Read Gfantis vs the Guest Monsters Page 22

  Author’s note- This entry into the Gfantis vs Series features the kaiju ROC 2 and ROC 4 from the novel OPERATION R.O.C.: A Kaiju Thriller . The novel is published by Severed Press Books and it was written by me. The novel is my personal homage to Rodan. Operation ROC can be purchased on both in print and digital format.

  Operation R.OC.: A Kaiju Thriller is a story in which terrorists have captured the world’s cryptids (Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Lizardman. Mothman and many others) and turned them into kaiju. The US government creates four ROCS to respond to the threat. The ROCS are giant cybernetic birds with diamond coated steel feathers that they can fire and liquid nitrogen tanks in their necks that they can release as a freezing spray. The ROCS sync with individual pilots, who need to master their own emotions before they can master a ROC. This story takes place between chapters 26 and 27 of Operation R.O.C.

  Wisconsin Lake Michigan Shoreline

  The National Guard was stationed on the shoreline of the lake as they nervously awaited back up in the form of the cybernetic kaiju known as the ROCS. ROC 2 and ROC 4 were in Washington State where they were engaged in a battle with the giant Sasquatch who had been attacking cities up and down the coast. The ROCS had defeated several of the enlarged cryptids already but the Sasquatch was thought to be one of the most powerful kaiju at the disposal of the terrorist Rol-Hama. When the Sasquatch was located it was determined that both ROCS would be needed to combat the threat. They were no sooner flying to the West Coast than there were reports of a giant monster coming down from Canada and entering Lake Michigan. Reports on the creature were limited, but most of them described a golden dragon with large spikes on its back and a crescent shaped horn on top of its head. The brave men and women of the National Guard were ready with tanks, cannons, and high caliber machine guns, but they were well aware that man’s weapons had been useless thus far against Rol-Hama’s kaiju cryptids. Their only hope were the ROCS and many of the National Guard members secretly prayed that the ROCS would arrive before the kaiju emerged from the depths of the lake.

  Deep within Lake Michigan, Gfantis swam in impatient circles. The monster had settled down in the North Pole and he was absorbing the sun’s power peacefully in the frozen tundra when he sensed that numerous new kaiju had suddenly appeared on Earth. Gfantis was a protector of the Earth and he instinctively knew that these new kaiju presented a direct threat to the planet. Gfantis had sensed that one of the new kaiju was relatively close to him and the golden dragon was determined to destroy this creature and then seek out the rest of the new kaiju before they caused irreparable damage to the planet. Gfantis was able to narrow down the new kaiju’s location to a rough geographic area but he was unable to pinpoint its exact location. It was almost as if the kaiju had somehow hidden itself from being detected. The Prince of the Monsters knew that the creature would emerge from its hiding place soon and attack the humans. When the beast revealed itself, Gfantis would leave the lake and attack the monster, but until that time the golden dragon would have to wait in the lake.

  Elkhorn Wisconsin

  Elkhorn High School had just let out and Stewart and Kristen both had roughly two hours before their parents were home from work. The young couple jumped in Stewart’s car and drove to the remote Bray Road. Bray road ran deep into the forest and it was seldom used by people both because of its remote location and the legend that surrounded it. Stewart pulled off to the side of the road and turned to Kristen with a smile on his face. Kristen sighed at him, “Is this really the best time for a make-out session? I mean you’ve seen the news. Giant monsters are attacking people all over the world. I heard that those giant birds the government has are fighting a Bigfoot right now.”

  Stewart leaned in closer to his girlfriend, “If giant monsters are going to end the world than I say there is no better time to make out. I mean if we are all going to be killed by kaiju shouldn’t we make the most of our time?”

  Kristen shrugged, “But on Bray Road! You know the legend about a werewolf that people have seen out here. What if the werewolf is one of the creatures that the terrorists have captured and turned into a giant?”

  Stewart laughed, “Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster are one thing. They have some basis in science and history, but even the most enthusiastic cryptozoologist would tell you that werewolves are only in the movies.” He kissed Kristen on the neck, “Don’t worry Little Red Riding Hood. The only wolf that you have to fear out here is me.” Kristen laughed and kissed him back.

  From within the tree line, a pair of feral canine eyes watched the couple. The gargantuan beast panted and drooled as he stared at the prey in front of him. The monster did not remember the last time that he eaten. He had some vague recollection of eating before he grew but since he had attained his new size his thoughts were focused on crouching low and staying hidden. Then finally, he felt a command enter his head to attack and feed.

  The hungry beast stood up and howled at the sky above him. Stewart and Kristen both screamed in unison as they stared at a giant, bipedal, dark gray werewolf that was twice the size of the tallest trees in the forest. Stewart quickly put his car into gear and peeled off down the road. Stewart had just passed 80 mph’s when Kristen screamed at the sight of the giant werewolf running after them and quickly gaining ground. Within seconds, the werewolf caught up to the car. The kaiju reached down with his claw, picked up the vehicle, and tore the passenger side door off. The kaiju then shook the car over his opened jaws. Kristen reached out for Stewart. He grabbed onto her but their combined weight was too much for him and the young couple tumbled into the hungry jaws of the werewolf. The kaiju swallowed his prey whole and then he set off in the direction of the city of Chicago.

  Lake Michigan

  The National Guard kept its watch over the lake until the water near the shoreline began to churn. The soldiers quickly aimed their weapons at the disturbance as a saurian head topped by a crescent horn emerged from the water. At the sight of the kaiju, the soldiers immediately opened fire. Both the monster and the lake were lit up in explosions but despite the fury of the soldiers Gfantis waded out of the water as if their shells were nothing more than a gentle breeze. The monster walked through the massed weapons scattering them before him as he moved. Gfantis was unconcerned with the annoyance presented to him by the attacking humans. He could sense that the other kaiju he had been tracking had finally revealed itself. Gfantis could sense the direction that creature was headed. The monster roared in the direction of the city of Chicago and then he fell to all fours and stared walking toward the windy city.

  The NEST Kansas

  Lindsay Munroe and David Bixby sat in their recliners with their neuro-link helmets pulled over their heads and their hands interlocked. Each of the pilots was linked to a ROC. Munroe was linked to ROC 2 and Bixby to ROC 4. While the young pilots were linked with their ROCS they saw through the kaiju’s eyes and influenced its movements. When they were linked, the pilots also made sure that they were in constant physical contact with each other. The young lovers had recently realized that to better sync with their ROCS they had to master their ability to interact with other humans. Bixby and Munroe had recently formed a personal relationship and they found that building that relationship helped them to build their connections with the ROCS as well. Holding hands was a simple gesture but it helped the pilots to draw strength from each other. The pilots had just used their ROCS to battle a giant Sasquatch when they received instructions over their neuro-link.

  Director of the CIA George Mackenzie had direct access to the pilots’ neuro-links. When he typed directions into his computer the text would appear directly across the ROC’s field of vision so that pilots could receive their orders.

  New target acquired head toward Chicago at top speed. Information on targets is forth coming.

  The pilots directed their ROCS to change their flight pattern to steer them toward Chicago and then they had the ROCS accelerate to Mach 7. They had just given the comm
ands to their ROCS when they saw more information appear in their field of view.

  Kaiju 1: Werewolf (Beast of Bray Road) – A bipedal creature with features of both a canine and a primate.

  Descriptions – Witnesses describe the werewolf as dark grey in color with the torso of a primate but the legs, claws, and head of a wolf. The werewolf is reported to be extremely fast, agile, and powerful

  Current data from attack – The monster stands at over 50 meters tall. It has ability to leap nearly a mile in one hop and it can run in speeds excess of 150 mphs. It has destroyed the town of Elkhorn Wisconsin and it is headed toward Chicago.

  Kaiju 2 Gfantis – a reptilian kaiju of unknown origin.

  Descriptions – Gfantis has appeared numerous times over the past several years and has battled other kaiju in remote locations. For the most part, his existence has been kept from the general public. Gfantis has the appearance of a golden dragon with spikes on his back and head. The creature also has a crescent shaped horn on top of his head from which he can fire a solar powered beam. The monster is capable of moving in both quadrupedal and bipedal stances.

  Current data from attack – Gfantis stands at 55 meters tall. He is headed toward Chicago but at this time, we are unsure if he is under Rol-Hama’s control or acting on his own accord. Either way do not let that monster enter the city!

  Bixby and Munroe internalized the information before them. Munroe looked at the current speed of the ROCS and she figured that they would be able to intercept the kaiju in about 15 minutes. Even at that speed, she was not sure if they would reach the kaiju before they entered the city. She squeezed Bixby’s hand and he squeezed it back. She knew that Bixby was thinking the same thing that she was. Rol-Hama’s cryptids had proven to be extremely powerful already and they had both read the classified reports on Gfantis. While the ROC pilots had always been prepared for the possibility of engaging Gfantis even before the appearance of Rol-Hama’s giant cryptids the thought of engaging the Prince of the Monsters was bone chilling. Bixby and Munroe had spent many late nights talking about Gfantis. Based on the reports about the kaiju, they wondered if even multiple ROCS would be able to defeat Gfantis. Now they were sending their ROCS into battle not only against Gfantis but a giant werewolf as well.

  Once the ROCS were given the command by their piolets to fly to a destination the kaiju were capable of maintaining their course independently. Munroe took the opportunity to take her neuro-link helmet off and converse with Bixby. She pulled on Bixby’s hand to indicate to him that she needed to talk with him. Bixby took of his helmet and looked toward Munroe.

  She spoke quickly, “When we get there you and ROC Four take the werewolf. ROC Two and I will take Gfantis.” Bixby nodded in reply. Munroe quickly kissed him and then they each reneged in their neuro-links.

  The werewolf had reached the suburbs outside of Chicago. The monster could see the city standing before him only a few scant miles away. The beast sniffed the air and he could smell the countless people who lived in the city. In addition to the population of the city, he also caught the strong odor of a large reptile nearby. The werewolf turned in the direction of the smell to see the awesome site of Gfantis walking toward him on all fours. The werewolf lifted his head, howled into the sky, and then he sprinted toward Gfantis.

  Gfantis lowered his head and charged at the giant werewolf. The monsters collided in the shadow of the Windy City. Gfantis attempted to gore the werewolf with his crescent horn but the nimble cryptid kept shifting his body so that the horn only scraped against his hairy side. The werewolf climbed onto top of Gfantis’s neck but he found that the kaiju’s spiked back prevented him from attacking his spine. Gfantis shifted his legs backwards so that werewolf slid in between the twin horns at the back of his head. Gfantis then thrust his head upward and flung the werewolf off of him.

  The nimble cryptid landed on his feet and then he howled at the kaiju. Gfantis shifted his body into his bipedal stance then he unleashed an earthshaking roar at the werewolf. The werewolf leapt at Gfantis and the man-beast began tearing into The Prince of the Monsters’ with his claws and teeth. The ferocity of the werewolf’s attack caused Gfantis to back up a few steps. The werewolf slashed his claw across Gfantis’s face and then he sank his fangs deep into the monster’s throat. Gfantis roared in pain and then he wrapped his powerful arms around the werewolf. With one heave, Gfantis threw the werewolf to the ground. Blood spurted out of Gfantis’s neck but the monster ignored the wound and walked toward his downed opponent. Before Gfantis could reach the werewolf, the cryptid stood up and leapt at Gfantis. The kaiju caught the werewolf in his arms, lifted him high into the air, and then slammed him to the ground. The werewolf rolled away from Gfantis. Then he stood up and growled at his opponent.

  The werewolf was about to leap at Gfantis again when the cryptid’s sensitive ears heard a high pitched sound coming his way. The monster turned his head toward the disturbance. Gfantis was perplexed by his opponent’s actions but then he too heard the sound. Gfantis looked to the sky behind the werewolf to see ROC 2 and ROC 4 streaking directly at him.

  As they approached the two kaiju the ROCS descended and decelerated to a sub supersonic speed. ROC 4 dropped behind ROC 2 who quickly started accelerating again as it flew toward the kaiju. Munroe had timed ROC 2’s speed so that the cybernetic bird broke the sound barrier at the exact moment that it flew between Gfantis and the werewolf. The sonic boom cascaded out from ROC 2 and crashed into Gfantis and the werewolf with the force of a small nuclear weapon. Both kaiju were sent crashing to the ground. Gfantis rolled over and shook his head in an attempted to stop it from ringing. He looked up to see the werewolf rolling from side to side in agony as ROC 2 closed in on the golden dragon. ROC 2 shifted his body to a vertical position when it was over Gfantis. ROC 2 then flapped its wings once and sent a barrage of diamond coated steel feathers at Gfantis. The feathers embedded themselves into Gfantis’s face, arms, and shoulders. Gfantis roared in anger at his new attacker. He then turned his head to see ROC 4 grab the werewolf in its claws and drag it across the ground.

  Gfantis stood up and started to pursue the werewolf when he suddenly felt the spikes on his back freezing solid as a pure white mist surrounded his body. He turned around and his chest was struck by a mist so cold that it caused his scales to instantly freeze, crack, and fall off of his body. ROC 2 hovered over Gfantis with its mouth open while a liquid nitrogen spray spewed forth from its beak. Gfantis backed away from the freezing attack while he simultaneously charged the crescent horn atop of his head. Gfantis took one final step backward then a golden bolt of solar energy arched out of his crescent horn and struck ROC 2 across its chest. ROC 2 screeched in pain and then fell to the ground. Munroe stared up through ROC 2’s eyes as it laid helpless on the ground with the Prince of the Monsters’ looming over it.

  ROC 4 had hovered over the werewolf and used its talons and beak to attack the cryptid while the werewolf slashed at ROC 4 with its claws. The two kaiju moved in a blur of fur and feathers as they tore into each other. The werewolf slowly managed to fight his way back to his feet. Once he had regained his vertical base the cryptid leapt at ROC 4 and knocked the winged kaiju to the ground. Bixby quickly had ROC 4 stand up. He looked through ROC 4’s eyes to see the werewolf leaping at the cyborg. Bixby quickly had ROC 4 unleash a barrage of its diamond coated steel feathers at the werewolf. The feathers buried themselves in the werewolf’s skin but they did not stop the monster’s attack. The werewolf landed on top of ROC 4. The move sent both monsters crashing to the ground with ROC 4 pinned beneath the cryptid.

  Munroe struggled to get ROC 2 back into the air. She knew that if ROC 2 died while she was engaged in a neuro-link with it that the feedback would render her braindead. Her body would continue living but her consciousness would be gone. ROC 2 had scrambled back to its feet and Munroe was prepared to engage Gfantis in close quarters combat when she looked through ROC 2’s eyes to see Gfantis walking away from the cyberneti
c bird. ROC 2 took off into the sky which allowed Munroe to see over Gfantis. She looked over Gfantis to see ROC 4 pinned beneath the werewolf with Gfantis closing in on it. Her mind immediately went to a scene of Bixby lying braindead in his recliner after the werewolf and Gfantis had ripped ROC 4 to pieces. Munroe had ROC 2 fly directly behind ROC 4 and land on the ground. The werewolf continued to tear into ROC 4 and Gfantis had almost reached them as well when ROC 2 spread its mighty wings and flapped them in rapid succession. Hurricane force winds began to swirl out from the kaiju’s wing’s which caused the werewolf to tumble off of ROC 4. The wall of wind had also halted Gfantis’s forward motion. Bixby took the opportunity to have ROC 4 move away from the kaiju and to get itself back into the sky.

  When the werewolf stopped tumbling the cryptid stood and started running toward the city of Chicago. The former Beast of Bray Road still felt the influence of Rol-Hama directing him to destroy the city. ROC 4 circled Gfantis once and then it flew after the werewolf. Despite the fact that the cryptid ran at an unbelievable speed, ROC 4 was able to the catch up to werewolf, in a matter of seconds. ROC 4 flew over the werewolf and it bombarded the beast with its bladed feathers. The blades sliced through its skin causing the werewolf to stop running and to face ROC 4. Before Bixby and ROC 4 could react, the werewolf jumped at ROC 4 and bit down into the bird’s shoulder. The werewolf landed on the ground with ROC 4 still stuck in its jaws. The monster shook the bird from side to side and then it threw ROC 4 to the ground. Bixby was looking through ROC 4’s eyes at the sky above him, when his view was suddenly filled with the horrifying form of the giant werewolf standing above ROC 4.

  ROC 2 continued to send powerful bursts of wind at Gfantis until, to Munroe’s surprise, Gfantis turned around and started walking in the direction of Chicago. Munroe realized that she was actually pushing Gfantis in the direction of the city. She immediately had ROC 4 cease sending the wind bursts at Gfantis. ROC 2 then flew around Gfantis’s head where it started tearing at Gfantis’s face with its beak and talons. With one swipe of his mighty claw, Gfantis knocked ROC 4 away from him. ROC 4 tumbled through the air until it was able to correct its flight pattern. When ROC 4 had steadied itself Munroe looked through its eyes to see the crescent horn on top of Gfantis’s head glowing.

  In an act of desperation, ROC 4 opened its beak and sprayed the liquid nitrogen stored in its throat at the werewolf. The man-beast yelped in pain and tried to claw the freezing white cloud away from its face. The werewolf had just backed away from the freezing cloud when he was stuck across the chest from Gfantis’s beam and sent crashing to the ground. ROC 4 had returned to an upright position as ROC 2 flew over its head and signaled for ROC 4 to fly higher into the air. Bixby knew that this meant that Munroe wanted him to hold a pattern high above the kaiju so that they could briefly break their neuro-links and discuss and new plan of attack. ROC 4 followed ROC 2 into the sky. Bixby took a quick look back at the two kaiju to see Gfantis attacking the werewolf again.

  The ROCs circled above the action as Bixby took his helmet off and awoke back in the NEST with Munroe. Munroe spoke quickly, “Twice already Gfantis had the chance to either attack one of us or the city and on both occasions he has gone after the werewolf. I think he has specifically come here to attack the werewolf. I think that we should focus our attack on the werewolf. If we slay the werewolf and Gfantis attacks either the ROCs or the city we can at least fight him together.”

  Bixby shrugged, “We operate better as a team anyway and us attacking the two kaiju individually isn’t getting us anywhere.” The two pilots then threw their helmets back on and reengaged in their neuro-links.

  The werewolf viciously attacked Gfantis until the kaiju stepped forward and brought his powerful forearm crashing into the cryptid’s head. The blow caused the werewolf to fall to his knees. The cryptid had staggered back to his feet when ROC 2 swooped down and tore into the werewolf’s head. The monster turned around to attack ROC 2 just as the monster flew back into the sky. The werewolf clawed in vain at thin air as Gfantis delivered a kick to the cryptid’s ribs. The werewolf fell onto its face as ROC 4 flew down and sprayed the werewolf with its liquid nitrogen attack. The werewolf felt its fur freezing solid and breaking off of his body. The werewolf rolled onto his back and swiped at the air as ROC 4 ascended into the sky. The werewolf was in mid growl when Gfantis’s tail slammed into his jaw and knocked him to the ground again. The blow stunned the colossal Beast of Bray Road. The werewolf had forced himself into a sitting position when it looked up to see Gfantis standing above him with his crescent horn glowing. As the werewolf stared at Gfantis ROC 2 and ROC 4 landed on opposite sides of the cryptid. The ROCs opened their beaks and began to cover the werewolf’s head in liquid nitrogen while simultaneously Gfantis fired his solar powered Crescent Beam into the werewolf’s chest. The werewolf howled in pain as his head was being frozen while at the same time his heart was literally burned out of its chest.

  Gfantis’s beam cut through the werewolf’s chest and burst out of his back. The deceased cryptid fell backwards and when his frozen head stuck the ground it shattered into thousands of pieces. Gfantis lifted his head and roared in triumph as the ROCs took back to the sky. ROC 2 and ROC 4 flew in a tight circle between Gfantis and the City of Chicago. The Prince of the Monsters’ looked at the two ROCs then he turned and headed back for Lake Michigan.

  The ROCs flew behind Gfantis until Director Mackenzie typed new instructions through their nuero-link.

  The ship that was taking the strike team to Rol-Hama’s stronghold has been attacked by the giant Lizardman. Captain Crow and his team were able to flee from the ship but they are currently trapped by the Lizardman in the crevice of a rock wall facing the ocean. You are to escort Gfantis to Lake Michigan. If he enters the lake peacefully you are to proceed at top speed to engage the Lizardman. We can always come back for Gfantis later as long as he is not attacking the city but we need to take out Rol-Hama ASAP. The National Guard can keep an eye on Gfantis while you guys engage the Lizardman.

  The ROCS followed Gfantis as the kaiju continued to make his way to Lake Michigan. When the monster reached the lake he quietly slipped beneath its calm waters. As soon as the kaiju’s head disappeared beneath the surface of the lake the ROCs streaked toward the Atlantic Ocean.

  Gfantis swam to the bottom of the lake to rest. He had destroyed one threat to the planet and it seemed as if the two ROCS he had encountered were working toward that same end. Gfantis could not sense any other threats to the planet in the immediate area. Once the monster had rested he would return to the North Pole where he could absorb the precious energy of the sun. Once the monster was at full strength again he would continue to search the world for threats to the Earth. When he found those threats he would destroy them just as he had the Legendary Werewolf of Bray Road.

  The End.