Read FreeFormed Hybrids Page 2

  Chapter 2 “The Proof”

  The President sat in the oval office with several key members of his Cabinet nervously waited for Joe to arrive. The minutes seemed like hours. Unable to sit still, several people paced the room while others shuffled uncomfortably in their seats. Each person had a different scenario going through their minds. Maybe this is the beginning of an alien invasion? Had they come here to help us and maybe cure cancer? The people in the room were no strangers to high-pressure meetings. In fact most of them thrived on it. But this one took “high pressure” to an entirely different level. This could quite possibly be the most historic event in all of Earth’s history; first contact with extraterrestrial life. An aide opened the door and told the group in the oval office that they were here. In walked Joe along with Steve, Tom and Mike. His first impression was actually unimpressive. Joe looked about as average as you could get, not threatening at all.

  “Hello Mr. President.” Joe shook his hands as he was introduced to everyone in the room. Joe motioned for everyone to sit down before sitting down himself.

  “It is an honor to meet you Sir. You know, I actually voted for you.” Joe leaned forward smiling. He could see the stern look on the faces around him and tried to lighten the mood to no effect.

  “Well that’s a relief.” The President flashed his ‘face the nation’ smile. “I am glad were on the same side.” A forced laugh came from everyone in the room. People were pretty nervous and the tension was obvious.

  “I would like to thank everyone for being here. I know you must be confused and possibly even frightened by this revelation. Of course, everyone suspects that they are not alone in the universe but never the less it must be still a shock.” Joe went straight to business hoping to relieve a little pressure in the room.

  “Please forgive the way I initiated contact. I doubt anyone would have believed me if I knocked on the front door and said I was from outer space.” Joe looked around the room trying to make eye contact with everyone.

  “Where exactly are you from?” inquired the President.

  “There is a three planetary system which we call the homeworlds. This is where all human life originated. The Earth system is one of many Outposts or colonies scattered throughout this galaxy. I am from the homeworlds and basically I am here to ensure a smooth transition of this colony into the larger human community.” As he spoke, Joe looked around the room trying to read people’s reactions. There was an uncomfortable silence as everyone processed this information.

  Joe continued, “I think we should get to know each other and hopefully gain each other’s trust. Please everyone, give me a chance. I know this must be confusing for you. I human am just like you. Your world and way of life is not over. Actually nothing has or will change since we’ve been here all along.”

  “Forgive me sir, but in reality, everything has changed.” Tom couldn’t help himself.

  “Can you ensure our safety and sovereignty?” General Kinly’s voice quivered as he spoke.

  “Sir, we are protecting this planet right now. On one of the outer most planets we have a monitoring base.” Joe replied.

  “Protecting it from whom?” The President leaned forward nervously awaiting the answer.

  Joe paused for a moment. He had to choose his words carefully. He did not want to outright lie, but he also did not want to hit them with everything at once.

  “There is much to be revealed and I don’t want to get into too much detail. I’ll explain things as we go along. You have the right to know all the facts, but it would be impossible to explain everything in one sitting. We are protecting you and just like on this planet there are dangers out there. I’m not going to lie to you about that. But rest assured we are going to great lengths for your protection make no mistake about that.” Joe shuffled in his seat getting a little annoyed.

  An uneasy silence filled the room. The President finally broke the tension. “Please forgive us, you must realize that we are a little nervous and frightened since from our perspective the entire universe has just been turned upside down. I hope in time a great partnership will develop but we do need more information and facts.”

  “Of course, actually one of the main things I wanted to offer is an invitation to our monitoring Outpost.” Joe sat back crossing his legs. “We can begin with a small group of people that will learn about us and report back to you.”

  Everyone agreed and the President said he would assemble a team right away. Joe did not want to be bombarded with questions and knew that it would be better if he let things soak in. He kept assuring them that in time more details would be revealed and of course they would always have full sovereignty over their planet.

  Joe was escorted out of the room. The white house staff was told to treat him like any other world dignitary.

  “I don’t know what to make him.” The President paused clenching his lips. “I do get the feeling he’s hiding something.”

  “Well we know he’s been here awhile. He knows our culture and how we do things. But surely more people or some kind of official delegation would be sent and not just one person.” The Vice President replied.

  “First, do we all agree that this is not some hoax?” Dr. Kelly Becker finally chimed in. She was considered the nation’s top scientist and winner of the prestigious National Medal of Science Award. Come hell or high water she was going to that monitoring Outpost.

  “The Mars rover Scout was returned to Earth. That’s a fact. No getting around it.” Tom answered flatly.

  “We should go along with everything he suggests and gather as much information as possible.” Kenny Blatowski replied.

  “It would seem there are more questions than answers. We simply need more proof.” The President looked directly at Steve. “Have him show you how he got the rover back here and Tom will go with you.”

  “So will I.” Dr. Becker quickly interjected.

  The meeting ended and Dr. Becker wanted to talk to Joe. Along with Tom and Steve they went to find him. The White House staff was giving him an exclusive tour. Dr. Becker, Tom and Steve caught up with him and tagged along.

  The tour ended and Steve tried to make small talk. “First time in the White House?”

  “Yea, I love the history of this place.” Joe looked around admiring the artwork.

  Dr. Becker could not take it, she had so many questions. “I am really curious to see how you got the rover back here and of course that Outpost you mentioned.”

  Joe looked at her and nodded. “OK, let’s go”

  “Now?” Dr. Becker replied nervously.

  “Yeah, we’ll eat lunch on the mother ship.”

  I can’t wait to see this, thought Dr. Becker.

  “You mean we are going to actually fly in space?” Steve replied with a blank look on his face.

  Joe looked at Tom who seemed to be in charge of this group. “Tom we need to get to my car, it’s in a parking lot on Columbus north of the White House.”

  Tom hesitated for a second. “Well, we have a driver ready to take us anywhere.” Tom curiously looked at Joe. “Why do we need to go to your car?” The group paused waiting for an answer.

  “Oh come on, where’s the trust?” Joe smiled.

  “Alright follow me.” Tom led the group through a series of corridors with the secret service in tow. They ended up coming out near the north lawn which led directly to Pennsylvania Ave. A typical black government SUV with tinted windows was waiting for them as Tom waved off the secret service. They all piled in with Joe taking the front seat much to Tom’s annoyance.

  “We need to take my car to the orbiting ship.” Joe explained looking back at everyone.

  That statement didn’t sit well with Steve. “Maybe I should wait here?” Steve reached for the car door.

  “You’re coming with us.” Tom grabbed Steve’s arm.

  Joe directed the driver who sped off toward their destination. They pulled into a side street littered with overflowing garbage bins behin
d an old restaurant that finally let to the parking lot. The mood suddenly changed when Joe pointed out his car. A dirty black Ford Fusion, nothing special. Dr. Becker began to wonder that maybe this was not such a great idea after all. The group slowly got out of the SUV as they curiously examined Joe’s car.

  “Oh come on, I will have you back before midnight.” Joe opened the doors. Reluctantly they piled in.

  Joe reached back handing Tom something. He looked closer and realized they were towels from the White House. He frowned as he showed it to Dr. Becker who just rolled her eyes.

  “So this is a space ship?” Dr. Becker looked around the car unconvinced. “Where exactly are we going?”

  “Mars” Joe pulled out of the parking lot. Because it was early in the day traffic was light and they made it out of DC quickly.

  “How long will this take?” Dr. Becker broke the silence.

  “Not long, almost there.” Joe had the posture of going on a Sunday drive.

  “I thought you said we were going to Mars?” Steve looked over at Joe.

  “We are.” Joe kept driving.

  Steve looked back at Tom, who had this ‘I knew he was a fraud’ look on his face. They pulled into an old industrial park full of machine shops and auto repair garages. They drove to one of the back buildings which looked abandoned. Suspiciously at the end was a rolled up door wide open as if waiting for them to arrive. The wheels screeched as Joe pulled in, he then opened all the windows on the car.

  “Hold on, here we go.”

  The garage door closed all by itself and the place went completely dark. Odd colored lights started to flash and the car had the sensation of floating. A tunnel of blue smoke appeared in front of them and they lurched forward.

  Steve felt dizzy as he noticed the car appeared to grow bigger. He grabbed the door handle as he closed his eyes and shook his head.

  Tom reached for his gun but before he could do anything a smoky mist clouded around them. He tried to look up but his body went limp as he keeled over unconscious.

  They all woke up still sitting in the car, Joe was gone. Steve looked around and tried to figure out if they were in the same place. They got out of the car feeling woozy from whatever the hell they’d just experienced. Dr. Becker looked around the room. “Where are we? This doesn’t look like where we started from.”

  “Joe, what the hell was that?” yelled Tom, his voice echoing in the large empty chamber. No one answered, they appeared to be alone.

  Steve squinted his eyes trying to make out the surroundings. The light was dim and the air seemed stale. Steve thought he might get sick, he needed water.

  Tom pulled out his gun.

  Steve looked at him. “What the hell is that?”

  “I am not taking any chances.” Tom snapped back.

  Dr. Becker looked at Tom holding the gun and shook her head. Great, things are starting out well.

  From across the room they could hear someone coming.

  “You guys finally awake?”

  Tom spun around and pointed his gun in the direction of Joe’s voice. “I regard that as an attack.”

  “Woh, woh, woh, calm down.” Steve held up his hands trying to reason with Tom.

  “Where the hell are we?” Tom’s pointed his gun directly at Joe.

  Joe walked out of the shadows. “Relax, let’s get something to eat.”

  The three of them stood in disbelief, eat at a time like this?

  “Okay, let me show you the view, come on.” Joe motioned for them to follow him.

  “Stop right there!” yelled Tom.

  “Oh come on, will you put that thing away?” Dr. Becker snapped at Tom.

  “I want to know what just happened.” demanded Tom as he put his gun away in his jacket.

  “Well, the best way to describe it is a wormhole.”

  “A wormhole?” Tom replied in confusion.

  Dr. Becker and Steve looked at each other in amazement.

  “Next time will you at least let us know what the hell is going on?” Tom annoyingly shook his head.

  “Sorry, yes, next time.” Joe turned and started to walk out of the room. He stopped looking back at the group. “Come on, check this out.”

  They followed Joe out of the room and down a narrow hallway that curved slightly to the right. Entering into a large round shaped room. A lone podium in the center appeared to grow out of the floor as if it were a giant crystal. Joe went up and touched it. Silently the ceiling dissolved before their eyes. It looked incredible, beautiful, and majestic. The red planet Mars. It filled the entire ceiling from end to end. They were so close, it looked as clear as the moon but dark rust in color. The craters and canyons were visible like scars across the surface.

  “Are we really here?” whispered Dr. Becker.

  “Yeah, you’re really here.” This view always gave Joe a smile. Steve immediately threw up, stumbling to the side, grasping for the wall. Tom continued looking up, staring until his eyes began to water. The reality of the situation slapped him in the face as the tears ran down his cheeks.

  “Is this real? Are you for real?” Toms lower lip quivered, he could not hold back his emotions.

  “Yes, it’s real and I’m real.” Joe replied.

  “What do you want from us? Why are you here?” Tom whispered as he gazed at the red planet.

  “Come on, I will show you.”

  “Wait. How did we get here so fast? How long were we out?” Dr. Becker stood in shock at what she saw.

  “Look, there will be a lot of time to discuss the details of everything, please just trust me.” Joe paused to let everything sink in.

  “Come on. Let me give you a brief overview of the situation.” Joe motioned for everyone to follow him. Tom turned his head as he wiped off the tears hoping no one would notice. One by one they eventually followed Joe straining their necks to get a final glimpse Mars.