Read Frost and Other Stories Page 17

About the Contributors

  Michelle Browne

  Michelle is a published science fiction author with a love for talking about the end of the world, silver jewellery, nightmares, and chocolate. She’s also a "fountain of esoterica" (to quote my 10th grade English teacher) who is fluent in Shakespeare, cussing, and activism. She is also a full-time editor. She came from a smallish town in Southern Alberta and now lives in Calgary with her partner. When not saving the world from hipsters or riding their bear cavalry to work, they can be found on the internet or with friends. Phuquerie happens frequently and often.

  Published works include And the Stars Will Sing and The Stolen: Two Short Stories, in the Meaning Wars series, The Loved, The Lost, The Dreaming, a horror anthology of her own work, and The Underlighters, a solo edition of the novel from the anthology.


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