Read Friars and Filipinos Page 2


  Chapter I. Page Don Santiago's Dinner 1

  Chapter II. At the Dinner Table 11

  Chapter III. Heretic and Revolutionist 16

  Chapter IV. Captain Tiago 23

  Chapter V. An Idyl on the Azotea 29

  Chapter VI. Things Philippine 35

  Chapter VII. San Diego and Its People 40

  Chapter VIII. Ibarra and the Grave-Digger 47

  Chapter IX. Adventures of a School Teacher 51

  Chapter X. Lights and Shadows 57

  Chapter XI. The Fishing Party 59

  Chapter XII. In the Woods 68

  Chapter XIII. In the House of Tasio 77

  Chapter XIV. The Eve of the Fiesta 83

  Chapter XV. As Night Comes On 87

  Chapter XVI. The Hoisting Crane 92

  Chapter XVII. The Banquet 104

  Chapter XVIII. The First Cloud 112

  Chapter XIX. His Excellency 116

  Chapter XX. The Procession 125

  Chapter XXI. Dona Consolacion 129

  Chapter XXII. Might and Right 137

  Chapter XXIII. Two Visitors 145

  Chapter XXIV. Episode in Espadana's Life 148

  Chapter XXV. Schemes 161

  Chapter XXVI. The Persecuted 165

  Chapter XXVII. The Cock Fight 172

  Chapter XXVIII. The Two Senoras 181

  Chapter XXIX. The Enigma 188

  Chapter XXX. The Voice of the Persecuted 191

  Chapter XXXI. Elias's Family 200

  Chapter XXXII. Changes 207

  Chapter XXXIII. Playing Cards with the Shades 211

  Chapter XXXIV. The Discovery 217

  Chapter XXXV. The Catastrophe 223

  Chapter XXXVI. What People Say and Think 229

  Chapter XXXVII. Vae Victis! 235

  Chapter XXXVIII. The Accursed 244

  Chapter XXXIX. Maria Clara is Married 248

  Chapter XL. The Pursuit on the Lake 259

  Chapter XLI. Father Damaso Explains 267

  Epilogue 271