Read Fractured Worlds (Book 1 of the Fractured Worlds Trilogy) Page 22

  22: A NEW HOME

  Penelope tried her best to comfort Shen Dao, but he was hurt badly. It was dark on the world they’d jumped to from the rebel’s hideout. The light from the pedestal they had laid the old Pearmainian on lit the whole cathedral. Both Tristan and Penny knew quite a bit of first aid, as the old man’s image had taught them through the years, but his wound was worse than what they could do for him. The other pedestals lit up as someone was attempting to shift there suddenly, and Tristan came to the ready. He relaxed as Michael, whom was holding Star, Leena, and their other friends were there. Starchild squirmed to get down, and she ran to kneel by Shen Dao’s side.

  “Mom!” Leena cried out, and they embraced like it would be their last time.

  “Oh Jackie! God I’m glad you’re alright.” Michael joined the hugging, tearful reunion.

  All the other kids of team seven missed their parents immeasurably right then. Jackie and Michael saw their faces, and included each in the warmth of welcome.

  “What about the rebel, and her apes?” Tristan asked Leena.

  Starchild handed her father the small device she’d picked up, the one he’d kept safe for all the years on that far distant spire. “They went somewhere like you and mom did.” She told him.

  Jackie turned to Michael. She recognized all of the children, except…where was her son?

  “Who are these people Michael? And where is Tristan?” she asked.

  He made a deep sigh, which she knew meant trouble. Jackie tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

  Starchild got up and went to Jackie. She took her hand, “My name is Starchild….Grandma.”

  Jackie smiled, but the smiled drained right from her face as she realized what the little girl had said. She looked to her husband, and then quickly to Tristan. She recognized his face in that instant. It was so much older than she remembered; than it should be, but it was his.

  “Oh my God! Tristan?”

  He started crying, and held out his arms to her. She embraced him, feeling and touching his face with disbelief.

  “How long have I….” Jackie looked to Leena, and realized something wasn’t right.

  “Let’s just say we have a lot of catching up to do mom.” He told her.

  Starchild wanted a hug badly too, and Penny was edging herself towards Jackie as well. Jackie didn’t take but a second to realize the obvious connection, and she hugged both of them too.

  “Oh my goodness, what happened?”

  Penelope then took Starchild in hand, and went over to shock her own mother with the same news.

  From behind the group Shen Dao coughed painfully, and Tristan turned to go to him, but saw Sarah was beside him. He wondered if she were ‘feel-talking’ with him.

  He got his answer a second later when Sarah said, “Yes. I will take you in.”

  “What?” Tristan asked.

  “I’m going to let him join me.” Sarah said with utter determination.

  “You don’t mean that you are going to take in the parasite?” He was flabbergasted.


  “Shen Dao! You can’t let her do this! She’s just a little girl.” Tristan said in Chinese.

  Jackie raised her eyebrows.

  “It will not harm her at all.” The old man replied. “In fact, quite the opposite is true. Her health will remain strong for thousands of years.”

  Tristan looked to his wife for help, afraid for the girl.

  “But she’s not old enough to make up her mind.” Penny implored, but she really didn’t believe it.

  Sarah looked at them with a scowl. “I’m the only one here that is truly willing, and one of us has to do it. Otherwise who will fix the damage that the Witch did to the Universe?”

  No one argued that point, because they all were quite aware of the rips in the sky, or rather the reality of their dimension of the universe.

  Sarah continued. “Besides, I get to live a real long time.”

  “What is she talking about?” Jackie became curious.

  No one else seemed to know what was going on, except for Tristan, his wife and daughter, the old man, and Sarah.

  “I’ve made up my mind.” Sarah said firmly.

  “What about your parents?” Penelope worried.

  Sarah dropped her head, and told her. “Someone will have to explain it to them.”

  The old man gasped, “We must be quick, as Shen Dao is passing.”

  Little Sarah took Shen Dao’s large head into her small lap, and held it with her hands. The old man started trembling and moaning slightly. Penny picked up Star and held her close, then moved to her husband’s arms, and Jackie started to move for Sarah, but Michael held her back, shaking his head.

  After several long moments the trembling passed, and then Shen Dao arched his back upward and let out a soft sigh. A gas, or vapor of some sort rose from the old man’s mouth. It glowed, and flickered with blue light. This wafted up and entered Sarah’s mouth, and then Jackie cried out for it to stop.

  It was quietly over. Shen Dao lay quite still, unmoving at all. Sarah blinked her eyes, and smiled. There was a strange glow about her, but not from the light of the pedestal.

  “We still have much work to do, and little time to do it in.” Sarah said.

  “Shen Dao?” Tristan ventured.

  “My name is Sarah now, but we are all here. All of Shen Dao’s memories are still here. Along with all of the others. They will always be with us.” She told them, and then she gently laid the old man’s head down as she got up. “Come, we must go to my people with the infernal device, and see about fixing our reality.”

  “What about his body?” Penelope asked. “Shouldn’t we perform some rites?”

  Sarah shook her head. “Bring it, we still have need of it.”

  All of them then shifted to where Sarah showed them, and here were her people. A throng of strange looking, blue six legged creatures greeted them it the base of the spire. Sarah spoke to them in a very unusual beeping like language, and they all immediately seemed to bow to her as far as they could tell. They took the body of Shen Dao, and then Sarah told Tristan to give the infernal device to them. She asked them all to follow a certain one of the creatures, and that they should find their temporary quarters most comfortable. If they needed, or desired anything; that her people’s emissary to them would do all in its power to accomplish this. Sarah excused herself to begin work on fixing the damage done to reality. Before she left she assured them she would see them again very soon.

  The blue six legged creature with several nose like things, touched a device around its neck and a blue holographic box appeared just in front of it. There were some strange symbols in this box, and after a short series of beeps from the creature; as sultry smooth woman’s voice said, “Earth English translation”. The box disappeared, as Tristan and Penny looked at each other remembering that all too familiar voice from long ago.

  “Please follow me, most honorable and esteemed Ambassadors of Earth.” The creature performed what appeared to be a bow.

  It led them to a medium sized floating disk just outside of the spire. They were in a vast, and unbelievably futuristic city inhabited by untold numbers of these creatures. The disk sped through the wide thorough fares between the tall artful buildings that were everywhere, and soon they were in a very important looking structure that dominated the other huge buildings around it. The being led them to a wing of the building that looked quite comfortable, seemingly to their standards, even luxurious.

  When asked, it told them their race were called the Amigox. It took them to an area with many staterooms, and said that they could settle in wherever, and however they wished here. They also were told they were free to go anywhere they desired, and not to worry about getting lost, as any Amigox they talked to would help them in every way possible. As each and every Amigox wore a univ
ersal translator, communication would not be a problem. Then it showed them how to request food and drinks as they desired. It asked them if they had any questions, and if they did later; it would be in a nearby common area ready to help them with anything.

  As they were all completely exhausted by then, everyone decided to get some rest, and to clean up. The adults split up into their own state room suites, and the children split into two rooms, William and Joshua in one, and Leena and Becky in another, though all were right next door to each other. After using many gallons of luxurious hot water cleaning up, and then feasting on some delicious Chinese cuisine that they were told Shen Dao had the Amigox grow and prepare for him in the traditional manner; they all quickly found the quite comfortable beds beckoning them for sleep.

  The next day after everyone had finally gotten up on their own accord, and had joined each other in the vast common area lounge; Sarah paid them a visit. Everyone was glad to see her and warmly embraced her. Tristan, Penelope, and Starchild gave a deep respectful bow before hugging her as their close friend. The remaining children of team seven treated her like one of their own, as she of course still was.

  “I have excellent news.” Sarah told. “Our people have found out what that infernal device of the rebels did exactly, and are in the process of repairing the damage.”

  They all breathed a big sigh of relief.

  She went on, “I also have a treat for you all, which I think you’re going to like. Today you get the keys to the city. We are going on an abbreviated tour around town, but mostly it is a shopping tour!”

  They all got big eyes at that.

  “What do we use for money though Sarah? We don’t have anything to trade.” Leena asked the obvious.

  “We don’t use money here Leena. The currency of the Amigox is ability.” Sarah explained.

  “So we have to do something in trade?” Becky wondered.

  Sarah shook her head and laughed uproariously. “You already have done something in trade Becky, you already have!”

  “Cool.” Josh nodded.

  Jackie and Michael took the opportunity, and went to Sarah to tell her of the missing teams that were possibly still out there somewhere, but she seemed to already be aware of this. She told them that her people were diligently searching for them. When Jackie spoke of the silvery statutes of the children back on Earth that she’d seen the pictures of, Sarah said that was another matter entirely, and she would try to figure something out.

  They were taken on a whirlwind shopping expedition in a luxury disk with seats seemingly made just for each of them, as they fit in them so perfectly. Everywhere they went the beings, many of different types, were quite honored to meet them, and insisted that anything they even showed the slightest interest in was packed in exotically beautiful boxes and given to their attendants to take with them.

  The boys found too many extremely high tech, and cool electronic games to amuse them forever, including Tristan who found himself as one of the guys again. While the girls and ladies were beside themselves with all of the wonderfully gorgeous new outfits, shoes, and jewelry that were insistently just given to them, as it was explained they were made just for them. Everywhere they went, even as they passed along the avenues, it seemed all the myriad creatures and beings were stopping in their tracks and bowing to them as if they were some kind of royalty.

  Leena remarked about this to Sarah. “It seems like everyone here really likes us.”

  “It’s a little bit more than that my friend.” Sarah said with a tear welling up in her eye.

  At about midday Sarah told them they must cut short their excursion as they had a very important lunch date. She told them not to worry though as they could come back and shop to their hearts desires.

  “So what’s this big luncheon were going to?” Penny questioned. “Are we going to meet the other Pearmainians there?”

  Sarah looked down sadly. “You already have met all the remaining of our race. Myself, and the rebel are the last of our kind.”

  Tristan was in shock. “You mean to say that there are no more ‘Eternal Guardians’?”

  “Shen Dao was the very last. Well until….” Sarah didn’t finish.

  Both Tristan and Penny suddenly had many questions, but Sarah just told them to be patient. All would be explained soon. As their luxury disk entered the large building of their quarters just then, they had to wait, as Sarah told them to please go and get ready for their big luncheon. She explained that they each had a special robe made for them, just for the occasion, and it would be proper if they wore them.

  “I will see you there soon.” She said as she let them off. “Boy are you all going to be surprised!” Sarah smiled with gusto.

  They all wore the beautiful golden blue robes that their attendants had ready for them, then they were ushered into a gigantic hall. Immediately they all felt nervous, as there had to be many more than a hundred thousand beings waiting there for them. It grew silent in the hall as they entered, and they were led to a vast dining table at the forefront of the immense crowd. Sarah was there at the table center, and she warmly welcomed them all to come and have a seat. As soon as they all were seated, the many thousands of other beings then took their seats, or approximations of which, as some didn’t have apparent legs.

  “Wow! Now this is what I call a banquet.” Leena said with surprise.

  “Good, I’m glad you like it, because you are all the guests of honor.” Sarah smiled ever so warmly.

  The meal was beyond anything they ever could have imagined before. There were too many gourmet dishes and tastes for them to even begin to count. Soon they were all well past full, and their senses were reeling from the variety alone.

  “Now we must allow for some formalities I’m afraid.” Sarah spoke. “The leaders of all the galaxies sincerely wish to give you thanks personally, and we must allow them the honor.” She looked at the other children and winked, “This is the boring part, but just bear with it. OK?”

  They all nodded.

  “After this is the big surprise, and it will be worth the wait. I promise you.” Sarah was imperative.

  Then began a long procession of beings whom came forward, and gave thanks to them all, each of course brought fabulous gifts beyond compare.

  Four plus hours later, the procession finally ended.

  “OK, guys. Are you ready for the really big show?” Sarah enticed them.

  Joshua, William, Becky, and Leena could tell she had something indeed REALLY BIG for them, just by her own level of excitement. They all looked at each other and nodded in complete agreement.

  Jackie hated to interrupt the gala atmosphere, but since she hadn’t really had a chance to talk to Sarah since they’d told her about the missing children; she made the opportunity. “Excuse me Sarah, but I really need to ask you about what we talked about earlier.”

  Sarah smiled, and said, “Our people have found one of the missing teams Ms. Welsh. Team number six. In fact they are here, and waiting for us up top.”

  Jackie breathed a big sigh of relief. She’d just wanted to make sure something was indeed being done to help those poor children.

  As Sarah led them to a floating disk nearby, they all wondered what was going on, but they didn’t worry. They knew their friend was on their side. The moment they breached the roof of the massive building they saw that they were now on an even larger floating disk, as the smaller one seamlessly joined into the center of it. It gently floated out over an immense open park, where there were literally millions of beings of all kinds. A thunderous roar from the crowd cheering them, rose to greet the new heroes. None of them had ever in their wildest dreams experienced anything like that before, but they all knew somehow instinctively, to wave. That made the cheering even louder, and more thunderous.

  “Goodness Sarah, just how many people are there here?” Leena exclaimed.<
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  Sarah laughed. “Just ten million or so here, in person, but there are many quadrillions upon quadrillions watching us live right now. All across known space; in many thousands of galaxies.” She nodded at Leena, and then told them all, “You are the most famous, and revered people in all history. Today our people, your people, honor you as such.”

  “Why?” Leena was astonished.

  “Oh I don’t know.” Sarah was sarcastically grinning. “Perhaps it has something to do with saving the whole universe, and all its inhabitants from sure extinction. I guess they all just get silly about that sort of thing.”

  Sarah motioned them to form a line where all could see them, and then she spoke, and her voice was amplified, so it thundered out for all to hear.

  “Good citizens of our Consortium. I am the new body of the Eternal Guardian.” The crowd was quieting down to a hush. “As you are all now aware, these fine courageous souls I bring before you today, have risked their very lives on many occasions, and have endured great hardship and suffering. Much of this they did willingly; to stop the last of the Pearmainian rebels from destroying everything. Today we honor them, and their triumph.” The crowd again roared its approval.

  As Leena looked around she could see there were many dignitaries off to their sides on the same floating platform, and there among them she saw some familiar metallic green jump suits, and the kids in them were all too familiar as well.

  “Look guys!” She pointed to the kids of team number six.

  Becky, William, and Josh all waved at them excitedly, and the other kids waved back. Some giving the double thumbs up, but all very happy to see them. One of them, their team leader even shouted, “You are the real winners! Way to go team seven! Thank you!”

  An Amigox came forward with a long golden box, and stopped just by Sarah. The crowd quieted again.

  “Ms. Jennifer Robinson.” Sarah took a ribbon with a small metal object on it from the box, and walked over to her. “We hereby present this the ‘Order of Amigland’ to you for your part in helping the outcome, including raising such a fine daughter. The people of the universe so thank you.” The crowd erupted in cheering.

  Sarah went to the box and retrieved another medal. “Ms. Jackie Welsh, and Mr. Michael Welsh.” She walked over to them. “We hereby present this the ‘Order of Amigland’ to you both for your part in helping the outcome, including raising such a fine Son, and Daughter. The people of the Universe so very much thank you.” Again the crowd roared.

  “Becky Myers.” Sarah walked to her with a huge smile, “We hereby present this the ‘Universal Medal of Fearlessness’ to you for your extreme ability and insight; that helped save the Universe.” The crowd thundered its approval.

  “Joshua Clarke. “ She gave him a wry knowing smile. “We hereby present this the ‘Universal Medal of Fearlessness’ to you for your extreme ability, and steadfastness; that helped save the Universe.” Cheering erupted as a roar.

  “William Brown.” Sarah winked at him with a grin. “We hereby present this the ‘Universal Medal of Rectitude’ to you for your wonderful talent, ability, and character; without which we would all have surely perished. The people of the Universe owe you a great debt my friend!” The crowd got even louder than before if it were possible.

  “Leena Welsh.” Sarah’s eye formed some tears, though she smiled hugely. “We hereby present this the ‘Universal Medal of Guidance’ to you for your unwavering leadership, your steadfast courage, and your wonderful competence; without which, all of our demise would have been certain. All the peoples of the Universe owe you everything.” A thunderous round of cheering erupted as the crowd went wild.

  “Tristan, Penelope, and Starchild Welsh.” Sarah wore a very content smile. “We hereby present this the ‘Universal Medal of Protection’ to you each, for your performance of successfully accomplishing the impossible. For your selfless sacrifice and unrequited courage in the defeat of our enemy, and thus preventing all of our certain destruction. Every being owes you their very lives.” Again the roar of the crowd’s approval shook their bones.

  Sarah stepped back and bowed to them all. After a long while of clamorous approval from the millions there, she quieted them by raising her palm.

  “These are most of our very highest awards we can give, but there is one more award I must give out today; our very highest honor. I call on Becky, Joshua, William, Leena, Tristan, Penelope, and Starchild. You have all been chosen to be honored in the very highest way possible. I dub thee all, now and forever, as ‘Eternal Guardians’ of the Universe.” The crowd grew so loud that it was quite deafening. Fire-works exploded into the sky, and there was much celebrating, even late into the night.


  A week later Tristan looked around at the spire on Penelope’s world. It was almost complete; every detail. The Amigox had provided all of the very specialized furnishings for their future-past home. He knew this must have been enormously expensive, but as an ‘Eternal Guardian’ he also knew that anything he wished was at his beck-and-call. It was hard for him to get used to that idea, and he didn’t like to use the privilege at all, but this was for a very necessary cause.

  Penny was just sealing up one of the last crates. There was only one crate left to seal, and an Amigox was busily checking the contents. This was the stasis chamber crate with their seeds in it. The two of them looked around a couple of last times. They hadn’t forgotten anything each hoped.

  One of the most perplexing, and disturbing things of all their preparations for their future young selves, was the incarnation of Shen Dao’s personality program. Sarah was actually the donor of his personality, and they had merely digitized the corpse’s image to run with the program. Both of them had a hard time adjusting to the fact that Shen Dao’s body had actually been dead when his program was recorded. The fact that his image could have easily been programed to speak English all those years was strange at first too, but then they wouldn’t have been able to speak to him directly when they first met.

  Leena was due at any time to record her personality into the machine. She and their parents had taken the Breack Kreel back to the Cracowck world, to guide the creature back there where it wished to be, and to check on Chirp Swee. Starchild had learned directly from Sarah’s mind, how to basically communicate with the Kreel so she could guide it back there herself. The other children had gone with them as well. The disk came down from above, on it were Leena, her new niece, Jackie, and Michael.

  “Glad to see you weren’t accosted by your birds.” Tristan voiced. “By the way, how is your friend?”

  The little blonde smiled at her brother, “Yeah, we were worried about that too, but things have changed there. Oh, and Chirp Swee is doing fine, thanks.” Leena stepped from the disk. “OK, hook me up. I’ll spill the beans.” She joked.

  An Amigox guided her to a table they’d set up by the holo-projector, and sat her down there. It put a metal bowl like device on her head, and began adjusting functions.

  Tristan turned to his mother, “Have the other kids decided what they’re going to do yet?” he asked.

  Jackie nodded. “William, Josh, and Becky are going to go back to Earth.”

  “I can’t say that I blame them. I don’t ever want to be without you guys again.” He told his mother, and father.

  “Ditto.” Jackie patted his arm.

  “I told them what they could expect from the Feds when they got back, Poked, and prodded until they’re black and blue.” Michael shook his head. “But you’re right; that didn’t stack up against living without their folks.”

  “I sure am glad your mom is staying with us Penny.” Tristan said.

  Penny nodded, then she weakly voiced, “Poor dad. I hope the others get our messages to him.”

  Leena stepped over to them. “That’s it. I guess I must not have much of a personality if th
at’s all it took to unload it.”

  “It’s a real fast machine Sis.” Tristan assuaged her.

  Penelope saw the technician preparing to close up the stasis crate it had been inspecting.

  “Wait!” She remembered something. “Do any of you have a pencil, or a pen, and some paper?”

  Michael fished around in his pockets and found a piece of paper, but he didn’t have a pen. One of the Amigox technicians handed her a writing device.

  Penny scribbled the note she’d read so long ago. ‘Try the Early Bird Snow Peas.’

  Tristan looked at her with a big happy smile, he remembered.

  “We almost forgot!” Penny made big eyes, and giggled.

  They all went to the disk and rode it up one last time. Tristan looked down on the home that they had found, and their younger selves would find again someday; and he knew he would miss it. Life would be totally different for them from then on. For the first time in a long time, they were not bound by their paradoxical destiny. They were free. The future now held only mystery.


  Leena walked over to her friends that were leaving. “Sarah will guide you back to Earth after she gets back from helping team six return, and I’m coming along to see you off. Right now though, the Amigox are ready for you to record your messages.”

  They all tried to grin, but couldn’t.

  “Are you sure you won’t change your minds and stay with us out here?” Leena tried one more time.

  “I really miss my mom and dad.” Becky started crying.

  William and Josh turned away as they were welling up with tears too.

  As soon as they were all done recording their messages for the future Tristan, and Penny; Sarah joined them, and they all shifted.


  They each exchanged hugs one last time, before parting.

  Becky was really a mess, and that made Leena start sobbing too.

  “We’re never going to see each other again, I know it.” The little red haired girl said between sobs.

  “Never is a long time Becky, we can try.”

  Becky had to run and stand away from her, as she was losing it.

  Joshua said, “Wow. This is really it huh?”

  Leena nodded, “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “So you’re really going to live out here?”

  She smiled at him.

  “Cool!” He nodded.

  Josh stepped aside as William took her hand. “The Universe can’t be so big that we never bump into each other.”

  “I’m going to miss you.” Leena’s voice trembled

  She wiped her eyes, and then he kissed her gently on her lips.

  Leena trembled as she watched them get on the pedestals, and in the blink of a tearful eye they were gone.

  “What if they get into trouble back there?” She asked Sarah.

  “We’ll check up on them from time to time, and if they ever need our help; I know a Break Kreel that may be able to help straighten things out.”

  Sarah activated the portal by herself, and then Leena stepped up and joined her.

  “I think William may be right.” Sarah smiled.

  “How’s that?” Leena was curious.

  “I don’t think the Universe is all that big of a place, but what do you say we go and find out?” Sarah grinned big, as the light sphere surrounded them.

  “Yeah. Let’s do that.” Leena returned the grin just as they shifted.

  Part two of the Fractured Worlds saga is now available on Amazon, and as a Kindle e-book. It is titled “Fractured Minds” by Alan VanMeter.

  Part three is also available. It is titled “Fractured Souls” by Alan VanMeter.


  Alan VanMeter lives a very quiet life in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His passions in life are writing, Taoist philosophy, internal traditional Chinese martial arts, and contemplating the nature of the Universe. His favorite author has always been Arthur C. Clarke, who taught him love for all things astrophysical.

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