Read Getting Somewhere Page 31



  Wheeler was helping clear off the dinner table in a fog because he was replaying the details that didn't make sense. The urge to get to the house to 'save' Alice, the fire that nearly leveled Walt's house and now the listless feeling of nothing to do or even pay attention to. With all the action of the past few days he wondered if the present lull was a hint of closure coming. That didn't seem likely because of all the loose ends. Nothing seemed to be coming together like his past involvements; this was a pause that felt like the players, whoever they really were, were in a huddle somewhere evaluating alternatives with no plan yet. That might be the case but Wheeler couldn't really tell.

  “Hey Wheeler, do you want some pie?” Bob interrupted his reverie.

  “Naw, I don't think so, thanks Bob. I think I'll go out and check a fence or feed a pig or something. Do you have any pigs?”

  “Not really, but if you find one maybe we could breed him and start something.” Bob enjoyed the jabs.

  “Now don't you boys go planning something I have to feed or water. Maybe I should go with you to make sure you don't find any livestock” Alice said, entering in the jousting. Out they went, leaving Bob to tidy up the kitchen alone.

  Alice and Wheeler walked in silence for a few moments, arm in arm like old friends, enjoying the stars, the cool evening breeze and the warmth of being close. Wheeler wanted to keep the relaxed mood so he started gently, “What do you really want to do now that Old Glory's is gone?”

  Alice was mentally out in the vast spaces before them and it took a moment for her to answer “The insurance will cover the inventory so I have a bit of money for a fresh start. The antiques store was mother's passion but I don't think it's really mine. I like the business and the storefront part of it, you know, dealing with the customers and all that, but it was too slow for me.” She paused and Wheeler waited as they continued to stroll.

  “I can't imagine what it would be, but I would like something to do that is more energetic, more vibrant. Possibly another retail thing but I don't know. I am more of a front of the store person than a back room person.”

  “You're on to the trail of the next thing, right there. The best you can do is to tell the Universe how you want to feel, how you want to experience life and let the Universe work out the specifics. We just can't know what's possible because there are too many combinations out there. Just like the stars” he pointed up for effect. “There are so many people, activities and interactions that we just can't imagine it all much less evaluate them and choose.” Wheeler could almost hear the wheels turning in Alice' head as they walked on.

  “Does that mean my confusion is actually doing some good?”

  “It's not really confusion. If you can pinpoint how you want to feel and what you want to experience, the Universe will drag in specific opportunities that will work out the details for you just that way. I call them candidates” Wheeler said, sounding for all the world like a college professor. Alice was paying rapt attention, squinting at Wheeler in the dark trying to puzzle it all out.

  “Does that mean I can just tell the Universe I want to be happy, rich, beautiful, famous and entertained and it just, I don't know, goes poof and it shows up?”

  “Well it's not quite like that but sort of” Wheeler said with a warm chuckle. “Just keep to how you want to feel and not what you want to get. The thoughts you have about it all have to be real for you and able to live in your head without creating a war inside. Look, it's easy to imagine being happy, you've already had that experience and you probably don't have any trouble replaying those past times when it was real for you. I just tell the Universe 'Gimme another one of those' and I drop it to let the Universe work it out.”

  “That sounds simple but I'm not sure how easy it will be. Just drop it huh?”

  “Yup, that's it.” Wheeler realized he was trying to piece together his random information into a complete picture of who, what, why and where. He decided to take his own suggestions and drop it. He and Alice headed back to the house without finding one pig.