Read Frank Merriwell at Yale; Or, Freshman Against Freshman Page 25



  "I say, Merry," said Rattleton, the day before the race was to come off,"you can't guess who Gordon is chumming with lately."

  "I don't know as I can. Who is it?"


  "Get out!"

  "That's on the level."

  "But Ditson the same as suggested outright that Gordon was the traitorwho had told the sophs so much."

  "That is true, but Gordon doesn't know it."

  "Well, he ought to. What do you think Ditson is doing?"

  "Oh, he is working Gordon, who has been drinking like a fish since OldPut dropped him."

  Frank was troubled. He did not approve of Ditson, and he feared thatGordon had a weak nature, so that he could be easily influenced. Walterhad greatly taken to heart being dropped by Putnam, and he seemedutterly reckless and careless about himself. If he did not look out, hewas almost sure to get into trouble and find himself "rusticated" orsent home for good.

  Merriwell could not help thinking it possible that Gordon had beeninnocent and that a mistake had been made in dropping him, as it mightdiscourage him so that he would go to the bad. This worried Frank not alittle.

  "I'll have to make Ditson call a halt," he said to Harry. "He must betold to let up on Gordon."

  "Now, that is dead right," nodded Harry, who was inclined to be generousand kindly toward the fellow who might have filled his place on thefreshman crew. "I tell you that Ditson is a bad man, and I would nottrust him as far as I can fling a cow by the tail."

  "I'll get after him at the first opportunity," promised Frank.

  Harry went out and had a talk with Bandy Robinson about the matter.Robinson admitted that he did not have much use for either Gordon orDitson, but he was inclined to think Gordon the better fellow of thetwo.

  That night Merriwell and Rattleton retired early, but they were notallowed to go to sleep. Barely were they in bed before there was a knockon the door, and they found Robinson and one of the fellows who lived inthe house were there.

  "Say," said Bandy, "Ditson and Gordon are down at Billy's, and Gordonhas a great load on. I have told Ditson to let him alone, but wasadvised to mind my own business. Ditson is deliberately getting Gordonstiff."

  "Is that so?" cried Frank as he made a jump for his clothes. "Well, Ithink I will have a talk with Mr. Ditson."

  Frank and Harry dressed quickly, and away they went with Robinson andhis companion toward Billy's.

  On arriving at Billy's they were told that Ditson and Gordon were in thelittle corner behind the screen. Gordon was opening champagne, and bothfellows were pretty well intoxicated.

  Harry slipped up behind the screen, stood on a chair, and peered over.As he did so he heard Ditson say:

  "That's right, Walter. Merriwell rubbed dirt all over you. He is tryingto become another king, like Browning, but you can bet I don't lose anyopportunity to throw him down."

  "Throw him down! throw him down!" echoed Gordon, thickly. "That's right;but you can't throw him down hard enough to keep him down."

  "I don't know about that," declared Roll, with drunken sobriety. "If wewere to work together, Gordon, old man, we could hurt him. As it is,you've helped me out wonderfully in what I've done."

  "Have I? How?"

  Harry looked around and saw Merriwell preparing to go into the cornerbehind the screen. Then Rattleton made a few violent gestures, whichplainly told his roommate to refrain.

  Frank looked astonished. What could Harry be up to that he appeared soexcited? He was motioning for Frank to come forward cautiously and joinhim.

  Now, Merriwell did not believe in playing the eavesdropper on any one,but he fancied Harry saw something he wished to show him, so he wentforward lightly, placed another chair, got upon it, and looked over thescreen.

  In the meantime Ditson was saying:

  "Yes, you've helped me. You know Merriwell is coaching the freshmancrew--or has been--for the race to-morrow. Well, I don't let any chancego to get a jab at him."

  "I don't see what that has to do with my helping you," mumbled Gordon,vainly trying to light a cigarette with a broken match on which nobrimstone was left.

  "Course yer don't," laughed Ditson, who was almost as full as hiscompanion. "This isn't the first time we have been out together, eh, oldboy?"


  "Only we had to be quiet about it when you were on the crew--or when youthought you were on it."

  "That's right."

  "We have been pretty full once or twice."

  "I thought so when we got up the next morning."

  "Well, you have told me lots of things about Merriwell and what he wasdoing with the crew. You're a great talker when you're loaded."

  Gordon stiffened up a bit and tried to give his companion a sober stare,but the effort was a ludicrous failure.

  "Wazzyer mean?" he asked. "'Fi told you anything it was in strictestconfidence."

  "Cert; but then, you know, anything to knife Merriwell."

  Gordon braced off, his hands on the table before him. Ditson laughed andwent on:

  "Now, if we make a combine against him we can do him bad."

  "Wazzyer mean?" Gordon again demanded. "Mean that you repeated anythingI tol' you in confidence when I was full?"

  "Not publicly," grinned Ditson. "I may have used it to injure Merriwell,but I was careful how I used it."

  Walter thumped the table with his fist, growing angry suddenly.

  "You're a hanged two-faced fraud!" he huskily cried. "That's jusht whatyou are, Ditson! Somebody's been telling things to the sophs. They foundout everything. It was you! And you pumped your points out of me when Iwas full."

  "That didn't hurt you," Ditson hastened to declare. "It was entirely tohurt Merriwell, and he is our common enemy."

  "Don't care a continental if he is!" cried Walter. "I don't like him,but you have hurt me. Bet anything Merriwell and Old Put thought I hadblowed! I didn't have any confidence in Merriwell's methods, but Ididn't blow to the sophs! Still I was to blame for lettin' you get mefull and pump me. And the fellows think I'm a tattler! Well, I'll behanged if I don't even up with you by hammering the face off you rightnow!"

  Walter stood up and attempted to grasp Ditson's arm, but he was so fullthat he made a miscalculation and caught nothing but empty air. Then hestruck across the table at Roll.

  "Oh, you would hit me, would you!" grated Ditson, who saw that hiscompanion was much the drunker. "You would hammer my face! Well, perhapsI'll do some hammering myself!"

  Then he caught up an empty champagne bottle and swung it over his headas if to strike Gordon.

  Like a flash Merriwell's hand darted down over the top of the screen andsnatched the bottle from Roll's grasp.

  A moment later Frank went around the screen and confronted the two lads,still holding the bottle in his hand.

  "I saved you from having a cracked head that time, Gordon," he said ashe collared Ditson. "And I have found out who the traitor is. I am gladyou are not the man. As for this thing"--he gave Ditson a shake thatcaused the fellow's teeth to click together--"he has shown to-night thathe is a most contemptible cur! I hated to think him as dirty as he hasshown himself to be."

  Frank's face was full of unutterable disgust for Ditson.

  Other freshmen came crowding into the corner, and Ditson saw himselfregarded with scorn and contempt by everybody. He cowed like a whippedcur and whined:

  "I was simply fooling; it was all a jolly. I never did anything of thesort. I was simply trying to get Gordon on the string by telling himso."

  "Well, you got yourself on a string, and pretty well tangled up.Gentlemen"--turning to the freshmen present--"here is the traitor whohas been giving our secrets away to the sophs. Both Rattleton and myselfheard him acknowledge it. Take a good look at him, so you will know himin the future."

  "Oh, we'll know him!" cried many voices.

  "It's a mistake--" Roll began.

  "That's right," agreed Frank.
"The worst mistake you ever made. At lastyou have shown just what you are, and everybody is dead onto you. Getout of this!"

  "Tar and feather him!" shouted a voice.

  "Let him go," advised Merriwell. "He is covered with a coating ofdisgrace that will not come off as easily as tar and feathers."

  Ditson sneaked away, the hisses of his classmates sounding in his ears.The look on his face as he rolled his eyes toward Merriwell beforeleaving the room was malicious in the extreme.

  Frank turned to Walter, who did not seem to know what to do.

  "Gordon, you have found that fellow out, which is a lucky thing foryou," he said. "He would have ruined you. At the same time, I have foundout that you had no hand in the sneaking work that has been going on oflate. You were simply an unconscious and unwilling tool, and it did megood to see you resent it when you found out what Ditson had beendoing."

  Walter tried to say something, but he choked and stammered. Then hemuttered something about having a drink all around, but Frank assuredhim that he had taken quite enough.

  Rattleton and Robinson led the crowd away from the corner, and Merriwellhad a brief talk with Gordon, Then Harry and Frank took Gordon out anddid not leave him till he was safely in his room. As they were goingaway Walter thickly said:


  "What is it?"

  "I want to 'pologize."

  "What for?"

  "Things I've said 'bout you."

  "I don't know about them."

  "'Cause I've said 'em behind your back. Sneakin' thing to do! Merriwell,I'm 'shamed--I am, by thunder! I guess you're all right. Don't b'lieveyou ever done me dirt. Is it all right, old man?"

  "Yes, it's all right."

  "Say, that makes me feel better. It does, by thunder! You're a goodfellow, Merriwell, and I'm--I'm a fool! I talk too much! Drink too much,too. You don't talk and you don't drink. You're all right. Good-night,Merriwell."

  "Good-night, Gordon."

  When Frank retired the second time that night it was with a feeling ofintense relief, for the perplexing problem as to the identity of thetraitor had been settled, and he felt that he had done Gordon a goodturn by getting him away from Ditson.

  And Ditson? Well, he deserved to pass a wretched night, and he did. Hefelt that he was forever disgraced at Yale, but he did not seem toconsider it his own fault. He blamed Merriwell for it all, and his heartwas hot with almost murderous rage. Over and over he swore that he wouldget square some way--any way.