Read Genesis Page 26


  Us and Them

  I wondered what Mr. Joshua would think of all this. He alluded to the fact that he knew things about the Gregorys. So much had happened over the last few weeks. I suddenly couldn't wait to see him. Maybe he was somehow involved in all this. After all, he was at the Powers' home that Saturday night. I hoped he would be an objective third party; neutral, despite his friendship with Chris and Angie. In his capacity as a teacher, wasn't he charged with student enlightenment? Yes, I felt I could trust him to help me find the truth.

  Monday morning, before Brit Lit class began, I asked Mr. Joshua if he was available to meet me at the coffee shop in Pooler after school.

  "I was hoping you'd want to talk soon. How's four?"

  "Four is perfect. Thanks," I said just as Karen was coming through the door.

  "Hey, Essie. Thanks again for inviting me over last night. I had fun," she said cheerily.

  "Me, too. Were you planning on coming over to study today?"

  "If you still want me to."

  "I do, but I have something to do right after school. Do you want to come over for dinner again and we can study after that?

  "Is that cool with your mom?

  "She has five kids. She barely notices one more."

  "Okay, then. See you at six."

  The day passed by slowly because I was so anxious to talk with Mr. Joshua. I wasn't sure how to handle this with Ty. I didn't want to lie, but I also didn't want to tell him that I was going to confide in my teacher. Finally, the last bell rang and I ran to my locker to collect my things. Ty was waiting for me, as was his usual custom since the day he found Michael there.

  "What's the hurry?"

  "Mr. Joshua is going to go over some of the stuff we're working on in class with me. I asked if we could meet at the coffee shop instead of here at the school."


  "I don't think I ever mentioned that I had seen him there one day the first week of school. Anyway, he makes himself available to all the students. I'd just rather get out of here and get a cup of coffee. You don't mind, do you?"

  "Not at all."


  Ty didn't bring it up again on the drive back to my house, but I could sense a bit of tension in the air. I wished I could read minds. At least his. I had neglected to mention that Mr. Joshua was at the Powers' during our conversation about that fateful Saturday night, not because I was hiding anything, but because I was more concerned with what Michael had shared. Should I bring it up now? It was probably better to get it out in the open sooner rather than later. If I expected Ty to be completely forthcoming with me, I owed him the same.

  "Mr. Joshua was at Michael's house that time I went over there for dinner. Also, the time I saw him at the coffee shop, he said he'd help me out with answers if I ever had specific questions regarding you." That wasn't so hard.

  "I assumed there was another reason you were meeting him off campus."

  Time to man-up and apologize. I didn't like feeling this way. I had never been a liar in the past. Why was it so easy for me to lie to Ty now? I needed to correct this immediately unless I was willing to accept half-truths and lies of omission from him in return.

  "I'm sorry I didn't say that to begin with."

  "Why did you think you had to lie to me?"

  "Honestly, I didn't really think about it. The lie just came out because I wanted to talk to Mr. Joshua about everything I've learned and I didn't want to argue with you about it."

  "Essie, I told you that the rift between me and Mike was my concern, not yours, and I meant that. I believe in us and I'm confident that the only thing that can tear us apart is not trusting each other. I know that Mike will continue to try to come between us, and maybe now he's enlisted your teacher to help him out, and that's okay. I trust you to see through their lies, to do your own research, to believe in us like I do."

  "I do believe in us. And I believe that you've been honest with me. I'm just trying to figure out if I have a role to play in all this."

  I wanted to tell him right then that I loved him, to reassure him, but those three words remained locked in my closely guarded heart. Something prevented me from verbalizing my feelings and I still had no idea what it was.

  It wasn't until Ty opened his door that I realized we were sitting in my driveway.

  "Oh, my goodness. We're home," I said, surprised.

  "Earth to Essie," he joked as he got out of the car and made his way around to retrieve me. He held my hand as he walked me to the door, kissed me sweetly as we stood on the welcome mat, and whispered "I love you" before he turned to leave me standing there with those same words stuck in my throat.

  I arrived at the coffee shop right on time and Mr. Joshua was already there at the same table in the back that he was at before. I walked to the counter to order my coffee, but Mr. Joshua motioned for me to join him. As I approached the table, I noticed that there were two cups of coffee.

  "Is this for me?"

  "It is. Sugar and extra cream, right?"

  I smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Joshua. That was very nice of you."

  "My pleasure. So, what are we going to talk about today?"

  "I have a feeling you already know."

  "Why don't you tell me anyway."

  "I have a question to start with. Are you related to the Powers? I was wondering because you were at their house and you have the same dark hair and blue eyes that they have."

  "You noticed that, huh? No, we're not related. At least not related humanly."

  I could feel my face light up. "You're an angel, too."

  He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "Our side all have dark brown hair and blue eyes. The demons have blond hair and brown eyes, like Ty and Mara."

  "Why is that?"

  "The first human women that mated with fallen angels all gave birth to children with blond hair and brown eyes, colors from the earth. Ever since then, when a demon takes human form, they have kept the familial trait of blond hair and brown eyes. Angels, on the other hand, have blue eyes like the biggest, hottest stars and dark hair like the heavens."

  "Is that in the Bible?"

  "No," he chuckled.

  "Mr. Joshua, this world must have been opened up to me for a reason. I'm excited about all this, really I am. But I'm also confused. Why me? Do you know if I have a part to play?"

  "I do, Essie. And it will all be revealed in time."

  "That's just so frustrating. It seems that everyone knows what's going on except me. Why won't you tell me? Please?"

  "I don't want anything I tell you to influence your decisions. Every choice you make has to be made of your own free will. But believe me when I tell you that you'll know everything you need to know when you need to know it. Does that make sense?"

  "It does. But it's still frustrating."

  "I'm glad you understand."

  I sighed heavily. "Just a hint?" I asked hopefully.

  "I don't know all the details, Essie. Honestly. And even if I did, it wouldn't be right to tell you. Like I said, knowing the future could influence your decisions in the present. But I'm still here to help you in any way I can. What's going on with you and Ty?"

  "Well, he reluctantly confirmed my suspicion of him being descended from the Grigori line back at the beginning of the school year, which, by the way, I only stumbled upon in an internet search of the name Penemue. He explained it a little further and told me that he could "push" people; you know, use the power of suggestion to influence their behavior. Anyway, he was very angry when I got a job at the Powers' nursery, but he wouldn't say why.

  "Michael told me a lot that Saturday night, including that he believes that Ty is dangerous and deceitful. Ty and I had gotten into an argument right before I went over to Michael's. He was being a jerk because he had seen Michael and me in a compromising position, due only to the fact that I had tripped and he caught me, plus he just didn't want me to get a job. But on Sunday, he was a whole different person. And when I told him wh
at Michael said, he wasn't angry. He actually apologized for not telling me everything sooner, before I had to hear it from Michael.

  "He told me everything - all of his abilities, the ones he has now and the ones he'll acquire on his eighteenth birthday; about Genesis 6 where the Bible describes his kind as the sons of God, and how their children with the daughters of men are referred to as heroes of old and men of renown; and about Job and how Satan was just another angel and only did what he did with God's permission. He even showed me how his abilities worked that same weekend in Savannah.

  "He's not a demon, Mr. Joshua. And while I believe that Michael believes what he told me is true, I just don't see it. I've been able to corroborate everything that Ty has told me."

  I took a breath. "Are you on Michael's side?"

  "I am. And you should be, too, Essie. Despite the fact that Ty has been good to you so far, he and his family are demons and you will see their true colors eventually. I'm sorry that he's been able to deceive you by taking scripture out of context. I can see that you're infatuated with him and I'm not sure that anything I can say right now will change your mind, but one day you will have to formally declare your allegiance."

  I sat silently for a while and drank my coffee. I really liked Mr. Joshua, but I wasn't happy with what he just said. Being an angel meant he would naturally side with Michael, but I was hoping he'd be more of an independent sounding board. I loved his interpretation of literature and was disappointed that this subject wasn't up for debate; it appeared to be black and white, at least from the angels' perspective.

  I thanked Mr. Joshua again for the coffee and the conversation and told him I had to go home to study. I wasn't lying, exactly. I was determined to learn more about my role in the angelic world and couldn't wait around till someone decided the time was right for me to know.