Read Gamers Gate Page 37

Stephen gazes down from the precipice of Mount Gibbes. Below him 125,000 people; Blade & Bolt players, news crews, foreign dignitaries, corporate representatives, bloggers, photographers, gaze back at him. News copters circle the mountain at the proscribed two mile distance. US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopters ensure this distance is observed. The news copters cameras carry Stephen's image across the world through two dozen 24-hour news channels. Stephen turns away to address the President of the United States of America, Patrick Reilly. Obadun Pruscarnge, President of the United Nations and Chinese President Lou Zhang lean in to hear him as well. Five other nations; Israel, Russia, Japan, Great Britain and India each have their national leader there as well.

  A bodyguard stands near each man. "Are you ready, President Reilly?" Stephen waits as Reilly turns to Zhang and Pruscarnge, indicating with a reaching motion. "WE are ready, Stephen." President Reilly steps back to place himself closer to the world leaders. "We are. Are you?" Stephen nods and walks passed the three men to where Marcus waits with Bryong and Kinewyn. The entrance to the tunnel that leads to the portal howls out to them. The high wind sweeping across the mountain passes over this dark maw, calling a warning. The 60 Blade & Bolt players lined up against the mountain talk in hushed tones as Stephen stands on top of a drink cooler to address them. "Blade & Bolt players, thank you for venturing with me to Thrycion. Your chosen hobby, table-top roleplaying games have made you, and you along, the best possible diplomats to this world. The games that taught you that 300 page rulebooks were fun, that five hours of collaborative storytelling was a great use of a Saturday night, have prepared you to cross this portal today. I know that each of you will not be surprised with the world you travel to today. Your knowledge of the Blade & Bolt Roleplaying Game will ensure that. But I do not know that each of you are prepared to bring knowledge of Earth to the peoples and creatures of Thrycion. So, I ask you now to prepare yourselves to bring this world with you. Fill your minds now with what you want to share with Thrycion. Roman history, democracy, computers, cheese steaks, comic books and Hello Kitty. I wish to join Thrycion and Earth in peace. I wish each world to have the best of the other and lose some of the worst of each in the joining. You carry with you not only the knowledge of Thrycion but the value of wonders waiting here on Earth." Stephen raises his hands, telephoto and video lenses from the swarm of distant news copters focus in on him. "It is time to venture together to Thrycion. Follow me."

  Stephen jumps down from the cooler and enters the tunnel. He makes his way through the dark passage toward the carved rock face at the center of the mountain, the Earth face of the portal . The 60 carefully chosen Blade & Bolt players press in, with the dignitaries following. A flare of light as the Chinese bodyguard turns on a military grade flashlight. Harsh white blue light washes the craggy walls and ceiling of the tunnel as the tunnel tightens and ends at a smooth granite wall. Engraved into the wall is a hooked, wiry scrawled design. The Blade & Bolt players and dignitaries close to Stephen. They wait curiously to see the answer to a question that has been bounced around on the news talk shows as well as the blogosphere over the last two days. What is the key to open Gamers Gate, the portal to Thrycion? Stephen motions Bryong forward. “Bryong, you go first and immediately cast an area of effect spell for 1,000 yards to allow all within the area to speakly freely with each other regardless of their language.” Bryong nods. Stephen then addresses the ten or so travelers behind him close enough to be near because of the narrowness of the tunnel, "Christopher Korbach passed to me an indelible key to this portal to Thrycion. He did this when I told him I knew he was telling the truth at GameCon, the truth about Blade & Bolt not being a roleplaying game, but being his encyclopedia to the world of Thrycion."

  Stephen unbuttons the top three buttons of his shirt. His shoulder is covered with a green hooked wiry tattoo. Stephen places his hand on the design. A flash occurs beneath his palm and he extends his hand out to those following him. "This is the only key to Gamers Gate as well as the gates in Japan and India. If I die on Thrycion, no one will be coming back to Earth from Thrycion through this gate.” Stephen’s eyes remain on US President Reilly as he states this. His words chain back through all of the group as Blade & Bolt players repeat it. Stephen waits a moment before turning and placing his hand on the engraved design in the granite. At contact the wall marbles and shifts into a translucent plane. "Quickly, move through to Thrycion."

  The bodyguards pass him first, then the dignitaries, mixed with the boldest table-top roleplayers. The trepidation is evident in the halting steps of the last through Gamers Gate. Stephen follows and the shimmering portal closes as he places the indelible key back onto his shoulder. He hurries to catch up to the stream of Earthers who are now exiting into the clear sunlight of Thrycion. As he gets close to the exit of the tunnel, close to the loamy ledge over looking Gloan Alta, the port city. Stephen hears shouts, anger and confusion. He is running now, beginning to pant as he see Derek on his knees, a King's Guard holding long swords at the base of his neck. Stephen pushes the prime minister of Israel out of the way. Brugon's sorcerer is rolling light and force into a tight sphere in front of her. Brugon is shouting, "Tell your tin solders to remove their blades or Ayahail will use Sundering Flame to incinerate your son’s remains, destroying any hope of his resurrection."

  The intense strain of anger and shock slacken on King Trajon's face. "Wait, Wait, Wait," Trajon's hands are raised. Brugon's orc warriors press in closer, axes held higher. The King's Guards tense as bodies crush in around Derek. Blood still flows from Derek’s arm and a white hue covers his skin. His eyes are opening, unfocused. King Trajon collects himself, points at Brugon to shout. Brugon and Trajon both acknowledge the silence that is now spreading through the orcs and the King’s Guard. They both turn to see Stephen standing with the dignitaries, a trail of a dozens of Blade & Bolt players behind them. The man next to Stephen steps forward. "King Trajon, I am United States of America President Patrick Reilly. We come in peace from earth. That young man there," the President points to Derek, who is bleeding copiously, "is a US citizen and needs medical care immediately. I ask that you allow my assistant to tend to him."

  Trajon’s fists unclench and he steps toward the Earthers. His eyes dart away to where his son's decapitated corpse lies, but mercifully his King's Guards have collected his body and head. "Who are you all?" King Trajon asks. Derek falls sideways and his blood seeps into the ground beneath him. President Reilly raises a gloved hand, "I just told you who I am, now stand aside so that young man may be aided. NOW." Trajon sweeps his gaze across each dignitary, each gamer. It is evident that they are unarmed, with no visibly carried weapons. Brugon begins to walk forward, "Aid your man." Trajon steps aside and waves a hand. Instantly his King's Guards stand down. Brugon barks, "Lower your axes." His orcs lower their weapons. The skyship High Ground silently glides closer to the pack of monsters, soldiers, travelers. President Reilly’s bodyguard rushes to Derek. Stephen notices that the Chinese President's bodyguard immediately steps forward to protect both his charge and President Reilly. Brugon's sorcerer closes her eyes and begins casting. Brugon goes to his knees and brings Derek’s wounded arm close to his body. The sorcerer casts. The bodyguard jumps back as light winds between the edges of Derek's arm and the severed hand.

  The bodyguard moves to a fighting stances and readies to strike the sorceress. The sorceress closes her eyes concentrating, completes the healing spell and stands as Derek’s eyes flutter open. Brugon thumps a thick clawed hand onto the middle of Derek's chest. "Thank the Render, you are healed." Derek blinks and moves to stand. Stephen steps forward and offers a hand. Startled, Derek looks about. Stephen grins, "You are still on Thrycion, my friend, relax." King Trajon pushes President Reilly's bodyguard back and President Reilly raises a hand to stay his man. "Tell me again, who you are and what is your purpose in my kingdom!" "I am Patrick Reilly, President of the United States of America, a powerful nation on Earth. This is Lou Zhang, President of China and Obadun
Pruscarnge of the United Nations. There are also leaders from other powerful nations of my world here. We come to your world in peace. No one in this party is armed. We come to establish a lasting peace with you, to build a relationship of mutual benefit and sharing."

  Brugon walks to stand parallel to King Trajon's position. Trajon glares at him before addressing Reilly again. "You speak like no Planes Walker I have ever encountered. However, like every Planes Walker I have ever encountered you wear trouble like a wet cloak. This boy that you insisted be healed by my enemy's sorceress just murdered my son in cold-blood. Standing behind you are Bryong and Kinewyn, a thief and a witch who are wanted for crimes against my court. Fortunately, you have an immediate opportunity to prove the measure of your words about establishing a lasting peace. Surrender Kinewyn and Bryong so they may be added to this boy as my prisoners and we may begin discussing the nature of the relationship our nations will have."

  Reilly is silent, keeping his gaze on the King. The sound of heavy feet on wood from above and then the ground shakes as Azor slams down from a 10 meter jump from the skyship. Azor stands to his full eight feet and walks to Derek, shoving aside three King's Guard. "Derek goes no where with you, Trajon. Kinewyn, it is good that you are back." Azor places a hand on Derek's shoulder and begins to lead him over to Kinewyn and Bryong. President Reilly intercepts him.

  "Derek Burgast is wanted for crimes on Earth and Thrycion. He should remain in the custody of King Trajon." Zhang and Pruscarnge nod in agreement. Azor looks down at Reilly. "You are not of this world, noble, so you are not aware that Kinewyn’s band cannot be held by any authority beyond his own. Derek leaves now with us. Brugon, may we retreat back to the nomad lands?" Brugon immediately waves the skyship down and Azor walks his friend Derek toward their departure. "Azor," Kinewyn’s voice is slight. The absence of surety and command startle the Golon into turning back to his Elf leader. "Derek must be given into King Trajon's custody. These men, these nobles from Earth, wish to discourse with the leaders of Thrycion and the fates in play are far beyond the concerns of a thief and his band."

  Azor keeps his hand on Derek's shoulder. “Kinewyn, Trajon will kill him. Kinewyn, Trajon would have killed us if not our own escape. Have you forgotten?" Kinewyn comes close to the stone warrior, "I have forgotten nothing. Not a King's treachery or a friend faithfulness. Azor we must allow Earth and Thrycion to find a peace or these two worlds will be at war before the two moons have crossed."

  Azor looks to Bryong and she does not meet his gaze. “Kinewyn, he saved me from a chain gang. Kinewyn... WHERE IS COVEARK?" Bryong buries her face in her hands. “KINEWYN, WHERE IS COVEARK?" The old elf raises a hand to Azor's shoulder and sadness wells in his crystal blue eyes. "NO. NO. NO -" the Giant's voice booms back from the mountain. Brugon steps between Kinewyn and Azor. "Time to go, Azor. Quickly!" Brugon ushers Azor forward toward the thick dangling ropes that hang from the skyship. Trajon shouts, "No one is leaving. Guards -"

  Swords leap from scabbards, Brugon and Derek and Azor break into a run. Bodyguards jump back to their charges. Arrows and blades move toward the runners and then there is an flash of light and motion. Eight King's Guards drop where they stand. Blood is now speckled on King, Presidents and Blade & Bolt players. Daggers are in Kinewyn’s hands and rune light swirls away from Bryong's hands. Reilly's bodyguard moves ten feet and instantly gives a King's Guard a half a dozen blows and takes his sword. He begins to head back to his charge. It is too late. Trajon shouts in rage as he lashes out toward President Reilly with his long sword. "Damn your peace, Kinewyn, and damn you." Trajon thrusts the long sword clean through President Reilly. King's Guards crash in around him forming a wall between the falling president, the killing king and the bodyguard who prized a weapon above his charge. "My son, take my son's body and return to Buelgwarn Castle."

  Stephen backs away, seeing violence spread from the center like ink dripping down onto paper. Indelible loss spotting out across lives and time. He watches as Derek and Brugon and Azor are hauled aboard a retreating skyship. As King Trajon takes the corpses of his son and the corpse of the USA's president on a mad rush down the mountain. King's Guards are killed at the edges of his surrounding circle by pursuing bodyguards who know melee combat only as a secondary skill. Blade & Bolt players stand around him shocked at the speed and danger of the event, until they see four of their own are down, taken by stray arrows or hastily swung blades. He watches Kinewyn and Bryong, standing motionless as their band mate leaves them. He looks back to the tunnel and then down to the key that is emblazoned on his shoulder.

  "Hurry, the trees over there can cover our path for a half a mile at least." Stephen has to break his gaze from the chaos before him and focus on Damon in front of him. "What? - Wha..." Damon pulls his pack from the ground and sinks his arms through the loops and readies to leave. "We can follow the trees for a half mile or so. We have everything we need to camp up here tonight and then we can go down to Buelgwarn Castle to treat with King Trajon tomorrow." "Treat with King Trajon tommor-" Stephen places a hand on his stomach. "Well, sure. Diplomacy, my man, page 137 of the Kings and Campaigns Module has a whole section on resolving disputes between rival nation states," Damon takes a few steps backwards and motions for Stephen to follow. Stephen looks at the Blade & Bolt players around him. Several are collecting up the bodies of the fallen and not a one is looking back to the tunnel, only forward into Thrycion. Stephen throws his pack on his back and runs with Damon to the trees.

  The summer and fall on Thrycion passes quickly. Stephen passes a key to the Japan / Mount Tokachi Gate to Derek. There is no choice in this matter. Passing the key to the India / Changuch Gate to Damon caused his death. Damon's death is a blow to Stephen, testing again his resolve to eschew resurrection for those he cares for. However, he continues his new role as Christian missionary to the farthest corners of Thrycion. The India / Changuch Gate is held now by the combined army of Brazil, ExOil, Finland and nine Dragons from Thrycion's third Ley Pole. Hundreds of soldiers, reporters, laborers and religious pilgrims come through the India / Changuch Gamer's Gate each day. They pay gold and silver and gems for their passage directly to Max, who is the liaison between the Indian government, the corporations and the dragons. Hundreds of crates of weapons, electronics and drugs are brought through the gate each day. Max takes his cut and distributes the rest between his lead partners.

  With Brugon, Derek leads the allied forces of the monster nation, Native Americans and Australians. Weapons and soldiers are swept through the Japan / Miunt Tokachi Gate to combat the spread of the Dragon ExoOil forces across Thrycion's Kreeston continent. Azor serves as a solider in Derek and Brugon's army, refusing a role as General or counselor. Derek is happy to have his new friend near but the sadness in Azor at Kinewyn’s absence is tangible. King Trajon's court at Buelgwarn Castle is abandoned. After the dual resurrection of his son, Ayson Trajon, and President Reilly, King Trajon returns to Earth where his son promptly wins the Republican nomination for President. He leads the Democratic nominee by 7 points. All possibilities of recession are swept away as the North Carolina / Buelgwarn Gamers Gate brings a wave of commerce and magic to America. The success is so sweeping that the US extends invitations to the third world countries of the world to become United States 51 through 100.

  Sudan and Zimbabwe become US states within 3 months. Thrycion Magic users travel the US on tour buses like rock stars, stopping in towns, healing the residents and casting unique spells for profit or fame or as simple blessing to the residents. Bryong becomes an A list celebrity when she works with Winifred Proach and resurrects 40 percent of the 1,000 people who lost their lives in the New Orleans flood of 2003. Like Azor her sadness at the disappearance of Kinewyn is a pain that no one around her can take away. At the behest of Fortune 1,000 backers President Reilly allows thousands of orcs to populate the Midwest states of the US. PopCo runs buses from North Carolina to Denver each day carrying orcs hopped up on sugar water. Stephen thinks on these chan
ges as he heads down a shallow rise toward a Githwarn village. Thin, tall green humanoids stop picking purple fruit from waist high shrubs to view his approach. A wizard, a fighter and a cleric walk a few paces behind him. They have protected him in this exact situation dozens of times. "Greetings, my Githwarn friend. I am an evangelical Christian and would like to share the Good News of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with you."




  Chapter 01 - First Contact on Thrycion / Stephen’s crew approachs GameCon in Milwaukee

  Chapter 02 - Kinewyn’s band visit Bryong's village / Marcia tells Stephen of Christopher Korbach’s being committed to a mental health facility

  Chapter 03 - Kinewyn’s band meet with King Trajon at Buelgwarn Castle

  Chapter 04 - Kinewyn’s band escape from Buelgwarn Castle and encounter Coveark’s father

  Chapter 05 - Derek's has an incident at Millersgrove University in Lancaster, PA and receives Stephen’s text message to meet him Atlanta

  Chapter 06 - Derek and Stephen's talk over the Thrycion trip at Atlanta hotel / Derek and Stephen speaking with Korbach at the mental health facility

  Chapter 07 - Korbach tells of 1969 Thrycion trip and gives portal key to Stephen / Kinewyn’s band reunited with Coveark, who leads them to intercept Stephen's crew (the Footfall event) / Max shoots Bryong / Stephen's crew begin travels with Kinewyn’s band to Grenfell

  Chapter 08 - Derek explains Earth to Azor / Eramyl village is overrun by Minotaurs and Cynthia is killed / Stephen, Derek and Max argue and Stephen refuses resurrection for Cynthia

  Chapter 09 - Cynthia's funeral / Stephen and Max discuss whether Thrycion should be kept from or opened up to Earth / Stephen's crew and Kinewyn’s band breakfast and Kinewyn, Coveark and Bryong decide to go to Earth with Derek deciding to stay on Thrycion

  Chapter 10 - Stephen, Max, Kinewyn, Coveark and Bryong reach motel in North Carolina / Max leads Kinewyn’s band away from Stephen and meets with a young producer for Winifred Proach’s live daytime talk show, securing a television appearance for Kinewyn’s band

  Chapter 11 - Kinewyn’s band appear on Winifred’s show where Bryong levitates a girl in a wheelchair and heals her

  Chapter 12 – Derek and Azor cross chasm together as they travel toward Grenfell

  Chapter 13 – Winifred presses Bryong for personal details of her life after seeing the healing / Winifred’s studio is stormed by a tactical team

  Chapter 14 - Stephen is picked up by Marcia in Gypsum, Colorado and taken to a mansion where he is introduced to gamer allies / Stephen distrubutes the first vtube video annoucing the opening of Gamers Gate in 48 hours in North Carolina

  Chapter 15 - Brugon Slace brings Derek and Azor aboard his skyship, High Ground

  Chapter 16 - Kinewyn speaks with US Government captors on aircraft carrier / Kinwyn and Bryong are freed by US Navy fighter pilots and are ejected over Reading, Pennsylvania

  Chapter 17 - Stephen meets with Marcus, recruiting his gamer crew to go through to Thrycion / PopCo Product Manager Rachel intercepts Kinewyn and Bryong on their way to speaking with Stephen and strong arms them into getting her a spot on the group going through to Thrycion

  Chapter 18 - Derek, Azor and Brugon reach Taltherin and combat ensues when they fly the skyskip, High Ground, over the portal site