Read Friends, though divided: A Tale of the Civil War Page 12



  There was no sadder or more gloomy face among the officers of theParliament than that of Herbert Rippinghall--sad, not from the sourasceticism which distinguished the great portion of these officers, butfrom his regrets over the struggle in which he was taking a part. WhileHarry Furness saw much to find fault with in the conduct of many of hisfellows, and in the obstinacy with which the king refused to grantconcessions which might up to this time have restored peace to the land,Herbert, on his side, was shocked at the violence and excessive demandson the part of the Parliament, and at the rank hypocrisy which he saweverywhere around him. Both lads still considered that the balance ofjustice was on the side upon which they fought. But both, Herbertperhaps because more thoughtful, therefore more strongly, saw that thefaults upon one side balanced those upon the other. Herbert had nottaken up the sword willingly, as Harry had done. He was by dispositionfar less prone to adventure and more given to sober thought, and theviolence of his father and the bigoted opinions which he held hadrepelled him from rather than attracted him toward the principles whichhe advocated. When, however, the summons came from his father to joinhim at Reading, with the rest of the hands employed in the business, hedid not hesitate. He still hoped that the pacific party in Parliamentwould overcome the more violent, and that the tyranny of a smallminority toward which the country appeared to be drifting would benipped in the bud.

  The divisions, indeed, in the Parliament were far greater than in thecouncils of the king. Between the Independents and the Presbyterians awide gulf existed. The latter party, which was much the more numerous inParliament, and which had moreover the countenance and alliance of theScotch Presbyterians, viewed with the greatest jealousy the increasingarrogance of the Independents and of the military party. They becamealarmed when they saw that they were rapidly drifting from the rule ofthe king to that of Cromwell, and that while they themselves would besatisfied with ample concessions and a certain amount of toleration, theIndependents were working for much more than this. Upon the Presbyterianside, Lord Essex was regarded as their champion with the army, asagainst Cromwell, Fairfax, and Ireton. So strong did the feeling becomethat it was moved in the Commons "that no member of either House should,during the war, enjoy or execute any office or command, civil ormilitary." A long and furious debate followed; but the ordinance waspassed by the Lower House, and went up to the Lords, and was finallypassed by them.

  Now, however, occurred an episode which added greatly to the religioushatred prevailing between the two parties, and shocked many of theadherents of the Parliament by the wanton bigotry which it displayed.Archbishop Laud had now lain for four years in prison, and by anordinance of Parliament, voted by only seven lords, he was condemned forhigh treason, and was beheaded on the 10th of January. This cruel andunnecessary murder showed only too plainly that the toleration which theDissenters had clamored for meant only toleration for themselves, andintolerance toward all others; and a further example of this was givenby the passing of an ordinance forbidding the use of the Liturgy of theChurch of England in any place of worship in the country.

  Rendered nervous by the increasing power of the Independents, themajority in Parliament now determined to open fresh negotiations withthe king, and these offered a fairer prospect of peace than any whichhad hitherto preceded them. Commissioners were appointed by Parliamentand by the king, and these met at Uxbridge, a truce being made fortwenty days. Had the king been endowed with any sense of the danger ofhis position, or any desire to treat in a straightforward and honestmanner with his opponents, peace might now have been secured. But theunfortunate monarch was seeking to cajole his foes rather than to treatwith them, and his own papers, afterward discovered, show too plainlythat the concessions which he offered were meant only to be kept so longas it might please him. The twenty precious days were frittered away indisputes. The king would grant one day concessions which he wouldrevoke the next. The victories which Montrose was gaining in the northhad roused his hopes, and the evil advice of his wife and Prince Rupert,and the earnest remontrances which he received from Montrose againstsurrendering to the demands of Parliament, overpowered the advice of hiswiser counselors. At the end of twenty days the negotiations ceased, andthe commissioners of Parliament returned to London, convinced that therewas no hope of obtaining a permanent peace with a man so vacillating andinsincere as the king.

  Herbert had been with his father at Uxbridge, as the regiment of foot towhich he belonged was on guard here, and it was with a heavy heart thathe returned to London, convinced that the war must go on, but forbodingas great a disaster to the country in the despotism which he saw theIndependents would finally establish as in the despotism of KingCharles.

  There was a general gloom in the city when the news of the unsuccessfultermination of the negotiations became known. The vast majority of thepeople were eagerly desirous of peace. The two years which the war hadalready lasted had brought nothing save ruin to trade and generaldisaster, and the great body of the public who were not tinged with theintense fanaticism of the Independents, and who did not view allpleasure and enjoyment in life as sinful, longed for the merry old dayswhen Englishmen might smile without being accused of sin, and when lifewas not passed solely in prayer and exhortation. Several small riots hadbroken out in London; but these were promptly suppressed. Among the'prentice boys, especially, did the spirit of revolt against the gloomyasceticism of the time prevail, and there can be little doubt that if atthis period, or for a long time subsequent, the king could have appearedsuddenly in the city at the head of a few score troops, he would havebeen welcomed with acclamation, and the great body of the citizens wouldhave rallied round him.

  When the Parliament commissioners reached London Fairfax received hiscommission as sole general of the army. The military services ofCromwell were of such importance that Fairfax and his officers urgedthat an exception should be made to the ordinance in his case, and thathe should be temporarily appointed lieutenant-general and chiefcommander of horse. The moderate party yielded to the demand of theIndependents. The Earls of Essex, Manchester, and Denbigh gave in theirresignations. Many of the more moderate advisers of Charles alsoretired to their estates, despairing of a conflict in which the king'sobstinacy admitted of no hope of a favorable termination. They, too,had, as much perhaps as the members of the recalcitrant Parliament,hoped for reforms; but it was clear that the king would never consent toreign except as an absolute monarch, and for this they were unprepared.The violent party among the Cavaliers now ruled supreme in the councilsof Charles. For a short time the royal cause seemed in the ascendant.Leicester had been taken by storm, Taunton was besieged, Fairfax wassurrounding Oxford, but was doing nothing against the town. On the 5thof June he was ordered to raise the siege, and to go to the Midlandcounties after the royal army. On the 13th Fairfax and Cromwell joinedtheir forces, and pursued the king, whom they overtook the next day nearNaseby.

  Herbert had accompanied the army of Fairfax, and seeing the number andresolution of the troops, he hoped that a victory might be gained whichwould terminate for good and all this disastrous conflict. The groundround Naseby is chiefly moorland. The king's army was drawn up a milefrom Market Harborough. Prince Rupert commanded the left wing, SirMarmaduke Langdale the right, Lord Ashley the main body. Fairfaxcommanded the center of the Roundheads, with General Skippon under him.Cromwell commanded the right and Ireton the left. Rupert had hurried onwith his horse in advance, and coming upon the Roundheads, at onceengaged them. So sudden was the attack that neither party had formed itslines for battle, and the artillery was in the rear. Between the armieslay a wide level known as Broadmoor. It was across this that Rupert hadridden, and charging up the hill on the other side, fell upon the leftwing of Fairfax. Cromwell, upon the other hand, from the extreme rightcharged down the hill upon Langdale's squadrons. Prince Rupert, asusual, carried all before him. Shouting his battle cry, "Queen Mary," hefell upon Ireton's left wing, and drove
them from the field, chasingthem back to Naseby, where, as usual, he lost time in capturing theenemy's baggage. Cromwell, with his Ironsides, upon the other hand, hadbroken Langdale's horse and driven them from the field. In the centerthe fight was hot. The king's foot had come up the hill and pouredvolley after volley into the parliament ranks. Hand to hand the infantrywere fighting, and gradually the Roundheads were giving way. But now, asat Marston, Cromwell, keeping his Ironsides well in hand, returned fromthe defeat of Langdale's horse, and fell upon the rear of the Royalists.Fairfax rallied his men as he saw the horse coming up to his assistance.Rupert's troopers were far from the field, and a panic seizing theking's reserve of horse, who had they charged might have won the day,the Earl of Carnewarth, taking hold of King Charles' horse, forced himfrom the field, and the battle ended, with the complete defeat of theroyal troops, before Rupert returned to the field of battle.

  The Royalists lost in killed and prisoners five thousand men, theirtwelve guns, and all their baggage train, and what was of even greaterimportance, the king's private cabinet, which contained documents whichdid more to precipitate his ruin even than the defeat of his army. Herewere found letters proving that while he had professed his desire totreat, he had no intention of giving way in the slightest degree. Herewere copies of letters to foreign princes asking for aid, and to thePapists in Ireland, promising all kinds of concessions if they wouldrise in his favor. Not only did the publication of this correspondenceand of the private letters between the king and queen add to theindignation of the Commons and to their determination to fight to thebitterest end, but it disgusted and alienated a vast number of Royalistswho had hitherto believed in the king and trusted to his royal word.

  Among the prisoners taken at Naseby was Harry Furness, whose troop hadbeen with Langdale's horse, and who, his charger having been shot, hadfallen upon the field, his head being cut by the sweep of the sword of aRoundhead soldier, who struck at him as he was lying on the ground. Soonafter the battle, when it became known what prisoners had been taken, hewas visited by his friend Herbert.

  "We are changing sides, Herbert," Harry said, with a faint smile. "Thelast time we met you were nigh falling into the hands of the Royalists,now I have altogether fallen into yours."

  "Yes, and unfortunately," Herbert said, "I cannot repeat your act ofgenerosity. However, Harry, I trust that with this great battle the waris nearly over, and that all prisoners now taken will speedily bereleased. At any rate, I need not assure you that you will have my aidand assistance in any matter."

  The Parliamentary leaders did not allow the grass to grow under theirfeet after Naseby. Prince Rupert, with considerable force, had marchedto Bristol, and Fairfax and Cromwell followed him there. A considerableportion of the prisoners were sent to London, but some were retainedwith the army. Among these was Harry Furness, whom it was intended toconfine with many others in some sure place in the south. Under a guardthey were conducted to Reading, where they were for awhile to be kept.Essex and Cromwell advanced to Bristol, which they surrounded; andPrince Rupert, after a brave defense, was forced to capitulate, uponterms similar to those which had been granted by the king to the armyof Lord Essex the year before. In his conduct of the siege the princehad certainly not failed. But this misfortune aroused the king's angermore than the faults which had done such evil service on the fields ofNaseby and Marston, and he wrote to the prince, ordering him to leavethe kingdom at once.

  It would have been well had King Charles here ceased the struggle, forthe cause of the Royalists was now hopeless. Infatuated to the last,however, and deeming ever that the increasing contentions and ill-willbetween the two parties in Parliament would finally end by one of thembidding for the Royal support, and agreeing to his terms, the kingcontinued the contest. Here and there isolated affrays took place;risings in Kent and other counties occurring, but being defeatedsummarily by the vigor of Fairfax and his generals.

  The time passed but slowly with Harry at Reading. He and hisfellow-prisoners were assigned quarters in a large building, under theguard of a regiment of Parliament troops. Their imprisonment was notrigorous. They were fairly fed and allowed exercise in a large courtyardwhich adjoined the house. The more reckless spirits sang, jested, wrotescurrilous songs on the Roundheads, and passed the time as cheerfully asmight be. Harry, however, with the restlessness of his age, longed forliberty. He knew that Prince Charles was in command of the army in thewest, and he longed to join him and try once more the fortunes ofbattle. The guard set round the building was close and vigilant, and thechances of escape appeared small. Still, Harry thought that if he couldescape from an upper window on a dark night he could surely make his waythrough the line of sentries. He had observed on moonlight nights theexact position which each of these occupied. The intervals were shortbetween them; but it would be quite possible on a dark night for aperson to pass noiselessly without being perceived. The watch would havebeen even more strict than it was, had not the Puritans regarded thestruggle as virtually at an end, and were, therefore, less careful as totheir prisoners than they would otherwise have been. Harry prepared forescape by tearing up the blankets of his bed and knotting them intoropes. A portion he wrapped round his shoes, so as to walk noiselessly,and taking advantage of a dark, moonless night, when the fog hung thickupon the low land round Reading, he opened his window, threw out hisrope, and slipped down to the ground.

  So dark was the fog that it was difficult for him to see two paces inadvance, and he soon found that the careful observations which he hadtaken of the place of the sentries would be altogether useless. Still,in the darkness and thickness of the night, he thought that the chanceof detection was small. Creeping quietly and noiselessly along, he couldhear the constant challenges of the sentries round him. These, excitedby the unusual darkness of the night, were unusually vigilant. Harryapproached until he was within a few yards of the line, and the voicesof the men as they challenged enabled him to ascertain exactly theposition of those on the right and left of him. Passing between these,he could see neither, although they were but a few paces on either hand,and he would have got off unobserved had he not suddenly fallen into adeep stream running across his way, and which in the darkness he did notsee until he fell into it. At the sound there was an instant challenge,and then a piece was discharged. Harry struggled across the stream, andclambered out on the opposite side. As he did so a number of musketswere fired in his direction by the men who came rushing up to the pointof alarm. One ball struck him in the shoulder. The rest whizzedharmlessly by, and at the top of his speed he ran forward.

  He was now safe from pursuit, for in the darkness of the night it wouldhave been absolutely impossible to follow him. In a few minutes heceased running, for when all became quiet behind him, he could no longertell in what direction he was advancing. So long as he could hear theshouts of the sentries he continued his way, and then, all guidancebeing lost, he lay down under a hedge and waited for morning. It wasstill thick and foggy; but wandering aimlessly about for some time, hesucceeded at last in striking upon a road, and judging from the sideupon which he had entered it in which direction Reading must lie, hetook the western way and went forward. The ball had passed only throughthe fleshy part of his shoulder, missing the bone; and although itcaused him much pain, he was able, by wrapping his arm tightly to hisbody, to proceed. More than once he had to withdraw from the road intothe fields beyond, when he heard troops of horse galloping along.

  After a long day's walk he arrived near Abingdon, and there made for thehall. Instead of going to the door he made for the windows, and, lookingin, saw a number of Roundhead soldiers in the hall, and knew that therewas no safety for him. As he glanced in one of the soldiers happened tocast his eyes up, and gave a shout on seeing a figure looking in at thewindow. Instantly the rest sprang to their feet, and started out tosecure the intruder. Harry fled along the road, and soon reachedAbingdon. He had at first thought of making for one of his father'sfarms; but he felt sure that here also Roundhead troops would
bequartered. After a moment's hesitation he determined to make for Mr.Rippinghall's. He knew the premises accurately, and thought that hemight easily take refuge in the warehouses, in which large quantities ofwool were wont to be stored. The streets were deserted, for it was nowlate at night, and he found his way without interruption to thewool-stapler's. Here he climbed over a wall, made his way into thewarehouse, and clambering over a large number of bales, laid himselfdown next to the wall, secure from any casual observation. Here he wentoff to sleep, and it was late next day before he opened his eyes. He wasnearly uttering an exclamation at the pain which his movement on wakinggave to his wounded arm. He, however, repressed it, and it was well hedid so, as he heard voices in the warehouse. Men were removing bales ofwool, and for some hours this process went on. Harry, being well back,had little fear that he should be disturbed.

  The hours passed wearily. He was parched and feverish from the pain ofhis wound, and was unable to deliberate as to his best course. Sometimeshe dozed off into snatches of sleep, and after one of these he foundthat the warehouse was again silent, and that darkness had set in. Hedetermined to wait at least for another day, and also that he wouldearly in the morning look out from the window before the men entered, inhopes that he might catch sight of his old playfellow, Lucy, who would,he felt sure, bring him some water and refreshment if she were able.Accordingly, in the morning, he took his place so as to command a viewof the garden, and presently to his great surprise he saw Herbert, whomhe had believed with the army, come out together with Lucy. They had nottaken four paces in the garden when their attention was attracted by atap at the window, and looking up, they were astonished at beholdingHarry's pale face there. With an exclamation of surprise they hurriedinto the warehouse.

  "My dear Harry," Herbert exclaimed, "how did you get here? The troopshave been searching for you high and low. Your escape from Reading wasbruited abroad a few hours after it took place, and the party at thehall having reported seeing some one looking in at the window, there wasno doubt felt that you had gained this neighborhood, and a close watchhas been kept. All your father's farms have been carefully examined, andtheir occupants questioned, and the general belief is that you are stillhidden somewhere near."

  "I got a ball through my shoulder," Harry said, "in making my waythrough the sentries, and have felt myself unable to travel until Icould obtain some food. I thought that I should be safer from searchhere, and believing you were away in the army, thought that your sisterwould perhaps be moved by compassion to aid her old playfellow."

  "Yes, indeed," the girl said; "I would have done anything for you,Harry. To think of your being hidden so close to us, while we weresleeping quietly. I will at once get you some food, and then you andHerbert can talk over what is best to be done."

  So saying she ran into the house, and returned in a few minutes with abowl of milk and some freshly made cakes, which Harry drank and ateravenously. In the meantime, he was discussing with Herbert what was thebest course to pursue.

  "It would not be safe," Herbert said, "for you to try and journeyfurther at present. The search for you is very keen, and it happens,unfortunately, that the officer in command here is the very man whoseface you sliced when he came to Furness Hall some two years back. Itwould be a bad thing for you were you to fall into his hands."

  Lucy at first proposed that Harry should be taken into the house, andgo at once to bed. She and Herbert would then give out that a friend hadarrived from a distance, who was ill, and, waiting upon him themselves,should prevent suspicion being attracted. This, however, Herbert did notthink would be safe. It would be asked when the inmate had arrived, andwho he was, and why the servants should not, as usual, attend upon him.

  "I think," he said, "that if to-night I go forth, having said at dinnerin the hearing of the servant that I am expecting a friend from London,you can then join me outside, and return with me. You must crop offthose long ringlets of yours, and turn Roundhead for the nonce. I canlet you have a sober suit which was made for me when I was in London,and which has not yet been seen by my servants. I can say that you arein bad health, and this will enable you to remain at home, sleeping upona couch to nurse your shoulder."

  "The shoulder is of no consequence," Harry said. "A mere flesh woundlike that would not detain me away from the saddle. It is only thefatigue and loss of blood, together with want of food, which hasweakened me."

  As no other course presented itself this was followed. Harry remainedduring the day in his place of concealment in the warehouse, and atnightfall went out, and, being joined by Herbert, returned with him tothe house. The door was opened by Lucy and he entered unperceived by thedomestics. The first operation was to cut off the whole of his hairclose to his head. He was then attired in Herbert's clothes, and looked,as Lucy told him, a quiet and decent young gentleman. Then he took hisplace on a couch in the sitting-room, and Herbert rung for supper, whichhe had ordered to be prepared for a guest as well as for Lucy andhimself.