Read Freedom Fighters: Twilight City (Book 1) Page 6

  Tears prick in my eyes as I think of Rickie. If he knows I’m captured he’ll be worried, and if he tries to help me he’ll be caught too. I can’t bear the thought that it will be my fault if anything bad happens to him. Just thinking that he’ll probably be executed makes a sharp pain pierce my heart.

  I feel hopeless, wishing I could warn Rickie and the others to stay away and then at least there will only be me sent to execution.

  I sit with my back against the cold wall, wiping tears from my eyes. I look up as I hear something and listen carefully to the quiet clicking of the prison door. I hear a louder click as the door is unlocked and it swings open.

  I almost stop breathing as I see Rickie waiting outside.

  “Rickie!” I jump up and run over to him. He puts his arms around me and holds me close.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” I warn him, burying my head into his chest. “Snider wanted to keep me here so he’d hopefully catch you and the others.”

  “I know, but there’s no way I could let them kill you Star, I had to come and rescue you,” he says.

  “But he’s ordered more police officers to come over, how did you get in?”

  Rickie grins, “The extra police haven’t arrived yet and I always have ways of getting in.”

  We run along the corridor together and I soon see how Rickie got here. The window at the far end has been smashed through and a few police officers lay asleep on the floor, pierced with sleeping darts.

  “Looks like the re-enforcements have arrived,” says Rickie as we see five police cars pull up outside.

  He leads me along the corridor and we climb out of the smashed window and onto the fire escape. We climb down until we reach the bottom, where a car is waiting nearby. We jump down and Rickie runs towards it and gets in, so I follow.

  “Hi Star, glad you’re okay.”

  I look up to see Mick, my new self-defense instructor, sitting at the driver’s seat and smile at seeing me. “Good work Rickie, let’s get out of here before we’re spotted.”

  Mick starts the engine and we speed off, leaving the police behind us.

  Chapter 15

  When we arrive back at the freedom fighter base, Sarah runs out of the front entrance towards us and hugs me tight, “Star, I’ve been so worried. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer, feeling so happy to be back.

  “What happened? Why did they arrest you?” she starts to question, but Carl arrives and interrupts her.

  “Starlet, can you see me in my office?”

  I start to feel nervous, wondering if I’m in trouble and knowing it must be serious for him to use my full name.

  “Don’t worry, everything’s fine,” Rickie reassures me. “I’ll come in with you.”

  We follow Carl inside the building and to his office and I nervously take a seat in front of his desk.

  “You didn’t need to come in, Rickie,” Carl says as he shuts the door behind us.

  “I do bro, there’s something you need to know before you talk to Star,” he sighs and sits down in the chair beside me. Carl sits down at his desk and looks at him expectantly.

  “It’s my fault they know Star’s identity as a freedom fighter,” he tells him.

  Carl and I both look at him surprised.

  “I let her come on a mission. They must have seen her with me and somehow found out who she was.”

  “When was this mission?” Carl looks annoyed.

  “She helped me break into Snider’s building to destroy the microchips,” Rickie answers sadly. “I know I shouldn’t have taken her with me but I thought it would be cool for her to get some experience.”

  “She could have been caught.”

  “I was looking after her; I wouldn’t have let them arrest her. I’m sorry bro, I didn’t think this would happen,” he says apologetically. I feel sorry for him and reach out to squeeze his hand reassuringly.

  “Well it has happened,” says Carl and then he looks back at me. “Did they tell you anything about what they know about us?”

  “They know that Rickie and I broke into Snider’s building and that we destroyed the microchips. They had a CCTV image of us both.”

  Rickie looks down guiltily, realizing he was right.

  “Do you know how they managed to track you down?” Carl asks me and I shake my head in answer.

  “It would be pretty easy if they’d got her photograph,” says Rickie. “They might have seen one of her dance posters and recognized her from that.”

  My heart sinks, “that would explain why they raided the club that night and knew I would be there.”

  “What else did they say?” Carl questions me.

  “They wanted to know where Rickie was and tried to get me to tell them locations and information about freedom fighters.”

  “Did you tell them anything?”

  “Bro! ‘Course she didn’t,” protests Rickie. “Star wouldn’t grass on us.”

  Carl ignores him and keeps his eyes on me.

  “I didn’t tell them anything,” I answer. “I’d never do that.”

  “Good, just checking” Carl smiles a little, looking relieved. “Unfortunately now your freedom fighter identity is known the police will be on lookout for you. You’ll probably be registered as a criminal to the government in their records. You’ll need to remain unseen once you’re outside this building, if you’re spotted you’ll have police trying to arrest you. It’s a dangerous matter being a wanted criminal in this city.”

  “I know, Rickie warned me,” I say, remembering the night of our second date and the words he said after we had been chased.

  I must look worried because Rickie puts his arm around me, “it’ll be okay Star, I promise. You’ll just have to be on the run like us. Maybe you’ll even get your own wanted poster.” I smile at his joke, but I can’t help feeling sad and defeated.

  “What about the dance shows?” I ask, although I know it’ll be bad news.

  “I’m sorry Star but you can no longer do any public dance shows, it’s too risky,” answers Carl.

  I look down sadly. I love doing dance shows and now it’s all over. Rickie squeezes my hand and I know he’s feeling sad about it too.

  “However, maybe we can work something out,” says Carl. “I heard from Phoebe that your dance shows were going well, so if we arrange for them to be held only at secret freedom fighter bases and clubs, then I guess you could still carry them on.”

  I smile up at him happily, “thanks Carl.”

  “Just don’t advertise it anywhere other than inside,” he reminds me. “I’ll find a few locations for you and ask around.”

  When we leave the office, Rickie turns to me, looking sad and guilty. “Star, I’m really sorry. If I’d known this would happen I would have never let you go on the mission with me.”

  “It’s okay,” I say. “I’m always at risk of getting found out anyway, it could have happened on any of my future missions.”

  “I know, but I really care about you. When I found out you were in trouble, I nearly went crazy with being so worried. I would have gone to be executed myself rather than let them kill you.”

  I stare into his eyes, feeling touched, and he stares deep into mine.

  “You’re not just another girlfriend to me, you’re really special and our relationship really means something. I think it can last and maybe go onto something more...” I feel like I’m floating with love hearing how much I mean to him. He stares lost in my eyes, taking my breath away.

  “I love you, Star.”

  I feel faint and I’ve never felt as happy as this. My heart sores, I feel so excited that he feels so strongly about me too.

  “I love you too, Rickie,” I reply shyly, feeling relieved to finally say those words to him after feeling it for so long, “and I feel the same. When I was in that prison cell I was more worried about you getting caught than being taken off to be executed.”

  He smiles, “thanks. That shows how muc
h we mean to each other.”

  We share a long romantic kiss. When we finally part I feel dizzy with how much feelings are rushing through my body. He smiles down at me and we’re lost in the moment together, in a world of our own.

  “I hate to interrupt but you two are blocking my office doorway.”

  I look over at Carl, startled by him interrupting us, and see him grinning at his joke but still pretending to be annoyed at us. Rickie grins at me, takes my hand and we walk away.

  Chapter 16

  The next day, Sarah and I are put on emergency call. This is a really important freedom fighter job as we have to go out on urgent missions and rescues for any emergencies. I’m pretty nervous and excited, but I’m so relieved that Sarah will be my partner. It’s easier to work with someone you’re close to rather than someone you hardly know yet, and Sarah and I work well as a team so we’re pretty determined to do well.

  We sit in the on call room that morning, feeling bored. So far there have been no phone calls, so to pass the time we catch up on gossip of what happened yesterday. I tell Sarah all about my arrest and rescue yesterday while we both drink hot chocolate together.

  “It must have been scary,” she says. “I’d hate it if I got arrested. It must have been horrible meeting Lord Snider and having him threatened to execute you, especially when he’s murdered so many people already.”

  She shivers just thinking about it and I feel sick again. “It did feel weird finally seeing him,” I say uneasily. “He killed both my parents, I hated him so much right then that I guess I forgot to be scared.”

  She looks stunned, “wow, that must have been hard,” she pats my shoulder sympathetically. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay,” I say and brush the thoughts away before they can fill me with sadness.

  “Still, at least Rickie came to your rescue and everything was okay,” she says. “It’s so romantic, he was desperate to come and save his damsel in distress.”

  I giggle, feeling myself blush, “it was pretty sweet.

  “Star, he was so worried about you when we heard. He obviously cares a lot about you to rush out there risking his own life. Snider’s desperate to catch him and Carl, so he would have been in a lot of danger if it hadn’t worked out.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “When I was there I was so terrified that he would come and help me and get caught. I would have rather died than Snider executing him.”

  “He really means a lot to you, doesn’t he?” she asks me seriously.

  My heart fills with love, “yes, he does.”

  “Do you love him?” she asks quietly. “I mean, I know you’re together and you obviously care for each other; but do you think it is true love?”

  I feel shy but I know I can trust her with anything.

  “I’ve been madly in love with him since we met,” I admit. “I know it’s stupid, falling for someone I hardly knew back then, but it just happened.”

  “What does it feel like?” she asks. “I’ve had boyfriends before and I fancied them, but I’ve always fantasied about meeting the one and how amazing it would feel.”

  “It feels weird,” I say, trying to put it into words. “It’s different from anything else.”

  “Like you’re heart beating like crazy and not being able to breath?” she asks.

  “No, it’s way more than that,” I say. “Whenever I see him my heart just fills with love. I can’t stop thinking of him and I feel so high all the time, floating and walking on air.”

  She looks all dreamy, thinking of it, “and what about the kissing?”

  I grin, “it’s magic, like fireworks in my head,” I daydream, lost in it all, “and when he holds me close it just feels so right and perfect. I feel all warm inside and I can stare into his eyes forever.”

  “Wow, you’re so lucky,” she sighs.

  “Yeah, mega lucky,” I agree. “I still can’t believe he’s my boyfriend.”

  “Do you think he’s fallen in love with you too?” she asks.

  I smile, “well, he said so last night…”

  “Really? Why didn’t you tell me! If it had been the other way around I would have phoned you immediately.”

  I giggle, “I couldn’t, I was with Rickie all night and we’ve only got a chance to talk properly now.”

  Sarah’s eyes are still wide with excitement, “that’s amazing. I’m so excited for you,” she gives me a tight hug. “I knew you two were the perfect couple.”

  “At least now I don’t have to worry about telling him how I feel. I said I love him too and he was so happy,” I say, smiling. “I was terrified of saying it or him finding out before now in case it scared him off, but at least now he knows and everything’s okay.”

  “You’ve still only been together a few weeks,” she reminds me. “Things really are getting serious between you two.”

  “He even said something yesterday about our relationships maybe going onto something more,” I remember. “What do you think that means?” I know what I think it means, but it feels too good to be true.

  “It’s pretty obvious,” she grins. “Do you think he’ll really ask you to marry him?”

  “I don’t think so, not yet,” I say unsurely. “I do secretly want to marry him one day, but it’s way too soon for that yet. Maybe it could happen one day,” I say, daydreaming about how amazing our wedding would be. “I really do want to spend the rest of my life with him, Sarah.”

  “I hope it does work out for you two,” she says. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll stay together for years and when you’re ready to get married he’ll buy you an engagement ring,” she says excitedly. “Looks like I’ll have to start shopping for a bridesmaid dress.”

  I smile at her joke, “I don’t want to freak him out. Don’t say anything about this to anyone, okay?” I ask nervously.

  “Of course not,” she says solemnly. “It’s a secret.”

  Chapter 17

  The phone finally rings in the afternoon and Sarah almost spills her drink in a panic to answer it.

  “Hello, Sarah speaking. How can I help you?” she asks in a polite, telephone voice.

  I watch feeling anxious as she listens to whatever they are saying.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be right there,” she says and hangs up.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “The police are breaking into a house on Rose Avenue. The family really needs help.”

  “Okay, let’s go,” I say, quickly grabbing our bags and equipment.

  We rush outside and get into the emergency vehicle, a silver car with a yellow siren on the top. Luckily Sarah has a driving license so she takes the wheel while I work the navigation system.

  “Did you bring the mobile?” she asks, panicking a little in case we brought ours but left the emergency contact one behind.

  “Yeah, it’s here,” I say, keeping it close in case another phone call comes through.

  “Good,” she breathes a sigh of relief and we speed towards the city, with our yellow siren flashing.

  As soon as we get on the street it’s obvious which house we need to go to without looking for the number. A police car is parked outside and the house is a mess. The police have already smashed through the doors and windows and we hearing screaming from inside.

  Sarah and I quickly get out of our car and rush into the house, armed with sleeping dart guns and wearing bullet proof jackets.

  I scan the room and see four police officers are inside. One is arresting a woman who’s crying and trying to get away from them; another is threatening to shoot a man who seems to be her husband. In the corner I see a young girl curled up in fear crying and a sixteen year old who is trying to beat off the two remaining police officers that are trying to capture him and the little girl.

  Sarah aims and shoots a sleeping dart at the police officer holding the woman. His grip loosens and he falls to the floor unconscious. Sarah rushes forward to help her while I run over to the police officer w
ith the gun.

  I rugby tackle him to the ground and manage to slip the gun from his fingers. He’s annoyed at being interrupted and tries to hit me off, so I shield myself with my right arm like I learned in self-defense class. I quickly throw the gun across the room, out of his reach so he can’t get it, and punch him hard in the face. He yells in pain and falls flat on the floor, his nose starting to bleed.

  I quickly get out my dart gun and shoot one of the nearby police officers who are trying to make a grab for the teenage boy. He falls weakly to the floor, unconscious within seconds, and soon the other one follows as Sarah manages to shoot a dart into his neck.

  I hear someone advancing on me and turn. The police officer who I got the gun off tries to attack me, so I grab his arm and use a self-defense flip. He ends up on the floor again winded and I quickly go to help Sarah.

  “Are you okay?” she asks the teenage boy, who looks stunned and nods in answer.

  The little girl is still crying in the corner, so I walk over and gently lift her up in my arms.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” I tell her softly, and she buries her face into my shoulder, still sobbing and scared.

  The mother runs over and takes her from my arms. She cradles her close, looking relieved that she’s safe, “thank you,” she says to me.

  “Follow us,” Sarah commands and the four of them run after her outside.

  Sarah jumps back into the driver’s seat and I make sure everyone is safely in the car before getting into the front passenger seat.

  “Is everyone okay?” I ask as Sarah starts the engine.

  “Yes, we’re fine,” answers the father.

  The little girl is sat on her mother’s knee and the teenage boy is sat in the middle, his father has his arm around him.

  I feel a sting in my heart as I wish I still had my mum and dad here to look after and protect me, the way these parents were, but I don’t have time to feel sad.

  “Look out!” Sarah shouts as she starts to drive.

  I look out of the window and see the police officer chase after us. He’s found his gun and starts shooting at the car. I duck and put my hands over my head as I hear the shatter of glass as the car window smashes beside me. I hear our passengers scream in fear, but when I check they are all unharmed.

  Sarah speeds up and we race along the street. Luckily the police officer isn’t fast enough to catch us up and we’re soon through the city and heading towards our secret base.