Read From the Elephant's Back: Collected Essays & Travel Writings Page 32

  ———. “Endpapers and Inklings.” Antaeus 61 (1988): 88–95. Print.

  ———. “Enigma Variations.” Time and Tide 16 March 1957: 319–20. Print.

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  ———. “From a Writer’s Journal.” The Windmill 2.2 (1947): 50–58. Print.

  ———. “From the Elephant’s Back.” Poetry London–New York 2 (1982): 1–9. Rpt. in The Fiction Magazine 2.3 (1983): 59–64. Print.

  ———. From the Greek of Sekilianos and Seferis. Rhodes: Privately printed, 1946. Print.

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  ———. “Hellene and Philhellene.” Times Literary Supplement 13 May 1949: 1–2. Print.

  ———. Henri Michaux, The Poet of Supreme Solipsism. Birmingham: Delos Press, 1990. Print.

  ———. “The Heraldic Universe.” Personal Landscape 1.4 (1942): 7–8. Print.

  ———. “Ideas About Poems.” Personal Landscape 1.1 (1942): 3. Print.

  ———. “Ideas About Poems [II].” Personal Landscape 1.2 (1942): 2. Print.

  ———. Introduction. Lear’s Corfu: An Anthology Drawn From the Painter’s Letters and Prefaced by Lawrence Durrell. Ed. Marie Aspioti. Corfu, GR: Corfu Travel, 1965. 7–8. Print.

  ———. Introduction. Wordsworth; Selected by Lawrence Durrell. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973. 9–21. Print.

  ———. “The Island of the Rose.” The Geographical Magazine 20.6 (1947): 230–39. Print.

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  ———. Monsieur or The Prince of Darkness. London: Faber & Faber, 1974. Print.

  ———. “The Moonlight of Your Smile.” King’s School Review 1.2 (1960): 3. Print.

  ———. “No Clue to Living.” Times Literary Supplement 27 May 1960: 339. Rpt. in The Writer’s Dilemma. Ed. Stephen Spender. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 17–24. Print.

  ———. “On George Seferis.” George Seferis 1900–1971. London: National Book League and the British Council, 1975. 7–8. Print.

  ———. “The Other Eliot.” The Atlantic Monthly 215.5 (1965): 60–64. Print.

  ———. Panic Spring: A Romance. 1937. Victoria, BC. ELS Editions, 2008. Print.

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  ———. Pied Piper of Lovers. 1935. Victoria, BC. ELS Editions, 2008. Print.

  ———. “The Poetic Obsession of Dublin.” Travel & Leisure 2.4 (1972): 33–36, 69–70. Print.

  ———. “Poets Under the Bed.” Tambimuttu: Bridge Between Two Worlds. Ed. Jane Williams. London: Peter Owen, 1989. n. pag. Print.

  ———. Preface. The Black Book. By Durrell. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. 9–11. Print.

  ———. Preface. Lady Chatterley’s Lover. By D.H. Lawrence. New York: Bantam Books, 1968. vii–xi. Print.

  ———. “The Prince and Hamlet: A Diagnosis.” The New English Weekly 10.14 (1937): 271–73. Print.

  ———. “A Propos de Tarr.” Tarr. Wyndham Lewis. Trans. Bernard Lafourcade. Paris: Christian Bourgois Editeur, 1970. 567–68. Print.

  ———. Prospero’s Cell: A Guide to the Landscape and Manners of the Island of Corcyra. Edinburg, VA: Axios Press, 2009. Print.

  ———. “Prospero’s Isle (“to Caliban”).” T’ien Hsia Monthly 9.2 (1939): 129–39. Print.

  ———. “A Real Heart Transplant into English.” The New York Times Book Review 21 Jan. 1973: F2–3. Print.

  ———. Reflections on a Marine Venus. Edinburg, VA: Axios Press, 2009. Print.

  ———. “Richard Aldington.” Richard Aldington: An Intimate Portrait. Eds. Alistair Kershaw and Frederic-Jacques Temple. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965. 19–23. Print.

  ———. “The Shades of Dylan Thomas.” Encounter 9.6 (1957): 56–59. Print.

  ———. Sicilian Carousel. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. Print.

  ———. “Some Notes on My Friend John Gawsworth.” Spirit of Place: Letters and Essays on Travel. Ed. Alan G. Thomas. London: Faber and Faber, 1969. 17–70. Print.

  ———. Spirit of Place: Letters and Essays on Travel. London: Faber & Faber, 1969. Print.

  ———. “Studies in Genius VI: Groddeck.” Horizon 17 (June 1948): 384–403. Print.

  ———. “Theatre: Sense and Sensibility.” International Post 1.1 (1939): 17–19. Print.

  ———. “This Magnetic, Bedevilled Island that Tugs at my Heart.” Daily Standard 22 Aug. 1972: 6. Print.

  ———. “A Traveller in Egypt.” The New York Times 15 January 1961. Print.

  ———. “Tse-lio-t.” Trans. Jean Blot. Preuves: Les Idées Qui Changent le Monde 170 (1965): 3–8. Print.

  ———. Tunc. London: Faber & Faber, 1968. Print.

  ———. “With Durrell in Egypt.” The New York Times 11 June 1978: 43–50. Print.

  ———. “Zero.” Seven 6 (1939): 8–18. Print.

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  ———. The Future of an Illusion. Trans. James Strachey. London: Hogarth Press, 1968. Print.

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  ———. “Editor’s Introduction.” Pied Piper of Lovers. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2008. vii–xvii. Print.

  ———. “Editor’s Preface.” Panic Spring: A Romance. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2008. vii–xiv. Print.

  ———. “Hellensim/Modernism: Negotiating Modernisms and the Philhellene in Greece.” Ed. Tatiani Rapatzikou. Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2006. 82–97. Print.

  ———. “Noses in The Alexandria Quartet.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 34.1 (2004): 2–4. Print.

  ———. Personal Modernisms: Anarchist Networks and the Later Avant-Gardes. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 2014. Print.

  ———. “Surrealism’s Anglo-American Afterlife: The Herbert Read and Henry Miller Network.” Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal 5 (2008): 36–64. Print.

  Gifford, James, and Michael Stevens. “A Variant of Lawrence Durrell’s Livia; or, Buried Alive and the Composition of Monsieur; or, the Prince of Darkness.” Lawrence Durrell at the Crossroads of Arts and Sciences. Eds. Corinne Alexandre-Garner, Isabelle Keller-Privat, and Murielle Philippe. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2010. 173–93. Print.

  Godshalk, William Leigh. “Some Sources of Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet.” Modern Fiction Studies 13.3 (1967): 361–74. Print.

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  Groddeck, Georg. The Book of the It. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1923. Print.

  Gwynne, Rosalind. “Islam and Muslims in The Alexandria Quartet.” Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal NS 5 (1997): 90–102. Print.

  Haag, Michael. Alexandria City of Memory. New Haven: Yale UP, 2004. Print.

  Hammond, Andrew. The Balkans and the West: Constructing the European Other, 1945–2003. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. Print.

  H.D. Tribute to Freud. New York: New Directions, 1972. Print.

  Hepburn, Charles. “The Ironclad.” Personal Landscape 2.2 (1944): 9. Print.

  Herbrechter, Stefan. Lawrence Durrell, Postmodernism and the Ethics of Alterity. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999. Print.

  Hirst, Anthony. “‘The Old Poet of the City’: Cavafy in Darley’s Alexandria.” Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal NS 8 (2001): 69–94. Print.

  Hopkins, Lisa. Christopher Marlowe, Renaissance Dramatist. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2008. Print.

  Hotson, John Leslie. Mr. W.H. London: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964. Print.

  ———. Shakespeare’s Sonnets Dated and Other Essays. New York: Oxford UP, 1949. Print.

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  Irace, Kathleen O. Introduction. The First Quarto of Hamlet. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 1–27. Print.

  Jones, Ernest. Hamlet and Oedipus. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1949. Print.

  ———. “The Oedipus-Complex as An Explanation of Hamlet’s Mystery: A Study in Motive.” The American Journal of Psychology 21.1 (1910): 72–113. Print.

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  Keeley, Edmund. Inventing Paradise: The Greek Journey 1937–47. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2002. Print.

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  Lee, Sir Sidney. Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century. London: A. Constable and Co., 1904. Print.

  Lemon, Lee T. “Durrell, Derrida, and the Heraldic Universe.” Lawrence Durrell: Comprehending the Whole. Eds. Julius Rowan Raper, Melody L. Enscore, and Paige Matthey Bynum. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1995. 62–69. Print.

  Liddell, Robert. “A Note on Cavafy.” Personal Landscape 1.3 (1942): 9–10. Print.

  ———. Unreal City: A Novel. London: Jonathan Cape, 1952. Print.

  Lorca, Federico García. “O Guitar.” Selected Poems. Trans. Martin Sorrell. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. 49–51. Print.

  MacNiven, Ian S. Lawrence Durrell: A Biography. London: Faber & Faber, 1998. Print.

  Marsh, Janet Zimmerman. “The Influence of Hinduism in William Butler Yeats’s ‘Meru.’” The Yeats Eliot Review 22.4 (2005): 15–18. Print.

  Matiossian, Vartan. “Kostan Zarian and Lawrence Durrell: A Correspondence.” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 8 (1995): 75–101. Print.

  Mengham, Rod. “Auden, Psychology and Society.” The Cambridge Companion to W.H. Auden. Ed. Stan Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004. 165–74. Print.

  Miller, Henry. “The Angel is My Watermark.” Black Spring. New York: Grove Press, 1963. 55–76. Print.

  ———. “The Eye of Paris.” Wisdom of the Heart. New York: New Directions, 1960. 173–86. Print.

  ———. Henry Miller On Writing. New York: New Directions, 1964. Print.

  ———. “Henry Miller’s Letters to Herbert Read: 1935–1958.” Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal 5 (2008): 3–35. Print.

  ———. Letters of Henry Miller and Wallace Fowlie. New York: Grove Press, 1975. Print.

  ———. Letters to Emil. Ed. George Wickes. New York: New Directions, 1989. Print.

  ———. “The New Instinctivism.” Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal 4 (2007): 3–56. Print.

  ———. “An Open Letter to Surrealists Everywhere.” The Cosmological Eye. New York: New Directions, 1939. 151–96. Print.

  ———. Sexus. New York: Grove Press, 1987. Print.

  ———. The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud. New York: New Directions, 1962. Print.

  ———. Tropic of Cancer. New York: Grove Press, 1961. Print.

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  Moorman, Mary. William Wordsworth: A Biography. Oxford: Clarendon, 1957–1965. 2 vols. Print.

  Morrison, Ray. A Smile in His Mind’s Eye: A Study of the Early Works of Lawrence Durrell. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2005. Print.

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  Papayanis, Marilyn Adler. Writing in the Margins: The Ethics of Expatriation From Lawrence to Ondaatje. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2005. Print.

  Pine, Richard. Lawrence Durrell: The Mindscape. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1994. Print.

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