Read Galactic Rescue Inc. Vol 1. Prelude Page 22

  Chapter 22

  The remainder of the 24 hour day, for Carl, was spent in periods of intensive activity, the rescuing of the kidnapped Waterians, and intensive boredom, the delivery of the kidnapped to Water, or relief by Pat. During the relief periods, sitting around or catnapping; boredom was offset with discussions about the modifications to the Waterian ships and viewing the building of the weapons and sleep tanks.

  The organisation of the Waterians was improving hour by hour, from a lost cause and the inevitable, to a people with a purpose and a sudden drive to succeed.

  George’s involvement in the modifications and construction processes was going to save literally years of trial and error, by enabling the Waterians to produce articles that would be perfect in every respect, the very first time, there would be no trial and error here.

  George had also been very active in the planning of the approaching and departing Befax ships. Using his calculating skills he had devised an intercept programme to 'capture' the Befax ships, during the Waterian advance towards Befax 4. It was a fact that not all the Befax ships would have time to arrive at Water before the Waterians left for Befax. Therefore the Befax ships would be stopped, in space, to await the arrival of the Waterians who would then board them and begin conversion in space.

  The logistics of this operation was something that everyone was happy to leave to George. The work on these ships would be very interesting to see, in deep space and under full speed, the installation of the weapon systems and the conversion of the drive units. The drive unit modifications would be possible once the Befax ships had attained their maximum speed, which meant that they would arrive at Befax after the main force, who were in the earlier converted ships. It was all a very involved programme.

  It was good to see the continual arrival of the kidnapped populace. There were the occasional scenes of sadness. Some had died during the sleep period, due to minor sleep-unit malfunctions or from natural causes. The deaths were, at the moment, running at well under one percent, which is considered to be a very low proportion. This was a relief in fact, because the Waterians had expressed concern that there would be a very much higher loss prior to setting out on this mission.

  At well over three quarters of the way through the operation, it was a relief to see the number of remaining ships coming down to individual units, instead of part of a massive fleet. The timings were coming down too and they were managing to cram over three hundred people at a time into Shadow. Celebrations on Shadow were a little muted due to the overcrowding but their stay on board was no more than thirty minutes from the first pickups.

  Both Pat and Carl were feeling the strain and George suggested they have some more food because he had now detected another deficiency in their metabolism. Good to know he was continually on the job.

  Since eating food at Water, George had modified his food presentation. Now, instead of a bowl of variable coloured mush, Carl and Pat actually had food that resembled food, in the visual sense. They had eggs, bacon, steak, fish, vegetables, all in recognisable shapes, a one hundred percent improvement, it made eating all that more interesting.

  Carl was relaxing in the council chamber, talking over metal smelting processes, when Pat came in.

  “What's up?” Carl started, worried in case they had a major problem,” I didn't expect to relieve you for another hour.”

  “We've finished,” he smiled,” just delivered the last lot. It's over, everyone is back, and we can actually relax.”

  “Is that true,” laughed Rolf,” you've really finished?”

  “Surely have,” Pat confirmed,” you can stop worrying and get down to some really hard work now.”

  “That's terrific news,” said Rolf,” I'll have to go and take a look at the final figures.” He rushed off looking a very happy man.

  “Thank God that's all over,” said Carl, sinking even further into his plush chair,” it wasn't the best experience in my life, by a long way.”

  “It was good to rescue all those people though,” said Pat,” I wouldn't mind staying and watching their progress but I guess we can call back here now and again. Our appointment books are really going to fill up at this rate.”

  They both agreed that they could at last have a good relax.

  They did stay for two more days, there were celebrations that just couldn't be missed. The Waterians insisted they be their guests of honour at a mass party, to be held on the tops of the re-commissioned ships on the platform! Jank reasoned that it was the only way the majority of the population could get together at one location.

  What a time it was, where they found all the food and drink was a wonder. They were at the head of a very large table beside Shadow whilst everyone else had to sit around on the hulls of the Waterian and Befax ships - there were two of the alien hulls floating very close nearby.

  Thankfully they weren't asked to make any speeches, Carl thought that enough had been said already. It was simply a happy gathering and reunion party, one of the best he had ever been to.

  Their plans were pretty straight-forward, they had to put some supplies into Shadow's basic store for food and drink and then press on out, in search of their own world. It seemed to both of them, all that further away now. Time was pushing it beyond them, or at least that was the way it felt. They didn't know how long they could just keep looking before they both went totally stir-crazy.

  Carl talked with Pat on the subject and he agreed there was only so long at one spell he could personally carry on looking. There would have to be regular rest periods, out of Shadow. They now had some earthly-type bases they could call at, so it wasn't going to have to be rest periods at Junctions, they were not much better than Shadow.

  After a day of dashing about, the mice had topped up Shadows' raw-materials stockpile and they were suddenly as ready as they would ever be, to leave Water and continue their search pattern.

  They talked together long and hard on their next move and decided not to search out a completely new segment, but to overlay the grid they had already searched, with an identically spaced grid, just offset 250,000 light years.

  George agreed it would give them a better chance of locating the Earth system, should it be somewhere inside the grid that had already been covered. They let George pick the start point and the meshing of the grids, he was more mathematically correct about those sorts of things than they would ever be.

  The hours prior to their time of departure was spent in a last visit of the various work sites for the weapons’ manufacture, the sleep tank development and the ship modifications, a quite diverse series of operations. They found out what it was like to be royalty, their hands were pumped nearly numb from the incessant handshakes, everyone wanted to wish them farewell and good luck. They promised everyone that they would return before the Waterians' departure on their attack of Befax 4, it would be a couple of years at least before they were ready for that adventure.

  The smelting shop was already in production and metal sheets were beginning to appear from the rollers. Where the raw materials were coming from they had no idea, the rock carrier still looked in one piece.

  The engine shed was in a flat spin, the modifications to the Waterian power units meant they had to be completely stripped and the newly built conversion units had to be placed into the circuits and then the massive coils had to be rewound with different specification metal. This is where the manual labour was to be carried out, and they had a thousand ships to convert. They were lucky they had a million volunteers to help with the work. It looked, even then, as if they would run out of manpower somewhere along the line, everyone couldn't work on everything at once - part of the complex planning mechanism George had helped with in their computer set up.

  At last their visits came to an end and they were able to get back to Shadow and the possibility of a relaxing time, sitting back whilst George combed the universe for their elusive Earth, where was the damn place?

  “Goodbye to you both,” said Rolf, warmly
,” and do not forget your promise to return before we leave for the conquest of the Neft. We have much, everything, to thank you for returning our friends and relatives and the possibility to acquire a new home for us all. We wish you the best of fortune in your search.”

  “Thanks Rolf,” said Pat,” we'll be back, have no fears on that.”

  “Pat's right there,” Carl confirmed,” whatever happens we'll be back, goodbye to you all and keep working.”

  They waved farewell to their departure committee and to the masses of Waterians standing on the hulls of the floating flotilla of space ships, they all began waving back.

  Taking their seats in the cockpit Carl said to Pat.” We'll climb away backwards and set out towards our start-point in normal drive and jump later on, ok with you?”

  “No problem, let's go.” He agreed.

  They lifted off and slowly accelerated away in reverse from the platform, they waved back through the forward screen until they were too distant for the Waterians to see them. Carl zoomed the screen up and saw that they were continuing to be waved goodbye to; even up to ten miles they were still looking at the point where they had disappeared from view.

  “Any time you like George,” said Carl,” you can get to your start point and get the grid search in process.”

  “As you will Carl.” George replied.

  The screen began its flickering as they jumped back towards the grid start position. It was going to be another seven or eight minutes before they were there.

  “Lounge?” Carl asked Pat.

  “Sounds good,” he replied,” music?”

  “That would be soothing.” Carl agreed, and the music gently began in their ears, without any bidding of George.

  They relaxed in the lounge and watched the grid progress for a whole hour.

  “The start of another week of jumping,” said Carl,” I'm just beginning to remember what it was like last time, absolute hell. We'll have to think of something to keep us occupied. Any ideas?”

  “Go back to Water and get two birds.” Pat said, his eyes lighting up.

  “Not that, you randy bastard, something else.” Bloody Pat, only one thought in his head.

  “Can't think of nothin else.” He said, wistfully, looking at the ceiling.

  “You're some bloody help you are.”

  The time seemed to flow quite well actually, they seemed to have had a very active couple of weeks and were more than relieved to be able to spend some peace and quiet without the crazy hordes at Water.

  Carl managed to creep ahead of Pat in the darts league, he was now ahead by three games, Pat's hand was out whereas Carl's darts were just dropping in nicely.

  Carl was now in his bedroom, which is a room of five by five metres, with a very high ceiling. It contains a deep sleep compartment, previously used by one of the Yil crew, it was not compatible with earth metabolism and George informed him he did not have their complete bio and could not design the modifications. He had a double sized bed with a duvet type cover. The floor had the usual rubbery feel and the lighting was very soft, comfortable.

  “George,” Carl called,” you've given me a small mirror, can you put one on the wall, full height?”

  “Of course Carl,” he replied,” one moment.”

  Carl watched the outer wall and after twenty seconds or so, saw the surface begin to crawl and slowly transform itself into a perfect reflective surface, from wall to wall and floor to ceiling.

  “Great,” he said,” just want to see what I look like in my Yil clothing.”

  He certainly seemed to look very trim, good shoulder line, small waist, wide chest, large arms,. ... something was definitely wrong here...... he had never looked like this before. He quickly stripped his clothing off and looked at himself, he was muscles and ripples, all over, where had his semi floppy belly and muscle-less torso gone?

  “George,” he said,” what's happened to me, I'm all muscle?”

  “If you had expanded the instruction on your shield module you would have seen that the module responds to your nervous system and induced muscle tone reflexes,” advised George,” evidently you had very poor muscle tone, therefore the shield could not respond one hundred percent effectively. It therefore carried out exercise routines, too slight for you to feel, to bring your muscles up to the tone required for a fully effective shield system response. You are now ninety-eight percent efficient.

  “My God, I look like a ruddy gorilla,” he complained,” well maybe not too bad but a damn sight different to a few months ago, not bad at all really.”

  On further viewing, he had to admit he liked the change, the muscles were definitely larger but the main change was that they were so well isolated, their outlines hard and sharp, in fact he was in the shape he had always wanted to be. ‘Why am I complaining’, he thought, he looked great. This was the best find he had made since this whole experience had begun, he only hoped all finds would be as good. He suddenly felt ten feet tall, he'd been thinking of getting into this shape for thirty years but had never done anything about it, now it had happened without him knowing. Life was full of surprises.

  “Pat, Carl, we have another radio contact, came George’s' impassive voice,” the jump sequences have stopped, as normal.”

  “Sod it,” said Carl,” hear that Pat?” He shouted.

  “Yes I bloody well did,” he replied,” let's hear it George.”

  The radio signal came to them. ....” and the leader of the oppositions' response was a loud laugh. This is Peter Calkden, BBC London.”

  There was a pause in Carl's breathing.

  “Gentlemen, I do believe this is your home planet.” Said George.

  “Bloody hell, we've found it.” Carl stormed through to the lounge, to find Pat already there and looking at the planet Earth.

  “It is you know,” he said”it's our bloody planet Earth.”

  “I never thought we'd ever find it,” and he saw Pat shaking his head,” well done George, well done.” He said

  “Why don't you put some clothes on,” Pat suggested, giving him a queer look,” you look ruddy awful.”

  Carl suddenly realised he was standing there, totally naked.

  “Right.” He said, looking down.” But then I'm going straight in.”

  “You and me both.” Pat agreed.

  Carl quickly dressed and returned to the lounge, Pat was still gazing at their home.

  “Where will you be going?” Carl asked.

  “Straight home to see me mum and then cash in a few diamonds and then think about what I'll do next. You?”

  “I'll have to go to Brunei first, see if Kate's there and then to the UK if she's not.” He said.” George, any chance you could put about fifty of those diamonds in a small bag and then about a kilo in another one?”

  “I can use some of your spare clothing to have those made within minutes,” George replied,” what about you Pat?”

  “Same for me, same size, everything,” he said,” nearly forgot to get any ready.” Turning to Carl.

  “What I suggest we do is pull into a close orbit, we fly down and George pulls away and parks round the back of the Moon.” Carl suggested.

  “Sounds a good idea.” Pat agreed.

  “George,” Carl said,” we will retain our usual contact with you and you can patch me through to Pat, we'll be returning to you after an extended holiday. You remain in a parked condition until we call for you. One more thing,” he added,” have you a spare shield and jump module?”

  “Yes Carl, I have,” he replied,” I assume you require it for your wife, am I correct?”

  “Exactly.” He confirmed.

  “Will you need one Pat.” George enquired.

  “Not at the moment George.” He replied.” We'll move into Earth now, you vector your position Carl, then I'll do mine after you've gone.”

  “Ok.” And they shot forward. Carl could see Africa below them and quickly brought up Borneo on his HUD and took Shadow to geostationary a couple of
hundred miles up.” I'm going right now, got those bags George?”

  “On the shelf and the module's in the larger of the two. You will have to interface the new jump module with yours until Kate has had Instruction.” George informed him.

  “Fair enough.” He replied.” Ok Pat, I'll give you a call as soon as I know what I'm doing, you do the same if you haven't heard from me.”

  “Right, good luck.” They shook hands.

  “See you soon,” said Carl,” bye for now.” Slipping the small bag into his pocket with the larger over his shoulder by the strap and pulling it tight to his body, to be enveloped in his shield, he stepped out of Shadow.

  What a sight the old mother Earth was. Blues, greens and the whites of clouds, home, he thought. He checked his watch and it was 23.45, looking at the dark line it appeared to be just about correct.

  “Looks, like, my, watch, is, still, on, Brunei, time, Pat,” he said,” bet my original, one, wouldn't, have, been, by this, time.”

  “Bet it wouldn't,” came Pat's reply,” sod off.”

  He turned and saw Pat in the cockpit, Pat waved and Carl waved back and then shot forward towards Earth.

  The ground came at him at incredible speed. He was going too fast and could cause a sonic bang, so he slowed for the final ten miles.

  He came in over the Brunei River and traced along Kota Batu until he located the house he was after, the lights were all on, he hoped they hadn't any guests. He took care not to be visible in any of the streetlights as he let himself down, fifty yards from his daughter. He could see their car so she was definitely in.

  The door was open and he let himself in. Music was playing.

  “Anyone in?” He called.

  “Come up,” answered Debra,” who's that?”

  “It's me.” He said, as he reached the top of the stairs.

  “Dad!” she cried.” God, where have you been?” That was usually Kate's question.

  “It's a bit of an involved answer,” as they hugged each other,” where's Morris?”

  “He's in Singapore, my God, you've been missing for months and now you turn up. You look so fit, what's been going on and where'd you get that clothing and, and. ....” She stopped, tears in her eyes, and that got him going.

  “Look,” he said,” if I told you, you would have a very hard job believing me. I will tell you after I've seen Kate. Where is she?”

  “Mum's been in England for a month now, God you're so different.” She stood back and looked.

  “Is she ok?” He asked.

  “Not too happy but soldiering on,” she said,” I was only on the phone to her an hour ago, she's alright.”

  “Look, take this bag, put the contents in a deposit box and get Morris to sell them, they're diamonds, another story, but later. Give Kate a ring and tell her I'll be with her in a few minutes.” He said.

  “What do you mean, a few minutes. She's in England. You can't get there until at least the day after tomorrow.” She said, giving him a strange look.

  “I can and will. Let me see the rats first.” He said. The 'rats' was his endearing term for his Grand daughters.

  “They're well, come on, then I'll get you a bed ready.”

  She didn't believe him, at all. He went into the girl's bedroom and saw that they were both fast asleep.

  “I won't wake them. I'm just glad to be able to see them again.” He said.” I must go now and you must believe me.” They both moved into the lounge again.” Look,” he said,” I'm going to do something that will help you believe me.”

  With that he gently rose a foot off the floor, it brought a stony silence.

  “Now, ring Kate as soon as I've gone and I'll talk to you on the phone before you ring off. Ok?” He asked.

  “If you say so Dad,” she said,” I wish I knew what was going on.” She looked at him a bit funny as he went out onto the balcony.” Why are you coming out here?”

  “I'm now going home and I'll be there as quick as you can phone,” he said, rising ten feet into the air,” now phone Kate.”

  “Ok Dad.”

  He shot off and could at last see Debra move to the phone, in a hurry. He rose to a one hundred-mile altitude and put on maximum speed, and was over the English Riviera in a few minutes. Fortunately the November sky was darkening and he could let himself down rapidly to the car park at the back of the flats. He could see no one in the immediate area. He quickly ran to the lift but decided the stairs would be quicker. He was home at long last. It just didn't seem possible to him after the last few months.

  The bell had its usual ring and Kate was in tears, as he was, when she opened the door. They hugged and hugged each other and he moved to the phone.” Debra, bye for now.”

  “Bye Dad, I do believe you now, I just don't understand it, that's all.”

  He rang off and was back in the arms of the woman he loved.

  He had some talking to do now, that was obvious.

  The talking would be the final relief of the months of anguish for them both. He was overjoyed that Kate was fit and well, both physically and mentally.

  They talked until the early hours and got to know each other again.

  George called to say that Pat was ok and that Shadow was waiting for them, whenever they needed her.

  That would be anytime between today and whenever. He had to explain the diamonds and the shield and the jump module and everything, no doubt a dozen times. It would all be very hard to believe.