Read From Origins Page 7

  Plopping myself onto the sand, my eyes were focused, deadpan, on the space where the portal would appear again. While I waited, the memories I had given up came rushing back to me. It was the oddest feeling to have random thoughts flash back into my mind, but at the same time, I knew the reason it was happening.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll sit here with you.” Nick dropped next to me, crossing his legs just as I had.

  I nodded to let him know I was fine with him, without looking at him. I didn’t even want to blink, just in case Sky needed my help when she got out. I didn’t know what state she would be in, or if…I didn’t want to even imagine my life without her, so I stopped thinking of the ‘what ifs.’ “She’ll come,” Everett said, sitting on the other side of me.

  “Whatever is going on in there, she’s fighting with all she’s got, Mason. Sky loves you so much, and that love will bring her to you.” Amanda rubbed my shoulder and sat beside Everett.

  I knew Amanda was trying to reassure me, but for some reason her words were not helping. The words “fighting with all she’s got” made me imagine things that I didn’t want to think about. If something happened to Sky, Hades would have to deal with me. I didn’t know what I would do, but I knew I would go crazy.

  The Oracles and Victor’s group stuck around. I thought they would have gone back to New Olympus, but they surprised me by staying. They weren’t sitting, but rather standing, talking among themselves. After a short while, Noah sat next to Amada.

  “She’s alive.” Zara sounded so sure. “I know this because she’s wearing the crystal I gave to Victor. I can feel the warmth from it.”

  Her words gave me hope, but I wouldn’t be able to breathe until I saw Sky with my own eyes. As water drifted to and from the shore, the clouds moved at their slow pace, and so did the sun. The beautiful streaks of red and orange were fading into a thin line as the sun was setting, saying goodbye for today.

  “You can go if you want,” I said to everyone while my eyes continued to stare at the same spot. “It’s getting colder and windier, and I know you’re all hungry.”

  “Sky might not come out until tomorrow.” Tara sounded worried. “Why don’t you get some rest, eat, and then come back?”

  Tara must be out of her mind, or maybe she thought I was, but I didn’t care. “I’m not leaving here without Sky. She’s coming back home and she might need my help.”

  “Do you see that?” Amanda pointed. “The water is turning, like it’s boiling.”

  Amanda was right. I stood up and headed toward it. Feeling the wind push me back, I knew something was happening from the other side. I knew that for sure when I saw Tara and Zara looking concerned and walking toward it with me.

  The tumbling water suddenly stopped. The water burst into an oval shape, and then fire blasted out from it. I wondered if I was seeing things when I saw something red come out.

  “That’s Sky,” Zara exclaimed happily. “That’s my red cape.”

  At the moment it hit me, the moment I’d been waiting for, I was overwhelmed with elation. I ran to Sky, and so did everyone else. Seeing her smile, my heart hammered faster from being relieved to see her looking well. I embraced her tightly and let out long, deep breaths. Her cape felt hot and she smelled like something was burning, but other than that, she looked the same as when she’d entered.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I rambled, as I helped Sky take off the cape and handed it to Zara.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Do you have Hades’s stone and his head?” Zara asked hesitantly, looking at Sky’s empty hands.

  “I don’t.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t?” Ian’s tone was panicky.

  “It’s a long story, but everything will be fine.” I knew when Sky was telling the truth, but mostly when she was trying to hide the truth from me. She couldn’t look at me. And right now as she spoke her words, she shifted her eyes away. “Can we get something to eat? I’m starving. I promise to fill you in.”

  “Of course. We should go back to New Olympus.” Tara positioned herself to open the portal.

  “Is Hades alive?” Everett got to the point.

  “Yes,” Sky nodded.

  I heard some light gasps. Girls were too dramatic.

  “What does he look like?” Sarah asked.

  “Different than I had imagined. Very good looking.” Sky shrugged.

  I don’t know why, but her words made me feel a little bit—I didn’t want to admit it—jealous, though I wouldn’t show it.

  “Really?” Amanda chimed in. “I can’t wait to see him…I think. Wait…since he let you go, does that mean he’s not as bad as we think?”

  “He didn’t let me go, I let him go.” Sky stunned everyone into silence.

  “Ask questions while we’re eating,” I told everyone, then grabbed Sky’s hand. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” We jumped into the portal together.

  We had all gathered in the dining hall to eat a late dinner of almost the same types of food that were laid out when we were in the underworld. How ironic. The questions would not stop regarding Hades and Persephone, even after I had explained what happened. I could understand why they felt so confused; they were wary, like I was, about trusting Hades.

  “I’m confused. How many days do we have left?” Amanda inquired, scooping rice onto her plate. “I have no sense of time.”

  “It’s been two days.” Zara held up two fingers. “We have one day left. We can strategize tomorrow, after we get a good respite. I suggest everyone rest up. We go to Mt. Hem in the afternoon. He won’t be expecting us early. It might be an advantage for us.”

  “So, how do we get a fake lodestone?” Aaron murmured, chewing a piece of chicken.

  “I have an idea.” I placed my water glass back on the table. Water had never tasted so good. “I’m going to need your help, Tara. You’ve been helping Steven conceal his true identity. I’m going to need you to do it again. We’ll have to trick him. This plan requires all your help. Are you in?” I glanced around the table, letting my friends know that I was talking to all of them.

  “You know we’re in.” Nick pointed the knife in the air, then brought it down to cut through his steak.

  “We need to get Victor and your mom back. We’re in,” Noah said next, wiping his lips with a napkin.

  “And my mom,” Ian added.

  After everyone agreed, the only sound I heard was the clinking sound of the utensils, plates, and glasses, and hungry people chowing down.

  We had retired for the night in our designated rooms. It was odd to be back in the place where my dad had resided all those years, and not seeing him there. Lying in bed alone, my thoughts ran wild regarding my parents. I wondered if Dad was suffering inside the iron cast, or if he was just sleeping…dead to the world. I also wondered what my mom was doing. Hephaestus had better be treating her well, or he was going to be sorry.

  It was strange to see him treat my mom like she was trash, when all those years I’d seen him show nothing but affection for her. He’d brought her gifts, doted on her, and treated her like a queen. I wondered if he ever truly loved her, or was he acting indifferent now because she could see his true self, especially after letting us know all the evil things he had done.

  A gentle knock broke me out of my thoughts. “Who is it?”

  A soft sizzling light glowed at the tiny space between the floor and the door.

  “Come in, Mason,” I giggled.

  The door cracked open just enough for me to see his handsome face. “Want some company? I couldn’t sleep.”

  “I was wondering when you would appear. Took you long enough.”

  Mason closed the door behind him and sauntered to my bed. “I was trying to be good and not come to your room, but as you can see, I have no self-control when it comes to you.”

  “I don’t want you to be a good, and I certainly don’t want you to have self-control.” I yanked his T-shirt so he was now inches away from my li

  “I think you just invited me to spend the night.” Mason twitched his brows playfully.

  “I think you talk too much.” I bit my bottom lip, anticipating his lips on mine.

  “Actually, I would prefer to be known as a man of action instead.” Mason tossed the blanket and swung me over in one swift motion. He was now in the middle of my bed, with me on top of him.

  “Hey, you can’t just—”

  “I just did.” Mason crushed my lips into his, while his hands gripped tightly on my back. I could feel how much he missed me and how much he wanted me. “Sky, I was so worried.”

  “I’m here. I told you I would be back,” I said between kisses. I loved the taste of his lips and the way his hands slowly ran inside the back of my shirt, filling me up with warmth, and immeasurable lust.

  Suddenly, Mason flipped over, causing me to be under him. “I know, but—”

  “No buts…just shut up and kiss me again. Show me how much you missed me.”

  Mason showed me exactly how much. His kisses were wild and hungry. Feeling flashes of warm tingles, I knew Mason was using his lights. Sometimes he couldn’t control it and sometimes he could, but right at that moment, he was on fire. Holy cow! When his hands were all over me and the intensity of his kisses grew stronger, the electrical tingles travelled to the depth of my core; to every muscle, to every bone, and to every vein. Wanting him to feel what I was feeling, I emanated my light on him.

  Mason lifted his head. “Sky. What are you doing to me?”

  “What you are doing to me,” I panted, out of breath.

  “It feels that amazing? I didn’t know. I’m freaking good.” Mason looked so proud.

  I had to laugh at his comment, but it wasn’t a joke. He really was that good.

  “Why don’t I make you feel even better?”

  Mason did not disappoint. The higher the voltage of his love shocks, the more pleasurable the sensations he made me feel. Wanting to return the pleasure, I did the same, matching his intensity. The whole bed was encircled with electric currents of blue and silver lights. It was beautiful and mesmerizing to be in the center of it. Though I wanted more from Mason, I knew he would not give in. He wanted our first time to be special for us when the war was over. I was glad he was the stronger one, because I would give in if he asked. I loved Mason with all of me, not to mention that what he was doing to me had me coming unglued.

  Mason pulled away, trying to catch his breath. “I don’t think I’ve used that much voltage on you before.”

  “That’s because I can take it and give it back,” I returned, coming out of my daze.

  “You sure can, Echo. You’re brave, strong, and can beat the crap out of anyone, even a god. I’m very proud of how much you’re taking in all of this supernatural craziness.”

  “I have no choice, Mason. But I can, because I have you and your family. I don’t know what I would have done or where I would be if it wasn’t for you.”

  “I could say the same thing, Sky.” Mason took my hand and kissed the back of it.

  “You also wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me. All the craziness started again for your family when I entered your life.”

  “You didn’t pick me, Sky. Fate picked us. You don’t get to choose who enters your life, just as much as you don’t get to pick who you fall in love with. It just happens.”

  Mason was right. Just like I didn’t get to decide if I wanted to be the keeper of life or have any of the powers I possessed.

  “How did you become so wise?” I teased, running my hand along his bicep and stopping on his lightning tattoo.

  “The day I met you, Echo. The day you started repeating everything I said.” His chest shook from laughing.

  “Come here,” I said, with a wicked tone, even though he was right beside me.

  “I’d rather you come here.” Mason wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. “Go to sleep. We need our rest. I’m going to turn off the lights.” Mason extended his arm and shot out his volt to turn off the light when the door thrashed opened.

  “Whoa, it’s just me, Mace.” Nick raised both of his hands to surrender.

  Mason’s eyes glowed in silvery lights. They always lit like that when he was in a protective or fighting mode, or when he was excited with me.

  Mason and I sat up. “Is everything all right?” Mason asked, planting his feet on the ground, seemingly ready for whatever Nick was about to say.

  Nick shrugged his shoulders, looking sheepish. “There’s some kind of noise in my room. It’s annoying.” He glanced around. “Your room doesn’t look spooky like mine.” Though there wasn’t much to see, the room was big enough to have a sitting area. Off to the side were a brown sofa and an oak coffee table.

  “Are you scared?” Mason chuckled.

  “What? Me? Of course not.” Nick pointed to the sofa. “I’ll just sleep on that thing.” Nick was about to close the door when Amanda stepped in, forcing the door to stay open.

  “Hi.” She looked nervous, inching her way toward us. “My room is really big, and you know how I don’t like sleeping on other people’s bed. So I’ll just sleep on the edge of your bed if you don’t mind, since Nick is occupying the sofa.”

  “Everett, I know you’re there. Show yourself,” Mason grumbled, ignoring Amanda. Mason not saying a word, Amanda took it as a permission to do as she pleased. “What is wrong with my family? They can defend themselves from vultures, but they can’t sleep alone. Go figure.” Running his hand down his face, he waited for Everett to show himself. He didn’t have to wait too long. I could see Everett’s shadow. He was most likely waiting to see how we would react to having Nick and Amanda in our room before entering.

  “I was just following Nick and Amanda. I thought you needed my help.” Everett closed the door behind him. “I think it’s best not to mention this to anyone. I don’t want to offend the Oracles. My room had a funny smell.”

  “Oh, yeah, mine too,” Amanda added. “But your room smells…” she inhaled a deep breath, “just right.”

  “I see.” Mason’s eyes roamed from Nick, to Amanda, to Everett. “Just right, huh?” He paused. “Mason and the three dorks. Come on, Sky.” Mason held my hand and helped me off the bed as he led the way.

  I had to laugh at Mason’s comment. I knew he was referring to Goldilocks and Three Bears, but I didn’t think his family understood, since they had no comeback.

  “Where are you going?” Amanda shuffled under the blanket.

  Mason opened the door and looked over his shoulder. “To my room. You three can have Sky’s room. Keep each other company. We’ll be across the hall, just in case you need us. Sleep tight and don’t let Nick’s snoring bug you.” Mason shook his head, chuckling.

  “I don’t snore. Maybe I’ll purposely snore loud, so you can hear me,” Nick snickered.

  “Goodnight.” I giggled just before Mason closed the door.

  “I love my family, but sometimes they can be suffocating,” he murmured, under his breath.

  “I love you too, Mason.” I heard Nick’s voice through the wall.

  “Don’t listen to my conversation.” Mason tried to sound stern, but a small chuckling sound escaped out of his mouth.

  “Be nice or I’ll be knocking on your door.” I heard Nick’s voice again.

  Mason rolled his eyes and opened his door. “Goodnight, Nick, Amanda, Everett.”

  “Goodnight,” they said in unison.

  “Don’t be surprised if you wake up and see me next to you.” Nick gave a boisterous laugh.

  Mason pursed his lips, trying not to laugh, but I couldn’t control it. “I’m going to lock the door.” Mason winked at me and carried me to bed.

  “Do you think it will work?” I asked, studying the stone on the palm of my hand that Zara had given to me that morning.

  I didn’t want to bring up the dreadful topic until after breakfast. As we gathered in the meeting room, memories of my dad came flooding b
ack. I felt so guilty and ashamed for treating him the way I had. I acted like a child instead of an adult…I couldn’t help myself. Every time he was around, I was eight years old all over again—the age I was when he left me. I guessed I had never gotten over it, even though I’d told myself that I didn’t care.

  “With our help, it should work,” Zara confirmed, shifting in her chair. “This crystal is the same crystal you are wearing now. It once belonged to my sister, Cara, but we took it from her the day she betrayed the gods. We painted it black and magnetized it so when Hephaestus uses it, it will do what the real one would have done. Lodestone encompasses a variety of magnetite. It’s a powerful positive-negative polarity. To realign energy flow through the body, healers use the stone; the reason why Hephaestus and Hades want it…need it, but each for a different purpose.”

  “So what happens next?” Nick looked over my shoulder. He got out of his seat to get a better look at the stone.

  “Then you all step in.” I stood up, shoving the stone into my front pants pocket. “You’ll have to distract him while Zara and Tara help me release my dad and everyone else that have been cast in iron. We have to get them out as fast as we can. I won’t have time to kill Hephaestus, especially since he disappears like a coward. But he’s stronger and different than before. He has experimented on himself; therefore, we don’t know what he’s truly capable of. I think it’s best to get out and have Hades deal with him.”

  “He’s crazy.” Noah placed his arm around Amanda’s shoulder. “Make sure to stay close to me.”

  “There’s one problem.” My words stopped everyone in their tracks and froze their smiles. “I need to get the other two lodestones from Hephaestus.”

  “But he’ll have them in his possession,” Colin said, twirling his sword. One thing about Colin, he was never without his sword. “You want us to help you get the stones while fighting the vultures and trying to get out of there fast as we can? We need another plan.”

  Ever since I’d met Colin, he was all about the plan. Perhaps it was because he was a descendant of Ares, and good at strategizing.