door located just behind me latches shut.

  Forest debris rustles from among the bleak grounds, from far ahead.

  The increasing glow beside me hinders my vision through the thermal goggles.

  Putting the light behind me with several steps forward, I locate the scout.

  Its image is cold, indicated through the goggles as a purple signature.

  It resembles a sickly person moving about with the use of its hands and feet.

  Using my own sophistication against me, I sense this being dredging through my memories.

  The immense heavenly figure behind me fully materializes. His presence is non threatening.

  He lifts the goggles away, and then places one of his giant hands over my eyes.

  The brightness he emits radiates into my thoughts, settling the attack going on in my mind.

  His touch details the mystery behind his presence, and shares, “I’m Jacob, your guardian angel.”

  The snap of a dry stick under foot alerts me. Jacob’s hand has withdrawn.

  With my eyelids closed I have the ability to see as though staring through the goggles.

  This new form of vision reveals a purple creature following alongside a white heat-signature.

  I recognize the approaching individual’s walking posture.

  With my eyelids d
rawn open I see as normal.

  Sadness stabs my heart, pouring sorrow into my stomach. It’s my stepbrother, Glen.

  Jacob unsheathes a sword which glows a brilliant orange, similar to his body.

  Pointing his finger at Jacob, Glen yells out, “Saskoran. Switcher Attack!”

  The one-eyed creature takes a reaching stride, lunges forward, and twists its body while in flight.

  “Dodge it!” I yell. Had I not instructed Jacob…he would have remained standing there!

  Saskoran’s sharp claws tear though Jacob’s side as it spins past.

  “What will you have me do?” Jacob looks down to ask, clenching the fresh wound.

  I analyze Saskoran. Its presence is so familiar.

  The creature is crouched and waiting for Glen’s next command.

  The one eye, located in the middle of Saskoran’s forehead, never blinks.

  Several columns of words come to mind, detailing instruction for Jacob.

  One is of basic attack phrases. And the other list defines defensive tactics.

  Lastly, I read through and comprehend (within a split second) a list of special commands.

  By concentrating on a command I envision the action Jacob would react with.

  Now it’s up to me to defeat Glen’s demon, using my fully materialized Aspect.

  My eyes have adapted exceptionally well. I see as though it were daytime.

  My stepbrother looks so much older in years, compared to me.

  His black hair is streaked with grey. Dark circles are heavy under his eyes.

  And he’s around 30 pounds overweight.

  Hoping to communicate with Glen, I choose a special ability for my attack turn.

  “Honsonce” I relay to Jacob. He nods.

  Glen’s eyes frown. Suddenly aware he tries replying,