Read From Origins Page 12

  “Why are her eyes white like that?” Mason sounded concerned. He was standing next to my dad with his hands inside his pockets. I wondered if he was so upset that he was afraid his hands would light up, so he kept them hidden.

  Zara turned away from me. “If what I suspect is happening is correct, someone is trying to communicate with her. We should leave. The fewer around, the better.”

  Mason sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m not leaving. I’ll let you know when she awakens.”

  Dad patted Mason’s back in approval. “We’ll wait downstairs.”

  Within seconds, I felt like I was being pulled into another dimension. My stomach dropped and I felt the wind get knocked out of me. I stood on solid ground, but everything was white around me, as if I was in the middle of a mist and there was no way out. Then, as if it was sucked by a vacuum cleaner, the mist disappeared within seconds…all of it, leaving me in an empty white space. I thought perhaps this was what Heaven would be like during the judgment stage, where God would evaluate you. But when a figure stood before me from out of nowhere, I jumped back in fright. This was not God. At least I didn’t think he was.

  “Hello, Skylar.” The stranger spoke to me. His kind voice led me to believe he wouldn’t harm me. “Do not be afraid. I come in peace. I’m Zeus’s messenger. My name is Hermes.”

  I didn’t believe him at first, until I looked down to his shoes. Small white wings fluttered as if they wanted to take flight. As my eyes traveled up, I noted he was wearing traveling clothes and a cap on his head. The cap started twitching, then wings sprouted out from it. I took a moment to watch them stretch and slowly fan outward until I heard him clear his throat, bringing me back to him.

  “Hi, Hermes,” was I all could say as I stared into his grey eyes.

  Hermes shifted his cap, then tucked strands of his blond hair under it. “Don’t worry. I’ll bring you back to your world as soon as I explain why I’ve come. I’m sorry to have summoned you here, between your world and mine, but this was the only way. You see, as you already know, on the day of Blood Moon, we were supposed to have ceased to exist, but I was sending a message for Zeus. I was in flight, and because I travel fast, I was spared. I jump from one realm to another…the reason why I can get from one place to another as fast as I can. However, I’m stuck here, unable to return to your world until Zeus is saved.”

  “Why have you come to me?” It was difficult to have eye contact. The wings on his shoulders, which were double the size on his cap, were beautiful and divine. They moved about in a hypnotic way.

  “Actually, Zeus sent me to you.”

  My eyes grew wide. “Me? How does he know me? We’ve never met before.”

  The wings on his shoulders finally settled and lay flatly on his back. It was as if they never existed. “He doesn’t know you. That is not what I meant. But he knew someone like you would come along one day. And when that day came, I was to reason with you. I was to find you when Hades escaped. Though Zeus couldn’t tell the future, he had a hunch. Zara told him the possibility of what the future might hold, and so far, she seems to be right on target.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I know Hephaestus wants Medusa’s head. It’s located in the deepest part of the ocean. But in order to get there, you must go through the Night Forest. Go the opposite way from Mt. Hem. It’s a long way, so you must bring camping gear. The Night Forest directs you to two places, so you can’t get lost. Once you find the head, you mustn’t give it to Hephaestus. Your world will be doomed if it’s in his possession. You can’t portal to the deepest part of the ocean, but you can portal out from there. Portal your way to Zeus when you get the head. Free Zeus, then he can help you defeat Hephaestus.”

  I bit my tongue, wondering if I should tell him the main reason why I was doing this, but I guessed it was better to get everything out into the open. “Hephaestus has my mother. He’s going to turn her into one of the vultures. I have to bring it to him.”

  Hermes had a peaceful look about him, but when his eyes were stern, combined with his serious tone, he frightened me. “You mustn’t. Your mother will be fine, but your world will not. I understand how important your mother is to you, but you must give up one for all. This is war, Skylar. You might not see it that way, being so young and only thinking about yourself, but you must think of humanity. Don’t be selfish.”

  His words had me steaming. He had no idea what I had been through, or any idea about who I was. He had no right to judge me or tell me to stop being selfish. “Selfish,” I repeated, a bit louder than I had anticipated as I took a step toward him. Feeling heat tingle through my arm, I curled my fingers into a tight fist in order to stop the lights from glowing. If I let anger get the best of me, I’d either shock the hell out of him, burn him into ashes, or freeze him. Oh God! Sometimes I didn’t know which power was dominant. I didn’t know what I was thinking. It wasn’t as if he was going to take back his words.

  “I’m sorry.” The wings on his cap started to flap. Perhaps to take flight…just in case. “I didn’t mean it that way. I wanted you to understand the urgency of this. Once you retrieve Medusa’s head, I’ll give you a fake one to hand over to Hephaestus. He won’t know the difference until he tries to draw power from it. When he realizes he has been tricked, I suggest you get the hell out of there. But if we free Zeus and Poseidon before we visit Hephaestus, you’ll have a greater chance at winning the battle.”

  “You have a fake one?”

  “Of course. Zeus planned out every detail with me. I’m his most trusted one. We

  have a plan A, B, and C. We have covered all bases. When Hades was freed, the plan was set into motion.”

  “Why Hades? Why not before?” I tried to think of an incident as an example, but I couldn’t.

  “Because Zeus believed once Hades escaped, things would happen very quickly.”

  “But Hades doesn’t have any power. He can’t even produce fire. He can’t even teleport.”

  Hermes started pacing and when he did, all his wings started to flap. It was so cool to watch. At one point, he even levitated off the ground. “We thought of three scenarios. One—Hephaestus would find a way to kill Hades in the underworld. Two— Hades would escape and plan something with Hephaestus. Three—find a way to help Hades escape, then kill him when the time was right in your world. But you see, being that they’re both stubborn and selfish, we were certain they would try to find a way to kill each other. There is no room for two kings. You can’t have two rulers. It just doesn’t work.”

  “Hades assured me that he wanted to help his brothers, and that he has changed his ways.”

  Hermes’s brows narrowed at the center and looked at me as if I was crazy. “Hell will freeze over before that happens. Don’t believe everything he says. He’s cunning, evil, and again…need I remind you…selfish.”

  “But Persephone said—”

  “She’s blindly in love. Wouldn’t you say anything to defend Mason?”

  I crossed my arms and leaned on one side of my hip in a challenging stance. This was different. Mason and I were not evil. “You know Mason?”

  “I do. I might not be able to appear in your world, but I can still see everything.”

  I was quiet for a second…thinking…hoping everything didn’t include me naked. As if he could read my thoughts he continued. “Don’t worry. It’s not that easy. I can’t just appear while you’re dressing or taking a shower…although…that would be pretty awesome.” Hermes’s smirk disappeared when he saw the evil eye I was giving him. “I meant…it’s hazy and unclear. I could put two and two together and get an idea…a picture. Though I mostly send messages for Zeus, I work for all gods, and I did once work for Hades many ages ago. When he came out from the underworld, my body was aware. A part of me awakened. And when Poseidon and Zeus are awakened, I can come out of here.” He waved his hand back and forth in the air. “I can’t wait. It’s like being stuck in Purgatory.”

  “What if
I can’t find Medusa’s head?”

  Hermes rubbed the side of his cheek and looked up for a second as if he was searching for words. Probably thinking of some wise words to tell me that wouldn’t sound like a bunch of bull. “I’m going to be honest with you. It’s not going to be easy. But look at you.” His eyes scanned up and down my body. “You’ve been in the underworld and came out alive. You can do anything. It should be a piece of cake. A walk in the park.”

  “What do I do when I get to the deepest part of the ocean?”

  “Someone will appear. Someone will guide you.”


  Hermes didn’t answer me. He took off his cap, setting the curl of his hair free. “I need to let you go. It isn’t safe for you to be here this long.”


  Hermes let the wings on his cap feather about on his finger as if it was a pet. “You’re full of questions.” His index finger lightly stroked my nose. “If I don’t let you go, you’ll be asleep for eternity. You’ll be stuck here with me. I don’t think Mason would like that. As much as I’m tempted to do so, I’m not that selfish.”

  “Then, let me go.” Though I tried to remain calm, panic struck me. The thought of never seeing Mason did that to me. “But before you do, please answer me. Who will take me to the deepest part of the ocean? And where do I meet you to get the fake head?”

  A tickling sensation flushed through my body. White mist appeared again like the last time, covering Hermes’s body except for his face.

  “Hermes? Tell me,” I demanded. Feeling like I was drifting into space, I knew I was leaving.

  Hermes winked and said, “All will be answered at the right time. Don’t fear, my friend. Have a little faith. Toss this stone in the water.”

  I caught the stone just as he disappeared, and placed it in my pocket for safekeeping. What the hell did he mean by that?

  The scent of Mason flooded through me, and I felt the gentle stroke from his hand on my face. As the feeling of security settled in me, I opened my eyes to the most welcoming, loving smile.

  “Welcome back.” He planted a soft kiss on my lips and gazed intently into my eyes. “How are you feeling? Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine now.” I smiled and sat up, recognizing the comfort of the lake house. I knew I was in Mason’s room by the type of furniture and the scent of pine.

  “Either you were in a lot of pain, or you had one hot dream.” Mason raised his brows in a flirty way. “I hope that dream was about me.”

  I giggled. “Of course it would be about you. But why would you ask that? Did I say anything?”

  Mason rubbed my hand. “You made soft moaning sounds. I didn’t know the reasons…but you might say that I let my imagination run free. Like I said before, it sounded like you were in a lot of pain or you had one naughty dream. I prefer the latter. And to tell you the truth…you said a name.” Mason dipped his head and kissed the back of my hand. Something in the way he twitched his brows let me know that his ego had been hurt.

  I quivered from that simple kiss. “It was Hermes,” I said, without thinking what I was saying.

  “Hermes?” Mason arched his brows in confusion or disappointment. “I must be doing something wrong. I never knew you had a thing for him. You couldn’t have met him in person.”

  I laughed, not sure if Mason was serious or joking. “No, Mason. I don’t have a thing for Hermes. He’s not bad looking, though. Anyway, he was the reason why I was asleep. He told me things. I think it’s better if I explain it to everyone.”

  “Sure.” Mason cradled me into his arms and helped me to my feet. “Zara was right, the reason why I didn’t worry. She figured someone was visiting you.”

  Purposely sliding my hand up his chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck for extra support. Hearing soft moans told me Mason was fighting what he wanted to do, especially when his eyes sparkled the way they did…soft, enticing, and exciting. His eyes glowed like that when he wanted me, and I wondered if my eyes were doing the same. In fact, I was sure of it when I felt the warmth travel through me, and saw those sexy lips curl up.

  “There could never be anyone else besides you, Mason,” I said with a flirty tone. “You had me when you first shocked me at Kelly’s diner.” I laughed lightly.

  Mason’s warm hand underneath my sweater made me gasp, shooting pleasant tingles through me. “I think…if I recall…I had you when I told you I was Officer Doug.”

  Recalling how I’d practically drooled when we first met, I had to agree with him. “Maybe. You can pull me over anytime and give me any fake name. I will be your prisoner.”

  “You know what?” Mason’s eyes became darker, greedier, trailing his hand through my hair with one hand while the other hand gripped tighter on my waist.

  “What?” I suddenly became nervous when I felt his body touching mine. Not that this was a bad thing, but it was the feeling I didn’t want to let loose right now. Once it ignited, I knew it would take over.

  “You had me at the first glance. From then on, you were all that I could see. You became my anchor when I was drowning. You gave me hope when I felt lost. You glued back all the pieces of my heart with your love—every single piece. And I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  “Mason….” I started to say. Overwhelmed with his beautiful words, my eyes started to tear. I swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. I didn’t want to get emotional in front of him, at least not with tears. “I don’t know what—” was all I got out. Mason’s lips had already conquered mine. I felt his fingers spread on my head, and then they tightened in my hair when his kisses got hungrier. It wasn’t painful, but I could feel the passion in his grip.

  Pulling him even closer to me, I kissed him back with the same intensity. When I parted my lips, Mason’s tongue slid in. Fitting like perfect gloves, as always, his kiss was dreamy and it produced sensations that awakened every pleasurable fiber in me, especially when he gave me a dose of what I called his love shocks. By now, Mason would have usually pulled away; he had never let it get this far, but he continued. When his lips released my lips and glided to my neck, I panted short breaths and soft moans escaped my mouth.

  “That’s the sound you were making,” Mason said, moving his lips back to my mouth. “And I imagined doing exactly what I’m doing now, but a lot more.”

  “Mason,” I whimpered, feeling dizzy, drowning in his kisses. If he continued, I was going to rip his clothes off.

  “Say my name again,” he demanded as his lips devoured mine. I gasped when his hand trailed upward, inflicting more of his light.

  “Mason,” I moaned louder when he pressed his body on mine again. How did we get on the bed? I had no idea and I didn’t care. The feel of him and the searing heat between us created a lightning show in his room. Flashes of light zapped through us and between us. Hearing Mason’s low growls and groans only increased the excitement.

  “Sky,” Mason managed to say, pulling his hands away. I knew he was trying to stop, but how could he stop something so intense…what seemed beyond the point of no return?

  “Mason,” I panted, gripping him tighter to me. “You’re so bad. You can’t do this to me.”

  Mason rolled over, his chest rising and falling just as fast as mine. Keeping a distance from me, he said, “Yes, I can.”

  When I got off the bed, I saw what had happened to Mason’s sweater. It was a bit frightening and funny at the same time. Checking to see the damage Mason did to mine, I giggled. “Look at my sweater, Mason.”

  Mason rolled off the bed, still looking dazed and overcome. As he raked his hair back, I watched his eyes grow with amusement. He gaped from my sweater to his. Then his lips slowly grew into that sexy smirk. “I’m real good.”

  “Mason,” I growled through my teeth and socked him on his arm. “Your ego is too big for your head. Look at our sweaters. They have holes and rips. Oh…my…God!”

  “I’m looking.” He wiggled his brows. “I like what I se

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “You did this on purpose.”

  “I have extra clothes. You have clothes here too, don’t you remember?” Mason was examining his sweater, sticking his hand through the long slit across his delicious chest. I needed to get a grip.

  “That’s not the point.” I stood my ground, trying to look mad, but it was impossible when he gave me those pouty lips. It only made me have naughty thoughts.

  Mason opened a drawer and pulled out two sweaters. He tossed my red sweater to me and began to change. Seeing him shirtless for even one second was torture, especially after having a taste of him.

  “Problem solved.” He pulled down his sweater and winked at me.

  “You did that on purpose. Admit it.” I turned my back on him and changed.

  “You mean showing you my six pack?” he chuckled. “I can show you more if you’d like.”

  “I’m talking about that kiss.” I opened the door and brushed my hand through my hair to make sure I looked presentable.

  Mason draped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. “You’re right. I did it on purpose. I bet you’ll only say my name in your dreams from now on.”

  “Cocky,” I said, as the door closed behind us.

  “You can call me whatever you want, just as long as you dream of me and say only my name.”

  After I explained about the visit from Hermes, everyone agreed that the decision would be left to me. I told everyone that I couldn’t make up my mind at that moment, and that I needed to weigh the odds. Before we set out for the deepest part of the ocean, I wanted to talk to my dad alone. Ever since we’d found how Hephaestus had interfered with our family, I hadn’t had the chance to talk to my dad about it. We needed to set things right.

  “Dad,” I said, turning to him after everyone scattered away from the living room where we had gathered. Looking into his eyes, I was overwhelmed with all the emotions running through me. My heart was unsteady and my eyes pooled with unexpected, uncontrollable tears.