Read Galaxy of Empires- Rise of the Space Dragon Episode #1 Page 2

  The front desk clerk addresses them respectfully, saying, “Ladies, you will be on the top floor in the penthouse. Scan your hands here to access the lock up there.”

  “May I take your bags up there for you?” the bellhop asks.

  Eve says, “That will be fine.”

  “Also, you have a message here, Lady Eve. Someone is waiting for you in Conference Room C,” the front desk clerk adds.

  “Oh... Who is it?”

  “It doesn't give a name. Sorry.”

  “Hmm... Okay. I will meet you guys in the room. I am going to see who is waiting for me,”

  Eve says in a curious way.

  “Okay.” Gothica and Doc respond at the same time. They both leave while Eve goes down the hallway, looking at the letters above each conference room. She finds the one she is looking for, walking up and knocking on the door.

  “Come in.” The voice of a woman comes from behind the door.

  Eve opens the door and sees twenty Elemental Space Marines lined up on both sides of a large room that contains a big conference table surrounded by chairs. In a flash, the marines whip their rifles in her direction. There is a human woman with brownish gray hair who looks to be in her 60s sitting at the end of the table, wearing a uniform. Eve raises her hand in reflex to shield herself.

  The lady says, “Put those weapons away and leave us.”

  Captain Frugel protests quickly. “But my Lady—”

  She cuts him off just as quickly. “I said leave. It’s not like you could harm her anyways.”

  “I apologize, my lady. Platoon: dismissed.” The Marines file out of the room.

  Eve says, “Grand Chancellor Kredigal, head of the Elemental Empire's ruling council.”


  Eve says, “You have a pair of brass balls coming here. Give me one reason I should not kill you right now.”

  Kredigal gets up and walks slowly around the table toward Eve, keeping her hands behind her back. Eve notices something strange about the chancellor.

  “Why don't you radiate magic as other sorcerers do?” Eve questions.

  “Because I am not a sorcerer.”

  “I don't understand. How can you be head of the government and not be a sorcerer?”

  “Because I can mimic a sorcerer’s abilities. I am a telepath.”

  “WHAT?! The government that hunts down telepaths has a telepathic leader?”

  “Let me explain. When I was a small girl, my father was an instructor at a sorcerer school. Like all kids at 12 years old, I was sent to this school. My telepathic abilities started about that time, but I did not want anyone to know; I didn't want to get hauled off and disappear as I had seen happen to other telepaths. So I learned to imitate sorcerer spells and no one had any idea. Since I was the daughter of an instructor, I was never tested for PSI. I did test myself, though. I am a 20 PSI.” The chancellor takes a breath before she continues.

  “Most of my abilities influence people: mass charm, suggestion, altering memory, and things of this nature. I used my abilities to climb up the government ladder in hopes of causing reform and change the way that telepaths are treated. I knew I would have to do so in such a fashion as not to be discovered. Unfortunately, even in the position I am in now, I cannot get the council to budge one inch on the topic. They have powerful magic that prevents them from being influenced by telepathic powers, even powers as strong as mine. I decided to try other routes to save my kind. I started up the telepath smuggling ring. I was in the perfect position to do it since I knew all of the patrol routes in advance. Thousands of telepaths have escaped because of this, but there are many more that are still being persecuted every day.”

  “Wow. That is some story. Why did you want to see me?”

  “I got wind of a black project that was aimed at creating strong telepathic slaves who could be controlled and made to fight for the Elemental Empire. At the time I first heard about it, I was a new council member, I didn’t have access to stuff like that yet. One of my relatives was captured and sent to one of these illegal laboratories. I only found out by mind scanning many people. I booked a passage to this laboratory to help him escape. When I got there, I charmed a lot of people in order to find my relative and help him escape. By reading the minds of several of the scientists, I thought There is no way they will be able to control a really powerful telepath. I slipped one vial of my blood into their DNA samples in hopes that they would create something so powerful it would destroy them all. Maybe it would even help free the telepaths in this Empire. At the time, I did not realize they were doing experiments on other life forms that are not bipedal. About thirty years ago, they did create one telepath that lived. They reported it to the High Council, which I had just been promoted to, so I got to read about all the top-secret projects. After reading over the documents, I discovered the telepath who survived was one of the subjects that used my DNA. I attempted to free the subject, but pirates attacked the transport carrying the telepath and that was last I heard about it. Until recently, that is. Eve, I am your mother.”

  Eve steps back in astonishment over this wild story that sounds totally unbelievable. Feelings of rage and confusion take hold of her.

  “You caused them to make monsters. Did you ever see what some of those suffering mutations turned out to be? Did you see their horrible deaths afterward?”

  “No, I did not ever go back there. I know you think what I did was wrong. And maybe it was. I was just trying to find a way to free telepaths. I am sorry for all the pain I caused you.”

  Eve says in anger, “It wasn't just me. Hundreds of others died in excruciating pain.”

  “I didn't know. I swear I didn't know.”

  “Look at me, I not even human anymore!” Eve says in a rage. “I am a damn Space Dragon. You may have helped create me, but you have no idea of the hell I have been through in my life.”

  Eve's mother begins to cry. “I am so sorry. I wish I could go back change it, but I can't. Maybe there is some way to reverse it or something.”

  Eve calms down some, “I am 100% Space Dragon now. There is no cure. I have come to terms with it. Your DNA is no longer in my body, so you are not even a biological mother to me. Why did you come here? What were you expecting to happen here?”

  “I came here because of Zach Blem.”

  Eve turns around and looks at that Councilor in interest, “What about Zach?”

  “Zach is a distant cousin in our family.”


  “He was running some ships in the telepath smuggling project that I created, because he wanted to help. I am one of his aunts.”

  “Geez, I need a stiff drink. Why are you laying all this on me now?”

  “Because I just found you. And, in my position, it’s kind of hard to meet you on the down low without endangering other telepaths or myself.”

  “Hmm. Okay.”

  “You have become very powerful. In doing so, you have made powerful enemies and will probably make more enemies. Are you thinking about what might happen if your enemies go after the people in your life as a way to hurt you? Zach has already been caught in the cross fire and nearly killed. I have told him not to work in the smuggling operation anymore. His face is too well known now. But knowing him, he will probably try and do it anyways. You may not be human anymore, but your daughters and Gothica can still be killed easily, even with their abilities. You will not always be there to protect them. Even if you do not choose to have a relationship with me, shouldn't you daughters be able to choose for themselves? They DO still have my DNA in them.”

  “I can't have a relationship with Zach now. I am a Space Dragon. I can try to talk him out of risking his life doing the smuggling runs. As far as my daughters go, how could they ever have a relationship with you as the High Chancellor? It’s not like they can visit you. And I am sure the council would notice you taking trips outside the Empire.”

  “I could quit and go live with them.”

  “That would mea
n the end of the smuggling ring, and thousands of telepaths would not get freedom. I don't think that is a good idea.”

  “I am an old woman with no husband and no children except my beautiful Space Dragon daughter and the two granddaughters that don't even know me. I want to enjoy what little time I have left in this existence with some happiness.”

  “Well, they are in Consortium Space right now. I am getting into politics myself. I will be going on trips for long spells at a time. If you can hang in there a little longer, perhaps we can figure it out together,” Eve says. “Aren't you afraid of the enemies I am going to make, if you are associated with me?”

  “I am a 20 PSI telepath, by no means weak. I think everyone in our family tree is a powerful telepath in some form or another.”

  “Sounds like it,” Eve agrees.

  “Since I am in Wolfkin space, here to visit our consulate, no one will know why I really came.”

  “What about your guards?”

  “Memory wipe.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right... Ha ha,” Eve laughs.

  “I got Gothica's warrant erased. She is no longer wanted in the Elemental Empire,” the Chancellor informs Eve.

  “Don't suppose you could do mine, too...” Eve jests.

  “Heh. Unfortunately, you are too high a profile criminal, number one on the most wanted list.”

  “I know. I was just kidding. One day after I return from Space Dragon territory, we can sit down and figure out what to do about the telepath issue in Elemental space. I will probably be gone for a year or so. I will contact my daughters at the Consortium home world and tell them about you so that you can speak with them directly. They are not wanted by the Elemental Empire, but they are telepaths. You could visit them where they are now.”

  “That would be wonderful. I go there twice a year anyway for diplomatic reasons.”

  “Have you ever met Empress Draca?”

  “Regrettably, because of the telepath situation, she refuses to personally meet with anyone from our Empire.”

  “So she doesn’t know you are the head of the underground telepath movement?”


  “She would be a good ally for you, and it would increase your trips to see your granddaughters. I can arrange for you to meet. I have a close relationship with Draca.”

  “Really, that would be helpful. Being the only telepath in a city full of sorcerers and haters, I get very lonely in the Capital. And then there is the daily worry of being discovered.”

  Eve says, “I can't even imagine what that is like. What would they do to you if they found out?”

  “Public execution. After they torture me for a few days, of course.”

  “Nasty. Be careful and do not take any unnecessary risks.”

  “Yeah, I am used to it by now.”

  “Well, I need to get ready for a ball tonight. I am glad we met.”

  “Yes, I heard. Do you think you could get me some tickets to see Gothica at one of her concerts?”

  Eve smiles. “Sure, that can be arranged. I will have them sent to your room.”

  They hug each other and Eve leaves to go up to her room. In her room, Doc and Gothica are getting ready for the night's festivities. They are both trying on outfits and Eve is trying to give them fashion advice. Unfortunately for Eve, she does not need clothes, so the activity is much less fun for her.

  Chapter 2

  The dinner and ball start off without a hitch. The entire upper echelon of Wolfkin society is there. Music, dancing, and food are plentiful and flow unobstructed throughout the night. A few speeches are made, none with any real substance. Gothica gets up in front of the crowd and did surprisingly well performing, thanks to a few drugs and hypnosis treatments. The crowd rings out with applause in good order. Gothica has signed a lot of autographs, and met a lot of people. Eve has mostly just sat with her big wings at the front table, watching everyone and meeting some of the government officials who passed by her table. Toward the end of the night, like usually happens at social events, people begin chatting in little circles on various topics. Gothica is chatting with a group of entertainment promoters, not just from Wolfkin Space but other empires as well. Eve is conversing with a group that consists of a few of the High Council members and High Judges.

  Admiral Gates, a white Wolfkin Male, is speaking. “The bloody vampires keep pressing us from Section 9. We are taking unacceptable losses. The only reason they are attacking from that direction is because the border between Undead and Wolfkin is too heavily fortified. Since Section 9 is a disputed area, there are very few fixed bases there, which means it’s a weaker border. The Hive and the Undead just need to get out of Section 9.” Eve had been listening all night, but had not said anything until now.

  “Who was in Section 9 before the Hive, the Undead, and the Wolfkin moved into it?” Eve questioned.

  “Well, it was mostly just infested by mindless beasts, better known as Space Dragons,” the Admiral states, obviously forgetting that Eve was a morphic Space Dragon.

  “Mindless? Do I come off as being a mindless beast?” Eve doesn’t bother filtering out the outrage as she addresses the Admiral with her shocking attitude.

  “Umm... er… I didn't mean you.”

  “Space Dragons are just as intelligent as any other sentient beings. Most of them have poor education and are under bad leadership. This gives the appearance that they are just beasts. I plan on changing that. I will unify them into one fully functional society under one leadership and educate them all. Section 9 was a part of Dragon Territory before all the invaders came and started fighting over it. Because Space Dragons are uneducated and disorganized, they were expelled from their own home.”

  Gates says, “That is absurd. Teaching dragons? Seriously?”

  Grewds quickly interrupts before tempers can flare any further. “The Admiral has opinions, but is not part of our foreign relations department.” He eyes Gates in a manner that lets him know he has spoken out of turn.

  Grewds continues, “I think he meant that it sounds like an ambitious plan. Do you think you can succeed?”

  Eve says, “Of course! Remember centuries ago when Wolfkins were nothing more than savage beasts? Now they have education, culture, economy, government, and businesses. All sentient beings evolve over time.”

  Grewds agrees, interested in her thoughts. “That is true. I am kind of curious if you can actually pull it off or not. It sounds intriguing.”

  Admiral isn’t quite as convinced. “So if that did happen, will you fight against us to get back the territory we occupy?”

  “Why fight? Why not just be allies? We can keep the Undead from coming through that area and attacking you. We could even coordinate attacks and go on the offensive. You could actually gain area for once instead of losing it against the Undead. The area you occupy in Section 9 is small compared to the mineral-rich planets the Undead are sitting on. Why do think they are just sitting there with so many battle stations and heavy patrols? This is one of the reasons you losing the war against them. They are out-manufacturing you in ships, weapons, and bone warriors. Space Dragons are immune to Undead effects, magic, and energy weapons. The Undead do not have projectile acid weapons like some of your ships do. They are simply not set up to fight Space Dragons.”

  Admiral says, “Hmm. I don't know. We will see if you can do what you say. Getting all the dragons under one leader is going to be hard. Almost impossible, I would say.”

  “Well, I hope you can do it, Lady Eve,” Grewds says with hopefulness.

  “So do I. I will be leaving to Dragon Space tomorrow. I will be taking the doctor with me. Gothica has decided to stay here and pursue her singing career.”

  Grewds grins. “How fortunate for us,” he says with a wink.


  The next morning, Doc and Eve board a small shuttlecraft the Doc owns. They take off into space after saying goodbyes to everyone close to them. It will take two weeks to reach their destination, the Serpent D
ragon home world of Ferna. Once there, they planned to seek out Grimace, the ancient female Lava Dragon.

  The two weeks pass by quickly and uneventfully. Doc had been scanning and studying Eve and taking notes. She has become the leading expert on Space Dragons for humanoid science. She is excited to learn more about Space Dragons, as very little was known about them.

  As they arrive at Ferna, Eve begins transmitting a telepathic message in an effort to locate Grimace. After two days, she finally gets a response. They had landed near a volcano that was spewing out smoke and hot ash. The whole planet was volcanic; volcanos, eruptions, and lava were all over the place. Doc must put on an environmental suit before leaving the shuttlecraft. Eve, however, is not affected by the environment. They are walking toward a large cave when a large reddish serpentine dragon with six limbs emerges. A few other dragons come from nearby to see what all the commotion is about. Doc and Eve see a few dragons fly over to them as they stand in front of Grimace.

  Eve says, “Greetings Grimace. I am Evella Noctu. I got your name from Drakabardious.”

  A deep commanding voice booms out in Ancient Dragon. Heh. Figures. Anyhow, you’re a morphic dragon and rainbow colored. I have seen a few morphic dragons, but never a multi-colored one. How is this possible?

  Eve replies in Ancient Dragon, I am not sure, but is that a bad thing?

  No, just curious.

  Eve grows tired of the effort it is taking to translate her thoughts into the little-used language. “Do you speak Wolfkin?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. This is my friend Doctor Farshe.”

  “A doctor of science. Interesting,” Grimace says in a normal tone.

  “Yes, I am.” Doc struggles to resist the urge to scan Grimace.

  “Go ahead and scan me, Doctor. I know how you scientists are,” Grimace chuckles.

  Eve laughs, “You have no idea!”

  “So, Evella Noctu, what does a morphic dragon want with me? Don't get many visitors out here in this exploding volcano land.”

  “I have come to learn about Space Dragons. I was created artificially; hence I have no knowledge of my own kind.”

  “Artificially? Hmm. So you are not a natural born dragon, then?”