Read From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round It Page 2


  The Artillery-men of the Gun Club

  President Barbicane

  Meeting of the Gun Club

  The Torchlight Procession

  Cambridge Observatory

  The Moon's Disc

  Barbicane holds forth

  The Rodman Columbiad

  Cannon at Malta in the time of the Knights

  Ideal Sketch of J. T. Maston's Gun

  The invention of Gunpowder by the Monk Schwartz

  Captain Nicholl

  Nicholl published a number of Letters in the Newspapers

  It became necessary to keep an eye upon the Deputies

  The Subscription was opened

  The Manufactory at Coldspring, near New York

  Tampa Town, previous to the undertaking

  They were compelled to ford several Rivers

  The Work progressed regularly

  The Casting

  Tampa Town, after the undertaking

  The Banquet in the Columbiad

  President Barbicane at his Window

  Michel Ardan

  The Meeting

  Projectile Trains for the Moon

  Attack and Riposte

  The Platform was suddenly carried away

  Maston burst into the Room

  In the midst of this Snare was a poor little Bird

  "Go with me, and see whether we are stopped on our journey"

  The Cat taken out of the Shell

  The Arrival of the Projectile at Stones Hill

  J. T. Maston had grown fat

  The Telescope of the Rocky Mountains

  The Interior of the Projectile

  An innumerable Multitude covered the Prairie round Stones Hill


  Effect of the Explosion

  The Director at his Post

  The Gas caught fire

  Diana and Satellite

  The courageous Frenchman

  They raised Barbicane

  It was an enormous Disc

  They gave her a pie

  The Sun chose to be of the party

  Ardan plunged his hand rapidly into certain mysterious boxes

  "Do I understand it?" cried Ardan; "my head is splitting with it".

  Satellite was thrown out

  It was the Body of Satellite

  "I could have ventured out on the top of the Projectile"

  They struck up a frantic dance

  "The Oxygen!" he exclaimed

  "Ah! if Raphael had seen us thus"

  The Telescope at Parsonstown

  How many people have heard speak of the Moon!

  "This plain would then be nothing but an immense Cemetery"

  "What Giant Oxen!"

  He could distinguish nothing but Desert Beds

  "It is the fault of the Moon"

  Nothing could equal the splendour of this starry world

  "The vapour of our breath will fall in snow around us"

  A Discussion arose

  A Prey to frightful Terror

  What a sight!

  "The Sun!"

  "Light and Heat; all Life is contained in them"

  He distinguished all this

  Can you picture to yourselves

  A violent Contraction of the Lunar Crust

  Around the Projectile were the Objects which had been thrown out

  "These practical people have sometimes most inopportune ideas"

  Ardan applied the lighted Match

  "I fancy I see them"

  A few feet nearer

  The unfortunate man had disappeared

  The Descent began

  "White all, Barbicane"

  The Apotheosis was worthy of the three Heroes

