Read Fractured Worlds (Book 1 of the Fractured Worlds Trilogy) Page 3

The parents were shown to a comfortable viewing lounge where they could watch the progress from numerous video monitors, as the children were led to the briefing room. The transition from the grandiose polished finishes of the Great Hall, to the sterile bright environment that reminded of NASA’s Mission control, was stark. There were all kinds of computer consoles, and large digital maps on most of the walls. Tristan was in awe.

  “Whoa! Shivers just went up my spine.” He breathed, as if he were in heaven.

  Most of the other children weren’t a dazzled as Tristan, and so they actually heard the first part of the briefing.

  “These caverns, or catacombs more correctly, are totally safe to enter.” A man was saying, and this finally got Tristan’s attention. The man went on, “If all of you will notice the large video map to your right.” Their attention was drawn to a large and impressive 3-D overhead view of the catacombs he had mentioned, everyone’s except for Becky’s that is. Leena noticed this and followed her friend’s gaze to a control bank at the far end of the room.

  “Look!” Becky exclaimed in a hushed voice, “There’s some more of those funky looking monkeys.”

  Leena only saw some technicians in yellow jumpsuits, as opposed to the blue ones most wore, but just then one of the yellow suit technicians definitely saw them starring. He started eyeing them intently, as if he heard every word they said.

  “I don’t see them.” Leena uttered, and then quickly turned her head away.

  “Never mind.” Becky too turned her attention back to the speaker.

  Every fiber of nerves bristled in Leena momentarily, but then subsided.

  “When we take you to the main cavern,” the briefing continued, “you will find that there are literally dozens of possible paths to choose from.” The man paused for a moment as he observed the groups. “Now this is where your Quest truly begins! To fully explain your objective, let me now turn the briefing over to the incomparable Ms. Schotner.” The man turned to his right and began applauding, as did all of the technicians. This prompted most of the children to follow suit. Becky didn’t join in though, instead she shied away behind her taller friend Leena, as the stern looking woman took the podium.

  The woman held up her hand to quiet the applause. “Children, this could be the most important day of your lives.” She let that sink in for a long second. “For only one team will succeed in the Quest, where the others will not. This is quite necessary, because otherwise we cannot determine the attributes and aptitudes which are needed for success, and to then be capable of running Dreamland.” Millie Schotner paused for a sip of water before continuing. “If this were not crucial we wouldn’t need to test so many of you….good children, now would we?” She smiled. “You see, what we need is an absolute perfect mix of talents to take this corporation into this millennia, and continue its fine tradition of good, wholesome entertainment.” Again all the employees erupted in applause.

  “Now let’s get down to business.” She spoke over the quieting troop. “Your team’s objective is a secret chamber at the end of these catacombs. Only the team that performs in perfect harmony with each other will overcome the obstacles, and claim the prize. This is not a race though, so take your time and work things out. Some of the obstacles you encounter will be real, while others will not be. Just trust in yourselves, and let your good hearts guide you.” With a quick glance around the room she could see concern or worry on many of the children’s faces, but this was anticipated. “Please have no fear. At no time will you be in any real danger. If however one of you should happen to scrape a knee, or bruise an elbow; assistance will be readily available. Each team will be equipped with a communication device, which will allow you instant access to Central Control here. Also a guide will be assigned to each team, and stationed in the main cavern during the entire Quest; so if you have any issues they will shortly be along to help.”

  Leena began to think that they were going to an awful lot of trouble to sell them on the idea of just how safe this was going to be. This made her worry just a little, that and the way the yellow suited technician had looked at them.

  Ms. Schotner cleared her throat, and took another sip of water before continuing, “In addition, every one of you will be issued a knapsack that is yours to keep as a memento. This contains everything you should need on your adventure, including plenty of snacks.” That brought more than a few smiles.

  “Are you excited?” She raised her voice.

  Dozens of young voices cheered in response.

  “Well then LET THE QUEST BEGIN!” The old woman shouted.

  Again the children erupted in cheers.

  As it quieted down Millie Schotner finished, “Now I will turn it back over to Mr. Green, whom will answer any questions that you might have.” She waved as she walked off stage, and again the employees instigated a huge round of applause. After which the man who had started the briefing spoke at the podium’s microphone again.

  “Are there any questions?”

  William was already raising his hand before the man even finished speaking. As the man pointed to him, William asked, “Yes, how will we know when we have found the secret chamber?”

  “That is a good question young man.” Mr. Green said. “Without giving too much away, let me just say that there will be no doubt what so ever in your mind when you have found it. Because I’m sure you have never seen anything quite like it before.” The ambiguous answer left William wanting for more information, but the man was quick to take other questions. In a few minutes the briefing was over and the children had been given a little bit of time to get their knapsacks, and sort through them.

  Leena and Tristan’s team; number seven, the gold team, almost automatically started to organize as a unit. Tristan was the oldest, and was the natural leader of the band. As they all examined the content of the knapsacks they had been issued, Leena could plainly see that he earnestly listened to all of their comments and suggestions, including hers. She grew more proud of her big brother. William and Joshua were most interested in the gear, and quickly memorized the inventory of each pack. Sarah and Penelope were relieved at the seamless ease with which Tristan took charge of the group, and the almost professional manner of the two other boys; it made the younger girls want to help out in any way possible. Becky was the only one less than enthusiastic. Leena could easily see this, but she was far too busy at the moment to console her friend. Instead she knew that once the adventure had earnestly begun, Becky would warm right up to the task at hand. After all her father had always said, “If you’re too busy to worry, then you won’t.”

  Each team was separately taken down to the main cavern in a large elevator near the control room. It was a long ride down, so much so that each of the children’s ears popped several times on the way. As the elevator finally came to a stop, Joshua asked their team’s guide how far they had descended. The man whom had introduced himself as Kelly, simply said; “Quite a way.” The doors opened and they started down a long tunnel hewn right into the bare rock. It was well lit, but it did seem to get darker toward the end of it.

  “Where are we?” Leena asked with wonder.

  Kelly didn’t answer for a moment, but then he said; “You’re in the heart of the world.”


  All of the children’s parents had been made quite comfortable in the viewing lounge. Their every whim was promptly catered to, while the large video screen was showing a well prepared over view of the Quest’s beginning. They watched a cleverly put together piece on the briefing, and the narrators were acting like it was a true media event, which it actually was. Then the children were shown getting their gear together, with more hype as the reporters were selling this as nothing less than the greatest adventure of all time.


  All of the teams were gathered in the Grand Chamber, which was large to say the least. It was fairly dimly lit, ma
inly due to its size. The ceiling of the chamber was barely visible in the dim light, and Tristan tried to estimate just how high it was.

  “At least two hundred feet.” He told Joshua.

  The other boy’s response as he gazed upwards was a quiet, “Yeah.”

  Kelly led them to the far side of the chamber; where as they approached they could see many more tunnels leading from the chamber. None of these were lit, and their entrances had weird carvings and symbols etched into the rock around them. Kelly stopped, and told them to check their flashlights.

  “From this point on, you’ll basically be on your own.” Kelly flatly stated. “It’s your choice of which tunnel to choose, but just to let you know; I’ve been told they all do interconnect at some point or another.” He paused while they hopefully understood. “If your team chooses a tunnel that another team has already started down, then you must wait an hour to enter that tunnel.”

  A commotion of lights and noises from their left drew their attention from Kelly. A reporter and camera crew were interviewing the first team. Kelly spoke louder to get their attention back, “Now it is very important for your team to make a map of your progress. So you don’t get lost!” That sure got all of their notice, and Kelly could see that he had worried them as well. “If you do get lost, don’t panic! At no time will you be in real danger. If you think you are in trouble, use your radio to call us right away, and we’ll get to you.” Kelly looked at the kids with a sincere smile. “Most of all; have FUN!” With that Kelly looked towards the lights and cameras still in their interview. After a moment he said, “OK, have you kids chosen a team leader yet?”

  Everyone said, “Tristan.” At the same time.

  “Good.” Kelly stated. “Then you’ve got about ten minutes or so to choose which path to take, so good luck. Oh, and I’ll be right here if you need anything.” Kelly smiled again and then went to join the guide from team six mulling nearby.

  Tristan suggested they look over the different tunnel entrances, and more especially the carvings around each. Some of the other teams were doing likewise, and there was another Dreamland news crew covering all this, and right in the middle of them from team to team, getting shots from every conceivable angle. It was pretty hard to ignore this diversion, but even when they could focus on the carvings and strange symbols adorning the tunnel entrances, none of the kids could relate them to anything they knew of.

  During all this, Sarah had become increasingly apprehensive, like Becky had been earlier. Becky on the other hand, become somewhat engrossed in the bizarre markings. At one point she even mentioned to Leena, “These are really old.” The elder girl began to think of her friend as almost as strange as the carvings. Sarah meekly mentioned that she was afraid of the dark, and then Joshua immediately came up with the idea of putting her in the middle of the group, so she would be surrounded by all of their lights. Penelope and Becky wanted to give him a hug for that, but Joshua wanted nothing to do with it.

  A man with a bullhorn announced the start of the first team with a screech, and the camera crews surrounded them. Everyone watched intently as the seven young kids chose a tunnel; and then disappeared into it.

  “OK guys,” Tristan declared, “We’d better make up our minds before they get to us.”

  Leena was quick to see a beautiful opportunity here. “Let’s let Becky chose!”

  “Yeah!” Penelope excitedly agreed. “She’ll chose the right one.”

  It was obvious by the little red head’s unbridled eagerness, that Becky already had an opinion of her own, and since there were no immediate objections she said; ”The last one.”

  “The last one.” Sarah repeated with reverence.

  The bullhorn sounded again, and it was team number two’s turn.

  As team six was having its’ moment in the spotlight, a tall man whom they had all seen with Ms. Schotner before, came up to their team. “I’m Mr. Fielder, who’s the team seven leader?” Becky shied behind Leena once again. Tristan stepped forward. Mr. Fielder faced him squarely and held out a small silver metallic object about the size of cell phone. As Tristan took it from him, the man stated; “This is the signal device you are to activate once you have found, and entered the secret chamber. This will alert us that you have won. If you activate this before then, we will receive a signal disqualifying your team. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Tristan said nervously, as the butterflies set in.

  “OK.” The man acknowledged, “You kids are up next. Be careful, and stay together.” Mr. Fielder turned and walked away.

  “Team number seven, the gold team!” The bullhorn blared. “It is time to choose your path!” A reporter had them pose for some shots, and a quick team interview before he sounded the horn again. “Team number seven, begin your Quest!” With that they all walked a little awkwardly to the tunnel entrance on the far right. Tristan and Joshua began to hurry ahead of the rest of them, as Tristan called back, “We’ve got point.” The remaining four children gathered around Sarah, as they had discussed, and followed the two boys into the dark shaft.

  4: the quest