Read Georgina's Service Stars Page 28


  The first big love story to come out of the war zone--founded on factmore strange, more powerful than fiction.

  The author, Lt. Credo Harris, stationed in France with the InternationalRed Cross, is a Kentuckian. He just couldn't keep out of it "OverThere." His story starts with the entrance of America into the war andends on the firing line of France. There is charm and skill in his stylewhich insures keenest interest on the part of the reader.

  What the Critics are saying:

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  "One of those books that grip and grip."--Milwaukee Sentinel.

  "A book worth while and a book to recommend."--Louisville Herald.

  "Combines the interest of character study with a realistic picture oflife in the war zone."--Courier Journal.

  "Jeb proves that a coward can become the bravest of men."--PittsburghChronicle-Telegraph.

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  Britton Publishing Company New York