Read Frank Merriwell's Backers; Or, The Pride of His Friends Page 33



  A low-ceiled room with a bar at the end near the door. The odor ofsmoke, liquor, and perspiration. The place lighted with oil-lamps havingdirty chimneys. The lights of the lamps dancing and flaring to the stampof many heavy-shod feet. A maze of human beings whirling, shifting,prancing, and cutting figures on the floor. Rough-looking men, beardedand armed; disheveled women, their faces glowing with excitement andfrom the effects of drink. At the far end of the room an old man,mounted on a square box and seated on a chair, sawing away for dear lifeat his fiddle, while he called the figures in a sing-song tone.

  And this was the way the fiddler called:

  "First couple balance and swing, Promenade the inside ring, Promenade the outside ring, Balance and swing and cast off six, Ladies to the right and gents to the left. Swing the one you swung before, Down the center and cast off four, Swing the one that comes to you, Down the center and cast off two."

  The men were such as most women would avoid. With few exceptions, theyhad wicked faces. They had been drinking, and at intervals some elatedand enthusiastic fellow would utter a blood-curdling yell.

  But the figures they cut were laughable at times. They "spanked 'erdown" furiously. They seized their partners and swung them until oftenthey were lifted off their feet. But those were not the sort of women tomind.

  Three or four of the citizens of Sunk Hole were married. Two haddaughters old enough to be present at the dance. Other "ladies" had comein from the surrounding country, brought there by their partners.

  There were a number of Mexicans in the crowd, and three or four Mexicanwomen.

  Into this smoky room came yet another Mexican, a young man, dressed insoiled finery, his wide-brimmed high-peaked hat shading his face. He hada little mustache that was pointed on the ends, and he walked with aswagger. Immediately on entering he made for the bar and called for adrink.

  Had any one been watching him closely that person must have noticed thathe did not drink the stuff put out to him, but slyly and deftly tossedthe contents of the glass into a corner under the bar.

  This newcomer was Frank Merriwell, who had disguised himself as well aspossible and boldly walked into this den of ruffians.

  Having pretended to drink, Frank stood back in a retired spot and lookedthe dancers over.

  In a moment his eyes fell on Cimarron Bill, who had a Mexican girl fora partner and was enjoying himself in his own peculiar way.

  Frank knew it would not be safe to come face to face with Bill, althoughhe saw at once that the desperado had been drinking heavily and couldbarely "navigate" through the mazes of the dance.

  "Gents chasse and put on style, Resash and a little more style-- Little more style, gents, little more style,"

  sang the fiddler; and the dancers strictly obeyed the admonition byputting on all the style of which they were capable.

  Under different circumstances Merry would have been amused by thespectacle; and even now, for all of his peril, he was greatlyinterested.

  Cimarron Bill was not habitually a hard drinker, but on this occasion hehad surprised everybody present by the amount of whisky he had imbibed.He seemed determined to get intoxicated, and it was plain that he wasmaking a success of it.

  Frank did not wish to dance if he could avoid it, knowing he might bebrought face to face with Bill in the course of some of the figures.

  All around the sides of the room men were leaning and looking on, someof them laughing and calling to various dancers.

  "Go it, Seven Spot!"

  "Spank it down, Dandy!"

  "Steady, Pie Face! Your left hoof belongs to the church!"

  "See Honeydew! He's a holy terror!"

  "Watch Lanky Jim cut a pigeon wing!"

  "Say, Big Kate can dance some! You bet your boots!"

  "Hi! hi! There goes Sweet William, plumb off his pins!"

  Now the fiddler was calling:

  "First lady out to the right; Swing the man that stole the sheep, Now the one that packed it home, Now the one that eat the meat, Now the one that gnawed the bones."

  Frank found an opportunity to slip along the wall toward the back of theroom. No one seemed to pay any attention to him until he accidentallystepped on a big fellow's foot. Instantly he was given a shove, and theman growled:

  "What in thunder ails ye, you yaller-skinned greaser? Keep off my corns,ur I'll make hash o' you with my toad-sticker!"

  "Pardon, senor, pardon!" entreated Merry, in a soft voice, with anaccent that seemed perfectly natural. "I deed not mean to do eet,senor."

  "Ef I'd 'lowed ye did I'd sure slashed ye without no talk whatever!" wasthe retort.

  Having no desire to get into trouble, Merry took great pains to avoidstepping on another foot, and he finally reached the point he sought. Inthe corner at the far end of the room there was not so much light. Abench ran along there, and Frank found a seat on it, where he couldlean against the thin board partition, and he did not mind if some ofthe men stood up before him so that he was partly screened.

  Merry knew full well that he had done a most reckless thing in enteringthat place, where all around him were ruffians and murderers; but therewas something about the adventure that he relished, and the danger gaveit a spice that was far from disagreeable.

  He thanked his lucky stars that this dance had given him the opportunityto get in there without attracting any more attention.

  "Meet your partner and all chaw hay, You know where and I don't care, Seat your partner in the old armchair."

  That particular dance ended with this call from the fiddler; but therewere no armchairs in which the ladies could be seated, and Merry crowdedup into the corner in order to be as inconspicuous as possible and toescape being disturbed.

  There was a general rush for the bar, the fiddler getting down from hisbox and hastening across the floor, wiping his mouth with the back ofhis hand. Some of the women accompanied their partners to the bar anddrank with them.

  Such depravity was not pleasant to witness, and Merry felt pity for thefallen creatures. Sentiment, however, he sought to put aside, thinkingonly of the dangerous mission that had brought him into that nest ofgambolling tigers.

  Two men sat down near Merry. They had been dancing, and observed, withsome lurid embellishments, that it was hot. Then one of them saidsomething that interested Frank.

  "Bill's goin' it a whole lot stiff to-night."

  "That's whatever. Never saw him punish the razzle juice this way afore."

  "You know why, mebbe."

  "Waal, I opine he's some irked up over his mistake in Holbrook. Firsttime he ever shot the wrong gent. He warn't gunnin' fer File. It wasanother galoot he was after."

  "I jedge that's the matter with him. Bandy tried to joke him some aboutit, an' Bandy came mighty near gettin' his."

  "Bandy's a dern fool! He should 'a' knowed better than to shoot off hismouth at Bill."

  "I say so. But Bill he's a-playin' a right steep game in that thar galbusiness."

  "Bill kin play his keerds. You let him alone."

  "No danger o' me chippin' in. They say the gal's folks are a heap rich."

  "I opine so, else Bill he'd never taken so much trouble over her."

  "Oh, I dunno; she's the purtiest leetle thing I ever set my blinkers on.I 'lowed mebbe Bill was lookin' some fer a wife."

  "Wife--northin'! He's lookin' fer the dust. Why, he sent word as howhe'd skin the galoot what dared hurt her or even say somethin' impoliteafore her."

  "Let me tell you somethin'."

  "Fire erway."

  "Han'some Charley has seen that gal, an' I 'low he's taken a likin' toher a whole lot. Bill better look sharp, ur Charley will sure get awaywith her."

  "I ain't the one to give Charley no advice, but if I were, I'd whisperfer him to think twice afore tryin' it."

  "Charley's some clever. Look, thar he is a-drinkin' with Bill now. Say,pard, I've
got an idee that Charley's doin' his best to load Billto-night. If that's so, he's got somethin' up his sleeve, an' we want tolook right sharp fer a breeze afore this dance is over. I'm goin' tostand ready to duck instanter when the shootin' begins."

  Frank could peer past a man in front of him without moving and see theperson referred to as Handsome Charley, who was drinking with CimarronBill at the bar. This man was larger than Bill and heavier. He had aflushed, reckless face that wore a smile nearly all the time. He had adark mustache and imperial, and there was about him the atmosphere of adashing desperado.

  Charley at this time seemed very friendly with Cimarron Bill, and it wasplain that he was urging Bill to drink again.

  "All right," thought Frank; "I'll watch you both."

  At this moment a man appeared in the open door and looked timidly intothe room.

  At sight of this man Frank gave a start in spite of his wonderfulnerve, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that he kept himselffrom crying forth a name.

  Eliot Dodge, the crafty lawyer with the blue nose, stood there in thedoor. No wonder Merry was astounded to see that man appear in such aplace and at such a time.

  Dodge was rather pale, but an expression of relief flashed over his facewhen his eyes fell on Cimarron Bill. Then he stepped into the room.

  Bill seemed no less astonished, but he advanced to meet Dodge, holdingout his hand, which the lawyer accepted.

  "However is this, Mr. Dodge?" inquired Bill. "I sure am a whole lotsurprised to meet up with you here--that is, I'm surprised to have itoccur so soon. Will you wash the dust out of your throat?"

  "Don't care if I do," said Dodge, and they crowded nearer to the bar.

  "Bill, I thinks mebbe you might present yer friend," chipped in HandsomeCharley.

  "Waal, Charley," said Bill, "this yere is Mr.----"

  "Lewis," interposed Dodge quickly.

  "Mr. Lewis," said Bill queerly. "Mr. Lewis, permit me to make youacquainted with Charley Sears, generally called Handsome Charley. Willyou take a little pisen with us, Charley?"

  Handsome Charley gave Dodge his hand, which the lawyer shook gingerly,his coolness causing the fellow to frown.

  They all drank, and Bill lurched, catching at the edge of the bar.

  "'Scuse me," he said, with unusual politeness. "Always makes me dizzy todance. There is a right good lot of whirlin' around in it, you know."

  Charley smiled.

  "You had a fine partner that last dance, Bill; but you ought to bringout that handsome gal an' take a spin with her, man. I 'low it ain'tright to keep her under kiver when every gent yere is yearnin' to seteyes on her."

  "They'll have to keep right on yearnin'," averred Bill, frowning.

  "You're gettin' a whole lot selfish," declared Charley. "Are you afearedsome other gent will git her away from ye if you brings her out?"

  "None at all, Charley. But she ain't for this gang to hustle around any,and that's level."

  At this the other seemed to take offense.

  "I opine, Bill," he said, "that you don't set yourself up as a heapbetter than the rest of this gang?"

  The cruel face of Cimarron Bill took on an expression that was awarning.

  "Charley," he said, in a low, smooth voice, with one hand on the bar tosteady himself, "I am willing to confess that you disturbs me some. Ihas my reasons for not bringin' the gal out, an' you'll sure excuse meif I don't recite them none at present. Some other time I may explain."

  But Charley persisted.

  "Some other time it will be too late," he said. "I'm certain looking todance one set with the little beauty myself, Bill."

  "Sorry to disappoint you," returned Bill; "but the young lady doesn'tdance none, if you want to know one good reason."

  "Well, at least, you can bring her forth and permit us to gaze upon hera while," suggested Charley.

  "Not to-night," was the firm retort.

  "Then it certain will seem a heap like you thought her too good for us,and the boys won't like that a great deal if I tell 'em so."

  Bill leaned on the bar, his back against it and his elbows resting sothat his hands were close to his hips. In that manner he stood perfectlysteady, and he was in a position to draw his pistols quickly.

  "Charley," he said, his voice like the purring of a cat, all thethickness seeming gone from his tongue, while his wicked eyes narrowedto two thin slits, "I don't think you'll go for to say anything whateverto the boys on this point. You are my friend, I opine. Am I sure righton that?"

  At this juncture Handsome Charley realized all at once that Bill was notyet drunk enough not to be deadly. Charley's eyes noted in a flash howthe man had steadied himself and was ready for anything, and Charleydecided that the time was not yet ripe for bringing on a quarrel.

  "Of course I'm your friend, Bill!" he said, with pretended heartiness,"and whatever you says goes with me. I was just speakin' because I hasheard some of the boys growlin' over this business. That's all."

  Bill smiled, but his smile was anything but pleasant.

  "If any o' the boys growl around in your hearin' some more," he said,"refer 'em to me, please. I reckons I can certain stop their growlin' ina hurry."

  "All right, all right!" nodded Charley.

  "And you, pard," Bill went on--"you, I judge, will say to them that Iknow my business a-plenty, and that you backs me up. Eh?"

  "Sure, sure, Bill."

  "I thought you would," nodded the desperado with the deadly eyes. "Iopined I could depend on you."

  "You bet! Have another drink, you and Mr. Lewis?"

  "Excuse us, please," urged Bill. "I hates most mortally to decline; butI has some business to transact with Mr. Lewis, an' I says businessfirst an' pleasure arterwards. Arter we has settled the business I'llstand up here to this yere bar an' drink with you as long as the pisenlasts. Is that all satisfactory like?"

  This question was put in a manner that indicated beyond question that itwould be best for Charley to acknowledge that it was satisfactory, andthe acknowledgment was made.

  "Thanks," bowed Bill. "You're a sure enough gent, Charley, an' I'llshoot the galoot what says to the contrary! An' now I reckons you'llexcuse us a while. Come, Mr. Lewis, thar's a small back room, an' we'lljest step in thar."

  Through this Dodge had stood there pale to the lips, with the exceptionof his blue nose, for he realized that these men were on the verge of adisagreement, and he understood that a disagreement between them meantshooting in short order. Bill, however, had won out by a display of calmassurance and nerve, which was remarkable, considering his condition.

  The ruffian slipped an arm through that of Dodge, and they crossed thefloor and passed through a narrow door just as the fiddler resumed hisseat and called for the men to select partners and form for the nextdance.

  Frank had watched every move, realizing full well that there was apossibility of a "gun play" between those two desperadoes. He was unableto hear what passed between them, but still he fancied he knew the bulkof it, and, in spite of himself, in spite of the character of the man,he could not help admitting Cimarron Bill's masterfulness. Frankcomprehended that Charley had thought at first of forcing a quarrel, buthad been cowed by Bill's manner.

  The agitation of Eliot Dodge was also quite apparent. Merry had alreadymarked Dodge down as a coward.

  When the two men passed into the back room Frank longed to follow them.He sat there, wondering what course to pursue.

  That June Arlington was somewhere in Sunk Hole he now felt certain. Thetalk of the two men who had been seated near him was assurance enough onthat point.

  But where was she? How was he to find and rescue her? This task he nowunderstood as the most important one before him and the one to which hewas to give his attention at once, regardless of the capture of Bill,which could be accomplished later.

  As he sat there, thinking the affair over and seeking to decide on somecourse to pursue, he was surprised and pleased to distinctly hear Billspeaking in the room beyond the
board partition. These boards were thinand badly matched, so that there were large cracks at intervals. One ofthese cracks happened to be just behind Frank's head. By shifting hisposition slightly, he brought his ear close to the crack.

  The fiddler was tuning up, and the rough men and women were laughing asthey formed on the floor for the next dance.

  Frank was able to concentrate his mind on anything he chose, at the sametime becoming quite oblivious to everything else; and now he shut outthe sounds of the room in which he sat and listened with all his abilityto hear what passed beyond the partition.

  "Sure, partner," Bill's voice was saying, "it surprises me a whole lotto see you come pokin' in here. However did you git here?"

  "Terry came with me all the way. You said he would bring word to youfrom me, but I could not wait. I wanted to have a talk with you face toface, without trusting to any middle man. I felt that I must do it, andthat's what brought me here for one thing."

  "Waal, here you are, and now open up. I'm ready to listen to anythingwhatever you has to say."

  "In the first place," Frank distinctly heard Dodge say, "Ben File isdead."

  "Say you so?" exclaimed Bill, and his voice indicated regret. "I allowI'm a-plenty sorry."

  "It was bad work."

  "That's right. Don't know how I happened to do anything like that. Neverdid afore. I saw Merriwell make a jump, and I thought from the way hedone it the bullet sure had gone clean through him."

  "And you never touched him!"

  "Don't rub it in harder than you kin help, Mr. Dodge!"

  "Hush! Don't speak that name here! It must not get out that I'm in thisgame! It would ruin me!"

  "That's all right, pard; no danger. Hear the racket out yonder in thatroom. Nobody would ever think o' tryin' to hear what we're sayin'."

  "Still it will be better to keep on calling me Lewis. It's a dangerousgame we've tackled, and I want to get it through in a hurry now. That'swhy I'm here."

  "Waal, whatever do you say is the next move?"

  "Merriwell got out of Holbrook right after you."

  "I knows it. The gent sure chases me a distance, but he gits lost,together with his pards, some time afore night."

  "Well, now is the time to make the demand on Mrs. Arlington for theransom money. It must be rushed along. She's in a state of mind so thatshe'll be sure to give up easy now. I've waited for this, and I find shewill pay well to have June returned to her unharmed."

  "That's a heap soothin' and agreeable news. I has waited fer you to saywhen it was best to make the demand on the old lady."

  "And I've waited until I felt sure she was so distressed and agitatedthat she would yield. She did not wish her husband to know of herpresence here, and so she sent no word to him at first. Now she haswired him the whole facts, and we can reckon that he'll be coming thisway as fast as steam can carry him. It's best to get the whole dealthrough, if possible, before he shows up."

  "I'm for it."

  "You must write a demand on the woman for the boodle. She has diamondsand jewels with her on which she can raise ten thousand dollars. Makeher raise it at once. Don't let her delay. Frighten her into it."

  "I opines I can do that. I'll give her a scorcher. I'll tell her the galis all safe an' onharmed, but she has to plunk down instanter or I'llsend her one o' Miss June's fingers to hurry her up a leetle."

  "That will go. I think that ought to start her."

  "If you says so, I'll make it stiffer. What if I adds that one o' thegal's prittey hands will foller? or an ear--mebbe that's better?"

  "As you choose. Say that the money is to be placed in my hands to bedelivered to your agent, who will meet me on the open plain ten milesfrom Holbrook in whatever direction you choose. Then I can ride out withit and come back, and you can bring the girl into town under cover ofnight."

  "I reckon that ought to work, partner. This yere game is your plannin',an' I falls inter it because I reckons it was easier than gittin' aheado' Merriwell an' seizin' the mine. Had I shot up Merriwell, instead o'File, I'd 'a' called on the lady hard fer the price, which, togetherwith the money I'll get out o' this strike, would have made me easy fora right good while."

  "I'm against your idea of trying to saddle the kidnaping ontoMerriwell."


  "I don't think it will go. Merriwell might return to Holbrook. If thedemand for money had his name attached, his arrest would seem to put himwhere it would be necessary for him to produce the girl. Mrs. Arlingtonwas for forcing him to do so when File took him. Anything like thatwould cause delay, and delay is something we do not want."

  "Mr.--ah--Mr. Lewis, you sure reasons correct. We'll jest hitch amade-up name to the demand for money, which will be a whole lot better."

  "I think so. And now let's write this demand, so that I may turn aboutand get out of this hole immediately. You must furnish me with a freshhorse. I'm supposed now to be searching for Merriwell, several men intown having set out upon the same task, for Mrs. Arlington offered areward for his recapture. I will be able to make a very satisfactoryexplanation of my absence from Holbrook."