Read Galaxy of Empires- Space Pirates Episode #1 Page 5

  Eve says, “Geez, planet killers can’t even get any respect around here. What kind of dump is this?”

  Eve turns back around and speaks to the foreman as she motions to Captain Meek and the crew to come over. “This is Captain Meek. If you have your big strapping guards over there help him and his crew load all the bodies into the cargo bay of his ship, you and your people can keep all their guns and other stuff they have on them as a tip. If any of them own ships, sell them to Lord Cos and add it to my account here. Keep 5% as a commission for you and your boys.”

  The foreman says with utter excitement, “Yes, Lady Eve. No problem! We are here to serve. If you need anything else, the boys and I will jump on it.” The guards head over to begin moving the bodies.

  She looks at Meek and says, “Well, you actually have some cargo now. That is at least a million or so bars worth of bounties laying over there. I will get Doc to collect them for you because she is legit, as long as you split it evenly between her and your crew.”

  Meek is surprised and thankful. “Thank you, Lady Eve. This run will be more profitable than I thought. You are truly awesome.”

  “Finally, jackpot!” Python yells with excitement as the rest of the crew begin dragging bodies.

  Che adds, “This has to be the nastiest cargo we have had, but I am all about the money. Hope Doc can freeze these, or they will get pretty ripe in the ship.”

  The huge video monitor that towers way above the spaceport activates and a big Wolfkin wearing fine clothes appears on the screen.

  Lord Cos says, “Well, hello Lady Eve. We don’t get many people of your stature visiting my humble little planet. I see you have changed quite a bit since the last time we spoke. I have sent my valet down to fetch you and bring you to my palace. Since this is your first visit to the surface, I want to show you around if you’d like.”

  Eve responds, “Certainly. My adopted daughter is with me as well.”

  Lord Cos says, “Even better. I await your arrival.” The screen goes back to running advertisements.

  Che turns to Meek. “She is not only powerful, but also has powerful friends and enemies. I think we should stay in the friend category, as I think we could benefit a lot from it.”

  Meek is still a bit concerned. “Yeah, but what happens when her enemies come looking for her and she isn’t around?”

  “Oh, crap! I never thought of that,” Che says, suddenly consumed with thoughts of being murdered.

  “Too late now. We will just have to deal with whatever comes along.” Meek frowns. “Having god-like personal powers doesn’t protect your assets or friends and loved ones when they are not around—it is a weakness. Eve will come to realize it the hard way when someone she loves gets killed.”



  After arriving at Lord Cos’s main palace, Eve and Gothica get out of the hover limo and see a massive palace with all the signs of true wealth anyone could possibly imagine. Opulent, fancy structures with extravagant paintings cover most surfaces. The beautiful stained-glass artwork is in the windows, and carefully attended gardens surround the entire area. They began walking down a red carpet that has huge gold pillars on both sides. A beautiful feline female in silk clothes standing at the door announces, “Greetings. I am Tala. Welcome to the main palace. Please follow me. Lord Cos is waiting in the private study.”

  They walk down halls gazing at the impressive artwork hanging on the walls, as well as statues and other glamorous items. They turn several times as they continue down corridors with very high vaulted ceilings. Guards stand in pairs along the sides of each corridor.

  They come up to a small door that a guard opens as they approach. Inside is a small library with a few small expensive silken sofas and big-pillowed chairs. Sitting in one of the chairs is Lord Cos—a rather large Wolfkin with black hair—smoking a scented pipe. He is wearing silk robes and a lot of jewelry. He has two electronic bracelets, one on each forearm. Lord Cos gets up and says, “I like the new you, Evella. I imagine that must be a fascinating story.” He leans to kiss Eve on her claw.

  “You have no idea. I wouldn’t recommend this type of makeover to anyone,” Eve jests.

  Lord Cos laughs heartily. “I bet. I must ask: what kind of creature are you exactly?”

  “I am a Rainbow-Colored Morphic Space Dragon,” Eve says flatly.

  “I thought those were a myth, but I guess not. May I get some photos with you? No one will believe me.”

  “No one believes you anyway. You’re a pirate.”

  “Touché. Aren’t you the clever one?” He chuckles.

  “I don’t mind photos. But it will cost you some dinnerware. I am starving.”

  “Oh, I am so sorry that I am being such a rude host. Would either of you care for food or drink?”

  Gothica replies quickly. “I could eat some raw meat and some water with that.”

  “No problem. What do you eat, Eve?”

  “I saw some silver and gold plates on one of those fancy tables we passed and they smell awesome. I don’t drink unless it is melted metal. A glass of melted rare metal would be nice. No copper, though, as it tastes like day-old coffee. Don’t you worry about your platinum, and I am not talking about bars either. More like loaves. I crap pure platinum, in the purest form. I don’t eat platinum, since that would be like eating my own crap. Spaceships are my favorite food; they have all kinds of nice metals.”

  “Ha ha. That is too funny. I am sure my blacksmith can melt you some silver and gold,” Lord Cos says with a smile. He waves to Tala to fetch the items.

  “Yes, but it isn’t funny when I get constipated. Or worse, when I get the squirts and all that liquid platinum goes squirting everywhere.”

  “Oh, gross, Mom!” Gothica squeaks.

  “Anyway, I actually came here to talk business with you, Cos.”

  “Really? Sounds intriguing. What can I do for you?”

  “I would like to buy some information from you. You did make your millions selling information first before you became a zillionaire.”

  “You have done your homework. Yes, I am still in the information business. What would you like to know?”

  “I need the schematics for every naval fleet vessel for all of the empires in this region of space. Also, information on all the current government structures and current government officials for those same empires.”

  “That is a tall order. The second part, I have now. The schematics will take some time. I have many of them, just not all of them. The ones I have are what is currently being used for the most part in each navy.”

  “That should be okay.”

  “Not to pry, but it sounds like the lines on the map are going to be changing soon,” Lord Cos says, trying to squeeze Eve for more information.

  “Perhaps or perhaps not,” Eve says slyly, not giving anything away.

  “Sounds like a politician in the making.” He is still trying to get something out of her.

  “Politicians are like mercury to me: they both give me gas,” Eve deadpans, still not giving him an inch.

  “I will give you the information for free. Just don’t forget who your friends are.”

  “Indeed. You have always done fair business with me, Cos. I will never forget that.”

  Tala enters the room and says, “Master, the table is ready for you and your guests.”


  They all move out of the room and go down the hall to the large dinner chamber they passed coming in. They sit at the table, which has food of all different types and expensive plates with polished goblets neatly arranged in rows. The table is centered in a chamber that has pictures of pirate ships attacking merchant vessels, as well as various pictures of famous outlaws. A big chandelier hangs above the long table that is made of gold and diamonds.

  Eve drinks some of the liquid metal in the stone cup in front of her. The metal is gold and silver mixed together. It tastes wonderful to her. Gothica is eating the raw fish that ap
pears to be the main course. Cos is also eating the fish and some other meaty creature parts.

  “Do you do the like the fish, Gothica? It is Gurba and comes from a lake here,” Cos says.

  “Yes, it is magnificent. Thank you for letting me try it.”

  “How is you metal mix, Lady Eve?”

  “Very tasty. You’re a wonderful host,” Eve says with honesty. “So what is your story, Cos? I know you are one of the few Pirate Lords who gain power using your wit and charm, which is unusual, as most of them use magic or telepathy. I hear you are into tech gadgets and stuff.”

  “You’re not misinformed. It is true I don’t use magic or telepathy. Unfortunately, I was not gifted with those abilities. I have always been fascinated by technology, and thus have a nice collection of high-tech toys. I am always on the lookout for the latest in tech or design. I also fund talented people who don’t have any money. Of course, that only happens if their work has potential,” Cos explains.

  “You would like my two daughters. They are very gifted engineers. They are doing some designs for the Consortium right now,” Eve brags.

  “Wow! Well, they are in the right place for high-tech stuff. Unfortunately, the Consortium doesn’t do business with outlaws,” Cos says in a disappointed tone.

  Eve continues, “That is the life of an outlaw, but there is more money in the black market anyway. I have always been enamored with the whole pirate thing. Never came true though. My eye patch and parrot are still in the proverbial closet. Thanks to you, I have done well in the black market as a merchant.”

  “Oh, I think you give me too much credit. Most of that was your own doing. To be a successful merchant in any market requires having a head for it. I started as a regular merchant, and then slowly the black-market items became more and more the focus of my business. I am probably one of the few Pirate Lords who made my bones strictly from working the black market. I am a Pirate Lord who has never done any actual pirating.” Cos recalls his climb up the success ladder fondly.

  “Well, as long as you reach your goals, it doesn’t matter what method you use.”

  “Interesting philosophy.”

  Tala enters the chamber and announces, “Gax and Trished are here, Master.”

  “Excellent, the painter and photographer. Would you ladies mind coming to the painting room for a sitting? I will like to get photos and a painting made of you two,” Cos says.

  “Um...sure,” Eve says as she looks at Gothica. They both get up and go into a room that is a short distance from the main dining room.

  “Greetings. I am Gax, the painter, and this is Trished, the image creator,” a plain-looking male Snakekin dressed in painters’ clothes says in a humble manner. Trished is a female human in fine silk clothes and expensive jewelry. Eve senses both of them are sorcerers and powerful ones at that.

  “Sorcerers,” Eve says without any thought.

  Gax and Trished both look at Eve with surprise.

  Gax speaks up first. “Why yes. Is that an issue?”

  “Since when do sorcerers paint and take pictures instead of getting more powerful or killing innocent telepaths?” Eve asks with hostility and suspicion.

  Gax begins to get nervous. “I meant no offense, My Lady. Painting is a hobby of mine.”

  Cos interjects. “They are not from the Elemental Empire, My Lady. Not all sorcerers are like those ingrates.”

  Eve scans their minds and sees they are telling the truth.

  “There is no deception here, Lady Eve. I know you are a telepath you can simply read people’s minds. It would be rather foolhardy to try something sinister on you,” Cos says, trying to keep the situation under control.

  “My record is not very good with sorcerers, so forgive me if I am jumpy around them. However, just a word of caution, touching me in any fashion is lethal to sorcerers or any magic-using creatures. I can sense magic from a great distance,” Eve says in earnest.

  Gothica addresses her mother. “They just want to make pictures, Mom. Chill out.”

  “I apologize, but I am a bit paranoid. I am accustomed to people trying to assassinate me. How would you like me to pose?”

  “Stand over there in the light and spread your wings. Yes, just like that,” Gax says.

  “Okay, so just stand here?”


  Gax starts painting on a large canvas with some high-tech brushes. There is a hover table with paint colors on it following him around. Trished takes two globes and launches them into the air. The globes are photo-scanning three-dimensional images of Eve and Gothica. After about ten minutes of scanning, Trished turns on a machine on a table that shoots a laser, hitting a huge chunk of stone and carving the image the cameras have just taken.

  Gothica asks, “How long will it take to carve that?”

  “About thirty minutes, and then fifteen more for the paint job,” Trished answers.


  Gax says, “I will be finished about the same time.”

  Cos remarks, “Excellent!”

  After about an hour passes, the artwork is finished. The painting is a life-like representation of both Gothica and Eve. The statue is an exact replica of both of them, complete with nice coloring. They look at the two pieces in amazement.

  “You are a very talented painter, Gax.” Eve cannot hide her delight.

  Gothica looks at the life-sized statue in wonder and says, “They look so real. Very good job, Trished.”

  Trished smiles at Gothica. Then Eve’s com badge activates.

  Meek says, “Lady Eve, we have loaded the cargo, restocked, and refueled. We are ready to go when you are.”

  “Thanks for the update. We are on our way,” Eve says. “Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Cos. We need to get going.”

  “Anytime, Lady Eve. Thanks for stopping by. Here is the information you requested.” Cos hands her a data crystal.

  “Why, thank you.”

  Tala enters the room and says, “Your ride is ready, Madam.”

  They go out to the front and get in the hover limo. The limo takes off to the spaceport. Standing at the entrance garden, Tala, Gax, Trished, and Cos wave.

  “I am glad they are gone,” Pirate Lord Tala says with some irritation.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because if I had to call you ‘Master’ one more time, I would just lose it and start shooting randomly.”

  “Ha ha. You know you liked it,” Cos teases.

  “Next time, you are playing the butler and I will be the Pirate Lord,” she says, still perturbed.

  Pirate Lord Gax pokes some more fun. “I thought it was funny myself.”

  Tala shoots the finger at Gax.

  Pirate Lord Trished adds, “At least he didn’t have you clean their shoes or something. Ha ha.”

  “You are all wankers!” Tala yells.

  They all laugh at Tala’s expense.

  “Cos, you were playing it dangerously, testing Eve. Even though we all are immune to mind reading, you didn’t know if she would be strong enough to overcome our immunity,” Trished says.

  “Well, I took a chance.”

  “You took a chance with all of our lives, wanker.” Tala is still in a bad mood.

  “We are all still alive. Did you get anything with the scans?” Cos asks.

  Trished sadly informs, “Nope, just that she is a very powerful Morphic Dragon. No weaknesses showed up in the scans.”

  Gax says, “Well, she seems to favor our way of life, so I don’t think she will be a threat to us.”

  “I agree.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I glad, because to be honest, I don’t think she can be killed—at least not by us,” Cos says ominously.

  Tala says, “Well, we will let some other sucker test that theory because it definitely won’t be us.”

  The four pirate lords agree.

  “I think those art pieces are about to go up in value soon,” Cos says with a cheery attitude.

  Gax s
norts. “Ha ha. I bet you’re right.”

  They all laugh.


  A few hours after Meek’s ship leaves, Cos’s bracelet starts to beep. Cos presses a button.

  “Yes. What is it?”

  “Master, a large fleet with fifty warships just entered orbit, and they are Elemental ships. We are now being hailed.”

  “Send it to my office viewer,” Cos replies.


  Cos walks down a hall and goes into a huge office with a large glass desk and high-backed chair. There is a large screen on the desk that activates in front of Cos as he sits in his chair. A male human wearing a military uniform appears on the screen.

  “I am Admiral Specs of the Elemental Navy. I am here to collect a wanted terrorist for high crimes again the Elemental Empire. Our informants have told us she is there.”

  Cos replies carefully, with a slickness about him. “Glad to meet you, Admiral. As far as your request, you are going to have to be a little more specific. There are lots of wanted people on my planet.”

  “Don’t toy with me, Pirate. We are not here for your little deviants or operations. If you refuse to give her to us, however, then we will become interested in your business very quickly.”

  “I assume you are referring to Lady Eve, but you are too late; she left hours ago, headed to Undead space, if I am not mistaken,” Cos lies.

  “If you are lying, Pirate, we will open fire.”

  “Such hostility. You can scan the planet if you like. There are no Space Dragons here.”

  “We are scanning it now.”

  “Very well. I have some ladies who can take care of your stress, Admiral.”

  “I am not interested in your cesspool. Nothing came up on the scans, fortunately for you.”

  The screen deactivates.

  The First Officer says, “I think he was more afraid of her than you, Sir.”

  “Probably, but he was lying about something. He is a pirate.”

  “Do you want to head to Undead space and look for her?”

  “No, I don’t feel like fighting Vampires. Let’s just head back for now.”

  “Roger that.”

  Chapter 4

  After arriving at the spaceport, Eve and Gothica get out of the limo and start heading to the landing pad where Captain Meek is waiting for them to take off. On the way there, Eve giggles to herself and then laughs aloud.

  Gothica asks, “What is so funny?”