Read From Titans Page 13

  Polyphemus blinked several times and ran his hand up and down the rods as if he could almost taste his freedom. “That’s it? You want the gifts, and then we can go free?”

  “Yes. I will let you out of your prison, but when we put the Titans back, you’ll have to keep guard like the last time.”

  “So, we’ll be on the other side of this bar?”

  “Yes, but you are not free to roam. Times are different now. You are safer in Tartarus. There are many dangerous monsters twice your size that will destroy you and will want you dead.” Tara told them a lie to keep the Cyclopes under control. Luckily they believed her. The Cyclopes appeared intimidating due to their size, but they were gentle creatures.

  Polyphemus gasped sharply. “Why do they want to hurt us? We are not dangerous.”

  “No, you’re not, but will you help? I promise you, you’ll be on the other side of the bars. I am an Oracle. My words are true. You have my word.”

  “Then I’ll take your word as a promise and hand you the gifts.”

  “Wait.” My wings stretched and fluttered up to his eye level. I had no idea what Zeus’s plans were, but they had to be even cleverer than before. Cronus would be expecting them to use the same tactics. “I have one more favor to ask.”

  “Hermes,” he sang my name joyfully. His giant eyes sparkled in recognition. “Why didn’t you tell me it was you? I could barely see you.”

  “It’s been a long time. I forgot you can’t see well.” Though I couldn’t fathom why. His eye, the size of a truck, took up his forehead. “The gods are going to need more than the items Tara mentioned. Are you willing to do all you can? Sure, Tara can let you out, but if the Titans win, they’ll put you right back in. You’ll be stuck here for eternity.”

  Polyphemus looked behind his shoulders to his family. With a nod from everyone, he turned back to me. “We are at your service.”

  “Good.” I grinned.

  “Now, how are you going to get us out of here?” he asked.

  “It’s simple. No magic trick. I would get back if I were you. Tara is going to blow it up.” I winked.

  Polyphemus blinked with an understanding grin. I wasn’t sure if he winked back, but the Cyclopes shook the ground as they ran back as far as they could.

  Chapter 21


  I pulled the hood over my head and hid behind the nearest boulder. Darting my eyes every which way, I looked for an escape but found none. Even the path I had come through disappeared. Eris had intended me to end up here. My instinct said the battle would take place at the arena since Eris loved a good show. There would be no doubt she would sit at the front, watching everything unfold and gloating over her sick plan.

  A whimper caught my attention. With my fingers shimmering in faint light, willing my powers ready, I carefully moved around the boulders to the sound. A man crouched on the ground into a ball. Shirtless, with long scars on his back, he was smeared with grime. His pants had holes caked in dried blood. I grimaced at the scent of him.

  “Who are you?” I snapped.

  He didn’t move. His face dipped to the ground, and he groaned like he was in pain.

  “Hey. Are you hurt?”

  “Eris,” he mumbled in a hoarse whisper.

  “Did Eris put you here?” Panic shot through me. Something didn’t feel right. I glanced up either side of me and then behind my shoulder. When he didn’t answer, I spoke again. “You need to get up. Cronus is here somewhere. He’s coming.” I was about to push him over to see his face when he craned his neck.

  Just like his body, his face was smeared with dirt and caked with dried blood, especially around his temples. I didn’t recognize him. But his blue eyes—so blue and sparkling, like the gods—sent goose bumps up my arms. I pushed that feeling aside. Fear would make me weak, slow me down, prevent me from thinking fast.

  “Cronus?” the stranger whimpered, hardly audible.

  “Yes, Cronus. Do you know who he is?”

  He pushed himself onto his knees, moving ever so slowly.

  “I do.” A slow smile spread across his face—cunning and mischievous. Surely I had misinterpreted that grin—I hoped. “He’s my dear brother, and I would watch your back if I were you.”

  It took me a second to register what he’d said. He couldn’t have been Cronus’s brother. Cronus was a giant, so his brother must be one, unless…Eris had shrunk me before, and she could’ve done the same to him. I was screwed. Before I had a chance to react, something hit me hard from behind, like a bat to a ball, tossing me across space. I slammed against the wall. Breaking through those bricks, I hit another wall and another, until I finally stopped as pain sliced through me. I felt like every bone in my body shattered.

  Never in my life had I been hit so hard. The power and strength was beyond anything imaginable. Flat on the ground, my back exposed, I pushed myself halfway up, quivering, unable to control my muscles. My head pounded, and the sound of my name blasted air on me. Cronus! Before I had the chance to recuperate, I was tossed again.

  Thoughts of Sky danced in my head: her soft skin, her scent. She was the reason for my smile, the reason for my happiness. I held onto her, Everett, Nick, and Amanda as I accepted death. Visions of their cloudy faces appeared like a dream as I fell in and out of consciousness.

  “Mason…Mason. Can… hear…?”

  Sky? Humming buzzed through my head as memories of Sky flashed in my mind. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t because I was dead. The thought of never seeing my Sky or family killed me. Hot liquid dropped on my face. I guessed dead people couldn’t cry but instead could feel their loved ones’ agonizing tears. I couldn’t stand for Sky and my family to find me dead on the floor. Their guilt, their pain would eat them alive, as it would have for me.


  Sky had found me. I was so close to reuniting with her. So freakin’ close. I had no idea how much time had passed. Can dead people hear? Perhaps my spirit hadn’t left my body yet. Sky’s voice…oh dear God. It was beyond torture. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, kiss her lips, and tell her I loved her so much. Sky, Sky, Sky. I love you. You can’t hear me. Gut-wrenching pain clenched my heart, worse than anything imaginable. Then icy cold hit me. The cold spread throughout my body, numbing me. Death had found me.

  Then warmth enveloped me. My body jerked countless times as electrifying shock waves rippled through me again and again. Was this how a soul left the body? Then the face of an angel appeared, first blurry and then clear. I heard when a person died, an angel would come to guide them to the light. The angel would look like someone you knew. Of course Sky would be my angel. If only she could stay with me forever, then death wouldn’t be so bad. I could pretend Sky was with me, always.

  “Mason. Mason. It’s me. Can you hear me?”

  My angel was crying, but I couldn’t help staring at her beautiful face, her smile, and she looked so relieved. Identical to Sky. My lips curled, but I wasn’t sure how much as I tried to produce a smile. Tears dropped from her eyes to my cheek, making me blink.

  “He’s awake.” She was talking to someone?

  “Good. I can’t hold this barrier much longer.”

  Zara? Why would she be in the afterlife?

  “Sky?” I wasn’t sure if she could hear me, even though my lips parted to speak. The buzzing in my head made it difficult for me to hear even myself.

  “Mason. I can’t believe you’re here.” She crushed her body to mine. Though I felt like I’d been hit by a bus, I welcomed it. The cold air replaced her warmth when she released me to wipe her tears. “Can you get up? We need to get you to safer ground.”

  “Hurry!” Zara snapped.

  Sky twitched. Before I could say anything, she helped me up. The earth tilted under my feet, and my view spun as if I had turned upside down. My body and mind hadn’t synced yet. I wasn’t sure if this was real or if I had to prove myself worthy before I entered Heaven or some other divine place. But everything becam
e clear when my eyes focused past our protective barrier. Holy freakin’ Zeus! A battle raged. Then everything fell in place.

  I turned to my angel, who propped me up. My heart thundered in bliss and recognition. Not only was I alive, Sky and I had been reunited. Her teary eyes and her smile said it all.

  “Sky? Is this really you, or am I dead?” I asked hesitantly, dismissing the fact Zara stood in front using her magic and the scent of Sky I knew like my own spiraled dizzily around me like a euphoric drug.

  “It’s me, Mason.” Her lips quivered. “Are you hurt? Or you okay?”

  I didn’t care who saw us or what the hell was happening beyond the protective shield. Her words were all I needed. Ignoring her questions, I conquered Sky’s lips with mine and ran my hands all over her. Every inch of her face, my thumb over her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her ears. Every curve of her body, needing evidence it was her. Needing to know I was alive and she was here and we were finally together after all those torturous days apart.

  Her body melded into mine, and she kissed me back in the same intensity, showing me how much she’d missed me. Then it became too much. Overwhelmed with adrenaline, uncontrollable exhilaration coursed through me, taking all of my strength. I shocked her.

  “Mason?” Sky jerked back.

  “I’m so sorry. I…it’s been so long. I mean—” My hands gently caressed her face.

  “It’s okay, Mason.” She gave me her sexy, naughty grin. “You know I love it when you do it during…um…”

  “Any minute now. You can have a longer reunion after we defeat Cronus.” Zara snapped me back. Her arms still raised.

  “Zara, thank you.” I wasn’t sure why I had said that, but I knew she had a hand in my fast healing.

  “Thank me later. On the count of three, this barrier will be down. We need to go help the others. One…”

  Sky and I exchanged loving glances at each other.


  “I love you,” I mouthed.

  “I love you, too,” she mouthed back.

  “Stay beside me so I know you’re safe, okay?”

  “I’ll do my best. But do you need to rest?”

  “No. I’ve rested far too long. I’ll explain later.”

  I wasn’t going to take it easy when everyone else was in danger. I had no time for self-pity. My muscles throbbed, and I felt a little disorientated, but I would snap out of it when the adrenaline kicked in.

  We ducked when a boulder big enough to crush the three of us came straight at us and bounced away. Thankfully, Zara hadn’t dropped the barrier.


  Now I understood why everything sounded muffled. The shield also blocked sounds. The blast of thunder and lightning from Zeus zapped me awake. Nick and Everett fought beside Zeus, while Noah and Amanda held up their daggers next to Poseidon. I smiled to see my family, and I couldn’t wait to kick some ass right beside them. Determination and strength flooded through me.

  “Ready?” Zara asked.

  Sky and I nodded.

  “We’re waiting for Hermes and Tara. I can’t contact Tara…”

  I had no idea what she said next. Sky and I took off.

  Chapter 22


  I gaped. It was the first time I’d set my eyes on Cronus. The famous Cronus. The legendary Cronus. The huge…humongous beast with the face of an ordinary man. He wasn’t the only giant there. There were six of them. My courage drained for a second, until a body flew across the arena from one end to the other side, knocking down walls. Then something registered in my brain. Mason!

  “That’s Mason,” Nick gasped.

  “He just got whipped by Cronus.” Noah pointed out the obvious.

  “Skylar and I will go help him. The rest of you stop Cronus,” Zara directed.

  Those words were the only thing I heard before I took off running. My heart danced and at the same time thundered in agony. I didn’t know what condition I would find him in, and I didn’t know if Eris had altered his mind. I pushed those worries away to focus on Mason.

  We found Mason through the broken wall that surrounded us like a small cave. He was unconscious but fortunately not dead. His body took a toll from being slammed through the structures. I was afraid to touch him for fear he had broken bones and I would make it worse. But Zara knew what to do. She placed her fingers on his wrist and leaned closer to his face.

  “We must hurry. His heart is weak.” Zara reached inside the bag tied around her waist, pulled out a clear crystal, and placed it over his heart. “Make sure it stays on him until he awakes. Meanwhile, I’ll protect this area as long as I can.”

  My eyes were rooted to Mason’s face. I gently placed my hand over his cheek. “Mason,” I whimpered. “Please, wake up. I need you so much and your family needs you too. You can’t leave us. We’re supposed to get married and live a long life together.” My eyes pooled with tears. “The dogs miss you too.”

  Time seemed to inch past, and the longer it took, the more agitated I became. “This isn’t working,” I snapped. “Can’t you heal him faster? Why isn’t he waking up?” I threw Zara questions before she even had a chance to answer, but she didn’t need to. Mason’s eyes fluttered open to stare at me. Could he not recognize me? That was what I feared most.

  “Mason?” I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move.

  The ground shook and lightning flashed everywhere, but I didn’t care. I dismissed all that. My only focus was Mason. Waiting… Waiting… Waiting… until he whispered, “Sky?”

  I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. A few dripped on his cheek. My heart soared, and I thanked the world my Mason not only was alive, but recognized me.

  “Ready?” Zara asked.

  Mason and I nodded.

  “We’re waiting for Hermes and Tara. I can’t contact Tara.” Zara scowled.

  I had no idea what she said next. Mason and I took off to guard Nick and Everett.

  “It’s so good to see you, Mace the Ace.” Nick’s hand sizzled with light, sending a blast to Cronus that seemed to sting him rather than do any damage. “It’s about time you woke up.” Though Nick teased, I could hear the relief and happiness in his tone and Everett’s too.

  “I was going to go over there and kick your ass. Sleep while we get our asses kicked, why don’t you?” Everett said and ducked an incoming rock.

  Mason smiled. “Yeah, I missed you too.”

  “Mason is mine.” Someone came out of the shadow behind a boulder.

  I turned, surprised to see someone our size, shirtless and all muscles.

  “You again.” Mason pointed at him. “You’re standing. I’m going to help you get back down on your knees.”

  “You need to have more respect for your elders, Mason. I’m Oceanus. If you didn’t know my name, now you do. I’m going to kill you today.” His eyes darkened, sparkling with electricity.

  “You’re so little.” Nick snorted. “What happened to you? Are you the runt of the family?”

  Oceanus raised his hand. Energy blasted and Nick darted across. Then Oceanus homed in on Mason and shifted his hand to him, but this time, Oceanus’s body hurled to the opposite side of Nick.

  “You need to move faster, grandpa.” Mason’s eyes brightened, surging with energy. It trailed down his body, out of his fingertip, and around his body, illuminating him. He was beautiful and dangerous.

  Oceanus got right back up, shook his head as if to dust off dirt, and flashed an evil grin. Then he came at Mason like a bull.

  “Why can’t you just stay down?” Mason’s power bolted out, buzzing the energy around Oceanus, and tossed him against the wall on the other side. His body burst through and was buried under the rubble. It would hold him for the time being.

  Everyone ran in circles within the arena, dodging lightning produced by Zeus and Mason.

  “Hyperion. Stop,” Hades demanded. “Join our side and stop Cronus.”

  Hyperion stomped like a spoiled brat. “You banished me to Ta
rtarus. I’ll never trust you.” He swatted his giant hand to knock anyone in his way.

  “Noah!” Amanda shouted in horror. Noah got caught in Hyperion’s rampage. Hyperion’s hand knocked Noah aside. “You’re going to get it, you giant piece of shit.”

  Noah collided against one of the Titans and dropped to the ground. Amanda was right by his side.

  “Theia, Coeus, Themis, stop this nonsense,” Zeus roared, floating at their eye level. “History will repeat itself. You’re going to lose again.”

  Coeus swung an arm at Zeus. He missed and his fist collided with Theia’s face. The huff of her growl sent Zeus tumbling in air.

  Ares and Athena sliced their swords at a female titan’s ankle, and Hades climbed on top of the same titan’s head and lit her hair on fire.

  “Phoebe. That’s what you get for siding with Cronus,” Zeus roared.

  Phoebe screeched in pain as fire streamed out of her hair, producing unwanted ashes and flames. It flared when she rammed her head against the structure, causing debris and more chaos. Dodging their humongous steps and trying to fight back exhausted me.

  A whistle from Ares caught Theia’s attention. Then, bam! Athena’s shield flew like a saucer and hit her smack on the eye. She cried in pain, covering the hurt eye. Ares took the opportunity and hit Theia’s other eye with his shield. Blinded, Theia howled in agony. Ares and Athena, joined by Everett, jabbed and poked her with their swords. Theia dropped to her knees, causing the ground to rumble. I’d thought one of the Titans would come to her aid, but they didn’t.

  I gasped when Cronus grabbed Poseidon in the palm of his hand. “Let him go,” I spat, sending shocks toward him. Unfortunately, he only jerked and cursed, but his grip on Poseidon concerned me deeply. Then, to my horror, he opened his mouth and swallowed Poseidon.

  “No!” Zeus bellowed in grief. His shout echoed through the arena, bouncing off the wall so loudly I had to cover my ears.

  Thunder boomed and lightning flashed, coming down at Cronus, but Cronus caught the lightning with his hand. How was that possible? He froze it into ice before it had a chance to hit him. Zeus’s eyes grew in terror. He raised his staff, sending more lightning to flash faster and faster. Cronus froze every one of them.