Read Galaxy Spies Page 29


  Much earlier in the day, Colonel Frederick of the Lyren armed forces had woken up early as usual and decided to visit his prisoner, the Earth spy. After washing and eating a large breakfast, he took with him his sergeant, also a corporal, and two privates who were to be the guards for this first shift. It was eight o`clock and the guard at the door from last night was awaiting the new shift so that he could go and enjoy his breakfast. First Colonel Fredericks circled the building with his men to see how many points of entry there were, he discovered that as all the windows were barred, the only point of entry was the door where the guard was posted. The men under his command all wore combat uniforms, for as he had told his two lieutenants, if an enemy suddenly appeared on the scene they would hardly give his men time to change. They all had orders to watch the weather and wear winter white when necessary, which today it was as a thick layer of snow covered the ground from the earlier heavy downfall. He stopped before the entrance to the building and gave his orders to the sergeant for the security of any prisoners kept inside.

  “I want one private and the corporal to stand guard in the small guard room that is just inside of the building and the other private to be on guard downstairs. The privates can alternate during the day to relief the boredom of the duty, and the team is to be different each day as I don`t want any of my regiment to be only gaolers, but for all of the men to be front line soldiers. First though we will all go down to the dungeons and see what is there, and also to check that our guest is well.”

  The five men entered the prison building to find the guard dressed in khaki standing to attention, he had already heard that the new commanding officer led a regiment of front line soldiers and that he demanded smartness and discipline at all times from his men, the good times were over for the existing troopers of Wallachia fortress.

  “Good morning soldier, take us down to the prisoner please.” Colonel Frederick asked politely, as was his custom unless angered, when he would be anything but polite. They walked downstairs to the large hall to find the guard on duty missing.

  “Isn`t there supposed to be someone here soldier?” Colonel Fredericks asked, sounding just slightly concerned at this obvious lack of security.

  “Yes sir, maybe he is in one of the empty cells.” The guard volunteered knowing that the man in question would be in real trouble if he was to be caught sleeping on duty. A search was made but without them being able to locate the missing soldier.

  Didn`t you see him pass you by soldier, or were you asleep up stairs?” Colonel Frederick demanded to know in a voice that was not now polite but was in fact full of rising anger. The guard was silently cursing the missing man for dropping the both of them in it, and he could only stammer out a negative answer. Colonel Frederick now turned to his Sergeant.

  “Those appear to be the keys Sergeant, please open the prisoner`s cell and bring him out here for my inspection.”

  The Sergeant snapped to attention and said “Right away Sir.” And promptly collected the keys and opening the cell door went in and shook the seemingly still sleeping earthman, only to discover the missing guard bound and gagged and showing signs of being attacked, there being a nasty looking bump on the back of his head.

  “Sir you had better see this, I appear to have found our missing guard.” Colonel Frederick rushed into the cell to look down on the struggling soldier who was still tied securely to the bed.

  “Cut those bonds Sergeant, we may have found our missing guard, but we now seem to be missing our prisoner.”

  When the guard had been untied and brought out into the large hall, the Colonel demanded to know the full story. After being awake for two hours the guard had concocted one to get him out of trouble.

  “I didn`t have a chance Sir, at least ten of those space marines from Earth rushed me, and before I knew it they had knocked me out, I have only just woke up, but struggle as I may I couldn`t break free to sound the alarm Sir.” This guard looked a sorry sight while the other guard knew that he was in deep trouble. Colonel Frederick turned once more to his Sergeant.

  “Sergeant have this soldier taken to the doctor for a check to ensure that he didn`t get hurt too badly, and put the other in the cell recently vacated by our missing spy. If you need me I will be communicating with the authorities regarding the missing spy, but if he was rescued by space marines then he is more than likely on the way back to Earth by now in a starship.” With this, Colonel Frederick turned towards the stairs while a very worried guard was locked inside the cell that he had supposed to be guarding.