Read Frank Merriwell's Backers; Or, The Pride of His Friends Page 31



  Away on the horizon, riding to the southeast, was a black speck of ahorseman as Frank, Bart, Jack, and Ephraim galloped out of town on freshmounts secured by Merry.

  "There he is!" cried Frank. "We mustn't lose him! We must keep him inview and run him down before nightfall. Can we do it?"

  "We can try!" said Bart grimly.

  These young fellows seemed made of iron. All their weariness hadvanished, and they sat in their saddles like young Centaurs, with theexception of Gallup, who could not be graceful at anything.

  "This is what might well be called the strenuous life," observed JackReady. "It's almost too much for my delicate constitution. I fear myhealth will be undermined and my lovely complexion will be ruined."

  "He has seen us," declared Frank. "He knows we are after him! It's goingto be a hard chase."

  "How about June Arlington?" asked Bart.

  "When I gave Ben File my word to bring Cimarron Bill back I was underarrest for kidnaping June Arlington. Had I not made that promise I mightstill be under arrest. I must keep my word to File. I hope to dosomething for June later."

  So they rode into the scorching desert, seeming to be gaining on the manahead for a time.

  The sun poured down mercilessly. Alkali dust rose and filled theirnostrils. Red lizards flashed before them on the ground at rareintervals. And far ahead the black speck held into the distance.

  "He knows where he's going, fellows," said Frank. "He's not the man tostrike blindly into the desert. He'll come to water and feed before hishorse gives out, and so we must find the same."

  But fate seemed against them. Afar on the desert a haze arose and grewand became a beautiful lake, its shores lined with waving trees. And inthis mirage the fugitive was swallowed up and lost. When the lake fadedand vanished the black speck could be seen nowhere on the plain.

  "Vanished into a gully of some sort," said Frank. "We must find justwhat has become of him."

  So they kept on; but in time they came to feel that the search wasuseless. Water they had brought for themselves, together with somecanned food; but the only relief they could give the horses was bypouring a little water over a sponge and wiping out the dry mouths ofthe poor animals.

  They were forced to turn aside and seek some hills, where Frank feltcertain there was a spring.

  Thus it was that nightfall found them at the spring, but Cimarron Billwas gone, none of them knew where. There was feed for the horses in thelittle valley, and they made the best of it.

  Frank was far from pleased. Everything had gone wrong since theirarrival in Holbrook, and the prospect was most discouraging.

  "By gum! it's too bad to hev to give it up," said Ephraim.

  Frank shot him a look.

  "I have no intention of giving it up," he said. "But I confess that Imade one bad mistake."

  "What was that?"

  "I left Crowfoot back there in Schlitzenheimer's saloon playing poker."

  "You think he'll be skinned, do you?" said Bart.

  "Oh, I'm not worrying about that. The old reprobate can take care ofhimself. I knew it would be almost impossible to drag him away from thatgame, and that was why I did not bother with him. Didn't want to losethe time. But that redskin can follow a trail that would bother abloodhound. If we had taken him at the start, he'd never lost thescent."

  They lay on the ground and watched the heavens fill with bright stars.The heat of the day melted into coolness, and all knew it would be coldbefore morning.

  Frank had anticipated that they might have to spend the night in thismanner, and blankets had been brought.

  They seemed alone in the wild waste, with no living thing save theirhorses within miles and miles. So, with no fear of attack, they wrappedtheir blankets about them and slept.

  The wind swept almost icy through the little valley before morningdawned. As the eastern sky grew pale Frank opened his eyes and sat up.

  A moment later a shout from his lips aroused the others.

  Merry was staring at a familiar figure in a dirty red blanket. In theirvery midst old Joe lay stretched, and apparently he had been sleeping assoundly as any of them. Nor were his slumbers broken by Merry's shout,which astounded Frank beyond measure, for never before had he known theold fellow to sleep like that. Always when he had stirred he had foundthe beady eyes of the redskin upon him.

  "Behold!" said Jack Ready. "Lo, the noble red man is again within ourmidst. But how came it thus?"

  "Waal, may I be honswizzled!" grunted Gallup.

  Frank flung aside his blanket.

  "Something is the matter with him!" he said, in a tone that indicatedanxiety. "If there wasn't, he'd not sleep this way. I wonder what it is.Is he dead?"

  But when the red blanket was pulled down it was found that Joe lay witha quart bottle clasped to his heart in a loving embrace. The bottle wasfully two-thirds empty.

  "That explains it!" said Merry, in deep disgust. "The old dog is drunkas a lord! That's how we happen to have the pleasure of finding himasleep. I'll give any man fifty dollars who will catch him asleep whenhe is perfectly sober."

  "What a picture he doth present!" said Ready. "Look upon it! And yetthere is something in it to bring sadness to the heart. Behold howtenderly he doth hold the long-necker to his manly buzzum! 'Tis thusthat many a chap hugs a destroyer to his heart."

  "The old sinner!" said Hodge. "I don't see how he got here withoutarousing any of us. There's his horse, picketed near the other animals."

  Frank stooped and tried to take the bottle from Joe's clasp, but thesleeping Indian held it fast.

  "Go heap better five dol's," he muttered in his sleep.

  "He's still playing poker," said Frank.

  He gave Crowfoot a hard shake.

  "Wake up, you copper-colored sot!" he cried. "Wake up and see whatyou've got in your hands."

  "Four king," mumbled Joe thickly. "Heap good!"

  At this the boys laughed heartily.

  "That's a pretty good hand!" said Frank. "It takes four aces or astraight flush to beat it."

  Then he wrenched the bottle away, whereupon the redskin awoke at once.

  "Mine! mine!" he exclaimed, sitting up.

  "It's poison," said Frank, and smashed the bottle.

  With a snarl of fury, the Indian staggered to his feet and made forMerry, drawing a wicked-looking knife.

  "Look out!" cried Gallup, in consternation.

  Frank leaped to meet old Joe, clutching his wrists and holding himhelpless, while he gazed sternly into the bloodshot eyes of the drunkenold man.

  "What's this, Crowfoot?" he demanded. "Would you strike Strong Heartwith a knife? Would you destroy the brother of Indian Heart? Has thepoison firewater of the white man robbed you of your senses?"

  "Firewater Joe's!" exclaimed the redskin. "No right to spill um! Noright! No right!"

  "I did it for your own good, Crowfoot," said Merry quietly. "You are inbad shape now. I want you to come out of it. You may be able to help us.What you need is a good drink of water."

  "Ugh! Water heap good. Joe he take some."

  Immediately Frank released the old man's wrists, and Joe slipped hisknife out of sight with something like a show of shame.

  In another moment Merry had his canteen, filled it at the spring, andhanded it to Crowfoot, who gravely took it and began to drink. The boysstood around, and their eyes bulged as the old man held the canteen tohis mouth, tipping it more and more skyward, a deep gurgling coming fromhis throat. He continued to drink until the canteen was quite emptied,when he lowered it with perfect gravity, wiped his lips with the back ofhis hand, and observed:

  "Joe him a little dry!"

  "Well, I should say so!" smiled Frank. "Your interior must have been asparched as an alkali desert, Joe."

  "If he takes many drinks like that," said Ready, with a queer twist ofhis mug, "there'll be a drought in this country that will make anordinary dry spell look like a back number."

  Crowfoot did not smile. Giving back the canteen, he sat down on theground, resting his elbows on his knees and taking his head in hishands. He was the picture of misery and dejection.

  "Injun big fool!" he groaned. "Last night feel much good; to-day feel alot bad. Big pain in head."

  "We've all been there many's the time," sang Jack Ready softly.

  Then the eccentric chap sat down on the ground beside the redskin, aboutwhom he placed an arm.

  "Joseph," he said, "methinks I know how it is! I have felt that way heapoften. Ugh! Sick all over."

  Joe grunted.

  "Nothing worth living for."

  Another grunt.

  "Much rather be dead with the beautiful daisies growing on my grave thanliving in such misery."

  Again a grunt.

  "Internal organs all out of gear, stomach on a strike, head bigger thana barrel. Are those the symptoms, Joseph?"

  "Much so," confessed old Joe.

  "Joseph, you have my sympathy. You've never been to college, but youhave received part of a college education. I have taken my degree inthat branch. I'm a P. M. of J. C.--Past Master of Jag Carriers. But Ihave reformed, and now 'lips that touch wine shall never touch mine.'Joseph, I would reclaim you. I would woo you tenderly from the jag paththat leadeth to destruction. It is broad and inviting at first, buttoward the finish it is rough, and hubbly, and painful to travel. Pausewhile there is yet time. My heart yearns to save you from destruction.Listen to the pearly words of wisdom, that drop from my sweet lips. Shunthe jag juice and stick to the water-wagon. Heed this advice and yourdays shall be long ere you pass to the happy hunting-grounds."

  "Heap talk a lot," said Joe; "no say anything. Make Injun lot sicker!"

  Gallup laughed heartily, slapping his knee.

  "That's right, by gum!" he cried. "The wind blows ev'ry time Jack openshis maouth."

  "You are jealous," said Ready. "You are jealous of my wisdom andeloquence. Get thee behind me, Nose Talk! Your face is painful to lookupon."

  "Don't you go to makin' that kind of gab!" snapped Gallup. "If yeou do,dinged if I don't jolt ye one in the slats!"

  "Such language! Slats! I'm shocked! Never have you heard words of slangripple from my tuneful vocal chords. I disdain such frivolity! Slanggives me a pain! Go lay down!"

  "Lay!" snorted Ephraim. "I'm no hen!"

  "Let's have breakfast," said Hodge. "We may as well get on the movebefore it grows too hot."

  It did not take long to prepare breakfast, but old Joe seemed to growill at the sight of food. All he wanted was water, and he threatened todrink the weak little spring dry. After a time, he seemed more inclinedto talk.

  "No ketch Cim'r'n Bill?" he said.

  "So you found out we were after him?" said Frank.

  "Ugh!" nodded the Indian. "Joe no big fool only when firewater is toget. He play poke', all time him keep ear open. Mebbe him learn a wholelot."

  "It's quite likely. If you had been with us yesterday, we might havestuck to Bill's trail. Now it is lost, and he may get away."

  "Crowfoot he know how find Bill."

  "What's that? You know how to find him?"


  "Well, that is interesting, for I am bound to find him. I gave Ben Filemy word to bring Bill back, and I'm going to keep that promise. If youcan help----"

  "You bet!" grunted Joe.

  "How did you find out so much?"

  "Joe him take drink in saloon. Keep much careful not git full. Make umbelieve so. Go sleep. Hear men talk in whisper. Waugh! Find out a heap."

  "Well, you're a clever old rascal!" cried Merry; "and I'm in love withyou!"

  "Joe him play game pritty slick," said the Indian. "Same time him getone, two, three drink. That bad. Make um want heap more. Make um takefirewater when um git out town."

  "So you really got drunk because you were trying to do me a good turn?"said Merry. "Joe, I appreciate it! But what did you hear?"

  "Bill him go to Sunk Hole."

  "Sunk Hole?" cried Frank. "That place?"

  "Where's that?" asked Hodge, who was deeply interested.

  "Down in the White Mountain region, near the head of Coyote Creek."

  "Why did you exclaim, 'That place?'"

  "Because it is a camp made up of the worst characters to be found in theSouthwest. It is a place without law and order of any sort. Murderers,gamblers, and knaves in general flee there when in danger. They arebanded together to defy the law. Travelers who happen into that wretchedplace seldom come forth. At times the ruffians quarrel among themselvesand shoot and kill with impunity. The people of the Territory have morethan once asked that the place be invaded by troops and wiped off themap. It is a standing disgrace."

  "An' Cimarron Bill has gone there?" asked Ephraim Gallup, his eyesbulging.

  "So Joe says."

  "Waal, I ruther guess yeou'll take a couple of thinks afore ye follerhim any furder."

  "I shall follow him into Sunk Hole if I live!" declared Merry grimly;"and I mean to bring him out of the place, dead or alive. I do not askthe rest of you to risk your lives with me. You are at liberty to turnback. Joe----"

  "Him stick by Strong Heart!" declared the old Indian quickly. "You bet!"

  "Thank you, Joe!" said Frank. "I shall need you to show me the road tothe place, for I have heard Sunk Hole is not easy to find."

  "I hope," said Bart Hodge quietly, "that you do not fancy for a momentthat I'm not going with you? I don't think you would insult me, Frank,by entertaining such a thought. I shall be with you through thick andthin."

  "Dear me!" said Ready. "How brave you are! Please stand in the glow ofthe limelight where we can admire your heroic pose! La! la! You are asweet creature, and one to make the matinee girls rave with adoration."

  "Don't get so funny!" growled Hodge, who always took Ready's chaffingwith poor grace.

  "Softly! softly!" smiled Jack, with a flirt of his hand. "Let not yourangry passions rise. You can't play the bold and fearless hero anybetter than can your humble servant. I'm in this, and you want to watchme and note what a bold front I put on. I'll wager a lead nickle youwill begin to think me utterly fearless, and all the while, beyond adoubt, I'll be shaking in my boots. Oh, I can make an excellent bluffwhen I have to."

  "Bluff heap good sometime," said Crowfoot. "Mebbe bluff take pot."

  "But it's a mighty poor thing if the other fellow suspects and calls,"said Jack.

  "Waal," drawled Gallup, "darn my punkins! I s'pose I'm in fer it, but Ikinder wisht I was to hum on the farm."

  Frank knew the Vermonter well enough not to fancy by those words thatEphraim was badly frightened. It was Gallup's way of expressing himself,and, even though he might be afraid in advance, the tall, lank fellowalways showed up well "in a pinch."

  "Then it's settled," said Merry. "We all go."

  "Joe him not talk all he find out," put in the Indian.

  "Is there more? Well, give it to us quick. There are many miles ofalkali between here and Sunk Hole."

  "Joe him hear men whisper 'bout gal."

  "Eh? About a girl?"


  "Then it must be about June Arlington? What did they say?"

  "Mebbe Bill him know where she is."

  "What?" cried Merry, clutching the redskin by the arm. "Is thatpossible?"

  "Reckon um heap so."

  "Then there is a double reason why I should get my hands on CimarronBill!"

  "Mebbe Joe he no hear right; no could ketch all men whisper. He thinkgal she be took to Sunk Hole."

  Frank reeled, his face going white.

  "Merciful Heaven!" he gasped. "June Arlington, innocent little June! inthat dreadful place? Come, fellows, we must go! June Arlington there?The thought is horrifying! If that is true, Cimarron Bill may go freeuntil I can do my best to get June out of that sink of wickedness! Come,fellows--come!"

  "We are ready!" they cried, in response.