Read Gamers Gate Page 25

"Thank you for joining us here again on Winfred. We have truly witnessed something amazing here in our studio today. To be honest, I booked our guest, Bryong, and her entourage today on the suggestion of our producer. I believed we were booking an incredibly talented Freecaster who could create recordable illusions on stage. I was warned that Bryong was mentally unstable. I understood this going into this live interview and I was not overly concerned because, one, I have superb security and, two, I have interviewed a few Hollywood superstars that I was certain were mentally unstable. However, I, and all of my audience have just witnessed Bryong heal a young girl after levitating her wheel chair 20 yards over rows of my guests. During the break Bryong performed another act of kindness that frankly shocked me. I can assure you, ladies, Bryong and her powers are quite real. Inspiring, truly inspiring."

  Winifred stops for a moment turns and sits again next to Bryong. "Young lady," Winifred takes Bryong's hand. "Please stop amazing us with this incredible, powerful gift of healing magic you have been given and tell us your story. Let us see you and not just what you can do. Please, Bryong." Bryong is silent. The queen is grasping her hand as though she were a member of her royal family. Bryong looks to Kinewyn and he reassures her with a slight, slow nod. "Well, Queen Winifred, I am a simple woman who grew up in a fishing village on Thrycion. My world is drastically different that your world. I count myself blessed by the Sun God that we met Stephen and Max and have been able to travel to your world, Earth. Truly I have seen things here that have no equal on Thrycion. I would tell you of my world but my friend and mentor Kinewyn, has forgotten more about our world than I have seen. Please, Queen Winifred, let him tell you of Thrycion."

  Kinewyn sits forward. Winifred raises a hand and beams at the old elf, " Kinewyn, believe me when I tell you that we wish to hear every detail about your world. In fact I would like to have you back on the show where you can tell us all of the wonders of Thrycion. But right now, Bryong, tell us how you received your gift."

  Max interjects, "Winifred, Bryong has been traveling almost non-stop the past two days, she is tired-"

  Coveark stands, moves directly in front of Winifred, his back to her. A blur of his arms and his twin short sword are drawn. "Queen's guard, come forward, foes approach." The ranger shifts his stance forward as simultaneously the double doors on the far right of the top of the studio and the far left at the top of the studio blow off the hinges. Tactical teams rush down both aisles toward the stage. Each assailant has submachine gun raised to impact resistant visor. NOTE: unclear description :NOTE

  The lead man shouts. "Get down! Get down now! Hands on the floor!"

  Max immediately bolts to the backstage. Women in the audience scream. The tactical team members halt in positions along the aisle stairs, carefully avoiding each other's line of fire. The lead trooper gets down on one knee. Kinewyn remains in his seat. Bryong rises and places herself between the queen and the troopers. The lead trooper barks at Coveark, "This is your final warning. Drop those knives immediately!"

  Coveark spits on the floor. "You will not harm this queen."

  The lead trooper taps the live line control on the side of his helmet, "Green, Blue, he is wearing body armor, two to the chest." There seems to be no time between his order and the blossom of red at Coveark's chest as their rounds pass uninterrupted through his leather armor. Coveark drops his short swords and falls, turning back toward Kinewyn. His blood drips down on Winifred and the posh Italian sofa. Screams rise from every corner of the studio.

  Coveark tries to hold his upper body off the floor for just a moment before collapsing. Bryong's hands glow and she moves forward to touch her fallen band mate. Her attention is on him and the growing patch of red at his chest when a trooper's shield smashes her full in the face. She is flung backwards and two more troopers bring batons down on heart and head in a flash of adrenaline-fuelled speed and violence.

  Kinewyn is up; motion at his wrist and two troopers drop, clutching at daggers buried to the hilt in their necks. A spray of bullets from left and right and Kinewyn snatches back his arm in pain even as he launches forward, knocking two troopers away, slashing the stomach of a third. He dashes toward the open doorways at the top of the studio, using the chair tops as stairs. Audience members duck and scream as he runs atop the chairs. Foam and blood from chairs and occupants dance at his feet as bullets chase his steps. NOTE: Not security or police, I assume, if they are shooting into the audience :NOTE He tumbles to the floor at the top, rights himself and is moving. He reaches the doorway and is forced back as four troopers cram out through double doors toward him. Two knock him down, two swing batons down on his outstretched arms, more troopers rush to add a half dozen more swinging batons.

  Chapter 14