Read From Deities Page 3

  “Mr. Rome, come in.”

  “Thank you. And you must be Mason?” He offered his hand.

  “Yes, I’m Mason.” Mason shook his hand and moved aside to let him in.

  I clasped my hands together to stop my body from shaking, but I couldn’t control my hammering heart, which felt like it was going to explode. After I took a deep breath, I stepped out of the shadows and showed myself to my dad, but kept my distance.

  “Hello, Sky,” he said with a cheerful tone, as if all was right between us. Taking off his black fedora, he dusted the water droplets from it. It must have started to drizzle outside. He then removed his coat and placed both on the rack next to the door, revealing a pair of dark jeans and a gray sweater.

  Looking at my dad, he hadn’t aged, from what I could remember. Not a wrinkle creased his smooth, velvet face. He should look ten years older, but then again I couldn’t remember what he looked like ten years ago. My mom had put away all of the photos of him.

  “Why don’t you two sit in the living room, and I’ll be in my room upstairs.” Mason looked at me to confirm I was comfortable with this situation.

  “Okay.” I nodded, then gestured for my father to follow me into the family room.

  Settling on the sofa on the opposite side of my dad, I fiddled with my thumbs. It was a nervous habit, but it was the only thing that was helping to calm my nerves. It was difficult to look him in the eye as I waited for his explanation.

  My dad cleared his throat. “I’m not sure where to begin, so I’ll just start from the day you almost drowned.”

  That got my attention. Snapping my head up, I listened as the anticipation of that dreadful day, which I could not remember, would be revealed.

  “We were at the beach, vacationing in Maui. It was just the three of us; your mom, you, and me, but there were other families around. It was getting late, but you wanted to go into the water one last time before heading back to the hotel. Your mom and I took you out together. Somehow, we drifted a bit too far from where we intended.”

  There was a pause. My dad rubbed his forehead, looking distressed, as if he was back there, reliving the moment. His eyes shifted to the floor. “I blacked out. I don’t remember it, of course. Your mother told me that I…I tried to…drown you.”

  I gasped softly, shocked by his words. I couldn’t speak or move. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought those words could have come out of his mouth.

  He continued, “It wasn’t the only time I blacked out. Shortly after, it happened again, only this time, I had a knife in my hand when I woke up. There were a couple of other times, so your mom and I agreed that I should pack my bags and never come back. I was too dangerous to be near you or your mom. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. So now you must be wondering why I’m back.”

  I couldn’t get my lips to move. My blood had already drained out of me while my mind and body shut down from the news. I wanted Mason to be with me, but I couldn’t even say his name.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, but I need to explain more. I know what you are. I know what type of blood runs in your veins. I don’t need to go into details because you already know about the gods and their descendants,” he said.

  Slowly, my eyes rose to meet his.

  “I didn’t know it back then, when I was living with you. I found out after I discovered the truth about myself. You see, Sky, most people live their daily lives not really knowing who their ancestors are because they are told only what they need to be told. Some people continue their lives as if they were full breed humans, but they are the lucky ones. They are the ones with defective genes, or their bloodlines had been weakened over the years. They will never have powers, or experience what it’s like to be a god’s descendant. What I’m trying to tell you is that you are who you are because of me.” He paused, as if he was letting all of his words sink in…possibly studying me to see if I would freak out.

  Of course, I wasn’t surprised at all. I already knew who I was, and that there was a possibility of my dad being a god’s descendant, because I was almost certain my mom wasn’t. Since my father was the one who had left, he had to be the one. I was just glad that he was well and alive, though he had broken my heart. In a way, I understood, especially when he’d tried to kill me. But why? “How did you find out who you were?”

  “I was really depressed. I knew I needed help. Something was different about me, that I knew for sure. Needing some answers, I went back to the same beach. It was late into the night when I was attacked by these water creatures. I thought I was going out of my mind. I was near death when a few of Poseidon’s descendants saved me. I would have never believed it had I not experienced it first hand, but I saw what they could do. After we regrouped with other descendants, our main goal became clear…to destroy all of Hades and Medusa’s creations.

  “I don’t know why you have Hades and Medusa’s blood in you. I’m not even quite sure which line of gods I’m from. All I know is that over time, between mixing the blood and changes in DNA, we evolve, gaining or losing different types of powers. Think of it like baking a cake; when you use different portions of the ingredients, you get different results.”

  “Is your blood poison like mine?” I asked timidly. I didn’t know why I was reserved. I was talking to my father, but he felt like a stranger to me.

  “Yes, but it’s not strong enough to kill like yours,” he said sympathetically, standing up. “However, by some unfortunate fate, yours is.”

  I stood up as well, feeling guarded, but the second I saw him coming toward me, I retreated a few steps. “Why are you here now?” Tears burned my eyes as I tried desperately to blink them away. I couldn’t let them fall.

  “I’ve always been there, watching you, but from afar. You just didn’t know it. I’ve watched you cry over me, as I did the same for you. I was afraid I would hurt you, and…your mother would have called the police. You have to know how difficult and heart breaking it has been for me. You’re my daughter, Sky. I love you with all my heart. I’m the same father who sang you to sleep. The same father that held you when you were scared. The same father that read you books and played board games with you. I….” Pearl-drop tears streaked down his cheeks. It tore me up inside to see that, but I would not let it weaken me.

  His tears, along with the sincerity of his words, hit me hard, splitting my heart and lungs into two. I felt as if the air had been sucked out of me; it was extremely difficult to breathe. And the tears I was trying to hold back had no mercy, as they poured down like the rain outside. The pain came crashing through again, the memories of how I felt when he left felt like a dagger in my heart, twisting and turning with every aching word.

  “I don’t mean to sound like a stalker,” he spoke again. “I just needed to know you were safe. I sent Noah and Tim to watch over you, because together they could protect you better than I could. My powers are very limited. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure if you even needed my protection. It seems like the Grand family has taken you under their protection, but you could use more help now since we know for sure how poisoned your blood really is. Both good and evil will come after you.”

  He was right and I knew it, but I didn’t want my father to suddenly tell me what to do. Though he had his good reasons for leaving, my heart was swallowed up by pain and I couldn’t just pretend that everything was right between us. It would take time—a long time—to heal and process all of his words.

  “Thank you,” I said politely, wiping my tears. “Mason and his family are more than capable of taking care of me.”

  “Yes, I understand, but from what Noah and Tim told me about Alena and how she tried to kill you, I think it’s best that I send some of my men.”

  “Your men? So you’re like…their leader or something?” My tone sounded angry. I didn’t know where this was coming from as I recalled Noah mentioning how they had a leader. Perhaps it was ridiculous jealousy. I grew up without a father when all along he was alive, taki
ng care of other kids.

  “Yes. This group of kids was young when I met them. They needed a father figure. Someone who was more experienced in life.”

  Those words stung me even more. He became a father to these strangers, but where was he when I needed him? “And you didn’t try to kill them…only me?”

  “I don’t know why, Sky. Maybe I’ll never know. I don’t even know how it happened. Your mother was too distraught to remember the details. But I want to help you now and make up for all of those lost years. We could meet up with people who understand us. That way if I tried to hurt you again, they could stop it from happening. I want to—”

  What about what I wanted? “I don’t know. This is all too much for me right now,” I answered resignedly, feeling like the world had fallen on me. My heart couldn’t take it anymore. Turning, I headed out of the family room, needing Mason right at this moment. He was the only one that made me feel safe.


  I jerked back with a gasp from my father’s sudden appearance in front of me. He moved with the same speed as Mason. Although he had mentioned he had limited powers, it was strange to see him move like the gods’ descendants, especially since I couldn’t.

  “Sky, please,” he pleaded with soft eyes, while his fingers gripped my forearm.

  My heart hammered a mile a minute, not from what he’d just done, but from what he could do. He had tried to kill me several times before, and now knowing why he had to leave me, I was frightened of him more than I could imagine.

  “Let her go,” Mason demanded from the top of the stairs. He’d told me he would give us privacy, but I knew he would be listening. I didn’t mind, especially knowing I could be in danger from my own father.

  “I’m not going to hurt my own daughter,” he said to Mason, yet his tone and eyes betrayed him.

  Mason was now standing in front of me. His fingers lit up as a warning. When my dad released me, I took a step back.

  “Mason,” my dad said carefully, “what happened with Alena was just the beginning, and that was nothing compared to what is sure to come. More danger is on its way. We need to work together. It’s the only way.”

  “Mr. Rome, I agree with you, but right now, I think she’s heard enough. We can set up another meeting.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” He raked his hair back with a deep sigh. “I understand. And please, you can call me Victor.” His shoulders relaxed and sadness filled his eyes. “I’ll call you next week.” Then he turned to me. “Please don’t tell your mother I came to see you. She has no idea about the gods’ descendants. She may even call the police. In fact, please don’t tell anyone. ”

  “I won’t,” I said with conviction.

  With a quick, loving smile and one last glance at me, Victor gathered his belongings and walked toward the entryway.

  Leaving me standing in place, Mason guided my father out the door. Taking only a few long strides, Mason reached my side. Pulling me into his chest, he held me tightly as if he knew I needed that hug. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay ’cause you’re here.” Resting my head in that perfect space between his head and shoulder, I let out a long sigh and tried to catch my breath.

  “You need some rest, Echo. I’m taking you to my room.” With a swift scoop, I was in his arms.

  After a warm shower, I slipped into Mason’s clothes and got ready for bed. Mason was waiting for me, spread across the bed with his arms behind his head for support. I plopped on the bed, lay my body alongside of him and rested my head on his chest. He felt so strong, yet soft, and comforting, a serene feeling filled me. Since tomorrow was Saturday and I didn’t have any classes, I agreed to stay the night.

  “Were you listening the whole time? I don’t mind if you were,” I said sincerely.

  Mason started to caress my hair. “We have intercoms in our bedrooms that link throughout the house. Sorry. I just needed to know you were safe. I knew there was a real possibility that your father was one of us, but I didn’t know which side he was on.”

  Closing my eyes, I dissolved into his touch. “I’m actually glad you were listening. I wanted to call out for you, but I couldn’t speak, let alone breathe after all that he’d said.”

  “I know.” Mason pulled me tighter and kissed my forehead. “I’m so sorry. It’s who we are. This is the nature of our lives. We’ll always be looking over our shoulders.”

  I opened my eyes and gazed lovingly into Mason’s as I ran my hand over his arm. I loved to touch his strong, taut muscles. “As long as we’re together, I can deal with it.”

  Mason’s shoulders stiffened and his tone changed. “Promise me, Sky, that you won’t be in the same room with Victor by yourself. I know he’s your father, but from what he told you, he can hurt you without even knowing it. He hasn’t told us everything. Do you understand?”

  I nodded to agree, thinking how tortured this situation was. The father I’d known for eight short years was not the father I thought he was. I wanted to jump into his arms the way I used to when I was a little girl, but I couldn’t. Now, it wasn’t even a possibility.

  When Mason cupped my cheeks and planted his lips on mine, I broke out of my thoughts. “I don’t know how we’re going to be able to sleep together without me trying anything with you. Maybe you should stay away from me, too.”

  “What if I don’t want you to stay away? What if I want to go to the naughty corner? You know, I’ve been really bad. I think I deserve to go there.” As I smiled flirtatiously at him, my tone was playful and so were my eyes.

  Mason chuckled at first, then his eyes shifted to my lips with desire. “Naughty corner it is.” There was no stopping now after his tight chest exhaled a growl. He was turned on by my words. Intense desire coursed through me when Mason’s lips conquered mine again. As his hands explored my body, I lost myself in him … and it was the best place to be.

  When I placed my hand on his muscular chest, it gave me more tingles. Wanting more, I grasped a handful of his hair in my fist. Mason left my mouth, kissing and nipping my jaw, my neck, and lower. Breathless, I moaned when his body hovered over mine. Excitedly, I wrapped my arms around the back of his strong neck and found his lips again, reaching deeper, trying to fill the empty sadness my father had left me with. I wanted to forget all my father’s words…to forget about him. Mostly, to forget about who I was.

  “Sky,” Mason whispered at the tip of my ear, making me quiver. My name spoken from his lips like smooth velvet caused another spark of excitement, and it intensified when I felt warmth pooling inside of me. In that moment, I knew he was using his powers. His eyes glowed silver, as did his hand as it slid under my sweater.

  “Mason,” I said softly in the same sensual tone as his. Pleasurable heat surged starting from my stomach, then with soft ripples spread throughout my body. “Mason,” I whimpered, breaking away from the kiss just to call his name, letting him know I was feeling him. However, Mason conquered my mouth again in hunger and desperation.

  Just when I couldn’t take it anymore, he broke away and flopped next to me with ragged breaths. “Sorry, I got carried away.” His chest rose up and down to the rhythm of his rapidly beating heart.

  Feeling dazed, like I had just awakened from from a beautiful dream, I lay there dumbfounded. “It’s okay. I really didn’t mind.”

  “Let’s try to get some sleep. Maybe we can have a lazy day tomorrow and meet Nick and Kayla for dinner.”

  “Sounds good,” I agreed, still catching my breath.

  “Come here,” he ordered, embracing me and kissing my cheek. As I lay safely in Mason’s arms, my thoughts reverberated back to my father’s words and wondered where he lived.

  After our lazy day, Mason took me home to change. It was difficult for me to get ready since I felt like I had no clothes to wear. I didn’t have many dresses, but thank goodness I had one red sweater dress. With light makeup, my hair in curls, and high-heeled black boots, I was all set to go.

  Walking down the st
airs, I caught Mason’s sparkling eyes on me. He slowly stood up from the sofa and approached the bottom of the stairs. “I think I need to take you out more often. Not that you don’t look beautiful on a daily basis.”

  I got the point. I was sure I turned just as red as my dress, looking down from shyness. “Thank you,” I said.

  “We better get going before I take it off you.”

  I snapped my head back up from his hot words. Before I could reply, Mason hooked his arm into mine and led me out the door. We drove the short distance in companionable silence, and it seemed like only seconds before we were there.

  “Is this the place?” I asked, pointing at a building from inside of the car.

  He nodded. “Yes. We were going to take you and Kayla to one of our own restaurants, but we decided to take you here instead.”

  Mason pulled up to the valet parking, and a gentleman opened the car door for me. It didn’t look overly fancy from the outside, but once inside, it was a whole different story. With wooden floors, elegant dining tables and light fixtures, and soft-lit candles on the tables, I felt underdressed.

  “We have a reservation under Mason Grand, party of four at seven,” he said to the hostess.

  “Yes, Mr. Grand. Your guests have already arrived. They are seated at the table. Allow me to take you there.”

  “Thank you.” He gestured with a nod. Intertwining his fingers through mine, we followed the hostess.

  “Skylar,” Kayla almost yelled, but she contained herself and hugged me. She wore a black sweater dress with high-heeled black boots. Her hair was in high ponytail and she looked fabulous.

  “It’s good to see you, Kayla,” I greeted, and released her to give Nick a hug. When I turned, I saw Kayla and Mason exchanging a hug, too.

  Mason helped me out of my coat, and we settled into our seats just as the waitress came into our room with the menus. After reciting the dinner specials of the evening, she took our beverage orders and left.