Read From Titans Page 11

  When it looked like everyone was there, I explained how we had to keep our minds clear of thoughts, especially the bad ones. Whatever we thought of would come alive. Zara reminded us to work as a team.

  “Great.” Nick threw up his arms. “There are too many of us. We’re bound to have nightmare thoughts.”

  “We’ll have to do our best and trust each other.” Poseidon fidgeted with his cape, which fluttered with the soft breeze.

  “We need to get going,” I stressed, trying to overcome my pounding heart. “Eris didn’t say a specific time, but knowing her, the hunt began even before she sent the message. She isn’t the type to play fair.”

  “Hermes, start the portal,” Zeus commanded.

  The ring in the center of the fountain started to spin, faster and faster. The mist from the water blew in the air, dampening my face.

  “We’re going through there?” Amanda groaned. “How do you know it will take us to the Island of Crete?”

  “It will. We can go together.” Noah held her hand. As always, he lessened her worries.

  “Be safe, my love. Keep your ego at bay.” Hera planted a kiss on Zeus’s lips.

  “Be careful. Watch your back and be safe here. Don’t go anywhere alone.” He gave her one hell of a kiss back.

  One by one, everyone stood on the walkway to the portal and jumped through. It was odd to see them with us one second, and then disappear the next.

  “You go, Skylar.” Hermes gave me a nudge. “I won’t be going. I have to help Tara. When she retrieves the items from the Cyclopes, I’ll bring them to Zeus.”

  “What if you can’t find us?” My voice rose in panic.

  Hermes winked. “Zeus and I are bonded. I know where he is always. A Labyrinth won’t be able to keep me away from him. I can’t explain it. In modern terms, I have an app in my brain that keeps track of Zeus and his location. Now, hurry before the portal closes.” He gave me a tender kiss on my forehead and then gave me the warmest heartfelt grin. “For good luck. Now go kick ass.”

  “Hermes!” I hollered.

  He had tossed me through.

  I landed, stumbling. Hades broke my fall.

  “Hello there, little one. Miss me that much?” Hades joked.

  I ignored his comment. “Where are we?” It was a stupid question. I knew where we were, but I didn’t know what to expect. I only knew we would portal to the Island of Crete, but I never expected the place to be beautiful and serene. Water surrounded us, blue as the sky and crystal clear with white sand. Standing on a hill gave us a great view. The only things for miles were the gigantic wooden double doors in front of us. I had to tilt my head way back to see their full length.

  Zeus held a red apple in his hand he had picked off the ground by the door, and with the other hand, he held a note. He read it out loud.

  Dear Silly People,

  Welcome to my Island of Crete. Isn’t it beautiful? How ironic you have to die here. Anyway, Zeus must place his hand on the door, and it will open. Good luck. Bon appetit…and I meant those words for Cronus. Well, don’t just stand there and gawk at my beautiful penmanship. Go! Tick tock, time is running out. How I love to say those words.

  From your not-friend, not-crazy person everyone thinks I am,


  “She is crazy.” Hades huffed, his shoulders tensed. “Let’s get this over with. I can’t wait to wring her neck.”

  When Zeus placed his hand on the door, it creaked open. We walked in silence, taking careful slow steps. I reached inside my pocket and clicked the magical pen. Then I nodded at Zara, who was staring at me, her way of reminding me what to do. She smiled after she glanced over her shoulder to see the silvery mist following us.

  Tall bushes on either side of us pointed the way. So far, all was calm and still; the only sound was pebbles grinding under our footsteps. Ares and Athena held their swords and shield in front, while Everett and Amanda held the daggers they brought from home. The Labyrinth was so massive one could hide for ages. Send in two people, one at the beginning and one at the end, and those two people might never meet in a lifetime. That was how complicated and ginormous the Labyrinth was.

  Thump. Thump-thump. Thump. Thump-thump. My heart beating faster replaced the sound of my footsteps. We took ten steps when the bushes rustled, startling us.

  “The magic in the Labyrinth is trying to confuse and scare us,” Zara warned. “Ignore the sound.”

  I looked behind me to ensure the silvery mist followed us. After I confirmed, I paced a bit faster, eager to get to Mason.

  “Mason!” Nick yelled.

  “He can’t hear you, Nick,” Zeus stated. “Don’t be stupid and draw unwanted attention.”

  A feeling in the pit of my stomach warned me of danger. I felt it when a breeze blew sharply past us, tousling my hair. Then the tall bushes began to shake faster, and the leaves began to fall.

  “What the hell?” Noah guided Amanda to the center.

  “Don’t think of anything,” Zara warned. “Keep going. This is just the beginning.”

  “Crap!” Amanda snapped. “I didn’t mean to, but I saw this movie and—”

  Branches swung out from the bushes like whips. One wrapped around Everett’s waist. He cut free with his dagger, but more came at him.

  “Seriously, Amanda,” Nick growled, energy sizzling from his fingertips to the branches coming for him. “Couldn’t you have thought of something sweet?”

  “Watch out!” I shouted.

  Countless vines darted at us. I ducked and zapped one that headed for my neck. Another one wrapped around my legs and arms, locking me still, and then flung me down. Pain ripped through me as the branches dug into my skin. I shot my powers, but I missed the targets. As the tree dragged me in, the unpaved ground cut and scratched my back through the fabric. Pain seared my back.

  About halfway into the bushes, I managed to send fire through the palm of my hands. It let go of me, and Nick pulled me out and helped me up. He had been sucked in at the same time and released when I had set the fire.

  Ares and Athena blocked with their shields and sliced through the branches with their swords. They moved with grace and speed. Some flew to Zeus, but he blocked them with his staff. When they snaked around his staff, he let the energy of his powers electrify them. They dropped in ashes.

  Whack! Whack! Whack! The branches whipped and slashed like cobra snakes. Each came with purpose and determination, each one more angered.

  “Stay behind me,” Noah commanded Amanda.

  “I’m not weak.” Amanda readied her dagger, sidestepping next to me.

  “Now is not the time to argue, Amanda.” Everett cut the branch that thrashed above them.

  Everyone ducked, but one slipped past us, and with one swipe, it knocked us down, except for me. I jumped. I fired lightning bolts, protecting my friends to give them time to get up. We gathered in circle formation, watching each other’s backs. Lightning, water, fire, and freezing them did no good. There were too many for us to handle.

  “I’m not dying like this.” Amanda swung her dagger like a mad woman.

  “None of us are, little one.” Poseidon waved his hand, creating a water barrier. “Not the gods at least.”

  Noah and I joined him, making it stronger and thicker. I frowned at Poseidon’s comment. He didn’t need to point out what we all knew: their immortality. One of us could lose our lives and that thought caused me to hesitate.

  The branches couldn’t pass the barrier and my heart slowed to a steadier beat. We were safe, but for how long? We needed to get going. Then to our surprise, the branches stopped banging the protective shield and froze. Holy Zeus! The tips of the branches had hardened into sharp points.

  Zara stepped out of formation. “When I count to three, let go of the shield and use your powers to freeze them.”

  “No way.” Hades spoke for all us.

  “Trust me, Hades. I know what I’m doing. One…”

  “Are you sure about this?” Hades

  “Two…I’m the Oracle.”

  “Yeah. I haven’t been that impressed.”

  Zara glared. “You better drop the shield, Poseidon, if you want to live today. Three.”

  Zara raised her hand and stopped the branches in midair with her magic, creating a dome of branches. Poseidon, Noah, and I froze them.

  “Fight magic with magic.” Zara’s hands remained in the air. Then with a wave of her hands, the branches snapped and plummeted to the ground. I jumped and covered my head with my hands. Clouds of dust surrounded us.

  “Where’s Hades?” I panicked.

  “Hades,” Zeus called.

  Then puff! Fire burst out in another clump of bushes. Poseidon put out the fire, revealing Hades on the ground, drenched. He sat up and shook his head like a dog did after a bath. Magically, he dried himself and stood, dusting leaves and dirt off his clothes.

  “I was thrown,” Hades growled.

  Relieved to see him, I released a breath. “We need to get going.” I had taken a few steps when I spotted flames from the corner of my eyes. That flame turned into a full-blown fire. Poseidon put it out, but it came back again. So Poseidon put it out again. Like before, it came back again, only this time it spread before we could comprehend what was happening.

  “Run.” Zara snapped us out of our stupor.

  We ran as a blaze followed us, flames roaring to the sky, and smoke clouded around us. Poseidon, Noah, and I lagged behind to tame the fire as much as we could.

  “Hades!” Zeus roared. “This is your making.”

  “I had to think of fire to get the disgusting things off me,” he retorted.

  We turned right, left, left, and right, zig-zagging through the direction the Labyrinth led us, and then…dead end. A brick wall blocked us. Zeus punched it.

  Nothing happened.

  Zeus pointed his staff. Blue and silver lights sizzled around the wall, but to no avail.

  “Now what?” Amanda shrieked.

  “Noah, Poseidon, I need your help. Everyone stand behind us,” I directed.

  Just before the fire reached us, with the help from Poseidon and Noah, we created a bubble of water around us. Red and orange light from fire hit us, beautiful yet so dangerous. The blazing heat pushed us back, trying to break down the barrier. Heat penetrated through, and sizzling steam started to fill our bubble, making it harder to breathe.

  “We need more water, more power.” I coughed.

  Zeus stuck his staff through the ground. Lightning split the earth. Then Zara mumbled a few words, wiggling her hand. Water seeped through the cracks. I whirled my hand, and extra water followed, twirling around faster and thicker, sucking in the fire. The steam lessened, and finally the fire died. I collapsed in exhaustion, and so did Noah. Zeus leaned on his staff.

  “You okay, little sis?” Hades asked. “That was a lot of energy you had to expend.”

  I inhaled fresh air and coughed. “Yes. I just need a minute.”

  I didn’t have a minute. The brick wall exploded. I ducked and covered my head. When it cleared, I looked through the big gap in the middle, leading to another path. Mason popped in my head, hoping…perhaps the Labyrinth would bring him to me just like it had brought those whipping branches when Amanda thought of it and just like there was fire when Hades thought of it.

  I rubbed my eyes. No, it couldn’t be. I jolted up.

  “Mason,” I whispered. Too shocked to say his name, for fear he would disappear.

  Everyone else seemed just as bewildered, but then they turned their heads to me.

  “Mason,” I said again. “We finally found him.”

  It worked. My heart soared. Couldn’t they see him? Mason sported a long black cape; perhaps that threw them off? I didn’t wait for their reaction. Throwing one leg over the remaining broken bricks, I dashed for him.

  Chapter 18


  Eris jabbered about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth. I had tuned her out for most of the story until I heard Sky would be there and I would also be running through the Labyrinth. I didn’t care about me, but I cared about Sky and my family and friends, who would be running away from Cronus and God knows what.

  When we portaled through Crete, I had expected to appear in front of the water, but instead we had landed inside the Labyrinth. Glancing around, I sighed in disappointment. Somehow, I hoped to find a way to escape. I would have a better chance on the outskirts of the Labyrinth. Instead, tall bushes as long as the colossal structure encased me. My long black cape swayed with the chilly wind and I shivered, breaking me out of my observation.

  “Don’t even think it, Mason. You can jump, climb, zap your way with—” she wiggled her fingers “—lightning, but you can’t escape. I suggest you save your energy for what’s to come instead. Or…” She paused. “You can come with me, and we can live together forever.”

  I was about to tell her off when she spoke again, shaking her head. “Never mind. I need you here as bait.” She opened a small portal. “It’s too bad you have to die. You’re so handsome. A waste. Bye.”

  Eris was so demanding and clingy that when she left, my lungs expanded and fresh air passed through me. I’d rather die trying to find Sky than be with Eris. Good riddance! My attention shifted to a brick wall and thoughts of Sky entered my mind. Strange, it wasn’t there a second ago. I debated what to do, but seeing no other option, and assuming it was my only way out, I sent a blast of lightning.

  The wall exploded, creating a big gap in the middle, as if a giant bullet went through it. I blinked. Far in the distance stood my Sky, looking straight back at me.

  “Sky?” My heart pounded in elation. Without hesitation, I dashed with the speed of a god’s descendant, my cape flapping behind me.

  “Sky.” I reached to wrap my arms around her…but I ended up hugging myself. What the hell?

  An illusion? “It’s never simple!” I roared at the top of my lungs, sick of Eris’s games and so tired of being separated from Sky, all because of her psycho revenge against Zeus. This wasn’t our fight. Why were the descendants always stuck in the middle?

  The illusion of Sky appeared disappointed as she too tried to hug me. How in the world did Eris conjure this up? I waved my hand through Sky’s body. Watching her drop her shoulders and sigh disconsolately broke my heart. With bags under her eyes, her cheeks and clothes smudged with dirt, and some parts of her clothes burnt, she clearly had gone through hell. I didn’t like her being in the Labyrinth, but I also knew she wasn’t alone. My goal to find her gave me that much more determination.

  “I’m coming for you, baby,” I said to her as if she could hear me.

  I groaned and strode ahead. Leaving behind Sky drove the dagger already lodged in my heart deeper, even if it was only an illusion of her.


  “Mason.” I wrapped my arms around him as butterflies danced in my stomach, but… “Mason?” I dropped my shoulders and released a long, agitated sigh. He was an illusion? Of course he was. I thought of him and he came to life, only he wasn’t real. Damn it! I wanted to punch something—anything. Anger boiled inside me.

  Mason seemed so real. He circled around me, watching me, as if he saw me, too. Could it be possible he was there, and through magic, we were unable to touch? Or simply, my mind played tricks on me. Under the hood of his black cape, I saw the desperation in his eyes. Hopefully this was a sign he hadn’t been brainwashed. Oh Zeus! I had to stop thinking.

  By the time my team caught up to me, Mason was long gone. Watching him leave, even though he was an illusion, tore my heart out.

  “Did you see Mason?” I asked hesitantly.

  They all shook their heads.

  “It’s okay, Skylar. You were thinking of Mason. The Labyrinth knew.” Zara tried to make me feel better, but it only made me feel worse for succumbing to the stupid mind trick.

  “Come on. Let’s get going.” Hades tugged me beside him.

  We walked until my leg muscles burned and the
need to quench my thirst grew unbearable. Even Ares and Athena, fit for battle, looked tired and worn. Every so often, I gazed behind me, and sure enough, the silvery light glowed. No one saw it except for Zara and me.

  “I’ve brought the tiny crystal balls to help you with your thirst.” Zara reached inside her pocket.

  “I’m so thirsty. I wish—” Amanda started to say.

  “No, no, don’t say it. Don’t think it,” Nick spat.

  “Crap!” Everett murmured under his breath. “Don’t tell us not to think it. We will think it. It’s human nature to do the opposite.”

  “Who thought what?” Hades growled.

  It was too late.

  We froze, anticipating.


  I held my breath.


  I released my breath.

  Something changed in the air. It became cooler. One leaf turned to ice, rippling the effect to the other leaves.

  Zara passed out the water crystal balls, ignoring the signs of the possible danger. “This should help.”

  “Not again.” Ares spun his sword, as if to ready for battle.

  “Run!” Zara snapped us alert.

  The ice started to conquer the ground, spreading toward us as we ran. The air became heavy, thick, and so cold. Even as the puff of air left my mouth, it froze in midair in a shape like a snowflake. Though it normally might be fascinating, it turned deadly fast. The coldness sunk into my bones, turning my fingertips blue. My skin tightened and pain seared through every inch of me.

  Like before, a wall blocked us in, of steel instead of brick. Amanda banged on the wall to break it down, but ended up hurting herself. Noah peeled her away.

  “Hurry, do something.” Athena panicked.

  Hades stood beside me, locking his eyes straight ahead to the solid ice coming for us, as it turned everything it touched to icicles. “I guess this is when we find out who is stronger—hot or cold. Skylar, it’s you and me, little sis. Let’s do this.”

  I was about to agree when the icicle leaves flew at us like bullets.

  Ares and Athena dropped their shields side by side.