Read Freedom Fighters: Twilight City (Book 1) Page 2

  “Okay,” I agree, feeling excited.

  At 9:00am I start freedom fighter training in the hall with a tutor called Bryan Harper. He’s twenty two years old and is tall and skinny. He has floppy blond hair and glasses, and looks serious but friendly.

  There are three other students in the room. One is called Sarah; she has blue eyes and chin length, short hair which is dyed purple. She’s very pretty, wearing fashionable clothes and make-up. She seems pretty friendly so I sit next to her.

  Bryan starts to tell us about freedom fighter history which is very interesting. He tells us the tales of when Lord Snider first took over the city and dominated the people. At first most people feared him and became his workers, but there were a few people who refused to be ordered around by him and together they created a small group in secret to fight back against him, and that’s how the freedom fighters began.

  I daydream about it all as he tells us. He explains that the first freedom fighters later created the sanctuary sixteen years ago and that, near the time I was born, babies and children were evacuated there to safety. I begin to think about my own life and how I must have felt all those years ago, scared and anxious and wondering where I was being taken to.

  After the information on freedom fighters he moves on to tell us all about the people against us. Apparently we’re not to trust anyone but registered freedom fighters, even the city police are on Lord Snider’s side. This seems weird since they are supposed to be preventing bad things from happening, but I suppose they care more about the bribe money and who’s in charge of the city rather than people’s safety.

  “There are also spies employed by Lord Snider to try and find information about the freedom fighters,” Bryan warns us. “These people will look ordinary and less suspicious so we have to be careful who we trust. That is why we do background checks on every freedom fighter to make sure they are genuine. And lastly you should be warned about the risks,” he says and we all start to listen intently. “Being a freedom fighter is against Lord Snider’s laws and is strictly illegal, even though we are planning on protecting the citizens rather than commit any crimes. If a freedom fighter is arrested by a police officer they will face serious consequences. Most are jailed, but if Lord Snider has his way they are executed for breaking his laws.” I feel a pain inside my heart as I think of my parents.

  “Any questions?” Bryan asks.

  Sarah puts up her hand, “How can you tell which people we are supposed to be helping? If most people work for Lord Snider they won’t want our help.”

  “There are families out there who will obey orders given by Lord Snider but they live more in fear of him rather than work for him. Those are the people we will help, especially if they’re in danger.”

  “How do you know they aren’t spies?” one of the guys asks.

  “It’s always hard to tell so you must always tread carefully with anyone who isn’t a registered freedom fighter. If in doubt ask one of us. We know most people around the city and whether they are on our side or not.”

  Bryan looks at the clock, “you can go for lunch now. You have one hour, be sure to be back for one o’clock.”

  Me and Sarah go over to the cafeteria and grab a burger before selecting an empty table.

  “It’s really interesting learning all about freedom fighters, isn’t it?” she asks. “I still can’t believe I’m here.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I agree, feeling a buzz of excitement at thinking one day soon I would finally be a fully trained freedom fighter.

  “What made you want to be a freedom fighter?”

  “My parents were freedom fighters, I guess I wanted to be like them,” I answer. “What about you?”

  “I wanted to make a change,” she says. “I hate him controlling the city so I really wanted to help somehow.”

  “Have you lived here all your life?”

  “Yeah, it’s been really hard. Police are always checking up on families, just in case they’re planning to go against his rules, but I guess you know that.”

  “Not really,” I admit. “I only arrived here yesterday. I had to be sent to the sanctuary when I was a baby so I’ve been living there.”

  “Wow. Really?” she asks, looking interested. “What’s it like there?”

  I remember the herds of children all ages and kind volunteers who always cared for us. It was a nice place and almost felt like home, but I always remember feeling emptiness inside my heart because I no longer had my parents.

  “It was okay,” I answer. “It’s like living in a big playground.” I suddenly realise a part of me misses being there, but I promised to visit so I wouldn’t be away forever.

  Sarah suddenly nudges me, “look who’s coming over!”

  I look up to see Rickie walking nearby and my heart races. He looks just as amazing as he did the night we met and I can’t help staring at him, feeling in love all over again.

  He’s talking intently with another guy, obviously about something important.

  I’m not sure what to do. Should I go over and say hi? He looks kind of busy so maybe it’s not a good idea to interrupt him. What if he doesn’t even remember me? We only just met yesterday, and even though he already means the world to me, what if I’m just another random girl he flirted with? My heart aches at the thought and I look away.

  I try to eat some of my lunch, but suddenly he looks directly over at me as if he’s somehow sensed I’m there, and I almost stop breathing at feeling his eyes on me.

  I look up and blush, meeting his gaze. He smiles at me and I feel my heart melt.

  “Hey Star.”

  “Hi,” I reply, feeling a little shy. He remembers me! I’m so happy I feel like I’m flying.

  “So I guess y’ took my advice?” he says. “My bro says you’re setting up a dance show. I think it’s awesome you’re raising money for the kids at the sanctuary.”

  “Yeah,” I answer, feeling pleased. “I just thought it would be pretty cool to help out somehow.”

  “Well I’ll definitely come and see you perform. I bet you’ll be amazing.”

  “Thanks,” I smile, feeling blissful, and he gives me a quick smile back before returning to his conversation.

  When he leaves, Sarah stares at me, “you know Rickie?”

  “Yeah, we met last night,” I answer, trying to hide how much my heart is beating. “Why?”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  “Carl’s brother?” I reply.

  “Well yes, he is; but he’s like a legend around here,” she tells me excitedly. “He’s an amazing freedom fighter and the police are after him big time. Last week he freed ten innocent people from Lord Snider’s base. Everyone looks up to him and Carl.”

  “Yeah, he is pretty cool,” I say.

  “You seem to get on pretty well,” she says suspiciously. “Are you two an item?”

  I almost choke on my burger, “no, we’re not together...” I say and try not to blush. I’ve done nothing but daydream about being his girlfriend since we met, but I don’t want to reveal anything.

  She doesn’t look like she believes me, but that’s the truth right now no matter how much I want to be with him.

  Chapter 4

  The afternoon goes by pretty quickly. We start to learn about different weapons and items used on missions, which is very interested. Bryan demonstrates how to use sleeping darts on enemies and smoke bombs to use as distractions and smokescreens to escape.

  Next we start to learn the basics of first aid and go onto self-defence, which is so fun.

  After the days training I go up to my flat, feeling excited for tomorrow’s lessons. I stop at the door in surprise as I see a bunch of pink roses waiting outside. I smile and pick them up, looking at the tag even though I’ve already guessed who they’re from:

  To Star

  Hope you like the flowers. Do you still wanna meet up sometime? I didn’t get a chance to get your number so I’ve left mine at the back of the card.

nbsp; From Rickie xxx

  I excitedly type the number listed on the back of the tag into my mobile and send him a quick text:

  Hi Rickie, its Star. Thanx for the flowers I luv them and yeah I still want to meet up xxx

  I admire the flowers again, smile blissfully and feel my heart fill with love. I can’t believe a guy like Rickie would be so interested in me; but Sarah was right, there was definitely some chemistry going on between me and him. Maybe one day we would be in a relationship? I really hope so because I’d never felt this strongly about a guy before, he was obviously something special.

  That night I even dream about him and I feel so excited to wake up and see the roses he got for me. I check my mobile but there’s still no reply from him. My heart aches and I try not to feel disappointed.

  When I go downstairs, I see Carl on my way to class.

  “I’ve got good news Star, I managed to get you a show,” he says, smiling.

  “You did?” I ask surprised and excited.

  “I have a friend who works in the entertainment business, she was pretty keen to have you perform at her place,” he explains. “How does Saturday night sound? Will you be able to think of a routine by then?”

  “Sure,” I say, although I’m starting to worry. I’ll need to work really hard for the rest of the week to get something set up by then.

  “Great, I’ll let her know. Maybe you could go and meet her tomorrow night to arrange things.”

  “Okay,” I agree and he gives me the name and the address of a bar in the city.

  “Good luck on Saturday,” he says. “Maybe you should advertise it around here, I’m sure everyone would love to see you perform.”

  I head off to the hall for training, daydreaming about my new dance career. I just hope they think I’m good enough and my performance doesn’t suck.

  “Hi, what’s the matter?” I see Sarah waiting outside the classroom for me and smile.

  “Just thinking, that’s all,” I answer. “Carl’s helped me to get the dance performance set up. I can hopefully do a show on Saturday night.”

  “Cool,” she smiles, looking pleased for me. “Have you got something worked out?”

  “Not yet,” I say nervously, “but I’ve made up a few dances already so I don’t think it’ll be that hard making something up.”

  “Maybe I can help? I could come over tonight and work on some?” she looks excited. “I know I’m not as good at dancing as you but I could help with music?”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling happy.

  We go into the hall and sit at our normal places and Bryan starts the lesson off with physical exercise. Apparently we need to be fit if we want to work as freedom fighters, so he makes us go outside and run tracks, and then we try some army style circuits which are pretty tiring. Afterwards we get to try out the sleeping dart guns on stunt dolls and learn target practice.

  At lunch, Sarah and I go to get something to eat and I quickly check my mobile again. My heart skips a beat when I see that Rickie has sent me a message. It says I received it this morning at 9:30am but I was obviously too busy running around outside at the time to notice.

  I try to read it without Sarah noticing but she sees me blush, “who’s the text from?”

  “Rickie,” I answer with a smile.

  “I knew there was something going on between you and him,” she accuses playfully.

  “We are just friends. Well okay, I do have feelings for him….” I admit, although I hold back on mentioning how I’m secretly in love with him, “and he seems to like me too.”

  “What about the flowers?”

  I look up at her, “how did you know about that?”

  She giggles, “He asked me yesterday which flat you lived in so I guess the roses were for you.”

  I blush even more, “It was really sweet of him.”

  “Yeah, you’re so lucky. I wish I had an admirer to buy me flowers,” she says, looking wistful. “Aren’t you going to read the text he sent?” she teases.

  I shyly look down at my mobile and read the message:

  Hey Star soz 4 the late reply was on a mission last nite. Wanna meet up 2nite if ur free? We cud go watch a movie? xxx

  “He wants to meet up tonight,” I tell her and smile excitedly.

  “That’s great,” she says. “So I suppose you’ll be too busy to hang out?”

  “Oh no, I totally forgot about working on the dance routine,” I say, remembering our plans of working on it together tonight. “Carl said I need to see her tomorrow night so I really need to have something before then.”

  “No worries, we’ll work on it as soon as training finishes,” she says, “then you’ll have to get ready really quick to go out with him.”

  I send a reply back to Rickie:

  Yeah Im free and movie sounds great. What time? xxx

  He sends back a reply instantly: I wil pick u up at 8. C u later xxx

  After lunch we do more medical training, which is fun because I wrap Sarah up in bandages until she looks like a mummy. Luckily Bryan just rolls his eyes and doesn’t tell us off for messing around.

  Afterwards we learn about gadgets. Bryan lets us practice outside with tracking devices and navigation systems, which turns out to be a cooler version of hide and seek. Even though it’s fun I can’t concentrate much, all I can think about is seeing Rickie tonight.

  Chapter 5

  After training ends, Sarah and I go over to my flat and start work on the dance routines. Sarah suggests some cool music and I pick up on a few of my previous dances and make them into new improved ones which go with the music.

  Once we’ve got five dance routines and music sorted we celebrate by ordering takeaway pizza.

  “So what are you wearing tonight?” Sarah asks once we’re eating the pizza.

  “I dunno,” I reply. “Jeans and a cool top maybe?”

  Sarah rolls her eyes, “you’re not really into clothes and make-up are you?”

  I laugh, “No.”

  “I’ll help you out,” she promises and goes to look through my wardrobe. “Once I’ve sorted an outfit you’ll look amazing.”

  Half an hour later I’m wearing skinny jeans and an off-shoulder, light blue top that Sarah has chosen. She straightens my hair really professionally, but once she tries make-up I refuse.

  “Sorry but I’m not exactly a girly-girl,” I say. “I’m really not into make-up.”

  “Fine, just some lip gloss and mascara, okay?”

  I give in and let her do it, and then she moves on to accessories. I insist on wearing my crystal star necklace and a silver waist belt, with silver bangles and hooped ear rings. Sarah approves and tells me I have to wear silver strappy sandals to match, even though I think she’s crazy as its cold outside.

  An hour later I’m looking in the mirror feeling like a model.

  “Thanks Sarah, I look really great,” I say, wondering if Rickie will think I look nice too.

  “Trust me, he’s gonna love it,” Sarah reassures me, as if she’s just read my mind. “The top really goes with your blue highlights.”

  “I guess so,” I agree, but I’m too busy feeling nervous about my date to think about colour co-ordination or anything clothes related.

  Sarah leaves wishing me luck, and there’s a knock at the door at exactly eight o’clock. My heart starts to beat wildly inside my chest but I take a deep breath and answer the door.

  “Hey,” Rickie smiles at me and I feel myself melt inside at seeing him again.

  He looks stunning. He’s wearing a black, rock-band t-shirt with a leather jacket over the top, dark jeans and trainers. His hair is spiked up as usual and looks really cool.

  I still can’t believe I’m going on a date with him.

  “You look amazing,” he says admiring me, and I feel myself blush.

  “Thanks,” I reply.

  “Do you wanna go on my motor bike?” he asks, “or we could take a taxi there?”

  “The bike sounds fine,
” I reply.

  I can’t help daydreaming about how cool it would feel riding a motorbike with him.

  We walk into the parking area and he gives me a helmet to wear. Luckily I’m not the type of girl to worry about my hair, so I put it on.

  I get on the back of the motorbike with him, feeling a little shy as I hold onto his waist for safety, but Rickie doesn’t seem to mind and revs up the engine.

  It feels exciting racing around the city on a motorbike, holding onto a hot guy with the wind blowing back my hair. I’ve never had a ride on one before but I love it.

  I feel disappointed when we arrive at the cinema and my fun ride is over. He parks outside and jumps off the motorbike. He takes my hand and helps me climb off.

  I take off the helmet and immediately feel my hair is messy and wind swept from the ride. I quickly try to tidy it while he slips off his own helmet, but he catches me doing it and smiles, “you look fine, Star, really,” he reassures me.

  I smile, giving him back the helmet and forget all about my hair.

  We choose a comedy film and he buys the tickets for us, along with a bucket of popcorn to share. We enter the darkness of the screening room and he takes my hand and leads me up the stairs and to the back row of seats. My skin tingles at wondering if he chose the back row for a reason.

  The movie soon starts and we watch it, laughing and sharing popcorn. Unfortunately, we’re too busy enjoying the film to do any kissing at the back row, so after the movie ends we head up to the bar upstairs.

  He orders us both some Pepsi and chooses a private table in the corner.

  “So how’s training goin’?” he asks.

  I sit next to him on the leather sofa. “It’s great. I still can’t believe I’m here. I’ve always dreamt of becoming a freedom fighter one day so it’s amazing to finally be living it.”

  He grins, “I guess it is a cool job, but not as awesome as being a dancer.”

  I blush, feeling shy. “I’ve got an interview at a bar tomorrow so I’ve been practicing a few routines.”

  “You’ll totally impress them, you’re an amazing dancer,” he winks at me.

  “Thanks, I just really hope I do get to do some shows. The sanctuary really needs the money.”

  “Well, if y’ do need any help raising money then I’m up for it, but there’s no way I could do dance shows.”

  I giggle at his joke, “So is it hard, working as a freedom fighter?” I ask intrigued.