Read Genesis Page 8


  You Really Got Me

  Colton revved the engine once before shutting it off, ensuring that we got everyone's attention. I noticed Jackson sitting on a stump that appeared to have been carved into a chair of sorts, a cute blond sitting on one of his legs. He waved. She glared.

  As we got off, Colton took my arm and steered me in front of him. "Y'all, this is Essie. Her mama bought the old Edwards house."

  "Better not get too comfortable here," someone shouted from across the pit. "People don't stay long in that house."

  "So I've heard. Miss Ginny came by to visit."

  They laughed. Apparently, everybody was familiar with the "welcome wagon", otherwise known as Miss Ginny. I guess getting to know everyone would be helpful to Eden's historian.

  "Still, you'd better watch yourself," the girl on Jackson's leg warned. Just then, a snake slithered over her foot and she screamed and fell backwards into a pile of fallen leaves.

  "It's just a rat snake, Savannah," Jackson said, laughing.

  "It's not funny, Jackson," she whined. "Help me up."

  He reluctantly stood up and extended both hands. She grabbed them and pulled herself up. She looked around at the group and then at me.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, trying to sound concerned.

  "I'm fine," she replied in a nasty tone.

  "We ridin' or talkin'?" someone yelled out.

  "Ridin'," Colton said, ignoring Savannah's attempt to garner sympathy from the group. "But Essie hasn't ridden in a while, so be nice. Don't cut her off or nothin'."

  I smiled politely and walked toward my four-wheeler.

  Just then, someone stepped out from the trees. When he took off his helmet, I saw that it was Ty. My heart jumped just a little and I hoped that my demeanor did not reveal my delight.

  "Essie? What a surprise. A pleasant one, of course," he said in a tone that really didn't sound that surprised.

  Colton looked at me cheerlessly and began to walk away, looking at Ty. As he did, he tripped and fell on the ground, barely missing a jagged log that could have done a lot of damage.

  Ty walked toward me, pausing to give Colton a hand, asking, "Hey, man. You okay?" Colton brushed himself off, looking embarrassed, saying nothing. As Ty moved closer, he fixed his gaze on mine and, as usual, I felt like I couldn't look away. It was almost hypnotic.

  "I'm glad you're here," he said in a low voice, the sides of his mouth slowing curling into a slight smile. Without looking away, he reached for my helmet. "May I?" he asked, as he brought it closer to my head.

  "Sure," was all I could think of to say.

  As he carefully fastened the chin strap, he pressed his forehead to my helmet. In barely more than a whisper, he said, "I was thinking that since this is your first time here, you might want to ride with me for a while, familiarize yourself with the trails before heading out on your own." He paused for a moment. "Yes?"

  "Yes," was my brilliant reply. Surely, he must think me a dullard by now. But, if he did, he was hiding it well.

  He extended his arm, indicating for me to get on his four-wheeler. Dubious, I questioned the motion. "Shouldn't you get on first?"

  "Ladies first. And you should be in front. It'll be easier for you to get the lay of the land."

  I eyed his sleek machine skeptically. It was seriously nice. A Polaris Predator 500, according to the lettering. Black, with a few red accents. It made my cute little Honda look sad. I definitely could not afford to do any damage. He put his hand on the small of my back in an effort to move me forward. I got on as gracefully as possible and he slipped on behind me. He pressed the ignition button and the engine roared to life. His chest was pressed hard against my back and his long arms wrapped around mine as he placed his hands gently on top of my hands, guiding my movements.

  "All the controls are on the handlebars. Ready?"

  "Ready," I said confidently. Ready to ride, but not at all sure I was ready for Ty Gregory.

  We rode all around Black Creek, over well-worn trails, and through open fields. Ty wanted to stop for a bit in one particularly beautiful field. I was happy to remove my helmet and let my head breathe, hoping that my shampoo's fragrance of black raspberry and white tea was still sweet. Ty helped me off and I looked around. The ground was a carpet of deep green clover and the trees along the perimeter were draped in Spanish moss, looking like weathered fishing nets ready to be dropped on us as we moved slowly through the thick, wet air.

  "Did I tell you yet that I'm glad you're here?"

  "Just once," I said, smiling.

  He gently brushed a few strands of hair back from my eyes and left his palm cupping my cheek. I lowered my chin and looked down. I could feel his eyes on me. In the silence of the field, surely he could hear my heart beating. After a long moment, he moved his hand, slightly, using his forefinger to slowly trace the line of my jaw, stopping at my chin. He lifted it. I didn't want to look into his eyes, fearing they would give away every thought that was racing through my mind. In a hushed voice, he said my name, "Essie." I looked up.

  He brought his face toward mine. I stood perfectly still, unable to move, until I felt his lips touch mine. They were soft and full. He left them in place and I closed my eyes. I felt his free hand move to my other cheek so my whole face was in his hands. He brushed his lips tenderly over mine, bringing his thumbs in to touch the corners of my mouth. His kiss was so gentle. My heart was now thumping wildly in my chest. I thought I might pass out.

  I ignored the lightheadedness that threatened to cause my legs to give out and kissed him back, following his lead, bringing both of my hands to his scruffy face. I loved the contrast of his rough stubble versus his soft lips as his chin rubbed mine. He momentarily left my lips to kiss my cheeks. When he brought his lips back to mine, he pressed a little harder. After several heartbeats, I pulled away. I stood motionless, my eyes still shut, trying to process what had just happened. That was the most amazing kiss I could have ever imagined. Granted, I had nothing to compare it to, but I was certain it was perfect.

  When I opened my eyes, he was grinning. "What?" I asked breathlessly.

  "You are adorable!"

  I shook my head, embarrassed. "We should head back."

  "We should?" he drawled slowly.

  "Let's go," I said, finally crashing back into reality.

  It seemed like we were gone for hours, yet, at the same time, it went by too quickly. We pulled back up to the pit and it looked like everyone else was already there. Someone had started a fire and most of the people were sitting on fallen logs or giant rocks that had been strategically placed around it. Ty took my hand and led me to an empty spot on one of the logs next to Jackson. They looked at each other, giving the guy nod. The conversation stopped suddenly and all eyes were on us for several seconds.

  "Awkward," I sang, breaking the silence. The group laughed briefly, following Ty's lead, and began chattering once again. I listened intently as stories of summertime adventures were swapped and gossip was excitedly shared.

  Although I didn't have a curfew, I was ready to leave by ten. I said my goodbyes to the group and looked for my four-wheeler. To my surprise, I learned that Colton had already put it up for me. I gave him a hug, which totally caught him off guard. He was like a giant teddy bear. At that same moment, something invisible seemed to have exploded in the fire and the flames leapt about ten feet in the air. Everyone gasped simultaneously.

  "What the...?" Jackson hollered.

  In a second, Ty had me in his arms. "Are you okay?"

  "Sure. I'm fine. Really."

  "Come on. I'll walk you to your truck."

  As I went to open the door, he spun me around. "Did I tell you that I'm glad you're here tonight?" He smiled, making me immediately forget the explosion that could have seriously injured someone.

  I laughed. "Once or twice."

  "Just making sure. Good night, Essie."

  "Good night, Ty." As we stood there in the moonlight, I couldn't wait for him to ki
ss me again. He moved forward slightly, putting his hands on my shoulders and, to my surprise, kissed my forehead, leaving his lips there for a long moment. And then he turned and walked away.

  It was all I could do to start the truck, back out, and make my way to the main road. I prayed that my mother wasn't waiting up. All I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, listen to something mellow, and replay in my mind the events of this incredible night.