Read Gena/Finn Page 4

  to: Naomi Hoole-Goldman


  date: Monday, February 23 9:12 PM

  subject: (no subject)

  Hey Mom,

  How’s the wilderness? Tripping on any wild berries yet?

  All’s fine here. A on my French oral report; Prevot finally decided to turn the grades in. Had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, that went fine. Went to dinner with Alanah and the girls and gossiped about boys and the like. There’s a boy in my Chem class I think is cute. So stuff’s good.

  Write back when you have the chance?



  Text with Alanah J.

  I just told my mom I was

  taking a chem class...?

  Feb 18, 1:19 AM

  lol what imdrunk

  Feb 18, 3:25 AM

  ha nevermind

  why ru awake?

  okay so i’m sorry but i don’t get it. are we seriously just expected to forgive jake now just because he cried his way into making tyler say it? jake STABBED HIM IN THE BACK, you cant actually be one of the crazy people saying thats okay. write a fix-it fic? please? for me?


  ugh, seriously? He didn’t stab him in the back. I’m like blue in the fingers from defending him on this one, I can’t believe it’s still necessary. In his heart he was on Tyler’s side the whole time, but he HAD to trust Evanson’s people over Ty’s or both him AND tyler would have been totally fucked, and if tyler had known he was doing it to defend him he would have stopped him and tried to protect him. jake had to act like he’d actually decided to go against him. they needed an in and jake was the one willing to be the bad guy for a while for the sake of saving their asses. thank GOD tyler isn’t still pissed at him, and I can’t believe fandom still is, tbh. No fix-it.


  is it so much to ask that you step out of your jakegirl comfort zone just ONCE? we’re hurting over this one. there’s way more of us than you, your audience could be way bigger.

  cry me a fucking river.

  TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT EPISODE because i am dying of feelings and also of fucking TYLERGIRL NEGATIVITY. remind me that i don’t hate fandom, please.

  how’s things? you’re not mad at me for implying charlie’s boring, are you? i seriously didn’t mean to. i read over my message later and hated myself.


  I totally hate fandom sometimes.

  Do you follow popstotheweasel at all? She’s this tylergirl whose journal I read, mostly because she reads mine. Well, the episode wasn’t even over and she already had a post up about how ABUSIVE Jake is to Tyler and how inconsiderate of his feelings and how he’s just holding Tyler back in everything they do.

  I mean, this episode was yesterday. I haven’t even organized my thoughts yet. I don’t know how people summon up that much hatred that fast for a thing they supposedly love.

  Please don’t beat yourself up about the Charlie thing. He is boring :)

  boring can be nice! (so no secret internet life, then?)

  i want to say some kind of “can’t we all just get along” thing but the truth is i say shit about tyler that’s as bad as what they’re saying about jake sometimes but’s JAKE, you know? he’s this fucking brave kid who’s always had tyler there to clean up his messes but NEVER let himself get complacent, and he’s got all this courage to strike out on his own and DEFEND tyler and just be the big damn hero tyler always wanted him to never have to be and just...seriously, Show, what? this is almost as bad as the girls who just watch hoping they’ll take their shirts off. don’t get me started.

  Secret internet life, such as it is, apparently consists of playing Warcraft and not exchanging names with a bunch of gamers. He says the only thing they talk about is stuff like PvP stats and goblin keep sieges.

  I guess it makes sense. That stuff doesn’t integrate with his regular life the way fandom does, I think. I mean, a lot of the guys he plays with are people he knows in real life, but they also hang out and do other stuff and there are whole days where the game doesn’t even come up. Whereas I’ve kind of always got Jake in the back of my mind.

  Is that pathetic? It’s just that Jake gives me all these FEELINGS, you know? Like, the other day I was at work and incredibly bored and I started thinking about that time in season one when Jake got caught in that rope in the water and Tyler had to jump in after him even though he can’t swim, and Jake was so vulnerable and sweet wrapped up in Tyler’s stupid flannel jacket...were tylergirls not watching that episode?

  they probably blame jake for getting tyler all cold and wet, poor baby. (although i kind of like when my favorite characters are miserable? i promise i don’t want ACTUAL PEOPLE to be miserable. but then tyler takes care of him and it’s so nice...)

  goddddd that episode, i don’t know if i love you or hate you for reminding me.

  i can’t really imagine my life without fandom at this point, and maybe i should mention that to my shrink or something but doesn’t feel like a problem. it’s a thing that i do. my whole life is little things that i do. sorry, aforementioned shrink made me all melancholy and introspective. it’s okay.

  tell me about you, how’s life?

  I love when Tyler gets all caretakery. It’s something about the purity of that bond, you know? The way he’d do anything for Jake, literally. As complicated as their lives are, that’s this really simple thing they can fall back on.

  I don’t know why you’d need to mention that to your shrink, but...

  I’ve never been to one, so I don’t know whereof I speak, here. This isn’t me saying I’m too sane for therapy or anything (ha!), it’s just not something I’ve ever done. What’s it like? Do you hate it? I feel like I would hate it.

  Wow, shut up, Finn. You really don’t have to answer ANY of that, I’m sorry.

  Life’s the same. Charlie’s at work until 4 am and I’m staying up to wait for him because otherwise we never see each other. But I really can’t complain, because he’s paying 70% of the rent on this place. Even though the fact that our rent is as high as it is, is completely his fault, because he ABSOLUTELY HAD to have a two-bedroom in case we get guests or a dog we decide we don’t want to see or something.

  no no it’s cool. what i do isn’t exactly therapy--i did that for a while, but that’s more of a weekly thing where you go and talk about your feelings and shit. not knocking that, but right now i don’t really have feelings worth discussing. what i do is, i go in once a month, she asks me to rate my mood one to ten and am i seeing things or whatever, i say no, we smile at each other, she writes the prescription. it’s ten minutes tops.

  so finn is such a badass nickname. do you use it in real life? eve’s not my real name. technically it could be a nickname of my full name, i guess, but it’s not one i use. i didn’t even do that on purpose, _evenif just kind of morphed into that when people were talking to me.

  I do, yeah. There were three Stephanies in my fifth grade class and I was sick of being Steph B. My mom haaaates it. She says it’s a boy’s name and she won’t use it, but I’ve had it so long that anything else just doesn’t sound like me.

  So...what’s your name, then? Obviously, you don’t have to tell me if you don't want.

  (Can we just establish a you-don’t-have-to-tell-me policy so I don’t have to say it every time?)

  i don’t know if i’m private really, i’m just not used to having to tell people things, or like small talk or whatever. my class has 41 kids in it and most of us have been here since the beginning of middle school. we’re so bad at talking to anyone who doesn’t already know everything about us, it’s ridiculous. you should hear us trying to make phone calls.

  genevieve. or gena, pronounced like jenna. i use both about the same.

  Fancy. I’m gonna call you

  So let’s talk about what just happened here.

  Shouldn’t this have been the moment that united everyone in this fandom? I mean, I’ve been waiting ALL SEASON for Jake and Ty to reconcile (and really reconcile, not that stupid okay-I-guess-we-can-work-together thing from episode 4...) and now they have. And it was beautiful! The honesty! The empathy! The hugging, you guys! I was dancing around my living room!

  So imagine my surprise when I got online and found it had managed to upset so many people. Apparently there are viewers of this show who aren’t interested in harmonious dynamics between Jake and Ty. I don’t get it. Are they watching it for the plot? Because I have some bad news, you guys – the plot’s not that strong. If you’re looking for shocking twists and great writing, there are absolutely better shows out there. We’re in this for character dynamics, right?

  Can I ask a question? And I’m being completely sincere about this; I really want to know. To the people who were let down by this week’s episode – what would you have rather had happen? Because it’s not like anyone was happy a few weeks ago when Jake and Ty were at each other’s throats. So I’m confused. What’s the solution?

  Personally, I couldn’t be happier with the show. Maybe I took the “fan” in “fandom” too literally?

  Here are some fic recs:

  In Boxes – _beautifuleyedea_

  Three Days Of Rain – jakety99

  Mad World – _EvenIf

  >>>>mmmZack reblogged this from finnblueline

  >>>>DanniRice reblogged this and added: amen!

  >>>>Tylergirl93 reblogged this and added: Tyler shouldn’t be expected to magically forgive Jake for everything he’s ever done after the way Jake’s always jerked him around. Ugh, jakegirls.

  >>>>slotohes reblogged this from DanniRice

  >>>>_EvenIf reblogged this and added: hey :)

  Good morning sunshine! Thanks for not

  waking me up :)

  best girlfriend.

  Bring home crullers today? xoxo



  from: US Postal Service Employment Office

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Monday, February 23 8:02 AM

  subject: Application for Employment

  Ms. Bartlett,

  Thank you for your interest in the US Postal Service. Although you meet our qualifications, we have offered the position to a candidate with more work experience. We wish you the best of luck in your job search.

  from: Gavin MacLeod

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Monday, February 23 8:10 AM

  subject: Regrets

  Ms. Bartlett,

  Regrettably, all sales positions have been filled. We encourage you to apply with us again in a few months, as something may be available then.

  Text with Lydia

  what’s with the 911? you


  weird note from Charlie this


  weird how?

  I think he might be going to


  holy shit


  youngest sister gets married

  first; scandal erupts

  oh hush

  congratulations! are you


  ...I don’t know

  isn’t it good news?

  Mar 4, 5:13 pm


  Mar 4, 5:16 pm

  guess not.

  Text with Angie

  Charlie proposed?? details.

  who told you that?


  no, he didn’t


  you might want to call mom

  from: Finn Bartlett

  to: Joan Bartlett ; Paul Bartlett

  date: Tuesday, March 4 10:50 PM

  subject: Never listen to Lydia

  Hey parents.

  Apparently there are some rumors going around, so let me clear this up before you get the wrong idea from certain older sisters.

  No, Charlie did not propose.

  What happened was, he left me a note this morning telling me to come straight home when I got off because he’d been thinking about the future and I freaked out and told Lydia.

  It turned out he just wanted to talk about where we’re headed, not actually declare any intentions. Which was a relief, because I honestly don’t know what I’d have said. I don’t want to break up with him, but I have no idea if I could turn down a proposal and still stay with the guy. Is that even allowed?

  But anyway, false alarm, nobody’s getting married.

  We now return you to your regularly scheduled Tuesday.


  Text with Mom

  Charlie proposed?

  nope, sent you an email

  too bad! we were excited for


  no, it’s good, believe me

  you don’t want to marry him?

  not today

  then why did you move

  across the country to be with


  Mar 4, 11:11 pm


  So, stop me if this is weird, but some stuff is happening and I can’t really talk to any of my three-dimensional friends about it. Do you mind if I unload a little? I understand if not. I just feel like you get me, or something. Am I crazy? Don’t answer that.


  hey, of course. what’s up?


  I don’t know how to say this without sounding terrible.

  Charlie wants to marry me.

  Okay, that needs more explanation. I got home from work today and he’d made this BIG DINNER, like, from a recipe, not our usual pizza and garlic toast, and we ate at the table, which is not something we ever do. And he started making this speech about how long we’ve been together and how he’s never been this happy with anyone...I mean, it was like something out of a cheesy but heartwarming movie.

  He didn’t propose, but he has this whole timeline in mind of when things should happen, and he asked if I knew my ring size (does anybody know their ring size?).

  And my heart just SANK.

  I feel so shitty.

  I love him.

  I really really really do not want to break up with him.

  But marriage is a BIG FUCKING DEAL and I just don’t KNOW.

  ...Oh god what if he wanted the extra bedroom for a BABY?

  all right, this calls for actual email. [email protected].

  from: Finn Bartlett

  to: Genevieve Goldman

  date: Tuesday, March 4 11:46 PM

  subject: fancypants

  No shit, Stoneyhall? You are fancy, Genevievie.

  Okay. Advise me.

  from: Genevieve Goldman

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Wednesday, March 5 2:58 AM

  subject: charlie

  i have no idea what i would do in your shoes. probably break up with him, honestly. don’t take that as advice.

  what’s it like living with him? do you want to do it forever? ugh, i don’t even want to live with my roommate another two months and i like her. i can’t imagine
living with someone forever. i honestly want to die alone with some iguanas or something.

  from: Finn Bartlett

  to: Genevieve Goldman

  date: Wednesday, March 5 12:10 AM

  subject: RE: charlie

  The thing is that I don’t really KNOW what it’s like living with him. I work during the day and he works at night. So it’s fine, so far, but I don’t think it would be like this forever at all.

  You know what’s fucked up? I keep thinking, how can I spend my life with someone who doesn’t know about fandom? I guess I kind of mean it symbolically, but I kind of don’t, too. It’s this pretty big part of my life. Which I guess means I have to tell him. Or else not marry him. If I even want to marry him...

  from: Genevieve Goldman

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Wednesday, March 5 3:15 AM

  subject: RE: charlie

  dude i was just thinking the same thing.

  from: Finn Bartlett