Read Games of the Heart Page 45

  “I think that would upset Fin greatly considering he thinks the world of you and the second you ran out of the kitchen, he threw down with No on your behalf.”

  Her hands slid from her face and her eyes came to me. Now they were not only wet, they were wide.

  “He did?” She was still whispering.

  I nodded. “He kept his seat but his meaning was clear when he told No what he said was not cool and your Dad concurred.”

  Her eyes slid to the door and went unfocused.

  I twisted on the bed until I was facing her and sitting cross-legged. Then I leaned my forearms into my legs and smiled at her.

  “We get the pain, the cramps, the moods and the bother and we have to learn to live with that.” Her eyes came back to me. “Those guys down there also have to learn to live with stuff around that too. Including No and Fin. You have a period. That happens seeing as you’re a girl. It’s natural. It happens to every girl. It isn’t humiliating, embarrassing or anything to hide.”

  “It is,” she said in her soft voice.

  I shook my head and smiled again. “It isn’t and when I say that it absolutely isn’t. What it is is beautiful. What it is means your body is changing because you’re maturing. What it is means you can make babies. What it is means you’re a woman now. And there is absolutely nothing embarrassing about that. And, as for you, the woman you’re becoming is stunning.”

  Her face got soft and her hand came up to rub across both her cheeks to take the tears away.

  I took in a breath.

  Then I continued, “What happened down there, No should be embarrassed about and he is. Not only that, everyone in that room agrees. Fin is seventeen but he isn’t stupid and he knows this happens and he knows it happens to you. I haven’t talked to him about it but my nephew has a lot of common sense so I figure he doesn’t think it’s embarrassing, he doesn’t think it’s gross, he just thinks it’s life.”

  Rees tucked her knees to her chest and rounded them with her arms, quiet, still bashful but biting her lip, thinking.

  I studied her wondering if I should go for it.

  Then I went for it.

  “He gets that and what you have to get is that for all intents and purposes, you’re a woman now. Has anyone talked to you about that?”

  Her eyes slid away.

  “Reesee, honey, this is important. Can you look at me?” I asked and her eyes slid back. “Has anyone talked to you about that?” I repeated.

  She bit her lip some more then kind of shook her head.

  “Not…I’ve…my…” she started then finished, “No.”

  “You’ve gabbed with your girls about it,” I surmised.

  She bit her lip again and that meant yes.

  “Do they still have sex ed in schools?” I asked and she nodded.

  But she added, “It’s kinda lame.”

  It was kinda lame back in my day too.

  “Right,” I nodded back. “The gig now is, if you have any questions, you’re free to talk to me. I’ve been getting my period for a while now so I’m pretty much an expert.”

  Her lips quirked into her cute mini-smile.

  “Do you get cramps?” I asked.

  She nodded again.

  “Do you take anything for them?” I asked.

  “My, uh…one of my girls bought me some Midol,” she told me.

  “Does that work?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Ibuprofen works for me,” I told her. “That doesn’t work for you, try Aleve. That doesn’t work, try one ibuprofen, one Aleve. That doesn’t work, switch it up with one or the other and a Midol. What works isn’t the same for everyone and you’ll find what works for you. But also a hot bath is awesome and we’ll get you a heating pad.”

  Her head tipped to the side. “A heating pad?”

  I grinned. “You put it on your belly and it feels great. Loosens the muscles. Awesome.”

  She gave me another mini-smile.

  I kept going. “I’ll give you some St. John’s Wort. It’s an herb but in pill form. It helps with moods. You take one in the morning, one at night. It won’t make you yourself but, if it works for you, it’ll make you less irritable or weepy. Yeah?”

  She nodded.

  Shit. Now the tough stuff.

  But without Audrey helping her and only her girls to go to, it had to happen.

  So it was going to happen.

  “Now the tough stuff,” I said softly and her eyes locked with mine. “Right now I’m going to ask you to make me a promise.”

  “What kind of promise?” she whispered, hearing my tone and likely reading my face and definitely wary.

  “The kind of promise that, if you and Fin stay tight and things…progress from say, kissing and stuff like that to more, you talk to me before you go whole hog.”

  Her face went up in flames again and her eyes drifted away. Her body was tight and I knew she didn’t want to go where I was taking her but she had to.

  “Rees, honey, please pay attention to me,” I called gently and her eyes came back but her body was still tight. “If you guys aren’t close to doing that then great and I mean that. No offense, baby, but you’re way too young to be going there.”

  She shocked the shit out of me when she shared quickly, “Fin doesn’t take it very far.”

  God, I loved my nephew.

  “Just, uh…kissing,” she whispered.

  “Good,” I whispered back.

  “I like it,” she admitted, still whispering and I smiled.

  “Kissing is awesome. There’s a lot to like,” I shared.

  “Yeah,” she said softly.

  “And that’s cool you like it. And that’s normal, you and Fin doing that. It’s great. It’s a way to be close. It’s a way to get to know each other better. But he starts going for more, I know he’ll respect you if you say no. And you have every right to say no and expect him to stop. So, I’m asking you to promise me that you’ll say no and then you’ll come to me before you take the next step. Even if, at the time, it feels good and you really want to.”

  She held my eyes and asked, “Will you tell Dad?”

  I took a deep breath and answered, “No. But saying that, you have to know I’ll guide you the way he’d want it to go and that is that you go there only when you’re ready, when you’re a lot older and when you’re certain you care deeply for the person you’re with.”

  “I care deeply for Fin,” she told me.

  “I know you do,” I said gently. “But, honestly, honey, now is not the time for you to be doing those things. Now is the time for you to have fun with your boyfriend, enjoy kissing and making out and let that other stuff happen later. It’s confusing and I can say that it is even now, at my age. So at your age, it’s way too much.”

  She studied me for long moments. Then she nodded.

  “Is that your promise?” I asked.

  She again studied me. Then she again nodded and said softly, “Yes, Dusty. That’s my promise.”

  Thank you, God.

  “Good,” I whispered.

  She looked to the door then to me.

  “Really, Fin threw down with No for me?”

  It was my turn to nod.

  Her lips quirked into that mini-smile again.

  “So, you’re good to go downstairs and make hamburgers,” I said quietly.

  Her mini-smile went full.

  “I gotta get some ibuprofen first,” she told me.

  “Right,” I whispered. Then I reached out, curled my fingers around her hand that was wrapped around her calves and I gave her a squeeze. “Love you, Reesee, no joke. I do. I love you, girl, and when you love one of your girls, you’re always there for her. So know this as fact, I’m always here for you, yeah?”

  Her eyes got bright but she pressed her lips together and nodded.

  I gave her another squeeze and nodded back.

  Then I said, “Get your pills. See you downstairs.”

  “Okay, Du

  I grinned at her. Then I got up off the bed and walked out of her room.

  Right, there it was. That was done. That didn’t go too badly. I thought I did okay.

  And I hoped to God she kept her promise.

  This was what I was thinking when I walked into the kitchen to see No forming hamburgers. Seeing that, I did something I’d never done with No. I had no idea how he’d react or if it was right. But I did it anyway.

  I walked up behind him, leaned around him and kissed his cheek. He jumped and his eyes came to me filled with surprise.

  “She’s okay,” I said softly. “You might wanna apologize but she’s all right.”

  He looked down at the hamburger meat and muttered, “I’m a dick.”

  “You acted like one but you aren’t one. Stuff happens, honey, when we’re angry. Learn from it, make amends, get on with it and don’t do it again. Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled to the hamburger meat.

  I lifted a hand and wrapped my fingers around his wrist then I gave No a squeeze. I made no further deal of it. I let him go and went in search of my man and my nephew.

  Mike was sitting on the couch, one hand curled around a beer, the fingers of the other rubbing Layla’s head that was resting jowls to his thigh. Fin was sitting opposite him on the sectional, no beer, he was leaned forward to the coffee table with a book open and a hand wrapped around a pencil scribbling in a notebook.

  Both of their eyes came to me.

  “She’s cool,” I muttered.

  Fin studied me then looked back to his books. Mike studied me then jerked his head to the couch beside him, nonverbally ordering me to take a load off.

  I rounded the couch and took a load off.

  Then I took Mike’s beer from him and downed a gulp as I leaned into his side.

  Mike wrapped an arm around my shoulders and shouted, “No! When you get your hands cleaned of that meat, bring Dusty a beer, yeah?”

  “Yeah Dad!” No shouted back.

  “I’ll get it!” Rees shouted from what sounded like the hall.

  I grinned at the TV.

  Mike quit rubbing Layla, took the beer I confiscated then took a pull.

  Then he handed it back to me and went back to rubbing Layla who, throughout his movements, followed them with blinking eyes but she didn’t lift her jaw from his thigh.

  I trained my eyes back to the TV and didn’t move them even when I heard Mike mutter, “Thank you, Angel,” with an accompanying arm squeeze.

  “No problem,” I muttered back.

  “Here’s your beer, Dusty,” Rees said, I turned to her and saw her extending a bottle to me.

  “Thanks, Reesee,” I replied, handed Mike’s off to him and took it.

  Her eyes went to Fin and they were hesitant but she was determined.

  I knew this when she gamely powered through her embarrassment, decided to pretend the whole incident didn’t happen and announced, “Fin, I’ll go grab my books after I help out No.”

  Fin grinned at her and muttered, “Whatever, babe.”

  She grinned back.

  Then she turned on her foot, her thick, shining hair flying and walk-skipped down the hall.

  All was well in teenage world.

  I looked to Fin to see him gazing down the hall, his lips twitching. Then his eyes went back to the coffee table.

  God, I loved my nephew.

  Mike’s arm gave me another squeeze.

  Layla groaned and settled on her belly on the floor.

  I tucked my feet under me, leaned deeper into my man, took a pull off my fresh one and zoned out with my eyes on the TV while I waited for hamburgers.

  * * * * *

  I jerked awake with a start as I felt Mike’s body leave the curve of mine. With more opportunities, we were experimenting with new sleeping positions and we’d been spooning. Personally, I didn’t care how we slept just as long as we cuddled while doing it. Since every position we’d come up with involved cuddling, it was obvious Mike felt the same.

  I often sensed Mike wake in the night and it woke me because his body was always pressed to mine or mine to his in one way or another. And, in addition to the first time he did it, Mike had left me in the night once to do a walkthrough of the house. This had been Sunday night, the first night I slept under his roof when his kids were doing the same. Understandable seeing as he loved us all and our change in circumstances would put him on edge.

  But now I sensed something was wrong.

  I would know I was right when Mike rolled back into me, grabbed my hand and pressed my fingers around what felt like his phone.

  “Call nine-one-one, now,” he whispered in my ear, his quiet voice urgent and I felt my body go tight but Mike was out of bed like a shot.

  I rolled, looking at his shadow in the dark and feeling the bed move as Layla shifted up and jumped off.

  Then I heard the sounds a gun made on TV or in the movies when someone was fiddling with it.

  Oh God.

  “Mike?” I whispered.

  “Nine-one-one,” he returned quietly. “Now, Dusty.”

  I randomly hit a button on his phone and the keypad fortunately lit up. Then with a trembling hand, my thumb moved over it, doing as Mike asked.

  “You stay in here, girl.” I heard Mike whisper and my eyes went to the doors to see the shadow of one open and close and I knew Mike left Layla behind.

  I put the phone to my ear and heard, “…one, what’s your emergency?”

  “This is Dusty Holliday. I’m at three-three-two-one-seven Crescent at The Creekview. My boyfriend told me to call you. He’s Lieutenant Mike Haines of the Brownsburg Police Department. He just left the room with his weapon. He didn’t explain why but I think you should send someone.”

  “Repeat your name and address please,” she requested.

  “Dusty Holliday. I’m at the home of Lieutenant Mike Haines, three-three-two-one-seven Crescent.”

  “Please stay on the line with me, Dusty. I’m sending a unit. Do you hear anything?”

  I sat in bed trembling and the only thing I heard was Layla’s dog tags jingling. I could see her shadow pacing to Mike’s side of the bed and back to the door then again and again. She wanted out. She was worried. She wanted me to get off my ass and open the door so she could have her Dad’s back.


  “No,” I answered the operator. “But I’m not the only one in the house. Mike’s two kids are here.”

  “Right. Stay on the line, Dusty. The call has gone to dispatch. They’ll send a unit.”


  “Where are you?”

  “In the bedroom.”

  “Stay there, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered, staring at the door, wanting to go to the kids, listening hard, breathing harder.

  I must have done this a long time because the operator called, “You with me, Dusty?”


  “I have confirmation a unit is en route.”

  “How long?” I asked.

  “They’ll be…”

  I heard the front door open and movement downstairs. It was faraway, indistinct but there was a thud then murmuring.

  Instinctively, I threw back the covers and slid out of bed, my heart hammering, whispering, “Someone’s in the house.”

  “Stay where you are, Dusty, a unit is en route.”

  “I have two kids in this house!” I snapped, rushing toward the doors, Layla at my heels.

  “Dusty, stay where you are.”

  “They’re sleeping.”

  “Dusty –”

  “They don’t know anything’s going on,” I hissed, hearing murmurings coming up from downstairs, the living room, right under Mike’s room. Deep voices, male, low. I pressed my lips together.

  “Dusty, stay right where you are. The unit will be there in two minutes.”

  Oh God. Oh God. It took less than two minutes to walk up the fucking stairs and get to one of the kids!

>   Holding the phone to my ear, using my leg to keep Layla back, I opened the door and slid out, closing it quickly behind me and closing Layla in. I hustled down the hall, my mind searching what I knew of the upstairs. Except for some pens and pencils in Mike’s office which I might be able to jab in someone’s neck or something, I had no weapon.

  Shit. Fuck. Shit!

  I ran down the hall and did the only thing I could do. Positioned myself on the other side of the stairs so if they came up they’d have to get through me to get to the doors of the kids’ rooms.

  “Dusty, where are you? Are you there?”

  “I’m in the hall,” I whispered but clearly the noises I made were heard.


  I jumped mostly because this was Mike shouting.

  “That’s Mike,” I told the operator.

  “Does he sound okay?” she asked me.

  “Dusty, get down here!”

  Yeah, he sounded okay. Pissed but obviously breathing so I took that to be okay.

  “Yeah,” I answered then ran down the stairs.

  She said more but I wasn’t paying attention. I was rounding the stairs and running down the hall.

  The living room was lit with overhead lights and I skidded to a halt when I hit it to see three teenage boys sitting on the couch glaring up at Mike. Mike was wearing his pajama bottoms and a tee standing over them holding the gun loosely in his hand, pointed to the floor. And I noticed instantly the three boys were the three who jumped Fin weeks ago.

  Mike’s eyes slice to me. “You on with Emergency?”

  I nodded.

  “Disconnect. Use my phonebook, call Colt. Tell him I got his vandals in my living room.”

  My eyes went to the kids but Mike kept talking and I looked back at him.

  “Do that while goin’ back upstairs. My cuffs are on my belt. There’s another pair in my top drawer at the back. Bring both down. Now.”

  I nodded and turned quickly, rushing back down the hall.

  “Did you hear that?” I asked the operator.

  “Yes. Unit is still en route and should be their imminently. I’ll let you go.”

  “Right,” I said, running down the upstairs hall and into our room. I did as Mike asked, going quickly, with effort keeping an agitated now whining Layla back and I got a sleepy-alert Colt as I was rushing back down the hall carrying two sets of handcuffs.