Read From Gods Page 12

  “Thanks,” she said, desperately trying not to look Mason’s way, or at the girl sitting next to him, but she failed. When he gave her a sweet smile, she couldn’t help but smile too. Why do you have to be so darn cute? Why do you make me feel like I’m walking on air when you’re around?

  “By the way, this is our cousin, Amanda. She’s visiting us from out of town,” Nick introduced.

  Cousin? The pang that twisted her heart a second ago disappeared with Nick’s words. Skylar gave her the biggest smile. That Amanda was Mason’s cousin was the best news she’d heard in a long time. No wonder his manner was odd at the restaurant when she asked him about his date. She also recalled Mason telling her there were more like them, but he’d never mentioned having a cousin. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Same here,” Amanda muttered. “I’ve heard a lot of things about you.”

  “You have?” Skylar didn’t know if her tone meant good or bad. “I hope good things.” She smiled again. “Let me know if you need anything else.” Then she backed away, heading to the register.

  “Skylar,” Mason called.

  Skylar’s heart skipped a beat from the sound of Mason’s voice. “Yes?”

  “We’re going to the mountains this weekend. We have a cabin up there. Would you and Kayla like to come?”

  Skylar blinked her eyes. “Umm…I’ll ask her, but yes.” Then she thought about what she’d said. She answered without thinking it through.

  “We’ll pick you up Friday after work. At Kayla’s house…is that okay?”

  “Sure. We get off early on Friday, about three.”

  “We’ll pick you guys up at 3:30.” Mason looked at Nick to confirm.

  “Okay.” Skylar smiled, turned on her heel, and walked away.

  When she headed to the cash register, her phone buzzed inside her pants. Knowing who was texting, she didn’t answer. Just to be playful, she looked across the room to Kayla and smiled a devious grin.

  “Pick up your phone,” Kayla mouthed, pointing to her phone and sending it straight back into her pocket when Mona steeled her eyes at her.

  Skylar knew it was driving her nuts. She waited a few seconds for Mona to head to the other side and texted her back, since she couldn’t take the excitement any longer either. Mason asked her out for the very first time. Even though it wasn’t a one on one date, it didn’t matter.

  Mason asked us to go to his cabin this Friday.

  What? Really?

  Just kidding.

  Shut up.

  Okay…just kidding. Yes!

  What did you say?

  I said, I’ll think about it.

  What? Really? Are you nuts?

  I said…yes!

  Stop messing with me. Yeah!

  What are we going to tell your mom?

  Don’t worry. I know what to say.

  Are you sure?

  I’m going to tell her we’re going with a bunch of girls.

  And she’ll buy your story?

  Why not…I’m a good girl.

  Yah right…go back to work. Lol!

  Skylar put her phone away and glanced toward Mason’s table. They looked like they were in a heated conversation. She wished she had supersonic hearing so she could hone in on what they were saying. Whatever it was, she hoped Mason wasn’t talking about Remus. Every time she thought about Remus, it creeped her out, so she tried to think about other things. Going to Mason’s cabin was a great distraction. She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 16

  There were two cars parked in front of Kayla’s house. Both boys had the passenger’s side doors opened. Kayla hopped into Nick’s silver Mercedes and Skylar slid into Mason’s black BMW. As soon as Skylar settled herself in, Mason pulled her seat belt to lock her in.

  This was the second time she had been in the car with him and both times, he had belted her in. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention, but it felt nice. It was something her ex-boyfriend had never done—showing chivalry. As soon as Mason closed the door, Skylar practically jumped out of her seat, startled by an unexpected voice. Skylar turned to the sound of a cheerful greeting.

  “Hello, Skylar,” Amanda said, smiling.

  “Oh, hey, Amanda,” she replied, smiling back. Assuming it would only be the four of them, she was quite surprised to see her, and wondered if Everett was in the other car. After that, things were quiet until Mason got in.

  Skylar enjoyed the scenic route they passed through…nothing but mountains, valleys, and trees. Conversation was minimal; Amanda asked Skylar many questions, but mostly focused the topic on herself. She did tell some funny stories about Mason, which seemed to break the ice as laughter rang in the car.

  After a couple of hours had passed, driving on many winding roads, they finally reached their destination. The place was bigger and more modern than Skylar had expected. Though she had been to the mountains a couple of times before, she had never seen a nice place like the one in front of her. With a huge, beautiful yard full of trees and flowers, it was like driving into a private vacation home, especially since she didn’t spot any other cabins nearby.

  The warm fresh air brushed softly against Skylar’s skin when she stepped out of the car, giving her a tranquil feeling. Inhaling deeply, she exhaled all her worries away as if they could be carried away by the wind.

  When Mason grabbed the bags and led the way, Skylar turned to look for Kayla, but instead she saw Everett stepping out of the car. Seeing him reminded her of Remus, causing her stomach to tumble into knots. She wondered if he knew his half brother was missing. Her thoughts were distracted when she saw Nick and Kayla walking side by side toward her. Then Kayla linked arms with Skylar, walking ahead of Nick.

  “Pretty nice,” Kayla muttered, grinning from ear to ear. “We’re gonna have so much fun.” Then she leaned closer. “What’s Amanda doing here?”

  Skylar shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know what’s going on with Mason and me, so I’m glad she’s here. Amanda is a great distraction.”

  “Exactly,” Kayla’s tone was sharp. “You two need to figure things out. Get to know each other and not have a third wheel, tagging along.”

  “She’s not tagging along. Plus, you could say the same thing about Everett.”

  “True…but at least he’s cute to look at,” Kayla giggled.

  “He’s alright, but he makes me nervous.”

  “Don’t worry about anyone except Mason.”

  “I don’t know what I’m feeling these days.”

  “Don’t worry too much. Just have fun.” Kayla took several steps up to the front door and her eyes grew wider as she unlinked her arms from Skylar.

  Skylar felt her eyes widen, just like Kayla’s. “It’s so beautiful here.”

  The fresh smell of pine and summer breezes whizzed through the air. The first thing Skylar spotted in the house was the tall vase filled with gorgeous flowers, situated on the round table that looked just like the one at Nick’s home. Then her eyes moved to the elongated windows that reached to the second floor, surrounding the house, allowing plenty of natural light to penetrate. The house was elegant, modern, yet it still felt like a cabin. It was furnished with only the best as far as Skylar could tell, but it was simple, warm, and felt like home.

  After the guys gave the tour of the house and directed the girls to their bedrooms, they settled into the dining area where the food was already prepared. Mason sat to Skylar’s right while Kayla sat across from her. Plates filled with steamed tilapia, balsamic rice, and mixed vegetables were placed in front of them.

  “Delicious,” Kayla muttered, taking a bite. “I wish my mom could cook fish like this.”

  “Amy, our housekeeper, is a great cook,” Mason said matter-of-factly.

  “You have a cook here when you come?” Skylar asked, gazing at the utensils, plates, and glasses that were arranged as if they were in a five-star restaurant.

  “Yes, she lives nearby. She takes care of this place when we’re not around. She doe
sn’t work during the weekends and she leaves right after she makes our dinner. Dinner was already prepared before we got here,” Nick informed, scooping a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

  Everett got up and took a bottle of wine out of the wooden cabinet. “Let’s drink and toast to our new friends.” He went around pouring wine inside the wine glasses that were already placed on the table. Then he picked up his glass and held it in the air. “To our new friends and Remus. Where ever did he wander off too?”

  Skylar glanced at Mason, but he didn’t look her way. Anxiety was building up and she wanted to run—run away from there, and run away from Mason and his brothers. The sounds of the clinking of the glasses brought her to the present. She realized everyone was waiting for her to toast with them. “Oh, sorry. I don’t drink wine.”

  Kayla kicked her under the table, making Skylar jerk back.

  “Oh, here,” Skylar said, glaring at Kayla and lifting her glass to toast. Then everyone took a sip. Skylar pretended she did, and placed the glass back on the table.

  “Where is Remus?” Everett asked. “I hope he’s not creating any problems.”

  “You know Remus. He’s always up to no good,” Amanda stated.

  “I know, but he’s not answering his cell phone. That’s not like him.”

  Skylar’s muscles tensed as she listened to their conversation. Her eyes were glued to her plate and her appetite depleted.

  “Can we talk about something else?” Mason murmured. “I don’t think our guests really care.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Where are my manners?” Everett gave a quick grin, but he narrowed his eyes at Mason.

  “Anyway...,” Nick said, breaking the silence. “I’m taking Kayla for a walk after dinner before it gets too dark. Would anyone like to join us?”

  “I would love to walk,” Kayla exclaimed.

  Skylar didn’t want to be the third wheel. Since Mason didn’t ask her, she didn’t respond.

  After dinner, the guys got up to clear the table. Itching to get up and help, Skylar was only asked to sit back down again. She was not used to having someone else clean up after her. After the dishes were put away, Kayla and Nick went out the back door with flashlights in their hands. Though Skylar was uncomfortable without Kayla, she tried her best to fit in as they gathered in the living room.

  The sun was starting to set, but it was still light out. Everett poured his fifth glass of wine, sat on the sofa, and looked like he was a mile away. They sat there as the sun disappeared and the stars came out. Darkness engulfed them, and having no curtains or blinds gave Skylar an eerie feeling. She tried not to look out the window. She could imagine something popping out just like in the scary movies, so she focused her eyes on the television instead.

  “Let’s watch a movie,” Amanda said, flipping through the channels. “There’s nothing to watch on a Friday night.”

  “Forget the movie. Aren’t you worried about Remus? Where the hell is he? He said he had something important to tell me. He wouldn’t disappear like that.” Everett looked frustrated. His eyes pierced through Mason’s and then to Skylar’s.

  Skylar sank into her seat. She already felt small against Everett’s physique, but his tone and the way he looked at her made her feel tinier. Though she knew Everett had no idea what happened, feelings of guilt took over, and her pulse shot up.

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to be found,” Mason blurted.

  Angry, Everett grabbed Mason’s shirt, lifting him from the sofa. “What are you not telling me?” he yelled.

  “Stop it!” Amanda bellowed. “Let him go. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Mason pushed Everett off him, straightened his shirt, and focused on Skylar.

  “He knows something. I can tell,” Everett replied with anger.

  “We have company. Can we please behave?” Amanda mumbled. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “She knows something too, doesn’t she?” Everett accused, pacing to Skylar.

  Mason pulled Skylar off the sofa and protectively hid her behind his back. “Don’t you dare touch her. She has nothing to do with Remus.”

  “Our blood binds us. I can’t feel him anymore. Either he went somewhere far away or something is wrong. You should be able to feel that too, or do you not care?” Everett sneered.

  “Mason?” Amanda called softly. “What’s going on?”

  Skylar couldn’t take it anymore. She didn’t want their brotherly bond to break because of her. Without thinking, she blurted out, “It was an accident. He tried to…he hit me…and….” Skylar didn’t know what she was saying anymore. She was confused and couldn’t explain any further when Everett and Amanda looked at her accusingly.

  “Stop!” Mason raised his hands. “You all know what Remus is like. He knew I was dating Skylar. He tried to take advantage of her. We had a fight and he took off.”

  Everett let out an irritated sigh and stormed away.

  “You have some explaining to do, Mason. I’ll go calm the big guy.” Amanda chased after Everett.

  Skylar couldn’t believe what she’d heard. Mason said they were dating, but he had a funny way of showing it, unless he really didn’t mean it.

  “Are you okay?” Mason asked, tenderly.

  “Yes,” Skylar answered, but she wasn’t.

  “I had to lie about the dating part to throw them off.”

  “Yeah, of course. I understand,” she replied, feeling disappointed.

  “We’ll be leaving in the morning. I need answers and staying here won’t help. I didn’t know Everett would tag along. Like I said before, I’m not very close to my brothers, but I think I can trust Nick…but even then I’m not sure. Let me take you to your room. I’m suddenly feeling really tired.” Mason led the way.

  After Skylar tucked herself into bed, she lay there thinking about all that had happened. The supposed best summer of her life had turned out to be the worst summer ever. She had a crush on a guy who had turned out to be a demigod, meaning half human and half god. This concept was difficult to grasp. His half brother tried to rape her, and somehow, he died in Mason’s room. And here she was alone and mystified, and she couldn’t even tell Kayla.

  Kayla had been gone for two hours. Though Skylar knew she was fine, she wanted to stay up and wait for her, but Skylar’s eyelids closed against her will.

  Chapter 17

  Skylar was groggy when she woke up. Her eyes were still closed. She didn’t want to open them, sensing that it was still late into the night, but something was out of place. Startled by the sound of someone shuffling through her duffle bag, she lay motionless. Too scared to move, she listened for any clue as to who this person might be.

  Desperately, she wanted to turn her body and face the intruder, but she became immobile from terror. When it became deadly silent, she knew the intruder had stopped digging through her bag. Frightened, every nerve in her body stung with alertness and her heart hammered faster with the sound of creaking steps approaching the bed. When her bed sunk from the weight of the person, afraid of what he or she would do to her, Skylar turned swiftly and sat upright.

  “Amanda?” Relieved that it was someone she knew, her pulse became somewhat steady. Though she didn’t know her that well, she figured she could trust her. “What are you doing in my room?”

  “Skylar, come with me,” she demanded, dropping Skylar’s shoes in front of her. “It’s very important. We need to straighten this out once and for all.”

  “Straighten what out? It’s the middle of the night. What time is it?” Rubbing her eyes, she looked down at her shoes, debating whether to put them on.

  “I don’t have time to explain. Just hurry.”

  From Amanda’s urgent voice, Skylar got up, slipped into her shoes, and huffed an irritated sigh. Wearing nothing but cotton shorts and a tank top, she put on a light sweater and left the house with Amanda. Though she wasn’t cold, following Amanda to the woods gave her the shivers. “Where are we going? Why were you digging through my ba

  Amanda didn’t answer. She was too busy trudging along a crooked path, holding a mega flashlight—a spotlight—leading the way, heading further away from the cabin. The fresh scents of the evergreens awakened Skylar, but the eerie darkness took away all the beauty. As the dirt shuffled underneath Skylar’s feet, the sound of a broken twig made her jumpy. When Amanda noted Skylar lagging behind, she gripped her wrist and forced her to keep up with her.

  “Amanda, please…where are we going in the middle of the night? I’m getting cold.” But she wasn’t really cold. Being out in the dark caused her trembling as her imagination got the best of her. She could envision wild animals roaming about, and who knew what else could happen in the complete darkness, in the middle of the woods, without any protection.

  Amanda finally stopped. “We’re here. I’m sorry, but we have to know.”

  From out of the darkness, Everett suddenly appeared. Stunned to see him, Skylar scurried back and bumped into a tree. As if she could disappear into it, she pressed her back against it as her eyes locked onto Everett, who was coming toward her.

  “What’s going on? Where’s Mason?” Her timid tone hid behind the fear.

  Everett towered over Skylar, looking down on her with a look of conviction. “Tell me the truth and I’ll spare your life. Are you one of the keepers of death?”

  “What?” Skylar asked, befuddled. She recalled Remus asking her the same question. “I’m nothing. I don’t understand. Why did you bring me out here to ask me this question?”

  “Liar!” Everett’s tone startled Skylar and even Amanda. “You killed Remus, didn’t you? And you convinced Mason you didn’t. My blind brother may not see, but I can. Who sent you to kill us?”

  “Please…you’ve got to believe me. I didn’t do anything. Remus tried to kill me. He…he tried to….” Knowing they wouldn’t believe her, Skylar frantically looked for a way out. Standing in the middle of the woods, with no sense of direction and without a flashlight, where would she go?