Read Frank Merriwell Down South Page 4



  Hans and Professor Scotch uttered exclamations of horror, starting backfrom the sight revealed by the light that came from the window set deepin the adobe wall.

  Frank's teeth came together with a peculiar click, but he uttered noexclamation, nor did he start.

  This seemed to affect the old man unpleasantly, for he turned on Frank,crying in an accusing manner and tone:

  "Have you no heart? Are you made of stone?"

  "Hardly," was the reply.

  "This finger--it is the second torn from the hand of my boy by Pacheco,the bandit--Pacheco, the monster!"

  "Pacheco seems to be a man of great determination."

  Professor Scotch gazed at Frank in astonishment, for the boy was of avery sympathetic and kindly nature, and he now seemed quite unlike hisusual self.

  "Frank, Frank, think of the suffering of this poor father!"

  "Yah," murmured Hans; "shust dink how pad you vould felt uf you eferpeen py his blace," put in Hans, sobbing, chokingly.

  "It is very, very sad," said Frank; but there seemed to be a singularlysarcastic ring to the words which fell from his lips.

  "Have you seen your son since he fell into the hands of Pacheco, sir?"asked the professor.

  "Yes, I saw him; but I could scarcely recognize him, he was sochanged--so wan and ghastly. The skin is drawn tightly over his bones,and he looks as if he were nearly starved to death."

  "Did he recognize you?"


  "What did he do?"

  The man wrung his hands with a gesture of unutterable anguish.

  "Oh, his appeal--I can hear it now! He begged me to save him, or togive him poison that he might kill himself!"

  "Where is he now?"

  "In a cave."

  "Where is the cave?"

  "That I cannot tell, for I was blindfolded all the time, except while inthe cave where my boy is kept."

  "It is near Mendoza?"

  "It must be within fifty miles of here."

  "Perhaps it is nearer?"


  "But you have no means of knowing in which direction it lies?"


  "Your only hope is to raise the five hundred dollars?"

  "That is my only hope, and that can scarcely be called a hope, for Imust have the money within a day or two, or my boy will be dead."

  "Hum! hum!" coughed the professor. "This is a very unfortunateaffair--very unfortunate. I am not a wealthy man, but I----"

  "You will aid me?" shouted the old man, joyously. "Heaven will blessyou, sir--Heaven will bless you!"

  "I have not said so--I have not said I would aid you," Scotch hastilysaid. "I am going to consider the matter--I'll think it over."

  "Then I have no hope."

  "Why not?"

  "If your heart is not opened now, it will never open. My poor boy islost, and I am ready for death!"

  The old man seemed to break down and sob like a child, burying his facein his hands, his body shaking convulsively.

  Frank made a quick gesture to the others, pressing a finger to his lipsas a warning for silence.

  In a moment the old man lifted his face, which seemed wet with tears.

  "My last hope is gone!" he sighed. "And you are travelers--you arerich!"

  He turned to Frank, to whom, with an appealing gesture, he extended ahand that was shaking as if with the palsy.

  "You--surely you will have sympathy with me! I can see by your face andyour bearing that you are one of fortune's favorites--you are rich. Afew dollars----"

  "My dear man," said Frank, quite calmly, "I should be more thandelighted to aid you, if you had told the truth."

  The old man fell back. He was standing fairly in the light which shonefrom the window.

  "What do you mean?" he hoarsely asked. "Do you think I have been lyingto you--do you fancy such a thing?"

  "I fancy nothing; I know you have lied!"

  "Frank!" cried Professor Scotch, in amazement.

  "Shimminy Gristmas!" gurgled Hans Dunnerwust, in a dazed way.

  The manner of the old man changed in a twinkling.

  "You are insolent, boy! You had better be careful!"

  "Now you threaten," laughed Frank. "Well, I expected as much from abeggar, a fraud, and a scoundrel!"

  Professor Scotch and Hans fell into each other's arms, overcome withexcitement and wonder.

  Frank was calm and deliberate, and he did not lift his voice above thetone used in ordinary conversation.

  Still another step did the man fall back, and then a grating snarl brokefrom his lips, and he seemed overcome with rage. He leaned forward,hissing:

  "You insulting puppy!"

  "The truth must always seem like an insult to a scoundrel."

  "Do you dare?"

  "What is there to fear?"


  Frank snapped his fingers.

  "Your tune has changed in the twinkling of an eye. You are no longer theheart-broken father, begging for his boy; but you have flung aside someof the mask, and exposed your true nature."

  Professor Scotch saw this was true, and he was quaking with fear of whatmight follow this remarkable change.

  As for Hans, it took some time for ideas to work their way through hisbrain, and he was still in a bewildered condition.

  For a moment the stranger was silent, seeming to choke back words whichrose in his throat. Finally, he cried:

  "Oh, very well! I did not expect to get anything out of you; but itwould have been far better for you if I had. Now----"


  Frank asked the question, as the speaker faltered.

  "You shall soon learn what. I am going to leave you, but we shall seemore of each other, don't forget that."

  "Wait--do not be in a hurry. I am not satisfied till I--see your face!"

  With the final words, Frank made a leap and a sweep of his hand,clutching the white beard the man wore, and tearing it from his face!

  The beard was false!

  The face exposed was smoothly shaven and weather-tanned.

  "Ha!" cried Frank, triumphantly. "I thought so! This poor old man isCarlos Merriwell, my villainous cousin!"