Read Genesis Page 23


  You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

  Ty dropped me at my house at about twelve-thirty, giving me a few minutes to say hi to everyone. I burst through the front door to find them all, including DB, sitting in the living room watching a movie and eating popcorn.

  "Hello, family, DB," I greeted them exuberantly.

  "Hello, Essie," Laurie and Hollie answered in unison.

  "You're very cheery," my mother pronounced.

  "Am I?" I replied evasively as I scurried up the stairs to change for work. Five minutes later I was out the door and on my way to face Michael.

  I arrived at the nursery at about a quarter to one and Michael was already there, trimming one of the topiaries near the door of the retail building. He looked up and smiled as I drove past to my parking spot, but continued his task.

  I was unsure if I should bring up anything regarding our conversation from last night. Thankfully, customers began arriving before I had even made it inside, which made it impossible to discuss anything personal with Michael during our short shift. They were bustling about, up and down the aisles, scouring each display for the perfect pansy or deciding which bulbs they wanted to plant now for a spring debut. We were able to do nothing more than that which our jobs required.

  As five o'clock neared, I grew anxious, not wanting to get into a possibly lengthy discussion with Michael. Ty was going to pick me up at my house at six and I couldn't afford to spare the time. Frankly, I didn't care to hear anything else about him being evil. I was choosing to give him the benefit of the doubt and I would make that clear should Michael say anything.

  I rung up the last customer at a couple of minutes after five and Michael turned the sign when he walked her to the door.

  "Thank you, ma'am. I hope to see you again," he said, flashing his beautifully imperfect smile.

  "Oh, you will," she replied, obviously charmed.

  He caught me shaking my head. "What?" he asked.

  "You have such a way with people," I said sincerely.

  "I genuinely like people."

  "Is that part of your job as an angel?"

  "No. But it is why I chose to be here in human form."

  Why did I say that? Now we were talking about angels. "That's nice," I said dismissively.

  "You know, Essie, just because I opened up to you last night doesn't mean that we have to talk about angel stuff all the time."

  "How did you..."

  He walked over to me and gave me a hug. Other than the soft vibration that was present wherever our bodies touched, which I was getting used to, it felt natural and comfortable to be in his arms. "Don't worry about it. Whenever you want to talk, I'm available. Now, go on. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

  "But how did you know what I was thinking," I pressed. "You said you couldn't read minds."

  "I can't read your mind, but one of my gifts that I forgot to mention last night is empathy. All angels are empaths. We can actually feel other people's emotions when we're tuned in. I could feel that you were anxious about talking, that's all."

  "So, you're tuned in to me?"

  "Apparently. I didn't realize it until just now," he said reflectively. "I must be tuned in to you for a reason."

  "Whatever the reason, thank you," I said as I made my way to the door. As I reached for the knob, I was startled to find him already there, waiting to open it for me.

  "Oh, my gosh."

  He grinned.

  "Super speed," he shrugged, still grinning.

  "I'm impressed," I said candidly. "See you tomorrow."

  I made it home in just under eight minutes and jumped in the shower after yelling a quick hello to whoever it was still sitting on the couch. I threw on a variation of "the uniform" - khaki shorts, a fitted t-shirt, and matching flips. My hair would just have to dry on the way. As I flew down the stairs, I heard a knock on the door. He's never late, I thought to myself.

  "Bye, anyone who can hear me," I called out as the door slammed behind me.

  "How was work?" Ty asked as we sped off toward Savannah.

  "It was really busy. It seems that everyone in Effingham County wanted to plant a fall garden today."

  "So you didn't have a chance to talk with Mike any further?"

  "Not really. The only thing that was discussed was right as I was walking out the door. I said that he had a way with people and he said that he genuinely liked them. I asked if that was an angel thing and he said no, but that it was why he chose to take human form. Also, he told me that he's an empath and that he's tuned in to me." I said the last sentence hesitantly as I didn't want to begin our evening by upsetting him, not sure if the change I had seen in him this morning was permanent or temporary.

  "Hmmm," was all he said and cranked the radio up loud, the way I liked it.

  Over dinner, he broached the subject again. "So, tell me more about Powers being 'tuned in' to you," he repeated, using air quotes for emphasis.

  "I don't really know anything. I was feeling anxious because I wanted to leave and not discuss anything with him. But it came up anyway when I accidentally asked if his way with people was an angel thing. He told me not to worry about it and I asked if he had read my mind. That's when he told me. Actually, he said he hadn't been aware of it until just then. Weird, huh?"

  "Essie, I intend to keep my promise concerning him. But you're right. It is weird that his ability would be centered on you. I'm not happy about that, but it's not your fault. Thank you for telling me. I need to be aware of these things."

  "I'm glad you're not upset. Let's forget about all that anyway. But don't forget that you were going to show off for me tonight."

  "Show off? Hardly," he bragged. "You'll see. Do you want me to do it now?"

  I nodded eagerly.

  "Okay. I'll get our server to come over right now with some more tea. And she'll apologize for not bringing it sooner."

  I was on pins and needles and I wasn't sure why. I felt a little guilty, but excited at the same time.

  Our server approached our table with a full pitcher of tea. "Let me refill those for you," she said with a smile. "Sorry it took me so long to get here. That big party over there is really running me around."

  "No worries," I said politely. It was all I could do to keep from bursting out laughing. As soon as she walked away, I covered my mouth and giggled silently. "That was awesome," I gushed.

  Ty looked proud as a peacock. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

  "Do something else," I prodded.

  "As you wish," he grinned. "Any requests?"

  "See that old couple over there? I don't think they've said two words to each other the whole time they've been here. Make them kiss."

  He shook his head but looked amused. "As you wish."

  The old man stood up and moved to the other side of the booth, scooting close to his wife. She looked at him curiously but said nothing. He put his arm on her shoulder and then planted a huge kiss right square on her mouth. I laughed again without making a sound. The wife's eyes were wide with surprise at first, but then she closed them and appeared to be kissing him back.

  "Awww. That is just the sweetest thing ever."

  "You're welcome."

  "Thanks. That was fun."

  "Good. Let's get out of here and see what else strikes your fancy."

  We walked the streets of Savannah and I grew more and more enamored of Ty as he performed for me. I mean, it was one thing to tell, quite another to show. I wondered aloud why his abilities didn't work on me and he assured me that he had no idea. I assured him that I was thankful for the glitch. There was no way that I could date him if he was able to make me do things that I wouldn't ordinarily do on my own. Even as that thought formed, I was aware of my own hypocrisy; if I didn't want it done to me, I shouldn't want it done to others either. But it was harmless. We made one guy pick up the girl he was with and twirl her around. We made another guy buy a rose for a random girl that just happened to be walking by. I hadn't laughed this hard sinc
e the girls-only VDay party. Totally harmless.

  "Hey, this is one of the places that Mara and I do karaoke. Let's go in," he said, dragging me by the hand.

  "I don't sing," I protested, trying to stand my ground.

  "You don't have to sing. We'll just watch if you want."

  "Don't you have to be twenty-one to be in a bar?"

  He shot me a look that said, Really?

  "Never mind," I said quickly as I remembered who I was with.

  We walked up to the door which was being guarded by a huge guy who looked like he spent all his free time at the gym.

  "Ty," he yelled as he stuck out his hand.

  "Hey, Joe," Ty replied as he shook his hand.

  "Where's that beautiful sister of yours?"

  "She had other plans tonight. Joe, this is my girlfriend, Essie. Essie, Joe."

  "Great to meet you, Essie. Y'all gonna sing tonight?"

  "She's a little shy. I think we'll just watch for a bit."

  "Go on in, man," he said as he ushered us through.

  We tried to make our way through the crowd but we were stopped every few feet by someone that Ty knew. He shook several hands, patted a few backs, and even kissed a couple of cheeks before the manager came over and told us that his table was now available.

  Of course it is, I thought. One half of my brain felt badly because I knew that there had to be a lot of people who had been waiting for a table; the other half felt privileged and liked it.

  "Sparkling water with a lime, Ty?" the manager asked.

  "Thanks, Dan. Essie will have the same." When he walked away, Ty asked, "What do you think?"

  "Well, I've never been to a bar before. It's really crowded. You've actually sung here?"

  "Lots of times. Mara, too. We do an Ozzy and Lita duet that you'd love. You'll have to try it some time."

  "I told you I don't sing. And by that I mean I can't sing. I wish I could because you know how much I love music. I sing in the car and in the shower, but I wouldn't subject anyone else to that. Just Axl."

  "You'll have to sing to me some time and let me be the judge."

  "I don't see that happening."

  A gorgeous waitress that bore a resemblance to Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four brought our drinks. "Hey, Ty," she said seductively as she leaned in close to him in her low cut tank top. At that moment, I knew without a doubt that if I had had Ty's telekinesis, she'd be on her butt with our drinks on top of her. It's a good thing he couldn't read minds.

  "Thanks," he said quickly as he moved his chair closer to mine. "Chloe, this is my girlfriend, Essie." He put a noticeable emphasis on girlfriend. "Essie, Chloe."

  "Oh, it is so nice to meet you," she said in a sticky sweet drawl.

  I just smiled politely and envisioned sending her flying across the room.

  "She's pretty," I said after she had left.

  "Not as pretty as you," he countered.

  I wasn't insecure, but I wasn't blind either. The girl was beautiful. And she obviously didn't have a problem flirting with my boyfriend right in front of me. All of a sudden I went from feeling like a princess to feeling like a sixteen-year-old girl in a grown-up world in which I didn't know how to compete. I wished that Mara was here to watch my back. Not that Ty wasn't, but Mara would have known exactly how to handle Chloe. It was a girl thing.

  We had been watching a few people sing for about half an hour. I was surprised to see a couple of people who were not very good get up there and perform as though they were stars. But I gave them credit for having the nerve to do it. And if it made them happy, then more power to them. Ty excused himself during one particularly bad performance, saying he'd be right back.

  I was entertaining myself by people-watching when I heard the intro to "Love of a Lifetime". That was my favorite 80s rock ballad, although I was pretty sure it was actually released in the early 90s, and I'd recognize those guitar chords anywhere. Under the table, my fingers automatically began to play along with the familiar opening riff. I looked over to the stage to see who would be attempting this song, hoping they wouldn't butcher it.

  My heart leapt. It was Ty. He was staring directly at me. When my eyes met his, I couldn't look away. He started singing,

  "I guess the time was right for us to say

  We'd take our time and live our lives together day by day.

  We'll make a wish and send it on a prayer

  We know our dreams can all come true with love that we can share.

  With you I never wonder, 'Will you be there for me?'

  With you I never wonder - you're the right one for me.

  I finally found the love of a lifetime

  A love to last my whole life through

  I finally found the love of a lifetime

  Forever in my heart, I finally found the love of a lifetime."

  His singing voice was beautiful, kind of low and a little raspy at times. I had heard him sing many times before, but this was different. With the music backing him up, he sounded like a rock star. And his face looked so natural, not weirdly contorted like some performers get when they're singing. I think I was literally swooning. I felt like a fangirl at a boyband concert. I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the song. My thoughts were elsewhere. I had always envisioned karaoke as cheesy, sung by American Idol wannabes desperate for attention. My mind was officially changed after tonight. I knew Ty had no reason to be up there other than that he loved to sing and he was good at it.

  It wasn't until he was finished and the whole place erupted in applause that I realized everyone was staring at me. I wanted to collapse under the table and slink away. Ty jumped off the front of the stage and headed back to our table, never taking his eyes off me despite all the people slapping him on the back and giving other signs of approval.

  "Would you like to leave?" he asked, noting my pained expression.

  I smiled gratefully. "Yes, thank you."

  Once we made it outside, I finally felt as though I could take a breath. Talk about surreal. I was at a loss for words.

  When my brain finally caught up to my emotions, I grabbed Ty's hands and squealed, "That was awesome."

  He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you said that. I was afraid I freaked you out, that the karaoke was too much."

  "It wasn't that."

  "Then what?"

  I gulped hard, wanting to choose my words carefully. "It was the song you chose. You remembered from the beach that it was one of my favorites. And you were soooo good. Combine that with you showing me your abilities tonight and I'm just slightly overwhelmed."

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground, spinning round and round. "I want to show you everything, to give you everything. I'm so happy when I'm with you."

  "I'm so happy when I'm with you," I repeated.