Read Games of the Powerful Page 3

  Chapter 1

  December 7, 3028

  Mitch barely avoided another kiri-age as the flashing steel of his opponents katana passed from his lower left, and up past his shoulder narrowly missing his lower left side, stomach and chest. Adjusting quickly, he pressed his opponent with some spectacular sword work moving quickly with a kesa-giri cutting technique the razor-sharp katana slashed diagonally from the left then from the right downward followed by a yoko-giri horizontally from his left to his right that would have cut his opponent in two if he had made contact. Seeming to read his mind, his opponent back flipped at the last second, landing in a crouch ready to attack or defend.

  Breathing hard from the exertion each decided they had enough training for one day so with a look on their faces that each of them knew so well they decided to stand down. The spectators up on the viewing platform above the training area were disappointed that the match was ending in a draw with friendly arguing going on trying to decide who won the match. They had been betting and cheering on each of their champions for nearly one-hour adding to the growing excitement. During the duration of the match, the excitement had been palpable and with an abrupt end of the match, it magnified the disappointment. On a positive note, no one lost any money, and with large wagers it could have meant that some would have lost their entire months pay. Betting aside, they never seemed fail to entertain their audience so overall the match pleased the crowd of onlookers.

  From their ancestors time their family has been renowned for its martial arts skills and prowess with every weapon known to man. As children they studied Shotokan Karate the art of empty hand fighting, Toyama-Ryu Batto Jutsu the art of swordsmanship, Kyudo way of the bow and Tantojutsu Japanese knife fighting. Rounding out each of their martial skills, they learned how to fire every type of firearm including the older lead cartridge type to the new plasma guns that use high-energy ionized gas and mounted directed energy weapons such as lasers. Standard issue military weapons are still the lead projectile weapons that use the new exploding projectiles.

  Watching his opponent sheathe their sword with a flourish sharp edge up in the traditional Japanese form, Mitch sheathed his sword at the same time walking toward his opponent bowing. When they returned to a formal upright position the tension of combat magically disappeared. “You owe me a new training shirt,” Mitch jokingly told his opponent. Mitch towered over his opponent standing nearly six foot three inches tall with broad shoulders and strong arms to match. His piercing blue eyes, strong jaw line and dark-brown colored hair added to his attractiveness that had many women competing for his attentions.

  His opponent stood five foot three inches tall slim and whipcord strong allowing her to move with a feline grace and strike with the speed of a snake. Where Mitch is handsome, Danielle is beautiful or stunning might describe her better. She looked at Mitch with her blue eyes filled with pleasure where moments ago in stark contrast they brimmed with fierce determination from the competition between them. Her long blond hair braided tightly, hanging below the middle of her back contrasted with the black skintight training suit that did nothing to hide her shapely curves and lithe body but fully emphasized all her physical features.

  “You're fortunate that I did not move my blade an inch closer or you would be heading to sickbay,” she laughed.

  “Yeah ok, next time I will be sure slap you on your butt with the flat of my blade when I have the chance to,” he laughed.

  “You will never get that chance! I learn from my mistakes,” she smirked playfully punching him on the shoulder with her fist. Danielle loved her brother very much; he was all she had after their parents died in a freak accident in space. She and her brother were overwhelmed with grief at the loss that brought them closer. Sometimes, she could see hiding just barely below the surface the grief in her brother’s eyes seemly ready to boil over at a moment's notice. Instantly, her heart would go out to him because many times she felt the same, both knowing they were fortunate to have each other during those times of grief made the pain at the loss easier to manage.

  “Come on Danielle we need to get cleaned up so we can meet Ethan in the officer’s mess. Oh, wait I should say the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Ethan Thompson. By any chance are you still infatuated with Mr. Thompson?" Laughing under his breath knowing he was about to get into trouble he led his sister toward the training room exit. The automatic door in front of them opened quickly allowing them to exit to left into the corridor beyond. Walking down the corridor with her next to him, Mitch could not stop from provoking his sister further. “You know I don’t know whether I approve of Mr. Thompson and with dad not around I think I should have some say about the men you associate with.” Danielle did not waste a second before punching him smartly in the ribs causing him to wince in pain. Putting her arm around his waist, they continued down the corridor laughing very happy to be with each other. The corridor became extremely active with people rushing to perform their duties with many hurriedly half saluting them voicing their apologies as they raced down the steel corridor.

  The CVNS USS Intrepid named for the famed World War II aircraft carrier CV USS Intrepid is a city in itself. In the two years spent stationed on the Intrepid, they had never met the entire crew on board or seen the entire ship. The ship is impressive beyond measure with a length of 4,780 feet with a beam of 1110 feet. The Intrepid carried 200 F-219 Gladiator fighters armed with laser mounted cannons and nuclear warhead missiles. Other fixed wing craft included 50 multipurpose fighter-bombers the F/A-212 equipped with computer or manually operated laser mounted cannons for defense and two nuclear tipped ship busting laser guided missiles. Standard armor and electronic shields protect each type of fighter and both are combat ready in space and atmosphere. To safeguard the hanger bays they are positioned at strategic locations around the Intrepid protecting them from being destroyed in any single attack.

  Stopping at their staterooms, they quickly freshened up and changed into their off-duty military dress. Meeting in the corridor, they found it crowded with sailors and marines of all ranks with countless types of uniforms and colors forming a sea of color that clashed with the dull gray color of the deck ceiling and walls. Moving through the crowd, they hurried down the long corridor finally reaching the mess hall only to wait in a long line. Ethan was waiting for them as planned so when they finally reached the mess hall entrance Danielle enthusiastically called out to him in greeting when she saw him waiting there for them.

  Ethan is not a big man by any stretch of the means but he conveys strong inner confidence in his mannerisms that it is apparent to all that meet him. Some feel it makes him extremely overconfident and that overconfidence will get him or others killed because of it. Danielle likes his natural confidence and the way he carries himself in public it is the same confidence that he has around women. She likes a man who is sure of himself. His dark hair and eyes with their ever-present spark of mischief in them, always smiling face and good humor adds to his desirability.

  “Hi, Danielle,” Ethan replied as enthusiastically. Staring into each other's eyes like two schoolchildren, Mitch had to clear his throat finally getting their attention as the crowd of sailors and marines had to move around them to get to a table. Suddenly, realizing they were blocking the entrance they quickly moved out of the way of the entrance to the mess hall with apologetic and embarrassed expressions on their faces.

  “Sorry sir,” Ethan exclaimed saluting Mitch. Ethan looked sharp in his green flight suit with his new rank insignia stitched on his shoulders, nametag, and warfare insignia were on his left breast pocket. All three were dressed similar in their navy working uniforms from the command ball caps on their heads to the black laced boots on their feet.

  “At ease Lieutenant Commander,” Mitch said returning the salute. Let’s go find a seat so we can get something to eat I am starved.” Laughing to himself, he let them lead the way to their table.