The Out of the Dark project was designed to find some voices in the darkness of the void we call the science fiction and horror writing industry. While restricted by the money on offer for selected works, the task seemed impossible and at one time did feel as though it was destined for darkness itself. Many writers did get involved though and some great ideas were shown up by some very new writers, but alas the stumbling block came down to editing, or the refusal to edit. I do recommend all new writers work with editors if they have some ideas or guides; not all advice will sit well, but some will change a story from being average to being great. I have been pleased that all the writers here were open to some advice and guidance, and while some stories may fall a little short of perfection, these writers did take the efforts to oblige this editor.
Selecting stories for anthologies is a tough business and I always take my hat and shoes off for everyone that takes on this task. The efforts of the writers to craft suitable stories is always appreciated and the wonders of new technologies appreciated; it has been a few years since I have put together a collection like this, the last being Zombies, and I must say, I am still learning and still making mistakes. But as any editor will tell you, once there is ink in your blood, it is there for life.
Some of these stories you will like and some you will not and I know the vagaries involved in the publishing industry and the desire to meet everyone’s taste. So, no numbers means you are just going to have to search in the darkness of words and find what you might like, or read something that will leave you cold. Space is cold, and most certainly, none of it is perfect. I hope you enjoy some of the stories here and even share the book about. This whole project has been done on a ‘Not for Profit’ basis. If you have a digital version of this collection, please do copy the book in its entirety and share it – for we don’t really know what will come out of the dark.
Robert N Stephenson, January 2015
What has come from out of the dark?:
Gene Stewart Eschaton’s Fate
Tony Shillitoe Hope
James O’Keefe Light in the Darkness
Alexander Zelenyj In a Room Empty But For You
Rob Bleckly The Grim
L.E. Bodillo The Dead Kind
Mark Rookyard Between the Worlds
Victoria Dylan Out in the Dark
Jason Andrew Fading Light From a Dying Star
Gregory L. Norris Fleeing into the Darkness of Disaster