Read Gene Search: A Collin Carter Mystery Page 23

Collin and Charlie left the conference room. They exited the building still thinking about what to do next. As Collin was trying to figure out where to look next for the girls he heard a vehicle turn into the parking lot and screech to a stop. Collin gave Charlie’s shoulder a push and they hid around the other side of the building. The vehicle was a rattling old shuttle bus. The passengers disembarked. It was Shelby Radcliff and the rest of the girls.

  Shelby told the driver, “You really should get those brakes fixed.”

  The girls had obviously gone shopping as they had bags full of stuff in their hands. They were laughing at each other and at Shelby’s comment about the brakes. The driver waved at them and drove off. Collin and Charlie saw the girls walk down the parking lot to the building that looked like it had once been a school or wing of classrooms for a church. They went inside. Collin was relieved to see they were not in the building with Doctor Phelps and Donna.

  The classrooms were actually dorm rooms for the girls. As Collin and Charlie got closer, they noticed the windows had pretty curtains in them. There were no guards so Collin opened the door and Charlie followed him inside. They could hear the girl’s voices and then doors closing. There wasn’t anyone else around even though there was a desk in a reception area just inside the door indicating that there might be some administrative personnel assigned to the dorm. Collin was confused by the lack of guards and security. It was so different from the Rockville compound where he first saw Shelby.

  Charlie asked, “Well, what do we do now? Do you think we can just knock on a door?”

  Collin replied, “Yes, let’s do that.”

  The two of them walked down the hall. Collin chose one of the rooms and knocked. A voice came from the other side of the door, “Who is that?” and then the door opened. There stood a young woman Collin had not met before. But behind her sitting on a couch in the room was Shelby.

  Shelby jumped up from the couch, “Oh! It’s you!”

  The girl who opened the door turned toward Shelby and said, “It’s who? You know these guys?”

  Shelby said, “Oh, Gretchen let them in and shut the door before anybody sees them!”

  Gretchen was not happy but she stood back and Collin and Charlie entered. Gretchen closed the door.

  Shelby asked Collin, “What are you doing here Mister Carter? Why does that guy have a gun?”

  Collin answered, “Hi Shelby. This is Charlie. He is a tour guide here on the island. He uses the gun for - ahh - snakes.”

  “No. Mister Carter, there aren’t any snakes on Rarotonga!”

  Collin looked at Charlie. Charlie said, “The young lady is correct. There are no snakes or even poisonous insects here. I carry the gun for protection while on tours because it makes the tourists feel safer. I’ve never had to use it.”

  Collin said, “Never mind about that. You girls are in danger here and you need to leave right now!”

  Gretchen said to Shelby, “I don’t know about you and your goofy friend here but I need to change for lunch. So, all of you should go now.”

  Shelby said to Collin and Charlie, “Come with me. You are mistaken about this place and us. We love it here.”

  Shelby opened the door and guided Collin and Charlie out. Charlie paused to say to Gretchen, “Have a nice day miss. Sorry to have bothered you.” Then he followed Shelby and Collin out into the hall.

  Collin was saying to Shelby, “But we overheard Doctor Phelps talking about the procedure.”

  Shelby said, “You mean the implant procedure? I told you back in the States that we were all in agreement with that.”

  “What about Ellen? Did she ever show up?”

  “No. She decided not to continue.”

  “But, Doctor Phelps said she was dead!”

  They had reached the front door. Shelby opened the door for Collin and Charlie to leave. Shelby said, “That’s just ridiculous Mister Carter. Please, you need to go now.”

  Collin and Charlie did not want to be caught by Doctor Phelps standing outside so they quickly left and walked to their 4x4 parked off the side of the road about a quarter of a mile away from the compound.

  Charlie said, “So, the girls know about the program and are willing to take part?”

  “Yes, I knew about that.”

  “But you thought they might be there against their will? I didn’t see any guards.”

  “I know. There were guards at the other compound.”

  “In the United States, but not here.”


  “Not much we can do about any of this then is there?”

  “No I guess not. Sorry I got you involved, Charlie. I really did think they might need my help to leave. Guess I have too much of a hero complex.”

  “Well, the people they are involved with are a bunch of stinkers. Don’t have any evidence that would stand up in a court of law though.”

  “Thanks again Charlie. Oh by the way, if anybody asks we were golfing today. That’s what I told my wife.”

  Lily was home when Charlie dropped Collin off. She watched Charlie drive off and Collin walk up to the house. Then she grabbed a book and sat in a big chair in the living room. As he entered the living room she said, “Hi there. How was the golfing?”

  He sat on the couch. “It was fine.”

  “You don’t sound real happy about that.”

  “I’m just tired, I guess. It was a lot of walking.”

  “Does that mean two days of golfing is enough? So maybe we can spend tomorrow together?”

  “Yes, Sweetie. It does! Where do you want to go?”

  Lily got up out of the chair she was sitting in and sat next to Collin wrapping her arms around him. She kissed his ear. “Collin you know we don’t have to go anywhere, but I’d like to go back to that beach with the black rock in the lagoon.”

  “Your wish is my command, Sweetie. Black Rock it will be. By the way, is there any lunch?”

  “Lunch? Collin its three o’clock. You haven’t had any lunch yet?” Lily jumped up and quickly went to the kitchen. “Collin, why don’t you take a nice relaxing shower and I’ll whip up a snack for you. Then we can have an early dinner. Sound all right to you?”

  “Yes. I’ll do that.” He left Lily opening doors and pulling stuff out of the refrigerator and took a nice hot shower to wash away the disappointment of not being able to convince Shelby that the girls were in danger. Maybe they weren’t. Maybe it was all going to be fine. He just wished he knew what really happened to Ellen.

  Lily had prepared Collin’s snack and brought it to him on the back porch. She nibbled on some fruit as well while he gobbled down the sandwiches she gave him.

  “What did you do today Lily?”

  “I read some of my book, lay in the sun, gathered some shells, and enjoyed the peace. I also made a big decision I hope you will be happy with.”

  “A big decision? What would that be Lily?”

  Just then Collin’s Blackberry rang out the tone that indicated he had a message. He got up and walked back inside to pick it up. The message was a hang-up and Collin did not recognize the phone number the message came from. Lily called to him, “Collin, I was talking to you!”

  Collin returned to the porch. “Lily did you hear my phone ring while I was in the shower?”

  “No. I didn’t. Is it something important?”

  “Just a hang-up from a number I don’t recognize.”

  “Colly – I was trying to tell you something!”

  Collin looked up at Lily’s face and quickly put the phone down. “Yes, Sweetie, I’m listening.”

  “I want to have a baby.”

  “A baby?”


  “You and me?”

  “Well certainly, you and me. What are you saying?”

  “I love you Lily. A baby would be wonderful.”

  “Would be?”

  “Will be, I mean is, I mean yes. Girl or boy?”

  Lily started to cry. Collin went to her and gave her a gentle
hug. “I’m sorry Sweetie. I mean I love you and you will be a wonderful mother. I’m very happy with your decision.” Lily hugged him back.

  Chapter Twenty-four