Read Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy Page 30

  “Of course.”

  “Are there any ground rules you’d like to establish?”

  “Um, just that we tell one another the truth.”

  “Absolutely. Now, how old were you when we first met?”

  “I’m the same age as Rachel,” she began, evasively, and when he looked at her sharply she added, “seventeen.”


  Gabriel cursed several times and took a lengthy drink of his Bellini. He was clearly rattled by her revelation, which more than surprised her. “Why did you come to see me that night?”

  “I didn’t. I was invited to dinner, but when I arrived Rachel and Aaron were flying out the door. I heard a noise and found you on the porch.”

  Gabriel seemed to think about this for a moment. “You knew who I was?”

  “They talked about you all the time.”

  “Did you know how fucked up I was?”

  “No. No one ever said anything bad about you, at least not in front of me. Even afterward. They only said nice things.”

  “What happened the morning after?”

  This was the part that Julia didn’t want to talk about. She ignored his question and began eating her pastry, knowing he wouldn’t expect her to answer when her mouth was full.

  “This is important, Julianne. I want to know what happened. My memory of the next morning is a little fuzzy.”

  Her eyes flashed to his, and she swallowed hard.

  “Really? Well, let me enlighten you. I woke up before sunrise, alone, in the middle of the woods. You left me there. I was terrified, so I grabbed the blanket and took off. But I couldn’t remember the path we took, and it was still dark. I wandered around in hysterics for almost two hours until I finally found my way back to your parents’ house.” Julia started to shake. “I didn’t think I’d ever find my way back.”

  “That’s where you went,” he breathed.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I didn’t leave you.”

  “What do you call it then?”

  “I must have woken up shortly before you did. You were asleep in my arms, and I didn’t want to wake you, but I had to—relieve myself. So I wandered off. Then I stopped for a smoke and picked a few apples for our breakfast. When I returned, you were gone. I went back to the house but you weren’t there. I assumed you’d left, and I went upstairs to crash in my old bedroom.”

  “You assumed I’d left?”

  “Yes.” He gazed at her steadily.

  “I called your name, Gabriel! I shouted for you.”

  “I didn’t hear you. I was hungover, and maybe I wandered a little too far away.”

  “You didn’t smoke when you were with me,” she sounded skeptical.

  “No, I didn’t. And I quit soon afterward.”

  “Why didn’t you try to find me?”

  Guilt clouded his eyes, and he looked away.

  “My family woke me up, demanding that I deal with the aftermath of the night before. When I asked where Beatrice was, Richard told me I was delusional.”

  “What about Rachel?”

  “I left before she returned. She refused to speak to me for months.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Gabriel. I brought your jacket back. I folded it and put it on top of the blanket and set it on the porch. That was a clue. And didn’t someone see my bike?”

  “I don’t know what they saw. Grace gave me my jacket, and no one mentioned you or your name, not that I would have recognized it. It was as if you were a ghost.”

  “How could you have thought it was a dream? You weren’t that drunk.”

  He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Julia watched the tendons stand out on his arms, rippling up and down.

  Gabriel opened his eyes, but kept them fixed on the table. “Because I was hungover and confused, and I was strung out on coke.”


  That was the sound of Julia’s fairy tale crashing into the unyielding wall of reality. Her eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply.

  “Didn’t Rachel ever tell you what precipitated the fight? Richard knew when he picked me up at the airport in Harrisburg that I was on something. He searched my room before dinner and found my stash. When he confronted me, I snapped.”

  Julia closed her eyes and put her head in her hands.

  He sat very still, waiting for her to speak.

  “Cocaine,” she whispered.

  Gabriel squirmed in his chair. “Yes.”

  “I spent the night in the woods, alone, with a twenty-seven-year-old coke head who was strung out and drunk. What a stupid, stupid girl.”

  He clenched his teeth. “Julianne, you are not stupid. I’m the fuck up. I should have known better than to lead you out there in my condition.”

  She exhaled slowly and her shoulders began to shudder.

  “Look at me, Julianne.”

  She shook her head.

  “I saw your father that morning.”

  Julia peered over at him. “You did?”

  “You know what it’s like to live in a small town. The gossip started when Richard brought Scott to the hospital and neither of them would explain how he got hurt. Your father caught wind of it and came over to see if he could help.”

  “He never mentioned it.”

  “Richard and Grace were embarrassed. I’m sure your father wanted to protect them from small town gossip. Since no one but you and I knew what happened between us…” His voice trailed off, and he shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell Rachel?”

  “I was traumatized. And humiliated.”

  Gabriel winced. He reached over to take her hand in his, his eyes burning into hers. “Don’t you remember what happened between us?”

  Julia threw his hand back.

  “Of course I remember! That’s the reason I’ve been so screwed up. Sometimes I’d think back to that night and I’d believe what you said. I’d try to convince myself that you must have had a reason for leaving.

  “Other times, all I could think about was how you abandoned me, and I’d have nightmares about being lost in the woods. But do you know what the sickest thing is? I hoped that you would come back. For years I hoped you’d show up on my doorstep and tell me you wanted me. That you meant what you’d said about being glad you’d found me. How pathetic is that?”

  “That is not pathetic. I agree that it looked like I abandoned you, but I swear I didn’t. And believe me, if I had thought for one moment that you were real and living in Selinsgrove, I would have shown up on your doorstep.” He cleared his throat, and Julia felt the reverberation of his knee bouncing up and down underneath the table. “I am an addict. This is who I am. I have a need to control things and people, and that need will never go away.”

  “Are you on something now?”

  “Of course not! You think I’d do that do you?”

  “If you’re an addict, you’re an addict. Whether I’m here or not makes no difference.”

  “It makes a difference to me.”

  “Addictive personalities can latch on to anything: drugs, alcohol, sex, people…what if you become addicted to me?”

  “I am already addicted to you, Beatrice. Only you’re far more dangerous than cocaine.”

  Julia’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  He reached over to take her hand again, stroking the veins that stood out against her pale, thin wrist. “I’m confessing to you now. I’m destructive. I’m moody. I have a bad temper. Some of that has to do with my addiction and some of that has to do with my—past.

  “Was it wrong of me to think so highly of you that my only explanation for your existence was that you were either the product of a desperate mind or the crown of God’s creation?”

  His words and his face were so intense that Julia had to pull away. The combination of his voice and the feel of his long cool fingers stroking her veins…She was worried her skin would catch fire and she would disintegrate into a pile of ash. “Are you still doing drugs?”



  “No. After my disgusting behavior in Selinsgrove, Grace convinced me to get help. I was planning to kill myself—I just needed some money to settle my affairs. My night with you changed all that. When they told me there was no one called Beatrice, I assumed you were a hallucination or an angel. And in either case, I thought someone, God perhaps, had shown mercy to me and sent you to save me. Lo seme di felicità messo de Dio nell’ anima ben posta.”

  Julia closed her eyes at the sound of Dante’s words from the Convivio. The seed of felicity sent by God into a well-disposed soul.

  Gabriel cleared his throat. “Scott agreed not to press charges if I went into treatment immediately. So Richard drove me to Philadelphia that same day and checked me into a hospital. After I went through my initial detox, he took me back to Boston and put me in rehab so that I would be close to my…job.” He shifted in his chair.

  Julia opened her eyes, a troubled look on her face.

  “Why did you want to kill yourself, Gabriel?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know what would happen if I brought those old demons back, Beatrice.”

  “Are you still suicidal?”

  He cleared his throat. “No. Part of my depression was caused by the drugs. Part of it was caused by—other factors in my life that I have tried to deal with. But you know as well as I that a suicidal person is a person who has lost hope. I found my hope when I found you.”

  His eyes blazed intensely, and Julia decided to change the subject. “Your mother was an alcoholic?”


  “What about your father?”

  “I don’t speak of him.”

  “Rachel told me about the money.”

  “That’s the only good thing that ever came out of him,” Gabriel growled.

  “That’s not true,” Julia said quietly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because he made you, that’s why.”

  Gabriel’s face immediately softened, and he pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

  “Was your father an alcoholic?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. He was the CEO of a company in New York and died of a heart attack. I didn’t care to discover anything else about him.”

  “Are you an alcoholic?”


  Julia carefully folded her linen napkin with shaking fingers and pushed her chair back from the table. “I’m glad you’re not doing drugs, and I’m glad you’re in recovery. But I won’t get involved with an alcoholic. Life is too short to be bound to that kind of misery.”

  He stared at her steadily, searching her eyes. “I agree. But if you were to spend time with me, you would realize that I am not an alcoholic. And I pledge not to get drunk anymore. It’s unfortunate that I’ve only gotten drunk once in the past six months and you happened to witness it.”

  “My mother went in and out of recovery several times, and she never stuck with it. What happens if you start doing drugs again? Not to mention the fact that you have this delusional vision of Beatrice. I’m not her, Gabriel. You want an ideal, or a drug-induced misperception, not me.”

  “I’ve been clean for six years. I didn’t just get out of recovery. Nevertheless, I know that I am deeply, deeply flawed. But I want to know you, just you, as you are. I want you to be yourself, and yes, Julianne, I know you’re more than just a dream. Your reality is far more beautiful and alluring than any dream. I’d choose you over the dream any time.”

  A tear slid down her cheek, which she wiped away hastily. “You don’t know me. You never knew me. You held Dante’s Beatrice in your arms that night, the image from his writings and from Holiday’s painting, not me.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “What I felt was real. What I did was real.”

  “You thought it was real, but that’s part of the illusion.”

  “It was real, Julia. It was everything. As soon as I touched you I knew…and when I touched you again…I remembered you. My body remembered you. It was only my conscious mind that had forgotten.”

  “I’m not that little girl anymore. And the woman I am you despised on sight.”

  “That is not true. You’ve grown into a lovely young woman.”

  “You want a pet kitten.”

  “No, Beatrice.”

  She spoke through clenched teeth. “Stop calling me that.”

  “I’m sorry, Julianne. I know that I hurt you. I know I have a dark side. Will you let me show you that I can be good? Very, very good?”

  “It’s too late. I can’t.” Though it pained her to do so, she walked to the front door, grabbing her knapsack and her coat on the way.

  “What about last night?” he asked, striding after her. “Did that mean nothing to you?”

  “What should it have meant? Tell me!” She hugged her knapsack close to her chest and backed up against the wall.

  He placed his hands on either side of her shoulders and leaned closer. “Do I have to explain it? Didn’t you feel it?”

  He brought his face to hers, his lips inches from her mouth. She could feel his warm breath on her skin. She shivered.

  “Feel what?”

  “Your body and mine together. You came to me last night, Julianne. You came to my bed. Why did you do that? Why did you tell me you couldn’t stay away? Because we’re soul mates, just like Aristophanes described—one soul in two bodies. You’re my missing half. You’re my bashert.”

  “Bashert? Do you even know what that means? Bashert is bashert, Gabriel; destiny is destiny. It can mean anything you want, and it doesn’t have to mean me.”

  He smiled at her widely. “Your linguistic knowledge constantly surprises me.”

  “I know that word.”

  “Of course, my lovely. Because you’re smart.” He brought his fingertips lightly to her neck, stroking up and down.

  “Gabriel—stop it.” She pushed him away so she could think clearly. “You’re clean, but you’re still an addict. I am the child of an alcoholic. I won’t let this happen.”

  “I don’t deserve you. I know that. Conosco i segni dell’antica fiamma. I felt it the first time I took your hand. The first time I kissed you. And it was all there last night—every feeling, every memory, every sensation I had before was there. It was real. Look at me and tell me it meant nothing to you, and I will let you go.”

  She closed her eyes to block out his pleadings, his assertion that he knew the signs of the ancient flame.

  “You can’t do it, can you? Your skin remembers me, and so does your heart. You told them to forget, but they can’t. Remember me, Beatrice. Remember your first.”

  His lips met her neck, and she felt her pulse begin to race under his touch. Her body was a traitor; it would not lie. It would not listen to reason. He could have asked her anything in this position, and she would have agreed to it. The thought made her desperate.

  “Please, Gabriel.”

  “Please, what?” he whispered, trailing angel soft kisses up and down her neck, finally pausing so he could feel her lifeblood flow under his mouth.

  “Please let me go.”

  “I can’t.” He tugged her knapsack and her coat out of her hands and dropped them to the floor.

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “I know.”

  “You’ll shatter me, Gabriel, and that will be the end of me.”


  He brought his hands to cup her face, and just as she closed her eyes, he paused. Julia waited, expecting the smooth wetness of his lips to connect with hers, but they didn’t. She waited. Then she opened her eyes.

  Gabriel’s eyes were large, soft and warm, and staring down at her. He smiled. He began by stroking her face, gentle caresses here and there, exploring every curve, every line, as if he was memorizing it. He moved to her neck, using a single fingertip from his right hand to travel back and forth. Julia shivered.

  He brought his lips to her
ear. “Relax, my darling.” He nibbled her earlobe and nuzzled her neck enticingly. “Let me show you what I can do when I take it slow.”

  Holding her face in his hands, he brushed his lips to her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her chin. Only when she closed her eyes a second time did he cover her mouth with his lips. By then, Julia was already breathless.

  As soon as their lips met, there was a rush of blood and heat and energy. But Gabriel was careful and would not speed. His lips matched hers, moving back and forth, their skin humming with the soft friction. But he did not open his mouth. His hands moved to her hair, tangling gently, massaging her scalp and floating downward.

  Julia was less gentle as she grabbed at the back of his head, tugging and twining his hair around her fingers. Their mouths continued to press together, smoothing over every inch. His tongue peeked out, and he drew it languorously across her upper lip, tasting her tentatively before sucking her lower lip between his.

  It was tempting. It was teasing. It was the slowest kiss he’d ever given. And it made his heart beat quickly. When she moaned against his mouth, he tilted her head back so that she would open for him. But he would not rush. He waited for her jaw to soften, and when she could wait no more and her own tongue hesitantly came out to meet his, only then did he allow himself to accept her invitation.

  She would have responded at a fevered pace, but Gabriel controlled the kiss, and he wished to kiss her softly. Gently. Leisurely. It took half an age for his hands to travel from her face down the sides of her neck so that they were kneading her shoulders. And another half an age for those same hands to slide down her spine and under her clothes to find bare skin. All this time he was slowly exploring her mouth as if he’d never have a second chance.

  He gasped and groaned when his hands slipped and found the dimples he’d discovered the night before. He already thought of them as uncharted territory, found first by his explorations, even though he had no right, no right at all to claim her.

  His fingers glided across her skin as Julia whimpered and clung to him. Her helpless sounds were more erotic than any wanton moan that had ever filled his ears. It pierced and enflamed him. Then he was pressing up against her, returning soft, delicate curves with sinew and steel, subtly switching places so it was his back that flattened against the wall, for he was unwilling to trap her, to make her feel like she’d been cornered. Instead, he let her corner him.