Read From Origins Page 1

  Copyright © Mary Ting 2015

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Formatting by Inkstain Interior Book Designing

  Thank you to all my author friends, blogger friends, and everyone who has supported me in any way. To my street team, PA-Julie Bromley, editors-Maxine and Jodi Shaw, PR-Red Coat and team, and to my beta readers -Janie Iturralde, DawnMarie Carpintero, Kara Nichols…you are super stars!!!

  Extra special thanks to my amazing author friend Alexandrea Weis. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate your friendship and your wisdom. This book wouldn’t have been perfect without your help.


  Something Great

  Something Wonderful

  Something Forever


  My Clarity (Stand-Alone)







  Halo City


  From Gods

  From Deities

  From Origins

  Soft melodies rang from the harps and echoed through the garden. Irises, lilies, and various vibrant wild flowers adorned the tables in tall crystal vases, and permeated the air with sweet, divine scents. Red rose petals were scattered on the ground, and above, the flowers from the weeping willow trees added a touch of lilac to the ambiance. It was a late spring afternoon, and the weather was perfect for a wedding.

  All the gods and guests waited, patiently mingling and eating finger foods of assorted cheeses, pastries, and fruits. As they strolled in the garden enjoying the view, they held glasses of red wine in their hands.

  “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it, Zeus?” Hera asked, leaning toward her right hip, intentionally exposing her leg through the slit of her long white dress. Loose curls cascaded along the sides of her rosy cheeks, while the rest of her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. A golden leaf crown adorned her head, matching the bracelet that wrapped around her right forearm.

  “Indeed it is,” Zeus replied, gazing at Hera’s leg and arching his brows flirtatiously.

  Hera always made sure she looked her best, especially at gatherings; she knew that Zeus’s eyes tended to wander.

  Zeus held up his glass. “A toast to the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Hera looked bored. “Oh, Zeus…you are a damn great lover, but an awful husband. Your words are almost as sweet as the wine I’m drinking. Watch thine eyes. Don’t make me jealous.”

  Zeus gave a nervous smile. “It’s a beautiful day. Let’s not ruin it.” He winked.

  “You’re right, my love. I see Aphrodite and Athena. I must go greet them.” Hera kissed Zeus on the cheek and whispered in his ear in a threatening tone, “I’ll be watching you.” Her hips swayed sensually as she moved away from him, knowing he would be watching her steps.

  “Aphrodite…Athena…you both look stunning.” Hera greeted both of them with a kiss on each cheek and trailed her eyes over their beautiful flowing gowns.

  “Thank you. So do you,” Athena mumbled, holding a small plate of fruits and nipping on grapes she held from the tips of her fingers.

  Aphrodite smiled with a proud gleam. “No compliments needed…I always look stunning,” she giggled playfully. “Now…I see that all the guests have arrived, so where are the bride and the groom?”

  As if on cue, the trumpets blasted and the guests scrambled to their seats. The upbeat melody from the harps changed to a softer tune as the guests waited patiently for the couple. A chorus of “ahs and oohs” greeted the bride and groom as they made their entrance.

  The groom, King Peleus, wore a white robe and Thetis, the bride, wore a long white A-line dress. The lovely bride’s hair was garlanded with baby’s breath and gold trimmings, giving her a heavenly look. Her train brushed over the red rose petals scattered along the white silk walkway to where Zeus and Hera waited for them on the other end.

  Just as they reached midway, the trumpets unexpectedly roared angrily. The guests gasped loudly and turned their heads to the sound of an irate voice.

  “How dare you have a party without me?” Eris, the goddess of chaos exclaimed. “Am I not worthy?” Eris was elegantly dressed for the occasion, but her tone was malicious, and her eyes were deadly and cold as the winter’s storm.

  Hera stood tall, hands on her hips with annoyance. “Eris, how dare you intrude on this special occasion? You know the rules. If you’re not invited, you are not to show yourself.” She looked at Zeus for support, but he offered none.

  Eris swept her disapproving eyes among the crowd and then back to Hera. “You fools! Our world is slowly vanishing, and all you care about is this pathetic wedding? I’ve come to warn you. Hades has cursed you all.”

  Loud gasps and commotion filled the air.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Zeus laughed out loud in an effort to downplay the serious nature of the news and to bring tranquility back into the gathering. But hearing the name of his brother, whom he so despised, stung his heart deeply. “Impossible. Hades can do no harm. We have nothing to fear.”

  “It’s too late. It has been done.” With a sinister grin, she threw a golden apple of discord down the bride and groom’s walkway, distracting them. “This belongs to the fairest.” Then she left with a flash, leaving everyone to bicker, creating chaos.

  Fear wrapped around my soul and never let me go. I had conquered fear many times before, yet I couldn’t completely get rid of it. That was the thing with fear. No matter how many times I beat it, it came back. When fear took me, it controlled my heart, my muscles, and my purpose. But I couldn’t let it happen today. Today was the most crucial point in my life. Many lives depended on me.

  As I gazed to the peaceful, calm ocean, I felt the contrast that was happening in me as thoughts of ‘why me’ ran through my mind like a mantra. But why not me? Someone had to be the hero…the special one…the one that would save the day. I had learned to accept who I was and what I could do. Mason had a great deal to do with that. If I hadn’t met Mason, who knew where I would be today? Or if I would be alive at all?

  Recently, I’d learned that I was not the “keeper of death,” as I was led to believe, but was actually the “keeper of life,” but I still didn’t know what that all meant. Either way, both had positive and negative points. I became whatever my friends wanted me to be. Who was I anyway? I was not from a specific origin like most of my friends were, but rather from all origins. From what I was told by Zara, my bloodline was from all the gods. So far, I had the power of lightning. I could manipulate water, but I hadn’t yet used fire, though Hephaestus told me I could.

  Speaking of Hephaestus…he had been my hell since the day I was born. He’d brought misery into my life as if it was some kind of gift. Holding my parents hostage now, he demanded I kill Hades and bring his head and the stone to him; the lodestone, which would heal him and allow him to have the human body he so desired…to look like Steven again, the man my mom was dating. Not to mention, he wanted to be the god of our world. Hell would freeze over before I ever let that happen. I loathed Hephaestus with a passion and I wanted him to burn in hell—a version of hell I wished I could create for him.

  “They’re late,” Everett scowled, watching Amada sketch on the s
and with her sword.

  “They’ll come. They’re just running behind.” Nick sprawled his body, looking up at the fluffy, dreamy clouds. There were so many of them that they covered the sun, making it look gloomy, replicating my mood. His tone was relaxed, as if he was without a care in the world…as he always was. I wished I could be like him. I’d bet he could brush off fear like switching off the light.

  “Did you talk to Kayla?” I asked hesitantly, looking down at him. I hadn’t spoken to her in weeks, but I didn’t feel guilty about it. There were times when we didn’t speak for weeks because of our crazy schedule.

  Nick squinted his eyes from the sun when he looked up at me. Talk about perfect timing. The sun had seeped through the moving clouds for a split second, only to be covered by an adjacent cloud again.

  Changing his position, Nick tucked his arms behind his neck for support and crossed his legs at the same time. “Yup. I told her that I would be on a business trip for at least a week, and because of the time change, it would be difficult for me to call her. I told her that I would text her when I had the chance. She was cool about it. It’s one of the things I like about her.”

  A part of me felt guilty. Mason had told me to stay positive, but I couldn’t help it. What if something happened to Nick or any one of us? Ugh! I had to stop thinking those thoughts. I had to remind myself that I couldn’t do this alone. I couldn’t let fear take me over.

  Mason must have seen the worried look on my face. As if he could read my thoughts, he placed his arms around me. Immediately his scent spiraled through my body, as I surrendered to his proximity. His body touching mine always made me dizzy that way, taunting me.

  I didn’t know if it was better to push Mason away or do what my dirty mind wanted to do. It didn’t matter what I did anyway. Just the sight of him filled my mind with lust. Mason looked debonair in suits, but holy goodness, he looked irresistible when he simply wore jeans and a T-shirt, framing his abs and all the tightness on his body. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his hand caressing my hair and this moment of happiness before I had to snap back into reality.

  “You’re not allowed to think negative thoughts, Echo.” His warm breath grazed my skin, sending pleasant shivers through me. “We’re all in this together. Kayla will have Nick back in no time.”

  “Okay,” I sighed lightly, trying to give him a smile.

  Mason had a way of soothing me, making me believe his words. He made it sound so simple. I wished it were. Though Mason was probably more concerned than I was, he would never show it. He was the kind of person that would never share his troubles so he wouldn’t burden his friends. He had been more expressive with me and with his family lately, which I believed was helping him relate to his family better. But as for us, our relationship had blossomed to a comfortable level. It was as if we had been dating for a long time, but the attraction was still strong and hot.

  Sometimes facing tragedy could tear families apart, but in Mason’s case, it didn’t. It brought the Grand family closer together. When Hephaestus captured Everett, they worked as a team and brought him home. Not only did they appreciate the people in their lives, the bond in the Grand’s family got tighter. I was happy for Mason. That was what he needed. After losing his mom and not having any immediate family, I was glad he had found a sense of home, people he could count on.

  As for me, we finally got the truth about why my dad had tried to kill me, and the answers made me see the good in my father. I wished we had found out under different circumstances and not by Hephaestus hand. Hephaestus tore my world apart the day I was born, but he did it in such a way that not even my parents knew. How could they? My dad had never known about descendants of gods until Poseidon’s descendants saved him, and I was sure my mom was still shocked as hell right now. I hadn’t had the chance to explain. Hephaestus captured her before we could escape through the portal from Mt. Hem. Now she was in his hands. Who knew what lies he was feeding her?

  “What are you doing now?” Everett asked Amanda, standing next to her.

  “Creating lightning bolts on the sand. I’m bored.” Her hair was tousled by the sudden wind, causing me to jerk with alert.

  I was so jumpy today that any unexpected sound or movement made me uneasy, but the squeeze from Mason’s hand quickly pacified me. The time spent waiting for Zara and the others felt like an eternity, especially when I knew the clock was ticking away. I only had two days to complete my mission. Time was precious. My dad was in an iron cast, and who knew what Hephaestus was doing to my mom.

  “Are you sure?” Everett pointed to Amanda’s drawing. “‘Cause that looks like chicken scratch.”

  Amanda scowled and looked at him as if he was crazy. “Chicken scratch? I’ll admit I’m no artist, but Everett…really? You can’t see it? Your imagination is screwed up.”

  “Why use your imagination? Want to see a real one?” Nick asked in a mischievous tone, moving his feet from side to side like a windshield wiper.

  My body twitched when I saw light flash across space. Again, any sudden movement made me freak out.

  Everett jumped and turned to Nick, pointing his sword at him. “What the hell? Why did you have to shock me?” Everett narrowed his eyes at him, irate.

  Nick stood up, dusting the sand off his pants. “‘Cause I can. ‘Cause I’m bored. ‘Cause it’s fun.” He started chuckling.

  “‘Cause I can kick your ass.” Everett jumped on Nick’s back, but Nick started spinning in circles. “Stop...stop...stop.”

  Mason released my hand and shot out lights to the both of them. “Calm down. You’re acting like children.”

  Nick and Everett fell on the sand near us, causing the sand to swirl. I needed to close my eyes to avoid it, but before I could, Mason embraced me. My face went to his chest, saving me from having a shower of sand on my face.

  “You want in, too?” Everett said playfully, his eyes glistening with mischief.

  “Do I look like I want in?” Mason’s eyes shimmered in a silvery glow and his fingertips sparkled and sizzled. I couldn’t tell if he was getting ready to join in the fun, or zap the crap out of his brothers from being annoyed. But every time he lit up like that, my insides went crazy; in awe of the way he exuded his power, his strength, and not to mention, the small dose of volts he shot through my body when he was being playful. There were no words to describe the pleasure, and no words to describe how lucky I was to be his.

  “Hell, yes!” Nick groaned, running toward Mason, but then halted. With his eyes wide and his body immobile, he looked beyond Mason.

  “I think they’re here.” Amanda shifted her view toward the swirling lights that grew bigger with each passing second. The lights intertwined with rainbow colors, hypnotizing us. One by one, my dad’s group appeared, looking refreshed and ready to go. We greeted each other with smiles and nods.

  “Hello,” Zara greeted, looking like nothing had happened to her a day ago. Yesterday she’d looked broken and worn out. Even her clothes were torn and burnt. And her eyes, which usually radiated a vibrant hue of violet, were back to normal, and not as pale and dull as yesterday. She looked pristine and refined, with no indication that she had been on Hephaestus’s battleground. “You ready, Skylar?”

  “No, not really, but I have no choice,” I huffed.

  I didn’t mean to be rude, but what kind of question was that? Hephaestus had my mother, and to make it worse, my dad was engulfed in an iron cast. If my intuition was correct, my dad would soon turn into a statue, like the other gods in Olympus. So to answer her question…I was not ready. I had fear burning through my veins, which was taking every ounce of my will power to control. No matter what I told myself, fear was winning. How the hell was I supposed to kill Hades; the god of the underworld, the god of menace, the god of no mercy?

  “Skylar, Hephaestus knew you were the only one that could absorb the powers. It is the reason why he chose you.” Zara explained what I had already knew. She was trying to reason with me, but whatever she s
aid wouldn’t have mattered. I had to accept it and believe that I could do this.

  “I’m sorry about your parents,” she continued. “We have all lost loved ones, but what seems impossible can be achieved when you have a purpose. Find your courage and strength for your parents. You are the only one that has a chance of defeating Hades.”

  The wind tossed Zara’s beautiful red hair, covering her face. Tara, her sister, looked just like her, except she was blonde. Regardless, they were both beautiful, with the same violet eyes. I didn’t know about anyone else, but to me, they looked like fairies; there was something magical about them. Seeing their skin sparkle against the sunlight reminded me of the way the sun reflected on the ocean, like crystals. Added to the way they were dressed alike, in long blue and purple dresses that danced with the wind, they looked like they could take flight.

  “I know,” I sighed, feeling defeated. Having no control over who I was, I tried to put the question behind me. What was the point of asking myself ‘why me’ anyway?

  “We will be there with you every step of the way.” Tara tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I took no comfort from it.

  “We believe in you,” Noah said, glancing at Tim. Ian, as well as Athena’s descendant, Sarah, Ares’s descendant, Colin, and Apollo’s descendant, Aaron, all smiled and nodded to confirm Noah’s words, adding pressure to what I already felt.

  Mason tugged me aside, as if to protect me from something or someone. “What’s Ian doing here?” he asked hastily. I had thought Ian was my friend, only to find he was working undercover for Zara,

  “Double traitor,” Nick coughed under his breath. It was so soft that only Everett heard. Everett’s lips twitched, trying to hide a smile.

  “Like I’ve said before, Mason, Ian is on our side.” Zara placed her arm around his shoulder. “If it weren’t for him, we might not have known about Hephaestus as quickly as we did.”