Read Frozen Dawn Page 5

  “It’s all good, Sis,” he grinned as he moved towards the door. “No need to worry about me. You just concentrate on getting back to normal and getting to know your mate. I’d say that’s enough for you to worry about.”

  Chapter 18


  “We have not had much time to ourselves,” I noted as I took Dawn’s hand and led her back to the couch.

  As we sat, I scrupulously left a safe distance between us.

  “Jeanluc,” Dawn began hesitantly, “there’s something we need to talk about.”

  “I am not certain I like the sound of that.”

  “I just…I’m not…oh, how do I say this?”

  “You can tell me anything, my love,” I said softly.

  The urge to reclaim her hand was strong, but I resisted. I sensed she needed time and space to adjust to our relationship, and I fully intended that she should have it.

  “That’s just it,” she wailed, wringing her hands, “you…me…mating…love…the whole situation…it’s too much too soon. I’m not handling it as well as Rod seems to think I am.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  “I haven’t even buried my husband and I’m already mated to a…a…I can’t even say it,” she finished on a whisper.

  “Do I frighten you?”

  “Not you…per se…” Dawn hedged, “just…well…everything.”

  “I will not force you into an intimate relationship for which you are not prepared.”

  “What if I’m never ready,” she whispered.

  “You are my mate,” I answered simply. “I shall provide you with whatever you need. You have but to ask.”

  “Separate bedrooms…?”

  “The bedroom is yours,” I replied immediately.

  “And you…? What will you do?”

  “Do not concern yourself…”

  “But I do…even though I’m not ready for…anything…I still care about what happens to you…”

  “I shall spend the night in perfect comfort on the couch.”

  “This is all so unfair to you,” she closed her eyes as a tear squeezed out from under one of her lids. “I’m so sorry…”

  Reaching up to touch her cheek, I murmured, “You have nothing for which to apologize, my sweet Dawn. You have lost someone very dear and, please believe me when I say, if it had been within my power to save him for you, I would have. I can feel your pain and your uncertainty and it hurts me. Even though I know you will come to love me, he will always be a part of you and I accept that, but I hope your anguish will lessen in time.”

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “Always, my love,” I placed my lips on her forehead murmuring against her skin, “Just be honest with me and I promise you everything will be fine.”

  Chapter 19


  Although I couldn’t say for sure what it was that disturbed my sleep, I knew something had.

  For a moment, I lay perfectly still, listening intently, but after a while I couldn’t keep my eyes open and I allowed sleep to take over once more.

  Almost immediately, a crash jerked me out of my slumber as well as out of the bed. Shivering in fear more than with the cold, I hurried to the door, not stopping for my robe or slippers, terrified that something might have happened to Jeanluc.

  As I reached the living area, I stopped short with a gasp. There on the floor in front of me, clearly visible in the moonlight streaming through the windows, a man lay dead; his mangled throat a bloody mess.

  In all the years of nursing, all of the horrible things I’d witnessed, I’d never seen anything quite like that and for a moment my head spun and I fought off a wave of nausea.

  A growl from a different part of the room tore my attention away from my own weakness and, as I turned wide-eyed towards the standoff by the front door where a man stood facing a crouched wolf, my heart jumped in fear.

  The man held the wolf at gunpoint…and the wolf appeared to be bleeding, huge droplets of blood falling onto the floor one right after another.

  “Jeanluc,” I whispered, for even though he had not shifted since our time in the plane and I’d never actually seen him as a wolf, I somehow sensed that he was my mate.

  The wolf’s ears pricked up at the sound of my voice, but his attention never wavered from the black-clothed intruder in front of him.

  Noticing me for the first time, the unwelcome and uninvited guest swung his gun arm around and lined me up in his sights. Before I even had time to think, much less react, I saw the gun go off and felt something hit me.

  As I fell to the floor, I knew that death had once more arrived at my door and I doubted I would be so lucky as to keep it at bay a second time.

  “Jeanluc,” I murmured one last time as darkness claimed me.

  Chapter 20


  Striking Dawn from the side, I shoved her to the ground, taking the bullet obviously meant for her.

  No clear thought guided my actions as I stood between a killer and my mate, simply years of instinct. That same instinct, recognizing an opening, sprung for the killer’s throat and latched on, refusing to leave go of it until all movement had ceased.

  After what seemed an eternity, I released the intruder and backed away, turning anxiously towards my mate.

  Never in my one hundred plus years have I ever shifted quite as quickly as I did at that moment. Dawn was not moving and that terrified me.

  It only took a brief examination to discover why.

  By pushing her out of harm’s way, I had unintentionally pushed her into harm’s way. As she fell, she struck her head on one of the radiators spread throughout the house.

  Quickly lifting her into my arms, I carried her back to the bedroom and gingerly placed her on the bed. Carefully positioning myself next to her, I pulled the covers over us both and moved my hand into position.

  Hours later, a noise disturbed my sleep and, fearing more intruders, I slid out of the bed without disturbing Dawn, and immediately shifted.

  As I stealthily made my way out of the bedroom, I relaxed, recognizing Rod’s scent. Shifting back into human form, I turned back to the bedroom and pulled on my jeans before joining our unexpected guest.

  “Damn, Doc,” Rod said in admiration as he stood in the middle of the living room, “you sure know how to slice and dice ‘em.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Well, I actually came to warn you, but I guess I’m a little bit late.”

  “What have you uncovered?”

  “That camp she mentioned was dead on,” Rod replied shaking his head. “Some rich Canadian dude with ties to the Middle East owns that land and, get this, he set up a terrorist training camp there.”

  “Dawn and her husband were observed flying too close for comfort and perceived as a threat.”

  “Yep…terrorist tend to frown on leaving witnesses lying around.”

  “Obviously, they would have been flying too low to escape detection.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered how high they flew,” Rod corrected. “With the state of the art radar those guys had, they could’ve picked up a mosquito at a much higher altitude and told you what sex it was.”

  “Am I to assume by your detailed information that the camp has now been disbanded?”

  “Yep, Blake called a General he knew from his days in the Marines and the General coordinated a raid involving the CIA and pretty much every branch of the military. It all happened so fast that Blake and I barely got there in time to watch.”

  “Not in your human forms, I assume,” I said drily.

  “Hell no,” Rod replied enthusiastically, “we’d have been kicked right out of there. And I would have hated missing it…it was better than cable TV.”

  “Your words, of course…not Blake’s…”

  “Like Blake even knows what cable TV is,” Rod scoffed.

  “Did any of the terrorists manage to escape?”

  “Hey,” Rod
objected, “why do you think Blake and I were there? A couple tried, but decided that they liked their chances with the CIA and the Military better than their chances against two full grown wolves with big scary teeth.”

  “I assume these two,” I nodded towards the dead men, “were sent out before the raid…”

  “I found their tracks not too far from the plane, but thankfully they never found it or else Dawn would’ve been dead way before we got there.”

  “So it would seem the danger is now past,” I said in relief. “In any event, I shall remain on my guard until we are certain all have been apprehended.”

  “Yeah, you better,” Rod warned only half joking, “because if anything happens to Dawn, I’ll have to answer to Sunnie and you know that won’t be pretty.”


  Chapter 21


  “This is quite becoming a habit, my love” an amused voice whispered next to my ear. “Do you plan to require healing on a regular basis?”

  “Jeanluc,” I murmured thankfully, turning towards the voice, “you’re alright.”

  Burying my face in the side of his neck, I slid my arms around him and held on tightly.

  “I was never the one in question, my dear,” he assured me, pulling me close.

  “You were bleeding,” I accused as if it were his fault.

  “Very observant…must be the nurse in you.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “I heal very quickly, my Dawn, there is no need to worry yourself on my account.”

  “So, where did the bullet hit me? Was it my head…because I remember it hurting right before I passed out.”

  “The bullet did not pierce your precious skin, my darling. I would not have allowed it.”

  I hid a smile at the arrogant assumption, on top of the proprietary tone in his voice. It was as if the mere suggestion was an affront.

  “But I felt something hit me…”

  “That would be my fault,” he said apologetically. “I regret that I found it necessary to move you out of harm’s way.”

  “Did you take a bullet meant for me…?” I asked wonderingly.

  “Yes, but unfortunately, the radiator happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and your poor head suffered a major injury.”

  “So, let me get this straight…not only were you injured before I even arrived on the scene, but you also took a bullet meant for me, and after that you absorbed my head injury…did I leave anything out…?”

  “I believe you hit the highlights,” Jeanluc’s lips twisted in amusement.

  “Why would you go through all of that for me when you barely even know me?” I asked in amazement.

  “I do not think you yet understand exactly what you are to me, my lovely Dawn, but one day soon, perhaps you will allow me to show you.”

  I shivered, but whether from fear or anticipation, I was no longer sure.

  Chapter 22


  “Is our dream thing a normal thing for mates…?”

  “Not that I am aware,” I admitted. “I have studied many of our pack over the past five years and this is the first I have heard of it.”

  “Would your pack members have told you about it or would they have considered it too private? I mean, it was pretty…um…”

  “Intimate,” I suggested softly.

  “Yeah, that…”

  “Not necessarily, but as most mate pairs have some type of sympathetic connection, and all are aware that those connections may vary depending on personality types, the circumstances surrounding their mating, and possibly even the strength of the connection, I do not believe any of them would have intentionally kept such a thing from me.”

  “So does that mean that we have a strong connection?”

  “Yes, my sweet, we have a very strong connection,” I took her hands in mine and raised them to my lips. “That, plus the unusual predicament in which we found ourselves I believe directly contributed to our mental bonding. I am convinced that your blood and my wolf realized that we had no other option. That is why I had to be in wolf form in order to share your subconscious with you. In my human form, I tend to overanalyze things and would have likely—quite unintentionally, you understand—blocked our communication. My wolf kindly allowed me to be the one to interact with you by shifting back into human form once contact had been initiated.”

  “That’s why you were human when you woke up…”

  “Yes, a rather disconcerting experience at first, but one I am quite willing to grow accustom to for you.”

  “Why did you choose to shift that first time?”

  “The better to keep you warm, my dear,” I paraphrased, “and myself…although that was a secondary consideration. Fur has its advantages.”

  “Do you think we can still talk to each other in our dreams?”

  “Perhaps, but I have made no attempt to do so, unwilling to invade your privacy.”

  “I think I’d like it if we could…you know…sometimes…”

  “I would be more than happy to oblige.”

  Chapter 23


  “Okay, that was just…wow!”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Jeanluc leaned up on one elbow and smiled down at me.

  “So, do you think we have to be like next to each other when we do that?”


  “You mean, when we’re apart, we could…”

  Leaning over me and placing his lips on mine, he pulled back and declared fiercely, “We shall probably never know.”

  “What do you mean…?”

  “I do not intend to allow you out of my sight…ever.”

  “That’s a bit overprotective as well as chauvinistic, don’t you think?”

  “And you expected something different…?”

  “Of course not,” I smiled impishly. “What was I thinking?”

  Jeanluc returned my smile and traced a finger down my cheek.

  “So,” I said clearing my throat and trying to concentrate despite the feelings rushing through my body at the simple touch, “I’ve been wondering something.”

  “Ask away, my sweet,” Jeanluc murmured as he replaced the finger on my cheek with his lips.

  “Why didn’t the pain from the marks hit me the first time we…um…you know…kissed in our dreams?”

  Jeanluc drew back so he could look into my eyes.

  “My theory is that the first time, in your mind, I was your…I was Cecil…”

  “I remember. I did think that, but the second time I knew you weren’t. I stopped…well…I tried to stop, and think about Cecil and how much I loved him, but there was something about you…something I couldn’t fight…”

  “I felt you hesitate and I wondered,” Jeanluc admitted, “but then you let go…”

  “And when I let go,” my lips twisted in self-deprecation, “I really let go.”

  “You were sweet and giving and I had no words…” Jeanluc faltered.

  “Oh, I see,” I smiled mischievously, “is that why we didn’t do any talking those first two times? Because I left you speechless?”

  “That you did, my dear,” Jeanluc smiled wryly, “And I must admit…you still do.”

  “Then that’s how I’ll handle it from now on,” I proclaimed in satisfaction.

  “Handle what, my love?” Jeanluc asked suspiciously.

  “Anytime you start getting too big for your britches and get all bossy and annoying, I’ll just throw you down on the bed and have my way with you,” I announced triumphantly. “You will be too busy being speechless to order me around.”

  Chapter 24


  “So…” Rod said awkwardly standing by the desk in his study, drink in hand, “How are things…?”

  “Do you truly wish to know, or are you simply making conversation?”

  “I…uh…want to know…”

  “Things are moving along slowly, but there is progress.”
r />   “I never got along much with Cecil, but he was an okay guy…and Dawn loved him.”

  “Yes, she did…”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Only when some insensitive clod brings it up,” I said with a completely straight face.

  “Oh…oh…” Rod stammered, “…sorry…”

  “I am having you on, Rod,” I allowed myself an amused smile.

  “Damned Brit,” Rod growled.

  “Technically, I’m French.”

  “You sound like a Brit to me.”

  “English boarding schools…”

  “You know, I think you’re trying to distract me.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Couldn’t be because you’re hiding something, could it?”

  “What could I possibly be hiding?”

  “Have you told her everything yet?”

  “Obviously I have shared all of the pertinent information…otherwise we would not be mated.”

  “You haven’t, have you?” Rod crowed. “I’m thinking you haven’t told her it’s a good thing she’s already got Emily since the only thing popping out from now on are stinky ole’ boys. Or that she has to hatch ‘em at home instead of a hospital and that those ‘stick-ya-in-the-back medicines…”

  “Epidurals,” I supplied smoothly, “and our babies are not hatched…”

  “Yeah…those things…” he nodded enthusiastically, “Betcha haven’t told her that those epi-things won’t work on her or that you can’t magically take away the pain of childbirth like you can all her other aches and pains or that her baby might start bone cracking inside of her or right after he’s born or that…”

  “Jeanluc…?” Dawn ventured tentatively from behind me. “Is that all true?”

  “Thank you so much, Rod,” I said in a perfectly controlled voice. “Your assistance in this matter has been invaluable.”

  Slowly I turned to face the uncertainty on Dawn’s face.

  “It’s okay, Dawn,” Sunnie said from behind her, slipping an arm around her shoulders. “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”

  Sunnie glared at Rod, took one look at my determinedly calm face, then violently gestured for Rod to follow her out of the room.

  Hanging his head, Rod slouched to the door mumbling, “Sorry, dude” as he passed me.

  “How did your reunion with Sunnie go?” I asked hoping to distract Dawn enough to remove the hunted look from her face.