Read Galaxy Spies Page 36

Chapter Thirteen

  Returning Home

  On board the Jeanette, Jonas and his brother Claude found to their joy their families were there waiting for them. They had refused to go to Apraxia when they had heard that Harry meant to go from there to join the Indomitable, for he had been told that it was intending to extract his friends, plus Jonas and Claude, from the planet Lyre the following morning.

  Never had the small freighter carried so many passengers, or rocked to so much laughter and jubilation amid the celebrations that were going on in the ships hold, the small galley being far too small. Harry had demanded that Ray and Jean tell him everything that had happened to them on the planet.

  “How I wish that I was young enough to have been able to join you, the Connors family haven`t been in so much danger, or had so much fun, since the time your parents bamboozled that space pirate out of his hostages on the small moon in the Arcturus system.”

  Jonas was feeling much better now that he had his family by his side once again, and it was with his spirits raised that the Jeanette landed on the planet of Rigel to the cheers of all of the freed slaves aboard. Tom Parkinson was also there, he was now in total command of all operations to do with the war with Lyre. He had at his disposal a freighter that carried two squads of space marines and all of their equipment, six light space cruisers, the four new destroyers, the space cruiser Indomitable and a second space cruiser, the newly launched Revenge.

  He greeted the freed slaves and assured them that the armed forces of Earth would leave their planets as soon as Lyre surrendered. Octavius then asked to speak to him.

  “We realise that we will need your troops here to ensure that those of Lyre do not return Tom Parkinson, however we also look forward to a time when our land is free of your soldiers, for then we will know that we can return to our old way of life. I would like to thank you personally for bringing my family back to the land of our ancestors.”

  Tom Parkinson now greeted the returning heroes, Ray Connors, Jean Summers and her brother Peter, Colonel Michaels, Lieutenant Charles Bragg and Harry Proctor.

  “I really don`t know just how you all managed to accomplish so much and then return safely back to our forward base.” Tom Parkinson said to them all, amazed that such a small amateurish team could have beaten the odds. Then he turned to speak with Colonel Michaels.

  “I hear that you had a narrow escape Ron, after freeing the slaves back on Lyre, if it hadn`t been for Captain Stalker having that attack craft on hand things could have been a little tricky for you all.”

  “Yes Tom, I will have to remember to thank him properly when I see him next.” Colonel Michaels replied.

  “I suppose Ron, that you will soon be heading back to Earth, to begin your political life, I suspect that you will also be quite the celebrity following all my disclosures about your mission on Lyre. It was done at the bidding of President Blocker to make the financial costs of the war a little more acceptable to the people of Earth, for everyone likes a hero. Personally I would have thought the actual reasons behind the war were enough to convince anyone that it was necessary.”

  Tom Parkinson then turned to include the young lieutenant in the conversation. “Ron, Charles, after you have had some lunch, an interview has been set up by the general staff so that you can tell some of what you have been through to the people of Earth.” Colonel Michaels was very glad to obey that order, for it would ensure that he and Jeffery Clarkson won the forthcoming election. Tom Parkinson turned to his newly rescued agent.

  “Peter you can have some well-deserved rest back on New Caledonia, where your brave sister can look after you. Maybe if Ray here is heading back to his base there he can take you along with him?”

  “Yes we are heading back to New Caledonia to pick up some cargo, so we would be glad if you would join us on the trip Peter.” Ray Connors offered.

  “I am not the one to make such a decision Tom, isn`t that right Jean?” Peter Summers said, deferring to Jean.

  “That is quite correct big brother, and yes Ray, we would like to accompany you on the trip back to our home.” Jean said smiling, she for one was glad to be leaving a war zone, and looking forward to spending a little time with Ray.

  Tom then offered Ray Connors a proposition.

  “If the profit drops out of the freighter business Ray then call me, I could sure use a man like you.”

  “I may think about it one day Tom, but for the moment the peace and quiet of space will suit me fine.”

  “And me too, my nerves will not stand the strain of worrying about you all.” Harry said.

  Ray now turned to Jean to tell her about his own plans.

  “I will be heading back to New Caledonia today Jean, so if you and your brother would like to get aboard the Jeanette in about an hour then we will be on our way back home. Harry and I then have a contract to deliver some cargo to Earth, but when I return would you like to join me for a trip out to the countryside of New Caledonia, out by the great lakes maybe, it is beautiful there at this time of the year.” Jean looked up into Ray`s eyes for a moment.

  “I think that I would like that fine Ray.”

  The End

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  About the Author

  I was born in London, England. Like most of the world I had to work hard to pay my mortgage and all the other bills so I only had the time and the energy to write some short stories. My wife and I have a son who is now married to a lovely wife and they have five children of their own. Since retiring to the Greek island of Crete I have finally found the time and the energy to write some full length Science Fiction stories.

  Other Books by Philip R Benge

  Colonies of Earth Series in order

  Galaxy Spies

  Time Storm


  Trial by Ordeal

  Horror Stories

  Strange tales; three short mild horror stories

  Kidnapped and Bound for Hell; A full-length story

  David Charlton stories, a science fiction series

  Rescue Mission to the Stars

  The Treasure of Altaraus

  Return to Mazere

  Other science fiction stories


  The Venetou

  Short children`s stories

  The Haunted Abbey

  The Pirates Treasure

  I am working on a new story entitled Invasion Earth, it should be finished sometime this year, if you enjoyed this collection of stories please look out for it.

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