Read From Titans Page 6

  Hades shrugged. “I’m bored too.”

  “Play with your things, not mine,” he spat.

  Zeus ran his hand down the rod of his staff. “I was enjoying the peace. Let’s not start an argument here, in front of the little ones.”

  Nick stood and adjusted his shirt. “Stop calling us little people.”

  “Are you not a head shorter than me?” Zeus challenged.

  “Maybe,” Nick answered sheepishly and then squared his shoulders. “Head taller than me or not doesn’t make us little people.”

  Zeus chuckled. “Relax, Nick. It’s called a figure of speech.”

  We laughed at Zeus, giving Nick a taste of his own medicine.

  Amanda nudged Nick. “Oh, he got you there.”

  Nick tugged his lips into a mischievous grin. I knew that look. He planned to do something wicked. Light sizzled out of his fingertips, but it died.

  I swayed, as if I were on a rowboat. At first I figured it was due to lack of sleep, but when everyone’s eyes grew and stared at Hermes, I knew it had to be from the rumbling clouds.

  “What’s going on?” Poseidon frowned.

  Hermes rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure. The rumor never said anything about rocking clouds.”

  The clouds moved faster, from side to side, as if to knock us off. They shifted, splitting us apart. We each had our own clouds. As if the clouds had a mind of their own, they took off. We took flight across the sky, only we weren’t high, but low. It reminded me of a go-cart race, a racing amusement ride, but one with no finish line.

  “Make it stop!” Amanda bellowed.

  “Hermes, do something,” Zeus commanded.

  I screamed at the top of my lungs when the clouds flipped and tumbled in circles. At one point, Hades was above me, and seconds later, Nick glided above me, upside down. Our heads almost touched. Then the world spun faster and faster which each passing second. Nausea took over and the urge to vomit came strong.

  “I’m going to get sick!” Everett’s shout echoed from the distance.

  After what seemed likely to be endless spinning, we finally stopped. I sighed with relief, trying to keep bile from rising to my throat. Then my body slammed against something solid and hard. Pain rippled through me. Moans and groans shot out from my friends.

  I peeled my face off the ground and spit out the dirt in my mouth. Hades helped me up. My body continued to sway. The urge to throw up lessened. Dusting the dirt off my pants, I realized we stood on the ground and the sky was in its right place. Dizzy and dazed from spinning, I observed my surroundings.

  “Does this happen often?” Hades asked.

  Hermes folded his wings closed. “I believe so. Perhaps the reason why it’s called Land of Reverse?”

  “No,” Amanda groaned. “I can’t do this a—” She dropped to her knees by the tree and released her stomach’s contents from her mouth. Noah stood by her side, rubbing her back.

  Hades stumbled and planted a hand on the tree for support. “Let’s get this over with. Skylar, get the water.”

  “How do we know that’s the right water?” I pointed to the river. “It’s not gold.”

  Hades tilted his head. “I see your point.”

  “I won’t know unless I try.” I wanted to believe it would be easy, but my gut told me otherwise, even though we saw no evidence of danger.

  “I’ll come with you.” Nick trailed behind me, followed by Everett and then Amanda and Noah. Hades fell behind after them.

  Easy enough. As I reached for the bottle in my pocket, I cautiously, step by step, went down a small slope to the river. Light beamed against the water, glistening across the horizon, sparkling like crystals. The cloudless clear blue sky took my breath away. Peace filled my soul and provided a sense of serenity, reminding me everything was going to be fine.

  I sank a little when my feet reached the bank from where the sand, pebbles, and water mixed. So close to getting Mason back. Somberness took over when I thought about how much I missed him and what he had gone through. But knowing he’d be home soon kept me on track. Opening the cap, I moved to take another step. My body locked. What the hell? The sand had glued me in place.

  I gestured my hand out to stop Nick, but it was too late. Everyone else stopped in time.

  “Skylar, what’s wrong?” Hades asked.

  “I’m stuck.”

  Chapter 11


  The sand slowly made its way up to my ankle. Unable to move my legs, I froze in place. As the sand-like cement moved farther up, its coldness stung my legs and restricted the flow of my blood, tightening around my leg painfully.

  “Skylar, we need to get out.” Nick fired his bolts, trying to break the hold, but to no avail.

  Since lightning didn’t affect it, I sent out bursts of flames around us.

  Nick twisted his body and covered his face with his hands. “Skylar, I can’t handle the heat.”

  “Sorry, Nick.” When I replaced the flame with water, the fire died, but it sped up the process.

  “Do something,” Amanda spat, sounding urgent.

  “What is that, Hermes?” Zeus asked. “Is that quicksand?”

  “Technically it’s not. You sink in quicksand, but in this case, it’s creating a solid cast around them. So I don’t—”

  “Hermes,” Zeus snapped, sounding agitated. “Find a way to get them out.”

  “I’ll try my best.” The flapping of Hermes’s wings gave me hope. Air from Hermes’s wings brushed against my face. “Hold my hand. I’ll pull you out.”

  I didn’t want to discourage Hermes and had no idea what strength he possessed, but when I felt like my body would split into two, I yanked my hand back and so did Nick. My panic grew a bit more. Half our bodies were covered.

  “I need someone to cut the bottom,” Hermes said, floating in midair.

  The gods stood closer, examining our situation.

  “Wait. You can’t just cut us,” Nick said. “Our feet have sunken in. You have to reach deeper within. There’s just no way.”

  “I think this might work, but Skylar, I need your help and the gods too.” Noah extended his hand. Water from the river rippled, rose up, and settled around them. “Let’s try freezing the water. Since you can handle the freezing temperature and Nick can’t, we have to have Hades use his power to warm up Nick. We’ll have to play it by ear. I have no idea if this is going to work.”

  “No, Noah,” I spat. “You’ll make it worse. The water will only speed up the process.”

  “Trust me, Skylar. When I say now, turn the water into ice. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes,” I answered, ready more than he would ever know.


  When Noah dropped his hands, the water did the same. Poseidon also used his power to help me turn the water to ice while Hades blasted flame around Nick to keep him warm.

  “This better work.” Zeus stuck his staff between Nick and me and blasted electricity bolts.

  Thunder boomed and lightning flashed against the sky, but in daylight it was hardly noticeable. Everyone worked together; even Nick summoned all the power he had left. Nick and I were weak, drained, and desperate. I felt the flames from Hades, icy cold from Poseidon, and electricity bolts from Zeus. If the gods couldn’t help us, we were doomed.

  Thoughts of Mason came to the forefront of my mind. If I didn’t make it out alive, he would be stuck with Eris forever. And if somehow he escaped to find out I died trying to save him, he would never forgive himself. Come on, come on, please let it work. Since I had the power of all three, it shouldn’t affect me, but my body couldn’t handle such intensity at the same time.

  My hammering heart slowed. Everyone blurred around me, and the bolts from my fingertips stopped. I lost control of my muscles, my eyes rolled back, and my body leaned forward without my consent. A loud sound burst, humming through my ears. Before my body gave out on me, I was tossed into the air.

  I groggily opened my eyes. Everyone sur
rounded me.

  “Skylar, can you hear us?” Zeus asked.

  “Yes,” I groaned and tried to get up, but I couldn’t. My body felt out of place, not like my own. My muscles weighed a ton, heavy and sore.

  “Whoa.” A hand pushed me back down. “Your body has been through some trauma; you have to get some rest.” His pretty blond hair caught my eyes. I peered up to see Hermes’s dashing blue eyes and his face near mine.

  I had no choice but to listen. “What happened?”

  “We got you out,” Hades said. “If we couldn’t, then no one could.”

  “Except for me, of course.”

  I craned my head to a figure with horse-like ears on his head. He looked half human and half horse. Glancing lower, I noted a large stomach with two arms and two hoof legs and a tail.

  “Silenus?” I questioned, unsure of his identity.

  “In the flesh.” He trotted a few steps and dipped his head just enough to show me a sign of respect.

  “Where’s Nick?” I sat up. Blood rushed to my head, and my vision spun for a second. I needed to know he was fine.

  Nick sat up, supported by the tree behind him. “Right here, Skylar. I’m a little weak but My Little Pony told me I would regain my strength.”

  I glanced at Silenus and wondered if he could handle being ridiculed. I also pondered if he knew about My Little Pony. I assumed he had no idea since he didn’t have a comeback.

  Silenus leveled his eyes at Nick and paused for a few long seconds. “I don’t know who My Little Pony is, and he might be some kind of hero in your world, but I’m not a pony,” Silenus gritted through his teeth.

  “You’re not, that’s for sure,” Everett mumbled under his breath.

  Amanda and Noah busted out laughing. I couldn’t help doing the same. If only Silenus knew that My Little Pony characters were cute and fluffy.

  “Oh, don’t worry, My Little Pony is no hero, and neither are you.” Nick rubbed his temples and shook his head as if to come out of a daze. “However, I would watch your tone. I might call you Spitfire.” He chuckled as he stood. “Maybe even Pinky Pie, Twinkle Toes, or Rainbow Dash.”

  “I loved My Little Ponies,” Amanda squealed. “I used to collect them when I was a little girl. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Double Diamond.” She clasped her hands, recalling her childhood with sparkle in her eyes. “They’re so cute. I used to play with them all the time.”

  Zeus cleared his throat, cutting our conversation short. “Silenus, you better give me some answers, or I promise you I will turn you into a real pony or a dead one. They won’t be calling you My Little Pony. They’ll call you My Dead Pony,” Zeus warned, gripping his staff tighter. “What in the world is going on? Who is the watcher of this place?”

  Silenus twitched his nose and dragged his hooves across the pebbled ground. “I am.”

  Hades’s fingers knotted around Silenus’s neck in a split second. It happened so fast, even Zeus couldn’t have stopped Hades. Flames glowed in his eyes, and the other free hand lit on fire. “You put us through hell for what reason? You almost got these two little ones killed. Why didn’t you come sooner?”

  Silenus couldn’t answer, but anger flared in his eyes. His tail lashed from side to side, and his hind legs kicked in distress.

  Hades let Silenus go when Poseidon splashed water on them. “Cool down. If you kill him, then we’ll get no answers.”

  Hades released his hand with a grunt.

  Silenus coughed relentlessly. When settled, he glared at Hades. “I am not your enemy. You came to the Land of Reverse to seek an old tale for your purpose. Dionysus’s rare gift was only given to worthy men. King Midas was worthy, but he was a fool. No one else has made it this far. They were all swallowed up by the sand. And do you know why? I’ll tell you why. They were not worthy. Most of the dead are the humans who searched for the gold King Midas washed away. Many of them were from his kingdom. They couldn’t pass the sand test, the first test. You passed the test because you are not humans. The sand is only breakable if you work together. And just to clear the air, I didn’t make these obstacles. Dionysus did.”

  “Where is he?” Zeus’s fingers drummed against his staff. “The gods went their separate ways when they had been released from the iron cast.”

  Silenus shrugged. “I don’t know. But he left me in charge of the river. I’m not here to guide or serve anyone. I’m here only to answer questions.”

  “Liar!” Hades spat, still unable to control his rage.

  Silenus’s eyebrows arched and his lips pinched together. “It’s the truth. And if I were you, I would hurry. If you pass the next test, it will lead you to the gold. Soon, the land will flip, and you’ll be standing on clouds again. When that happens, the gold water will not be available to you. The land chooses when it wants to turn. I have no control.”

  “How many tests are there?” Everett shoved his hands in his back pockets.

  “Two.” Silenus replied.

  Everett sighed in relief. “Last one.”

  “I wouldn’t celebrate just yet. Those who made it through test one didn’t make it through test two.”

  I rubbed my head in confusion. Had I heard him right? “You just said no one made it past test one?” I scoffed.

  Silenus wiggled his lips and opened his mouth. “Did I?” His laughed painfully pricked my eardrums. It sounded like a dying donkey. “Either I’m getting old or it’s from all that wine last night. Anyway, I must be on my way. Goodbye and good luck.”

  “Wait,” I cried. “I’m running out of time. This is an urgent matter. Can’t you give me some gold water?”

  Silenus slowly turned his ahead to me. “Urgent matter? Getting gold water is not urgent, especially when you’ll be handing it over to Eris.”

  “How do you know this?” Zeus asked.

  “Eris has come to this land many times before. She has even sent some of her people, or shall I say human prisoners, but they…” he shook his head. “It’s a shame so many had to die. So, she must have something or someone you care about.”

  “Yes, please help me,” I begged. My hand reached out to touch him, but he recoiled.

  His green eyes stared at me. “You have a good heart, and I would love to.”

  My heart burst with hope, but quickly deflated when he spoke again. “But I’m sorry. It’s not my place to get you the gold. I too am unable to capture it. I would drown in the river. It’s too bad my legs are not made with fins. I’m made for land and not water.”

  Amanda’s body tensed. “I say, let’s tie him up and cook him. Maybe then he’ll do as we asked.”

  Hade’s lifted his scorching hands. “I’ll do the honors.”

  “Wait, wait, wait.” Silenus backed away, kicking dirt in the process.

  “What do you mean you would drown?” Nick came closer. He had rested by the tree during the conversation.

  “Nothing. I have to go. I’ve said too much.” Silenus made an odd noise through his nose. Stomping his hind legs, he backed away.

  “Silenus, answer!” Zeus demanded. His voice shook the ground.

  When I turned back to Silenus, he had disappeared, leaving no trace behind but a cloud of dust large enough to mask him.

  Chapter 12


  Something caressed the side of my face, soothing me. When it happened again, I knew the hand belonged to a woman I despised. She locked me in a prison within my own mind. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. But at least I had my own thoughts, or at least I hoped they were. They had to be. Memories of Sky kept me going, gave me hope, and kept me alive.

  Eris stroked my hair. “I wonder what’s taking Skylar so long?”

  I rested my head on her lap and my body sprawled on her bed. I wanted to tell her to get her hands off me, but like before, I couldn’t. But I, too, wondered what took Skylar so long. I knew she was doing everything she could, so maybe something went wrong. The realization had me spinning with worries. Then I remembered she would be with
my family and the gods. She would be safe.

  “Oh, I hope she isn’t dead. That would be awful. She was my last chance. Everyone else died in the process,” she rambled.

  Everyone else died in the process? Where did Sky go? Where did Hermes lead her? It didn’t matter where they went. Everything came with a price, especially when dealing with the gods. Nick, Everett, and the three powerful gods were with her. Either way the thought of her being in danger sickened me. How I wanted to zap Eris. I’m fighting, Sky, to get back to you.

  “Anyway, I’m sure they’re fine. When they bring me the gold water. I can turn all my apples into gold.” A disgusting sound of giggles grated against my ear. “Then, I can turn my whole palace into gold. Oh…” She let out a horrendous laugh again. “I can bring chaos into the human world. That would be so much fun. Gold apples will be everywhere. Oh, you know what would be even better? Skylar thinks I’m going to release you when she brings me what I want; however, I have fun plans. It’s going to be one massive entertaining party. The Titans will love my idea. When all the gods are dead, I’ll be standing by the Titans’ side and rule not just Old and New Olympus, but the whole world. I’ve offered Skylar to be sacrificed first to the Titans. Of course you’ll be by my side.”

  My head bounced on the mattress when she sprung off. “I’m going to be the queen of the world, and you will be my king.” I couldn’t see her anymore, unable to move my head, but her words alone told me she had gone over the edge.

  Hurry up, my love. We have much to do.


  “Coward,” Hades growled when Silenus disappeared.

  “Now what? Are we free to get the water?” Nick asked, tossing a pebble to the river.

  “Let’s try it.” With the bottle open, I carefully walked toward the bank of the river while everyone followed behind. Stepping onto the pebbled ground was no problem this time around. I was just about to dip the bottle inside when someone yanked me back.

  “Watch out, Skylar!”