Read French Connection Vol. 2 Page 1

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  About The Author

  Club Privé

  French Connection Vol. 2

  By M.S. Parker

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 Belmonte Publishing LLC

  Published by Belmonte Publishing LLC.

  Book Description

  A trip to France was supposed to fix everything for Gavin and me. Two weeks in one of the most romantic places on Earth should've been a dream come true. Instead, it was turning out to be a nightmare.

  When Carrie arrives at her hotel to find two naked women in bed, claiming that Gavin invited them, she thinks things can't get any worse. Then she meets Alizee, yet another gorgeous woman who has her sights set on Carrie's man. To distract herself from her boyfriend's constant interaction with these women, Carrie teams up with Pierre, a handsome local journalist trying to uncover a sex trafficking ring in the Cannes. Despite a renewal of passion in their sex life, Carrie can't help but wonder if this is the beginning of the end for her and Gavin.

  You won't want to miss the second book in M.S. Parker's sizzling series, Club Privé: French Connection.

  Chapter 1


  Carrie was going to be pissed. She’d texted to say she was heading to the hotel and my damn phone died before I could text her back. I knew she'd been annoyed at the party, watching Felice drag me around, but it wasn’t like I had much choice in the matter. I couldn't afford to piss off someone who so obviously had the ear of my potential partner. And then I'd needed to leave so I could get to Monique in time. I’m sure that hadn't gone over very well either, and only Kelsey Larson's presence had stopped Carrie from saying anything right then.

  My hand tightened around the package, hoping the ends would justify the means and Carrie would be so overjoyed with her present, the rest of the night would be forgotten. I hadn't realized at the time that my subterfuge would backfire in my face. What I’d meant to be a build up to the romantic surprise would, in fact, probably just make her mad.

  I could only hope she'd had a good enough conversation with Kelsey to be only mildly annoyed at my behavior. Once I explained and gave her the custom-made necklace I'd commissioned, I knew she'd understand. I hated knowing I'd upset her, though, even if it was only for a bit and for a good reason.

  Based on when I'd gotten her text and how long it would take for her to get from the party back to the hotel, I knew I was probably only a few minutes behind her, and that was good. The less time she had to stew in our hotel room, the better. I was also really hoping she hadn't changed out of that magnificent dress yet. I'd been looking forward to peeling it off of her from the moment she'd tried it on in the store.

  Just the thought of her in that dress sent blood rushing south and I could feel my cock twitch in my pants. I tapped my foot impatiently as the elevator seemed to crawl along. I crossed the distance to the room in record time, my key card already in hand when I got there. The light flashed green and I stepped inside, fully expecting Carrie to be waiting for me, wanting an explanation.

  Instead, the main area was empty and I frowned. Had she gotten into the shower already? I hadn't thought I was that far behind her. I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn't get to see her in that dress again, but considering how well the shower before the party had gone, I wasn't exactly going to say no to another wet encounter.

  I slipped the package into my pocket and headed for the bedroom. I was partway there when I heard Carrie's voice screaming, “Get the hell out of my room!”

  All my plans were forgotten as adrenaline lit a fire under my feet. I burst into the room, then skidded to a stop. My brain processed things in snapshots. Carrie standing at the foot of the bed, an expression of horrified anger on her face. In the bed were two women—naked, limbs entwined. Fuck. Felice and Marguerite.


  I looked down at Carrie and her eyes were flashing. “Babe,” I said, trying to lighten the mood, “if you wanted to spice up our sex life, all you had to do was ask.”

  As soon as the half-ass attempt of a joke left my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. By a lot.

  “Fuck off!” She snapped at me, her face a mask of pure rage.

  I heard Felice giggle as Carrie stormed out of the room, but I didn't even bother to look down at either woman. I followed Carrie, calling out her name. She was already at the elevator when I reached the hallway.

  “Carrie, wait! It was a joke! A stupid joke!”

  The door opened and she stepped inside. I didn't even need to see her face to know my shitty joke had landed wrong. Everything about her said she was furious. I didn't blame her. If the situation had been reversed I’d been pissed as hell to find two naked men in my bed. Pissed didn’t cover it; someone would have gotten hurt.

  I managed to squeeze inside just as the doors began to close, but before I could say anything, Carrie grabbed the front of my shirt and shoved me against the wall. I was so startled, I couldn’t believe she was able to move me without any resistance. It went a long way in proving just how angry she was.

  “You bring me to fucking France, leave me alone at a party for the whole night while you go off dancing with that... that slut!” She jabbed a finger back toward the room. “Then, when she finally leaves, you take off, saying you have to 'do something.’ Like being with me for more than twenty minutes is so awful.”

  My jaw dropped. I could hardly believe this was Carrie. I'd seen her angry before, but I never imagined I'd see that fury directed at me… not like this.

  “When I finally leave, I text you, hoping like some insecure little schoolgirl that you'll say you're on your way, but I get shit.” She let go of my shirt, but didn't step away. “Then, I get to the room and find two naked whores fucking in our bed.” She took a deep breath, and let it out with a growl. “You still think this is about some fucking lame joke you made?!”

  Pieces were starting to fall into place, though I still had no idea why the women were in our room or how they'd gotten there. “Carrie, I-”

  “And don't say you're sorry!” She cut me off. “I don't care if you're fucking sorry! How dare you leave me alone all night. You dragged me here so I could support you and the business we're supposed to be partners in, and then blow me off like I'm excess baggage–”

  “Whoa, whoa.” I finally found my voice. “Let me explain.”

  “You think you can explain away all of this?” She took a step back and crossed her arms in what I'd come to recognize as her 'not taking any shit' stance. “Try me. Give it your best bullshit.”

  Fuck. I took a minute to figure out the best place to start. An apology was probably a good idea and I had a shitload to apologize for.


  Her eyes narrowed at the endearment.

  “I'm so sorry for how all this has played out. It's not what I wanted.” I smoothed down the front of my shirt. Seeing Carrie so riled up had thrown me. “And that.” I gestured toward a general space outside. “I don’t know what the hell that was. I had no idea either of those women wou
ld do something like that.”

  “Felice said you invited her.”

  Shit. Now I got it.

  “I sure the hell did not. Neither of those woman had an invitation from me,” I said firmly. I locked eyes with her. I didn't want there to be any doubt about this. “I did not state or imply that I was interested in any kind of sexual relationship with either of those women.” I sighed. I had to be completely honest with her. She deserved that. “But part of this is my fault.”

  Carrie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. I reached out and hit the stop on the elevator. I wasn't going to fuck this up by trying to rush it.

  “I should've made it crystal clear that I wasn't interested the first time she indicated she was,” I confessed. “I never encouraged her, but I let it go. I did it because I didn't want to risk her ruining my deal with Vincent. And I need this deal.”

  I could see her face morph into disgust, but I continued anyway. She deserved to know the whole truth. “I haven't been entirely forthcoming about how things were going back home. With all the renovations and changing the club from what it was...” I ran my hand through my hair. “It' cost a lot more than I'd planned, and with that and... other expenses...”

  “My business,” Carrie said, spitting out the words.

  I nodded. “I love what you do,” I assured her quickly. “And I love that I can help you do it, but it does cost money. Money that I've had no problem spending, but with the club not being open, and not taking in as much when it is, it's not being replaced as fast as it's going out. And we're not even a quarter of the way done with the changes yet.”

  A concerned expression overtook the anger on her face. However she thought this conversation was going to go, this wasn't it.

  “A club here is what I need to get things going again. I didn't want to risk the deal, but I never imagined anything like this would happen either.”

  “Stop right there,” Carrie said. “I just need to know one thing right now. The rest of it can wait. There are two naked women in our bed right now. Did you invite them there and then backpedal because I didn't like your little surprise?”

  “Carrie,” I said the only thing I knew she wouldn't question. “I swear on my daughter's life that I didn't ask either one of those women to come here.”

  A look of relief washed over her, but her eyes still looked troubled. “Why were you so distant all night? Taking calls? Acting secretive? Why did you have to leave me alone so much?”

  I smiled. This one I could answer and provide proof that she'd like. “I was trying to surprise you with this.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out the package. I held it out to her.

  Her entire body stilled for a moment and then she took it, glancing at my face and then down to the rectangular box in her hands. I kept my eyes on her face while she opened it. I'd been waiting all day to see her expression and I'd be damned if I'd let some stupid misunderstanding ruin this moment.

  She lifted the lid and her eyes widened. Her face softened and a soft exhale came from between her lips. “Gavin, it's beautiful.”

  I smiled, relieved. I'd gotten the idea when we'd passed by a shop and Carrie had expressed a liking for the intricate workings of a gold and ruby necklace. The delicate gold filigree had been shaped like a rose. The one I'd commissioned was a heart, and not just some simple heart with gold and jewels. It was two entwined hearts and I knew she understood what I was trying to say. Our hearts were just as linked as those two pieces of metal.

  “I had to get it from the jeweler before she took off for some sort of convention thing in Munich,” I explained.

  “I love it,” she said, her voice barely over a whisper. She closed the box and took a step toward me. She raised herself up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against mine. “Thank you.”

  “You're very welcome.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry tonight ended like this. It's not what I had in mind.”

  She sighed. “Me either.”

  “Think we can salvage it?” I asked, trying not to sound as doubtful as I felt.

  “I'm just tired, Gavin,” she said. “I want to go bed.” Then she groaned and banged her head against his chest. “Except our bed is occupied. And I’ll be damned if I’d sleep in it now anyway.”

  I chucked, in complete agreement. “Tell you what,” I said. “I'll go in and check. If the women are still there, we'll get another room. If they're gone, I'll get housekeeping to come up and change the linens.”

  She nodded and when we reached our floor, I took her hand. I'd fucked up at the party, choosing to hang with Felice instead of the woman I love. It wasn't even close to making up for it by taking her hand in an empty hallway, but I wanted her to know I felt it.

  I paused at the door and looked down at her.

  “I'd rather not go back in there,” she said and leaned against the wall. “I already saw more than I wanted to.”

  I gave her a quick kiss and then headed inside. I walked straight to the bedroom, fully prepared to give Felice and Marguerite a piece of my mind. But, as I looked into the bedroom, I found the women still in bed and asleep, arms around each other. It'd take more energy to rouse them, get them dressed and out than it would just to go downstairs and tell the front desk we needed another room. Money would be a problem soon if things didn't pick up, but it wasn't now and I believed the cost was worth the reward of getting my ass out of here. It’d be worth every penny, if just for the peace of mind that came with knowing those two women wouldn't know where we were.

  I grabbed a few of our things and walked back into the hallway where Carrie was waiting. I grinned at her. “Guess we need another room.”

  Chapter 2


  I was still trying to figure out how to tactfully tell Vincent what had happened when I walked into the café for our breakfast meeting. Carrie and I had gone to our original room first thing this morning and the women were gone, so we'd gotten our things and moved them to our new room. I hadn't even asked Carrie if she wanted to stay in the first one. I knew I didn't. Our new room had just as nice a view and no images of naked people that weren't us.

  Vincent grinned at me as I walked toward him. “Good morning, Gavin. And how are you this fine day?”

  Someone'd had a good night. At least a better one than I'd had. The only thing that had made it salvageable had been seeing how much Carrie loved that necklace.

  “I'm not doing too badly,” I said as I slid into the seat across from him. “But I have to admit, I didn't sleep very well last night.”

  Vincent's smile widened. “Really?”

  “I had a couple of visitors last night,” I said. “Quite the surprise.”

  He waggled his eyebrows, the gesture somehow looking appropriate with his eighties attire. “Did you enjoy that? It was Felice's idea, but I didn't discourage it.”

  My smile was tight. “Let's just say my girlfriend didn't appreciate finding two naked women in our bed.”

  Vincent sighed and leaned back. “Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know if you want a private repeat performance. Felice would be game any time and Marguerite's up for anything that gets her in bed with Felice.”

  “No, that won't be necessary.” I shook my head. I paused as I ordered scrambled eggs and coffee. Once the waiter left, I told Vincent what he needed to know. “Here's the thing. I'm not sure exactly what you think Carrie and I have together, but it's not...”

  “It's not what?” He sounded mildly amused.

  “It's not an open relationship,” I said. I figured that was the most tactful way I could say it. “It's only for us. Carrie and me. No one else.”

  Vincent threw up his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. “I see. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I should've been at the party and felt you out about what Felice wanted to do. I got caught up at a business dinner I couldn't get out of. I assumed, because of the kind of club you ran, that your tastes were a bit less... conventional.”<
br />
  While I'd always hated that assumption, I understood it. And it at least explained why Vincent thought what he did. It made me feel better that I wasn't giving out that kind of vibe, the kind that said I wanted to be with anyone but Carrie.

  Vincent continued, “Anyway, my friend. I promise you won't see Felice again, at least not until she performs at the club. I can't say she won't try to hit on you. She likes you.” He waved a hand. “Then again, this is France, and in France, men like us, we have a new girlfriend every week... or every hour.” He winked at me.

  I smiled because it was what Vincent expected, but I was glad when the waiter brought our food. I could keep busy eating and not have to fake enjoying some parts of the conversation. I still appreciated his business sense and he wasn't actually a bad guy. A couple years ago, I might've even taken him up on his offer. Now, I was more about the business than the schmoozing.

  “But enough talk about women,” Vincent said. “Do you want in this deal or not, because if you don't, I'll have to find a new partner ASAP. I want this club to open sooner rather than later.”

  “Yes,” I said. “I’m in.” I held out my hand.

  Vincent took my hand and we shook on it. The tension I'd been feeling about the deal eased some.

  “Where do I sign?” I asked.

  “You just did.” Vincent leaned back in his seat. “Between us, a handshake is golden. We'll let the lawyers handle the paperwork tomorrow.”

  I knew I wouldn't completely relax until I had physical signatures, but I felt better that Vincent was on board.

  “But before that. Allow me to make up for the disaster of last night. I'm meeting with a couple of old friends tonight. You come along and let me meet your beautiful girlfriend. I've heard so much about her, I feel like I already know her. I would enjoy meeting her.”

  That didn't sound too bad, and I could use the chance to make up for what had happened with Felice. “That sounds great. Thank you. We'll be there.”

  Chapter 3
