Read FreeFormed Hybrids Page 17

  Chapter 17 “Into the Void”

  Steve pondered the events that had led him here; seeing Mars up-close, walking on Pluto and now flying with the President on Air Force One. He never imagined that he would find himself in this situation. He casually looked around for something to steal that said “Air Force One”. Suddenly, the plane felt like it hit some turbulence mixed with a flash of lightening. At first, Steve though it was just a bad storm.

  “I think a fighter escort plane just blew up!” A voice boomed from up front as screams erupted from all over the plane.

  Steve pressed his face against the small window straining to see what was going on. “I don’t see anything.” Just as he said that a fireball engulfed another fighter escort.

  “Great, I knew this would happen.” Stan raised his hands and flopped them back down on his lap. He was the only one still sitting in his seat.

  Every window had people plastered around it, inside the plane became a beehive of activity. Air Force One began descending rapidly and Steve had a hard time clearing his ears from the pressure change. Mary Carver, the homeland security secretary, began wondering out loud about a possible military coup. Steve turned away from the window grasping the back of his seat while looking at Mary Carver. He was about to question her when the lights began flickering, then the oxygen masks popped out of the ceiling.

  Steve panicked as he tried in vain to put the mask on. Stan had to lean over and help him. The plane was heading down so fast Steve didn’t know if this was an emergency landing or were they going to crash into the ground. When the plane suddenly leveled off and he could hear the landing gear deploy, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Everyone remain calm and stay in your seats. Per protocol we have landed in a civilian airport.” The captain announced over the intercom.

  The President wanted to get back to the White House, so now they would need to drive. Loading into a convoy of black SUV’s they would stay off of all radio frequencies as they headed for Washington D.C. If they were lucky they’d get there in less than 10 hours.

  As they headed north, Steve kept looking out the window. Nothing seemed out of place and everything looked normal, no burning buildings or roaming gangs. He surmised that most of the chaos lay in and around the big cities.

  They come upon a roadblock of military and civilian police vehicles. Only the secret service members in the first two vehicles got out and quickly an argument started. The police informed them that they had orders to let no one through. The President got out of his vehicle and started to walk to the front and all at once the secret service members were flanking him. He told them to stay back. As the President approached everyone at the roadblock recognized him and fell silent.

  “Gentlemen, do you know who I am?” The President stood firmly in front of the barrier with his hands on his hips.

  “Yes sir, Mr. President.” The stunned police officers quickly began straightening their uniforms.

  The President walked up to the police officer standing in front of the rest. “I know you’re just doing your job, but it’s imperative that I get to the Capital, understand?” He pointed in the direction of Washington D.C.

  “Yes Sir.” The nervous officer wiped the sweat beading up on his forehead. “Ah, should I inform my command that you’re coming through?” He glanced back at the other officers then quickly snapped back at attention.

  “No, under no circumstances do you tell anyone.” The President pointed at the officer. “We don’t want to attract any unwanted attention, okay?” He looked at the other policemen who all nodded in unison.

  “Alright, open up the road block and let them on through.” The officer in charge backed up motioning to the others.

  One of the younger police officers walked up and saluted the President who promptly returned the salute. “How are things going Mr. President? When do you think things will return to normal?” His voice was shaky and the President could see the fear in his eyes.

  “Things are going well, just keep up the good work.” The President put his hand on the young man’s shoulder in an effort to reassure him. “Don’t worry son, this will be over before you know it.” The President shook his hand and smiled. He didn’t want to lie to the man but sometimes the truth could just make things worse. He turned around and headed back as his entourage piled back into their motorcade and headed through.

  The President’s motorcade avoided all the major cities. Steve continued watching out the window but couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. On the news it looked like the entire nation had erupted into anarchy. As they came up to a big Wal-Mart they could see windows broken and people looting. Steve and Stan were in the car behind the Presidents and watched as it suddenly took a right and headed toward the looting. The secret service men in Steve’s car began swearing and followed closely behind but before they could do anything the President had gotten out of the car. He climbed on top of the hood and stood there with his arms crossed. One by one people began to notice him and slowly everybody stopped and just stared in amazement. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. As word spread throughout the store that the President of the United States was standing outside on the hood of his car people began pouring out of the store.

  “Mr. President, please we have to go! We need to get to Washington and save this country!” pleaded a secret service agent.

  “Yes, we need to save this country,” the President pointed toward the ground. “Starting right here.” He could see that he had everyone’s attention. “You know who I am. Whether you voted for me or not, I am your President. I do not blame you for being scared. I know many of you are just trying to protect your families. But please remember who you are and think about what you’re doing. Don’t bring yourself down to the level of a thief; you’re better than that. Tomorrow, will you hold your head high and be proud of your actions today?”

  “The banks ran out of money and they’re all closed. The ATM machines won’t work. I can’t get any money to feed my family,” shouted someone in the crowd.

  “What’s going on? Is it really an alien invasion?” yelled another person.

  “There is no invasion. It’s true that contact has been made, but they’re friendly” before the President could continue someone interrupted him.

  “How do you know they’re friendly? How do you know this isn’t an invasion?” shrieked a frightened person.

  “I have personally spoken to them and they are going to work with us to bring this planet into the larger human community. Besides, look around you. Are they here? Are there space ships bombing this store? It would seem the only danger we face is our own fear. The only danger we are in, is from ourselves.” The President paused and the crowd remained silent.

  People in the crowd began to look around and some had shameful looks on their faces for what they were doing.

  “You are hungry and just trying to feed your family, I understand that. Take only what you need and pay them back later. You, please put that TV back.” The President pointed to a man and a woman holding a large flat screen TV. “Remember, we are Americans and this country has survived many difficulties. We will survive this and we’ll be a better country for it. One of my favorite quotes is by Thomas Pane, ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’. This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of those times. Remember your soul and do not scar it with actions that you will be ashamed of. Protect your family and help each other. I promise you that order will be restored and the banks will open again. I will make it my highest priority. Thank you for letting me be your President and remember to always be strong and forgiving. God Bless.” The President jumped down and waved to the applauding crowd as he got into his car.